Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

OMG, he IS gorgeous!!! No, I have never heard of the app, but how cool!!! I want to hold him and smother him with hugs and kisses IMMEDIATELY!!! <3 <3 <3

P.S. So was that other pic of you! I only saw it for a second but my goodness, girl! Are you a model?!?
They removed the app from the App Store for some reason but it was so fun doing that! Haha Kim!! &#128584; :D aww, thanks lovely. no I'm far from a model lol I wish!!!
I'm so sorry Ladies! Hiiiiiii everybody :hi: left my phone at home because I woke up late and I was rushing. Sorry I missed so much.
I don't remember that app either but I wish I knew what it was. That baby is sooooo adorable.
I got my package today girlies. I can't wait to test. I tried one today and only one line showed up Louisa hahahaha. Now had we not had this discussion previously I would've been freaking out but thank God we covered that already so I know its too early to test. Just wanted to make sure I didn't get a faulty batch. How is eveything with my Loves today?
I think we all are gonna SS no matter how hard we try, but Louisa I hope that's all good news for you. :dust: Kim how's our little bean today?

Where in the **** is Jodie?? I miss her too (although I've been MIA all day lol)
Oh no Kika! I hope you can find something here in the US strong enough to help with the VitD. I'm sorry to hear that hun.
I know what you mean too about the pressure on your OH. I mean, it was days I didn't wanna DTD and I had to pressure MYSELF to get in the mood and do it, and that was a struggle. So I can just imagine not really trying then all of a sudden you gotta rush to make sure you're getting spermies in before it's too late. The things we're willing to do just to be Mommies lol..
When were you guys planning to officially start?
Good morning, girls. I have bad news: Shaun got me sick!!! :sick: He's been sick all week and I've taken such care to stay away from him, wash my hands constantly, etc., but I woke up at 4:00 this morning feeling like I was swallowing shards of glass every time I swallowed. Since I haven't been to my first prenatal appointment, I'm terrified to take any medicine because I remember from last time you're supposed to avoid it if at all possible during the first trimester. I feel really crappy and am planning to go to Urgent Care just to get some advice for being sick and only 5 weeks pregnant. After that, I'll probably come home and crawl back in bed. :sleep: So I apologize in advance if I'm not my usual chatty self the next couple of days. :nope:

Shara, so glad you got your package of tests! Yay! And good work on not freaking out about the one line. We really do cover so much on our thread! I just hate it for Louisa that she was the one that had to figure it out for the rest of us!

Hope you girls have a great weekend! I'll try to check back in occasionally. Love y'all! xoxo
Kim?!?! How WEIRD... I have also been in bed all day, it's now nearly half 7, I have tonsiltius!!!! I feel grim! :( that's so strange, we really are SSM's! <3 I completely sympathise right now, I can't swallow and even my ears hurt! I haven't even bothered
Going to the doctors because I know they'll give me stuff which I won't take JUST INCASE, so I'm just trying to sleep it off which is why I haven't posted all day. What are we like, girl?! :(

I hope everyone else is good, though! Lots of love from over here too <3 xxx
Awww, hun, tonsillitis! I totally feel for you! You just keep getting that rest. I hope you get to feeling better soon! Bless your heart! We're just waiting for my appointment. I feel so miserable, I can't even sleep. It sucks. My temperature is 100.2 (not sure what it is in Celsius), so I'm guessing that's why I feel so terrible. We're TOTALLY SSMs, for sure, we're even suffering together! <3
Good morning girls :)

How are we alll? :hugs:

Afm.. I woke up this morning, went to pee and wiped. There was small streaks of red tinge in my CM on the tissue when I wiped. So I did it again but sort of shoved the tissue up there a bit :haha:, and there was a spot of pure blood on the tissue.. Confused!!!!! It's too early to be IB but too late to be O bleeding, Kim what was your experience with the IB? <3
Ohmigosh, Louisa!!! I don't want to give you false hopes or get you too excited, but that TOTALLY sounds like IB to me!!! Remember, every woman is different, but my IB started on 4 DPO and went through to 9 DPO, and was pinkish brown, reddish brown and sometimes just small brown clumps. Nothing on 10 DPO and then red and light brown spotting on 11 DPO, brownish red spotting on 12 DPO, nothing on 13 DPO and then more tiny brown clumps on 14 and 15 DPO. I honestly thought at that point that AF was about to show.

