Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

I just to comment on the names to, Kim I love Waverly Grace!!!! That is an awesome name, it sounds like a celebrity! The way it rolls off the tongue is so hottt Waverly Grace, (no offense), it sounds so awesome. Caitlin is cute too, I like the way you spelled, never saw it spelled that way before.
Louisa, Jaida Lily is so pretty!! Like, where do you guys come up with these names. I love them. Especially Bella! Ever since I saw Twilight, it's been a thing for me, but my hubby doesn't like it that much so it's out of the ? for our little one..Landen is a smashing name too! I think of a model whenever I hear that name. Very beautiful names ladies. I know your :baby:s are gonna thank you for them later.

Lol..Luisa I actually got "legs in the air" from someone on here. I don't think it really makes a difference either, I just wanted to try to be funny, but serious all at the same time lol. Everyone tells me the same thing, except my mom. They all think I'm too "prissy", as my husband says, to have a boy, but because I love sports so much (though I can't play any of them worth squat), I would love a little boy to root for, obviously hoping that he gets into that kind of stuff. If I have a girl, I wouldn't mind at all. At least I can put my hairstyling to work with her. I used to desire having a daughter at one point, but over the years it just shifted :shrug:

How are you ladies today?
I agree with Luisa, I can't imagine losing my parents. I've always been a "Daddy's Girl" (he gave me the nickname Fluffet when I was little because my hair would fluff as I ran around the house, and he still calls me that to this day). My mom and I weren't the closest as I was growing up, especially in my teen years - we butted heads every single day. Luckily, as I get older we get closer and bond more. I'm glad you've gotten close to your mom, Shara, and you still have her to turn to.

Luisa, I agree with Shara in that you will definitely have to take it easy once you get pregnant. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, either! If you think a job change is what is right for you and your baby, by all means, do what you think is best. I have to say, I can't blame you - your job does sound quite dangerous!

My prediction is that both of you will each have a girl. :twingirls: I love both Roman Andre and Roma Royal, Shara! Very unique and they both sound good with your last name. :thumbup: If I could choose, I would have a boy first and a girl second. That way the boy would (hopefully) protect and watch out for his little sister AND we'll be able to carry on the Colonna family name. It rhymes with Corona :beer:, btw. Louisa, you probably don't have Coronas over there, but it's a beer here.

Don't worry about not being on Facebook, Shara! To be honest, I only really use it as a sort of scrapbook for myself. I post pictures of my "beebies" and check in to cool restaurants and other places so I can go back and think, "Oh, yeah, remember when we went there? That was fun!" or whatever. Louisa, are you on Facebook?

Shara, what's afm? I hope you and your hubby had a nice date night. I love that you laid with your legs in the air after BDing! It can't hurt, right?!? Why is it that everything comes easy for the guys and we women have to do all the work? Like legs in the air to help out :spermy:, and labor, and breastfeeding, etc. It's an age old question, I know, but still... Shara, my hubby is a really loud log sawer (snorer), too, lol!

Aren't we on the same CD, Shara? CD13? It is crunch time for me, too, as my CF is getting to be more and more EW, so O is just around the corner for me, too! We didn't BD last night :( which is kinda OK becausemy modified SMEP has us BDing tonight. Good luck, hun! I'm very interested to see how SMEP works out for us. Are you doing SMEP, Louisa?

Lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: for all of us!!!
Louisa, I agree with you about the important thing being just having a healthy baby. I'll take whatever the Man upstairs gives me! Every time people would ask if I wanted a :blue: or :pink: while I was pregnant, I would always say "a healthy baby" instead. You're also right about everyone having a preference. Shaun wants a girl and so do I, but in my opinion, it would just work out better if we had the boy first. Then we wouldn't have to worry about having a boy the next time to carry on the family name. His dad's side of the family is Italian, so it's very important to them. He doesn't have any brothers and his aunt and uncle didn't have children. So it's pretty much up to us to carry the torch! Quite a bit of pressure if you ask me! :|

Louisa, I personally really like Landen. It's a pretty popular name over here, but I've always seen it spelled Landon. I love the Landen spelling! Plus, if you put the three of you together...Jesse, Louisa and Landen...it sounds sooooo cute!!! Not that I'm trying to sway your opinion, I just really like it.

