I'm sooooo sorry for my negligence but it was not my fault seriously, blame my wonderful hubby and your dear friend Romeo, who by the way says he's sorry!!
First I just want to say Louisa, you will not be getting rid of me that easy lol. What do you mean "lost our third and final lady"?? Does that mean I was #2??? No not by any means. I will explain later...buuuuut I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR SYMPTOMS!! They sound promising to me. FXd for you and lots of
Kim, I'm glad you're okay and the bean is sticking. I'm sorry to hear you were/are sick

. Hopefully it goes away soon. I got your PM just now when I came back on the site so I will def hit you back...
Kika, I'm sorry to hear you guys won't be trying this month. I still wish you lots of baby dust for when you do next cycle
Still no Jodie :'(
AFM---so my wonderful,awesome, overly sentimental husband decided that we were going to do a FULL WEEK of no phones and just being me and him!!! Now mind you, I had no idea of this so when I got home he literally took my phone and gave his and told me to shut it off! At first I was mad and pissed off because you never know what could happen, but he said he thought we needed that time together. Now, we had a day like that last month on our 1/2 year anniversary because he felt like we needed to ground ourselves in this marriage after everything that happened, which was fine but A WHOLE WEEK???? But then he said he was tired of not seeing me. Lately when he's off I work or if I'm off he works so we only really see each other at bedtime (just in time for

lol) but that wasn't enough for him obviously. He said since we're trying this week anyway it was perfect. So I just took Monday to today off work and so did he (thank God for PTO) So I just spent this whole time with no phone and basically having sex everyday, which in this TTC world is a dream, but my legs hurt in real life. Thank God for Pre seed because I would've dried up like the Sahara Desert, and we can't have that

Overall, it was fun but I did tell him my girls were gonna be mad and worried all at the same time and he said to tell each of you he's sorry but he needed his wife lol.
Getting back to TTC though, I still haven't had a for sure + yet on my OPK..I felt some right ovary pain so hopefully I do O this month.