From everything I read about IB, it typically happens somewhere between 6-12 DPO, but that obviously wasn't the case for me! I think my IB was very unusual, though, because I also read that it doesn't happen for more than a day or two, which also wasn't the case for me! I also read that it will be anywhere from pink to brown, but usually not red because the blood is old by the time it shows up down there, however, I had some red blood, too. It just goes to show that you can't go by everything you read and expect your body to react the exact same way, right? :)

So to me it sounds like IB for you, girlfriend! If you don't have it for as many days as I did, I don't want you to worry, like I said, mine was definitely not "the norm" (if there can be such a thing with anything TTC related! :haha:) You should consider keeping a log or notes though! You can use your Countdown to Pregnancy account, that's what I do (in addition to charting).

Hope that helps! EX you caught that egg, hun! xoxo
I really don't know what to think Kim lol! :shrug: I haven't had any more since, but lots of creamy lotion type CM which seems to be getting a little thicker than yesterday- which according to my Ovia app if it stays creamy then it could be a sign, they say!

I've been using my Ovia app to track everything that happens daily, in terms of my CM and spotting etc so I can refer back to it if needed. I honestly don't believe it could be IB this early but it happened for you at this point, I'll be 6dpo tomorrow give or take, so I guess nothing is impossible. I was so shocked to see blood that I had to look twice, but I guess it was half way between pink and red, it wasn't the colour of fresh blood but it was probably toned down by the CM that it came out with I guess!! I'd LOVE to know what it was but I'm not gonna think too much into it :nope: not getting my hopes up! We will just have to wait and see but I reaaaaaally hope so!!!! Would be the best Christmas present ever. At the same time, I'm now also more nervous because a BFN would be even more upsetting now I've had this.. But what will be will be :D how are you anyway love? Hows little sticky? Are you feeling better today? :hugs: xx
I hope so, too, hun! Ohmigosh, how exciting! I'll try not to hold my breath either but that really would be the greatest Christmas present ever, especially followed by your engagement. A good year for you already! <3

I'm still feeling crappy today, but my fever has broken, so that's good. The doctor said I have an upper respiratory infection. Apparently Tylenol (acetaminophen) products are safe during pregnancy. Whew, I thought I'd have to tough it out and just be miserable until it went away on its own. Which I would have done no problem if it meant any harm to my bean! Anyway, I'm getting better, thanks for asking, love!

Haven't you got your nursing license now? I remember you saying a while back that you'd have it in a couple weeks and I feel like it's been at least that. I just want to be sure to congratulate you! :)

Have we scared away all our other girls? :( Where is everyone?
I have a funny story to share. What do you guys call farts over there? You know, like breaking wind, passing gas, tooting, etc.? Shaun has always called it dropping ass which I think is hilariously adorable. Anywayyyyyy....we were watching TV last night after getting home from the doctor. Shaun's laying on the couch and I'm snuggled up on a chair with a blanket. Any time we bring out a blanket, Dixie immediately jumps up next to whoever has one and burrows underneath then plops down right next to us all warm and comfy. Well, there was a quiet part on TV...and that's when Dixie audibly farted! Shaun's head whipped around so fast, he thought it was me! When I told him it was Dixie, he was like "Sure, sure, blame it on her, she's not going to say it wasn't!" He didn't really care and was kidding around by teasing me, but for awhile, he really thought it was me! I just cracked myself up all over again, literally LOLing, just thinking about it!
Mild cramps are still going on too, I'm hoping that's a good thing!