Yes, if putting our legs in the air makes us feel better, that's exactly what we should do! Who cares if we look silly, it's only us and our men! And we know they don't care because they want the baby just as bad (OK, maybe not JUST as bad, but ALMOST as bad as we do)!

Louisa, please don't stress about this cycle, honey. Before you know it, it will be O time! I'm fairly certain your stress from last cycle is what made AF late. You know your body better than I do, of course, but I'm a mother hen and will worry about you! However, I'm sure it's hard not to be consumed by it when your work schedule has you off 4 days in a row! I mean, I understand that's how it is since you work 3 12-hour days before you have the 4 days off, but it's so easy to let your mind wander and become obsessed about it when you have a lot of free time, you know? I applaud you for being able to handle such a tough shift. I couldn't do 3 12-hour shifts, even with the 4 days off!
Louisa, I think Shara might be a top secret government spy or something like that. She's the only one who hasn't told us about her job... :winkwink:

Also, Shara, if I may ask... How old are you? I know Louisa is 19, and I'm 33, but we don't know how old you are. I know what Louisa looks like from her avatar pic, and you both know what I look like from my original avatar pic. I have an idea of what you look like in my mind, kind of like the way you picture characters in a book. But if a movie comes out based on the book and you go see it, you might be way off about how the characters looked. Y'all know what I mean, right? My guess is that you're somewhere between Louisa's age and my age, probably in your early- to mid-twenties. :shrug: Anyway, if you'd rather not share about your age and job, I understand. I'm just curious.
And you haven't told us about your car yet, either, Shara! You did mention that you're a sports fan...what sports? I'm really just a college football fan. In high school, I was a rhythmic gymnast and cheerleader, but I'm so out of shape these days, I'd probably kill myself if I tried to do any of that now! :haha: :headspin: :sick:
Oh I'm sorry lol. It's a 2007 Taurus, but the color I love which is like a maroon/purple color. Before that I had a 1985 Bonneville, which is why I'm love my new car so much lmao, plus my hubby bought it when Bonnie went out on me so that adds to my love for it. Nothing Fancy haha...

Afm- is as As For Me,

I am 28 years old, I am a Customer Care Rep. I posted earlier where I work but they had me remove it, so I did. I'm going to upload a pic of me and hubby, as that's the only pic I have of myself, not a picture person because I think I look fat in all of them lol..but absolutely I will post that so you guys know the face behind the posts haha..
Shara, you are so funny! Believe it or not, all the pics I have to upload of myself I feel like I look fat, too. I'm getting ready to change my avatar pic again, just to change it up a bit. :D If I can somehow load a pic of me on my wedding day, I will because I felt the most beautiful I've ever felt in my life. I'm sure that's what every bride feels like, but they are my most favorite pictures of myself!
I'm glad you like Landen, Kim :D because I think it's the only name I like enough to actually use for a boy. We have such a long list for a girl though! You think i'll have a girl too?! haha the day somebody votes for boy, i'll be shocked. I bet we all have the complete opposite of what we've predicted! I guess that's the exciting part though ;)

Yes I HATE the 12 hour shifts. Believe it or not, they actually go really quick because you're always so busy. but we've had 4 residents die within the last month and it's the hardest part. I've been doing in house training as a registered nurse for the past year and a half, so I have to deal with a lot of things that I wouldn't normally volunteer myself for. Luckily i'll be fully qualified mid November so it means I can just go back to nursing as and when I can. Any possible pregnancy definitely comes first of course! :D

I'm going to sound extremely stupid right now (oh no!) ... but what is SMEP? i'm really not good at these cheat things, i feel super dumb :haha:

Thing is, I wouldn't be worrying about last cycle because it probably was the changes that took place from working nights to days, but AF came yesterday evening. When I took the mouse out (tampon, Jesse calls them mice hahaha), there was hardly anything on there, that was through the whole night! Normally i'm quite heavy my first 2 days. So I put a new one in this morning obviously, took it out a few hours later and there is the tiniest bit of blood on the tip and it looks so dark! this is definitely still not like a normal period! and between about 1pm and now (nearly 6pm) there's been absolutely nothing. So i'm just stumped again. Will I even still ovulate this month if I don't have a proper period?! (again, sounding proper stupid) lol!

