Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

I shouldn't of jumped the gun so early kika, that was the problem .. I was convinced I was pregnant and had all the right signs but it just shows you that you're not there until you get those 2 lines no matter how many symptoms you count. Personally my boobs have never been this sore before, but what exactly has that meant? Not much clearly :shrug: lol, I'm sure i would know before it was born.. I'm trying not to think about it too much and just let whatever happens happen, I would love a bfp thought especially after my dream last night! Then again, wouldn't we all? :)

How's America? I'm sooooo jealous. Me and my bestfriend planned to move to Miami or ft lauderdale all through school :haha: our plans didn't quite work out unfortunately. We decided upon it because we met an English man from here (London) working in a clothes shop so we thought if he can then we can :haha: is it not weird being surrounded by Americans though?! I personally love them especially my Kim and Shara <3 but I know when I went, they were just obsessed with my voice and made me say random things just so they could hear it again :rofl: I do love the Americans. And their food, and restaurants, and weather, and beaches, and their shopping, and their accents, and their everything!!! Aghhhh I am so jealous right now! I just don't like England, this is my problem :haha: me and Jesse have talked about going to Antalya for a few years as my dad's house is 4 stories and we could rent a floor off him which is like a xxxxxl flat.. But it's such a different life there. A life that I LOVE! I love their lifestyle and the people there (obviously because I'm half of one :haha:) but what worries me is education for when our future children grow up because it's not as developed as England in terms of education healthcare, loads of things, and the fact they'd be Turkish if they were born there. So much to think about! :shrug: plus i would miss my parents more than anything, my friends, my sister, my neice, the horses, jesses family, his friends. :/ there's so much here
Aww Louisa I know you are pretty frustrated but until AF arrives fully, it's not over. I'm still keeping my FX d for you. Also, not saying this will be you, but at 13 dpo last cycle I had an extremely vivid dream that I had a BFP using an FRER (I still remember to this day EVERY detail) and I wrote on the handle "16 dpo, first squinter!" And I was walking in the subway with my cousin smiling from ear to ear, of course only to wake up and find out it I didn't get a BFP at all...BUUUUUT that in my mind means it's gonna be REALLY soon. Now for most women a dream that vivid mean your preggo for sure, but I've also seen the women who didn't get a bfp that cycle turn around and get one the next cycle or a couple after and that's only worse case scenario for you becuz you still have two days AT LEAST until AF is due so all is not lost yet lady. And that's the WORST SCENARIO, you still have time yet! I only looked it up because I thought for sure that dream was my stamp too. Not to make you think you're out or anything but just to give you hope that if the dream doesn't come true this cycle, your time is right around the corner hun!

Afm--- I am in the TWW now. I'm actually 3dpo today. Hopefully we did enough to seal the deal.
Omg I have to tell you guys the funniest thing ever. So Friday I took an OPK just to be sure of O which by the way came a day later than last cycle, I put the test on the toilet top to wash my hands and forgot about it because I didn't wanna burn my pasta, and guess who picked up the test and thought it was an HPT :rofl: He was so happy like "yay babe we did it, we're gonna be a family" so I'm like "what the heck did God just show you a prophecy because I'm JUST now in O", so pulled out the test and was like "you forgot you left it on the toilet top?"..LOL...OMG to sum it up, he wasn't as sad as I thought he was gonna be, he even laughed a little bit then had the nerves to tell me next time label it LOL..that guy
Sharaaaaaaa :) hey!

Hmm, I think the reason I dreamt it is because it's been on my mind for days since having all these symptoms :shrug: but exactly like you, it was a FRER in my dream last night which is weird since I bought 2 boxes the other day and have 3 left. It really was all so vivid and every detail felt so real to the point where when I woke up I didn't know if I was in a dream or not, if that makes sense? I hope there's still hope. I think I'm counting today as CD1 though, now those long 21 days until next O! The blood hasn't been enough to drip out of me all day, but when I wipe it's dark pink/light red in colour (yes it was so little that I didn't need to put a tampon in as it wasn't flowing out, or anywhere near it!), but I put one in just now so I'll see what it looks like when I get up in 7 hours time. If there's not much then I guess I'll be able to hold out more hope :) I haven't had any cramps all day apart from some this morning that felt more like annoying tickles and barely noticeable! Will let you know what my verdict is in the morning anyway :) I didn't know this, I won't lie(it's probably really obvious) But apparently if you do an opk when pregnant it will come up as a positive. So I might do one of my CB sticks in the morning, just to clarify that this is AF so I can track it all and have some sort of plan for this cycle.

Ooooh how exciting to think a swimmer could have made it shara! So much could be going on right now - I sooo hope so. You guys deserve it chick :hugs: ....
Pahahahaha BLESS Romeo!!! I shouldn't laugh, I feel cruel but bless his heart! That's funny but so cute and innocent at the same time. Let's hope he can say the same thing for real in a couple weeks time, yeah? :D

:hi: guys! I'm having a rough day and promise to catch up.