Hahaha your story about the farts, I'm actually in stitches! Shaun sounds so funny. we call them any of those things over here by the way!). It reminds me of a story about my little brother one time. I was 14(around that age) and he was 5/6, he came to have a cuddle with me and watch a movie one night, and as Dixie does, sugar HAS to be right there too (my parents Labrador! :dog:) Anyway, I did a HUGE fart and blamed it on the dog, there's me sitting there going 'EWWW SUGAR!' And my brother was calling her disgusting and everything. So the next day he says to my mum 'hey mum, you should of heard the fart that came out of sugars arse last night!' ... Oh my :haha: :rofl: I really don't think I ever laughed as much before! Firstly because he was so young so I was SHOCKED but also the fact it was me and he still remembered it enough to mention it to my mum the next day :haha: I don't think that will ever leave me!

I know, right :s where is everyone?! Jodie, shara :( I don't know kika well enough still to know how often is normal for her to check in here but this is abnormal for shara and Jodie I'm just plain scared about now! :(

I'm glad you're feeling better and that you could take stuff without having to suffer! There is nothing worse than that. My ears are still a little sore when I move my mouth and talk but my throat I guess is okay now, yay we're on the mend girlfriend!!!!! <3
You totally made me LOL for real with your story about you, your little brother and Sugar. Hilarious! :rofl: It always amazes me what kids remember, even from a young age. And by that, I mean him remembering to tell your mom the next day. Still, that was a good one, thanks for sharing! :haha:

And that's pretty amazing you could figure out Shaun is funny from that, you're good! He actually IS a really funny, witty guy, and I'm not just being biased. Everyone who ever meets him and spends at least 5 minutes with him ends up telling him how funny he is, or that he missed his calling and should've been a comedian. I tell him all the time that as long as keeps me laughing, we'll be just fine! &#55357;&#56834; (Can you see my emoji there?)

Glad to hear you're feeling better, too, hun! We get sick together AND we mend together! :haha: It is very unusual for Shara, but I'm really truly worried about Jodie. I hope she and her bean are OK!!! I would love to hear from her, even if it was just a quick "I'm OK", you know? I hope Shara hasn't caught the sick bug. It's been cold here this weekend so I can only imagine what it's like up there for her! Maybe she and Romeo are just too busy BDing and wearing each other out to have the energy to come visit with us. Let's hope that's all it is! I miss our FF SSMs!
But I can tell you're similar to Shaun in a few ways from what i can make out so maybe that's why you're so loved up hey?! ;) no I don't see any emojis :(

Well, although I do feel better and I'm over the throat situation. I was woken up this morning by NAUSEA! I remember opening my eyes and feeling huge waves of sicky feeling going through my body, it was awful. Whilst it could just be a touch of the bug, I'm hoping it's super early symptoms instead.. My nipples are still so sore, Jesse brushed past them last night and I could have screamed :haha: I still haven't had any more blood, so maybe it was a one off but the fact that I had it once is still keeping hope there for me to hold on to :D Im also in bed right now at 3.02pm, I'm so tired! So so so so tired for no reason. If I'm not baking a bun then I must have something wrong lol really! I have SO many tests to use up so I tried one this morning, I knew for a fact it would be BFN but I've had so many different brands sat in a bag for ages now, I thought it wouldn't hurt :haha: on a serious note though I don't know when to start testing properly.

How are you today Kim? Have you heard anything about a midwife appointment yet?