Yes i'm on facebook Kim but recently deactivated my account for a while. Haven't permanently deleted it but my family have been arguing a lot lately and my 82 year old nan has actually been the cause of it all.. so i've come off there for a while to stay out of the trouble. I hate getting involved with things like that. I'm really not a trouble person at all, if i can avoid an arguement then I will :D

Oh my gosh Kim you're stunning! you really did look beautiful <3 now we just have to see Shara :D

Check out my new avi ladies! I love it :D I seem to get so bored of my picture after a little while, i'm a strange one :haha:
Thank you so much, and no offense taken! Waverly is the name of a character in a book I read (can you guys tell I'm a total bookworm/nerd by how I keep talking about books? :haha:) and I just fell in love with it. Her friends in the book called her "Wave" as a nickname and I thought that was also adorable. Then I thought Grace just sounded good with it. Maybe I'll have my way and get to name her that and she WILL be a celebrity! lol My SIL came up with Caitlyn, and I changed the spelling to Caitlin. Marie is a family name. :pink: :pink: I love Jaida Lily, too!!! And both Shaun and I really, really love Bella but he wasn't down with how it sounds with our last name. He said for Bella Colonna, he pictures a dark haired, brown-eyed, olive-skinned Italian little girl. We'll probably have blond-haired, blue or green-eyed, fair-skinned children - he got his mom's German genes instead of his dad's Italian ones (my ancestry is English and Irish, soooo...yeah). We were both little towheads growing up, me with blue eyes and him with green, so unless his recessive Italian genes come out, I'm pretty sure we'll have fair-haired and fair-skinned kids! Shara, I love that you used the word "smashing" - AWESOME! And I just love the way Louisa talks in general. English accents and words (like loo and mum, for example) are so cool.

BTW, Shaun proposed to me after the first Twilight movie. I've seen all the movies and read all the books. I'm a "Twi-hard", if you will. :p

Shara, I can actually see you with a :pink: or :blue: now because of your love for sports. However, I still think you'll have a :pink:. That's another reason I would love to have a :pink: - girls are so much more...well, girlier! There are way more outfits for girls than boys, you can play with and fix their hair cute, do girly things with them, etc. My BFFs little girl, who is 4, loves going to get mani-pedis with her Mommy! But I will take whatever I'm given, with the hopes that he/she is healthy!
:rofl: I AM NOT A TOP SECRET AGENT!! I did post where I work but because of the type security awarenenss we aren't allowed to post that on forums which is what I was told yesterday so I deleted, I went on lunchy so I had a chance to change my avi, yes people I'm black lol!! Luisa you look stunning. So pretty. I don't have any "wedding" pics, because we went to the courthouse to get married, but we will be having an official wedding on our 1 year anniversary (w/ ceremony, reception, etc to renew our vows) but we got our Marriage Certificate, so it's official. I'm a Carter!! SSN and all lol...I think I'm gonna sing for my wedding since my hubby insists, sorry to go off topic

Oh and yes Luisa I love the new avi!! I'm probably going to change mine after you guys have seen it because like I said I hate how I look in pics, and now you see why lol
Yikes, I'm sorry to hear about your residents who have recently died, Louisa! I definitely couldn't do your job. I cry at the drop of a hat, so I'd never be able to deal with multiple deaths of people I know! Even if they are just residents and not close to you like family/friends! That would tear me apart! That's great to hear about your RN training! I have total respect and admiration for healthcare professionals. I simply could not work in that field. I bet you're looking forward to November!

You do not sound extremely stupid! Shara had to tell me about it, so don't feel bad. You must've just missed her post that had the details. SMEP = sperm meets egg plan. Here's the link: https://www.pregnancyloss.info/sperm_meets_egg_plan.htm

Your AF sounds JUST LIKE my most recent one! No joke, I barely bled the first couple of days, and usually I'm heavy by CD2. And I never got heavy, either. Your mice (haha, love it!) sound just like mine did, barely anything on them. I did bleed a little more on CD3-4, but just light flow. Definitely not normal for me. Maybe it's a good sign for us this month?!? FX for real!

