Wow, hun, you certainly do have so much going on! I will be somewhat surprised if you aren't preggers! I first tested at 9 DPO and got a BFN. The first BFP I got was at 14 DPO, but was very, very faint and has gotten darker each day; the test line is now darker than the control line! Yes, I still test every day. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help myself. It makes me feel better after losing my first that this little one is still there, and growing stronger every day.

Hey, whatever helps, right?
I took a sick day, so I'm home from work. I feel worse today than I did yesterday!

I thought I was getting better but woke up feeling so miserable, I just knew it wasn't happening today. As for my bean

I have my first prenatal appointment on December 8th at 9:00 am. That's 3 weeks from today, and it will seem like the longest 3 weeks of my life.

I'm starting to realize that TTC and being pregnant are nothing but waiting games!
It is quite lonely here without the other girls! What is going on?!? Have we bored them away? Surely not, I think we've all had some really great convos on here! Friday was the last time we heard from Shara and LAST Monday from Jodie, I just don't know what to think!

Like you said before, we don't "know" Kika well enough to know what's normal for her, but this definitely isn't normal for the other two! I miss them!

If we had a way to go find them, I certainly would!