I see.. Kika is a cute name if it was your real one though! What is you real one?!

unless you would rather stick to kika which is fine of course!
Hmm, well what with those clots I was passing and the worries that it could of been a chemical without a bfp, and now this .. I feel pretty low right now I won't lie. I'm still bleeding, not too heavily anymore so I just don't know. I feel like I want to just take a back seat from all the guess work and just let whatever's going on, go on.. If that makes sense to you. Obviously we are still trying and we will still do everything we can to get there, but I think I will just wait until the day before AF is due this cycle before testing because it just stresses me out unbelievably and what with just completing my nursing training, work is tough right now so I don't want to stress any more than I have to! anyway there are much happier subject we could discuss so less of me

Kim how are you feeling love? And shara- POAS yet?
Ah- I hope you and OH try in December. That would be a great New Years present if you were to bake a bun!