To answer your question&#8230;BFN now. I am wondering if I'm having a chemical. I have vowed not to test until Wed am now. I don't want to be disappointed. Hope you all are having a great day! :hugs: I promise to check back later.
Hey girls ,

Just a quick one, I am officially out! I tested with FMU with a FRER and one of my CB opk's which would apparently be high or peak if you're pregnant and it was low along with a BFN.. Believe it or not I feel relieved. I hated not knowing either way, and now I can look to a new cycle and focus on this one :) I've lost that gutted feeling too. I think that's because this is officially AF and this whole situation was never what I thought it was this cycle (well last cycle now). New month, new chance right :) x

So sorry to hear that! You must be feeling absolutely horrible right now, hoping and praying it turns out okay sweet :bfp: x
hey girls,

I refuse to believe the :bfn: s :nope: May be keep testing...or waiting, or both :)

Shara, TWW is no fun, but we'll try making it amusing for you :) and hopefully in a weeks or so time you give us a :bfp: in return :)

Louisa, I started typing about America yday, twice and twice my iPad froze and couldn't submit it grrr. I don't knwo many Americans and I'm not a fan of America, and I'd rather live in the UK. I miss my family and my friends and my job...but then when I was in the UK I had my family there and my friends and a job but I was still unhappy cause I didn't have him... There's pros and cons to moving countries but I woukd do it if I were you, just for the experience. Cause in the end of the day, experience is what counts and the more the better. As for schools and education, I wasn't born in England, but still I was educated there, well at least my higher education :) so where your babies go to primary/secondary school doesn't matter, cause they could still go to university in the UK (like I did) if that's at all important...

Tag, FX for a sticky bean :yellow:

Now where's Kim hiding :happydance:

Hmm, I meant it in a way that if we moved to Antalya then I would probably choose to come back here before they started school because their schools and ed isn't good. At all. I have no doubt that they'd be able to go straight into education here but it would be like taking them out of the surroundings they've always known, at a young age :shrug: there's a lot to consider when we have our lives here. I love doing things for the experience and I've done seasons working abroad etc for the experience. It would be a big move, plus sacrificing my job when I've worked endless hours to get to where I am :nope: but the sun and sea is so appealinggggg grr :nope:
Haha, Shara! Poor Romeo, got his hopes up, didn't you? You know how the saying goes...I'm not laughing AT him, I'm laughing WITH him. :rofl: Louisa said it best, that was so funny but cute and innocent, too. Awww. Do you use Countdown to Pregnancy? Oh, and I love what you added to your signature! <3 You're so sweet, I love you to pieces! :kiss: I am still so worried about Jodie, though. I hope everything is OK. I would love to hear how she's doing and what symptoms are bothering her, etc.

Louisa, I hate to hear that you're out, but am relieved to hear that you are OK with it and glad to start a new cycle. Your time is near, my sweet, I know it is. And just like Shara said, I think your (and her) dreams mean something. Soon, very soon! I like your new ticker, btw. :thumbup:

Tara, I'm sorry you're having a rough day, honey. :( I like your idea of not testing until Wednesday. Sometimes the daily disappointment of a BFN can really get to us, so it's probably for the best, especially if it's getting you down. I'm not entirely sure what a chemical pregnancy is, but it doesn't sound good so I hope that's not what's going on. Sending you lots of love and hugs, my dear. <3 :hugs: <3

Kika, thank you for such sweet and encouraging words yesterday! You are a dear and I love you for it! :kiss: I'm sorry to hear that being back in the States has dredged up memories of your loss and hurting, though. I know that has to be tough, to be reminded on a daily basis, so I'm sending you lots of love and hugs, too. <3 :hugs: <3
AFM, I have started getting so nauseous lately. I almost threw up in the parking lot before work this morning! :sick: I've been trying tips my best friend gave me, like eating a few saltine crackers with some water before getting out of bed, drinking ginger ale, sucking on Preggie Pop Drops, eating something small every 1-2 hours...and these worked last time. This time, however, they quell the nausea for about 5-10 minutes and the waves begin again. I'm also extremely tired. If I blink too long, my head ends up on my desk! :haha: I'm not complaining so much as just letting you girls know what's going on with me. Y'all know I am very thankful for the precious gift I was given. I just don't want it to ever sound a way I don't mean it to sound, like I'm bragging or ungrateful or anything like that. I will be soooo happy when you ladies join me and we can commiserate together!
Bless you Kim for the nausea! It's not nice and it took it out of me completely last time but it's constant reminders of the beautiful baby growing inside you, he/she's the reason you're tired, feeling sick, it's such a cute thought. I'm still so overjoyed for you every time I think about your baby bean <3
Awwww, honey, you're gonna make me cry!!! <3 Thank you for saying that! My girls are so sweet and supportive! I really love y'all and don't know what I'd do without you all! :hugs:
Aww Kim :hugs: we love you too :kiss: xx

Candy floss is what comes on a stick, fluffy sweet stuff. I'm not sure what cotton candy is :nope: lol I feel silly!
Oh Kim, if you don't stop that non-sense talk!! You know very well that we wouldn't dare think of you like that! We are FF SSMs, did you forget lol! You're supposed to come to us with your every ache and pain, not only to let us know what to look out for..........but so that we can live vicariously through you of course :rofl: NO J/K, except the vicarious thing, I was serious lol. You can tell us anything, I would be hurt if you didn't. If you never told us about the pregnancy (as we ALL promised we would umm umm *jodie*) then I would think you just used us for our baby dust and left hahahaha. You know we love you to pieces, and hearing about your symptoms lets us know that that your bean is growing like Louisa said. We all get overjoyed everyday you're still pregnant honey. Remember, there's a no holds barred policy on this thread, we're all too nosy for that lol.