No worries about Facebook, ladies, I totally understand. I don't know why I haven't learned my lesson because it really can be a trouble starter. I won't go into details as I have already rattled on quite a bit today, but friends have gotten jealous about me hanging out with other friends after seeing the pics on FB, SIL took offense to one of my shared articles, got in trouble with boss for being home sick but "still being able to play on Facebook" (she's older and didn't understand you can be in bed and on your phone using FB, but whatevs...water under the bridge!). So again, I compeltely understand where you're both coming from. I am not one for drama and actually got a new job last year because of all the drama that was going on at my old job (same job where I got in trouble with my boss for being on FB while sick). IMHO, most women are drawn to drama and like to "stir the pot" when it comes to rumors and the like, and that's just not me. I don't care for women who are that way, so I don't have a lot of women friends. The ones I do have are just like me, and prefer to stay away from drama!
Aww Shara that's such a sweet picture :D you're lovely too and OH isn't so bad hey?! ;) hellooo!!! haha :haha:

Oh my gosh Kim you're stunning! you really did look beautiful <3 now we just have to see Shara :D

Check out my new avi ladies! I love it :D I seem to get so bored of my picture after a little while, i'm a strange one :haha:

Awwww, Louisa, you are too kind! Like I said, it was my wedding day and I was the most beautiful I've ever been in my whole life. Maybe I should change it to a usual, everyday pic of myself so I'm not false advertising! LOL

I do love your new avi! A lot!
:rofl: I AM NOT A TOP SECRET AGENT!! I did post where I work but because of the type security awarenenss we aren't allowed to post that on forums which is what I was told yesterday so I deleted, I went on lunchy so I had a chance to change my avi, yes people I'm black lol!!

Shara, you seriously make me LOL! :rofl: I love your pic and think you are a pretty lady (and don't look fat at all, btw) and Romeo a handsome gentleman. You two make a very attractive couple and you will have beautiful babies, too!!!

I knew you were black, silly girl! Your anniversary thing with you two dancing in your signature led me to believe that much! :winkwink:
The saddest part is, residents do become like family. Especially the ones that have been there the whole time i've been at the care home. You do every single thing for the 'nursing' residents (100% dependant on us) wash, feed, cuddle, and then in the end they die and most of the time you're holding their hand and BOY do we cry some tears! it's a 5* home though, they pay TOP dollar to stay there. £1500 a week in actual fact.. but I guess it's a perfect place to end their lives. The less dependant ones have a great time, we have an activities team and they go for days out, they love it! :D

I won't lie though.. I do have all of the other apps! just deactivated my fb for a while but i'll definitely add you when the family dramas calm down again

OK, ladies, I've changed my avi to a more realistic pic of me with my hubby. <3
I noticed the little black people in your signature too Shara, I already knew aswell :D makes you no different at all! my family in Turkey are near enough black, well just very tanned lol! You WILL have beautiful babies though that's for sure, as will Kim!!!
I knew you guys did, I just wanted to add it in since you guys thought I was a Black Ops worker lmao!!! I had to edit my last post b/c I didn't see your avi, since I had my reply open for so long. Man you ladies are fast!!!!!! I'm at work, so I try to refesh as much as I can but it's kinda busy today, so I'm do little tid bits here and there. But in case you missed my add-on:
Luisa you look stunning. So pretty. I don't have any "wedding" pics, because we went to the courthouse to get married, but we will be having an official wedding on our 1 year anniversary (w/ ceremony, reception, etc to renew our vows) but we got our Marriage Certificate, so it's official. I'm a Carter!! SSN and all lol...I think I'm gonna sing for my wedding since my hubby insists, sorry to go off topic

Oh and yes Luisa I love the new avi!! I'm probably going to change mine after you guys have seen it because like I said I hate how I look in pics, and now you see why lol
I noticed the little black people in your signature too Shara, I already knew aswell :D makes you no different at all! my family in Turkey are near enough black, well just very tanned lol! You WILL have beautiful babies though that's for sure, as will Kim!!!

Let's be honest, ladies. We're ALL going to have beautiful children!!! :cloud9: And in case you couldn't tell from my rant about fair hair and fair skin, I WISH we had darker skin! Fair skin is splotchy and uneven; darker skin is creamy and smooth and beautiful. I have to wear 50 and 70 SPF sunscreen when I go out in the sun AND I have to go to the dermatologist annually to be checked for skin cancer. As a matter of fact, this year's appointment was last Friday, and I had 3 suspicious spots cut off for testing. #-o :|

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