Yay, Louisa! Catch that egg, girlfriend! I wouldn't worry too much about your low reading because the other tests confirmed you're about to O. Sometimes there can be a faulty batch, you know. I'm surprised you can't get a box of tests without the stick, too. I have an unopened box of 20 in my bathroom right now, I just lost the stick to use them with. Have you looked them up on Amazon? I can send you mine, if you'd like.
Shara, honey, I am so sorry Romeo isn't being understanding of your situation, hun. Men can be total jerks sometimes, they just don't THINK before they SPEAK! It is totally OK for you to get worried and emotional about things you have no control over - we're women, that's what we do! And yes, as your husband, he should be comforting and supportive of you. I hate to say this, and I only say it because Shaun is guilty of it too, sometimes they just don't have it in them to be what we need all the time. I hope that doesn't come across the wrong way, I just know Shaun and I have had MANY an argument about him not being what I need when I'm feeling down and out. Have you talked to Romeo about it? Also, as a Christian, you know just as well as I do that God loves you so very much. He did not punish you, my sweet! He wanted things to be perfect for you and your new little family and for some reason, the timing just wasn't right. That's true for all of us, whether speaking about our losses or our BFNs. You will be a WONDERFUL mommy, I know it just from what I know about you from this forum. I'm so sorry Romeo said such a pig-headed thing, but don't you listen to him. You can take as long as you need to mourn the loss of your baby, and no one, not even your husband can take that away from you or make you move on. Only you can decide when you're ready to move on. Not that you won't love your new babies, but you will always have a hole in your heart from losing your first. I know I will. You have every right to feel how you feel, babe. You know Romeo loves you very much, he just says insensitive things sometimes, just like all other men! I'm just sorry it happened and upset you so. I love you girlie, and I'm sending lots of hugs to you!