Lol, yeah he was pretty stuck for a moment, but FXd we made it happen this month. Thanks ladies for LOLing with us, it will be a pretty funny story to tell our kid one day.

Sorry about the BFN tag, but I hope you have a better rest of your day and you get that BFP soon :hugs2:

Hey Kika, I hope you guys can make it as comical as possible b/c as of today, 4 dpo, it seems like an eternity of a wait..thank you for helping
Candy floss is what comes on a stick, fluffy sweet stuff. I'm not sure what cotton candy is :nope: lol I feel silly!

Don't feel silly - that's why I asked! Sounds like they're the same thing. Strands of sugar whipped up into fluffy clouds that come on a little white paper cone or in a big plastic bag and melts in your mouth. Blue and pink seem to be the most popular colors over here. I used to love it as a kid, couldn't get enough. Anyway, someone on another thread was talking about their pregnancy dream and said it contained women and candy floss. I thought candy floss sounded naughty:haha:, but I Googled it and it said it's British for cotton candy.

This is another great example of how cute the differences are in our terms. I love it! Great, now I want cotton candy/candy floss! :dohh:

P.S. Louisa, what does "cute" mean to you? Yes, I'm back on an American vs. English-British kick! :p
Oh Kim, if you don't stop that non-sense talk!! You know very well that we wouldn't dare think of you like that! We are FF SSMs, did you forget lol! You're supposed to come to us with your every ache and pain, not only to let us know what to look out for..........but so that we can live vicariously through you of course :rofl: NO J/K, except the vicarious thing, I was serious lol. You can tell us anything, I would be hurt if you didn't. If you never told us about the pregnancy (as we ALL promised we would umm umm *jodie*) then I would think you just used us for our baby dust and left hahahaha. You know we love you to pieces, and hearing about your symptoms lets us know that that your bean is growing like Louisa said. We all get overjoyed everyday you're still pregnant honey. Remember, there's a no holds barred policy on this thread, we're all too nosy for that lol.

Shara, you sweet, sweet ladybug! Do you feel that? That's me hugging you from Florida!!! :hugs2: :friends: Oh, you don't feel it? Well, that's because it's virtual, sorry. :p Seriously, you made me feel so much better about all of it. Tbh, I have not been telling you guys much at all for those reasons. I know you sweet ladies are patiently waiting for your turns so I appreciate y'all understanding my need to vent, too. I'm not sure why I even doubted that I could tell you what was on my mind - I know my girls, and I know anything goes on our thread. That being said, is pregnancy brain a thing? I think I have it. And I didn't forget that we are FF SSMs, I just forgot what that meant. :blush: See? Pregnancy brain!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words, love. You have no idea what they did for me just now. My heart has been uplifted! <3

And you just keep hanging in there. I know it feels like forever until you can even think about testing, but it'll be here before you know it. It seems like just a few days ago you were saying you were out, and now you've already Od! Blowing lots and lots of dust your way!

Hahaha cute means sweet, I don't really know what other way to describe it. Cute, it's just cute lol. Let's think relevantly - so if someone put a photo of their baby on Facebook or instagram and then people comment 'she's so cute!', just cute is cute :haha: I hope that makes sense hahaha.

Speaking of Jodie, it's a mystery isn't it? It's been ages! Do you reckon she has just preferred to sign off this forum to save herself reading things that may scare her or something? I really don't know what else it could be. Forgotten password?! It's real strange isn't it. :shrug:
I agree with shara, Kim.. Were both on the same page here definitely! Don't ever feel like you can't tell us anything. We would rather you did, and I agree with shara that I'd be hurt if you didn't ;) I want to hear as much from you about your little bean, it gives us something to look forward to for when it's our turn, makes us excited to keep going and not give up :hugs: it sounds stupid but I love you ladies like I do my english friends, just I don't get to see you guys :nope:
Kika, thank you for such sweet and encouraging words yesterday! You are a dear and I love you for it! :kiss: I'm sorry to hear that being back in the States has dredged up memories of your loss and hurting, though. I know that has to be tough, to be reminded on a daily basis, so I'm sending you lots of love and hugs, too. <3 :hugs: <3

Thank you Kim :blush: I love you too and I love all of you for the support and advice and I Now have to check on the thread every day and a few times a day and you hirls make me smile when I'm having a sad day...

...like today's been really sad...but I'll tell you about my fears tm :)

Shara, the funniest thing that comes to mind is last night we used a condom :wacko: it wasn't actually too bad :shrug: it was kinda fun ...

Hugs all

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