I really hate how quiet this thread has gone now :( it's never been like this! So lonely it is now :cry: shall we go find them Kim?! :D
Wow, hun, you certainly do have so much going on! I will be somewhat surprised if you aren't preggers! I first tested at 9 DPO and got a BFN. The first BFP I got was at 14 DPO, but was very, very faint and has gotten darker each day; the test line is now darker than the control line! Yes, I still test every day. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't help myself. It makes me feel better after losing my first that this little one is still there, and growing stronger every day. <3 Hey, whatever helps, right? :haha:

I took a sick day, so I'm home from work. I feel worse today than I did yesterday! :( I thought I was getting better but woke up feeling so miserable, I just knew it wasn't happening today. As for my bean :D I have my first prenatal appointment on December 8th at 9:00 am. That's 3 weeks from today, and it will seem like the longest 3 weeks of my life. :( I'm starting to realize that TTC and being pregnant are nothing but waiting games! :|

It is quite lonely here without the other girls! What is going on?!? Have we bored them away? Surely not, I think we've all had some really great convos on here! Friday was the last time we heard from Shara and LAST Monday from Jodie, I just don't know what to think! :shrug: Like you said before, we don't "know" Kika well enough to know what's normal for her, but this definitely isn't normal for the other two! I miss them! :sad2: If we had a way to go find them, I certainly would!
hey, girlies, i'm back, it was a busy weekend, with lots of nice long walks and cooking/baking :) so didn't have a chance to come by ... my bf is a "cooking from scratch" virgin and it was nice spending the weekend making brownies and muffins together and shopping for ingredients rather than "the box" of just "add water" pre-mix :)

Louisa, i'll be surprised if you aren't pregnant, in fact i'm 100% sure you are, praying it sticks for the next 9 months (or 8, not exactly sure how they calculate months now that it's counted in weeks :))

Shara, I'm not sure how to answer your question about planning on starting the baby making, cause i've been planning to start ASAP (haha) while htb once said we should focus on me packing and getting to the usa in november, then have a chill, do nothing but relax november, no pressure, no stress, and start making babies in december. Which makes sense. But i'll be ovulating around 24-25th December so not sure how baby making will work then especially if we are having any of his kids staying with us for the holidays. And also not making babies stresses me more than making babies... But then may be it's best to leave it all for January with my vit D deficiency and all :/

Also my sister just told me she's pregnant with her 3rd, which kinda hurt me that she didn't even tell me they were planning and she's already 10 weeks :( when i got pregnant i couldn't wait to tell her but apparently she doesn't feel the same way. I also told her what name i wanted for my first baby and she said they had chosen the same name which absolutely crushed me :(

well, that's from me for now, stay healthy and pregnant everyone and fingers crossed for the rest of us this month (or next month, or soon) :)

I know right Kim.. I really do have a lot going on right now so it must be something! As of tonight, gas is something else to add to my list :haha: Jesse is on the verge of sleeping in the garden I think hahaha, and at times it's really bloating me! Making me feel like there's a balloon in my stomach and if I press my stomach against something hard like a wall, it feels like it's just full of moving gas. It's horrible, not sure if that's a 'symptom' or what, but either way I'm still not getting my hopes up :D it is what it is at the end of the day right :)

Kika I definitely feel it, so I guess i'd be surprised too! We can hope haha!!

I completely agree about not TTC stressing you out more than actually TTC because me and my HTB Jesse were originally planning to wait until the new year but the wait of it was just stressing me when there are a couple chances of it happening before the new year, but you guys know what's right for you!

I feel for you about finding out about your sister. I felt bitter towards friends and family members who broke this news shortly after my loss! It's a tricky one :(

Where abouts are you actually from kika?

Hi, ladies! How are y'all today? I'm still sick. :sick: I'm so over this cold! :(
Still sick Kim :( I feel for you! My stomach is making me feel quite icky too. It's a mix between indigestion, bloating, gas and constipation and I literally don't want to do anything but lay down in bed! Even worse that I have to do night shift tonight :cry: lol. I would say it's that time of year for colds and all that malarkey but FLORIDA! When I was there this time of year it was beautiful weather so that is unlucky chick, I hope it shifts soon for you. Bigggg huggles <3 :flow:

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