Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Ahhhh kika you're so brave!!!! I HATE those things, they literally burn my vagina :rofl: I was on the pill from when I met Jesse until about 6 months ago, but naturally I was paranoid of it failing me after it did the first time, so we use to use them and the amount if times it got ripped off haha!! :nope: I really can't stand them. Aaaaaand another one- lube! It's just awful :sick: personally we have never needed it :haha:
You know, I really don't mind the condoms, but we've never used one. I have in my ALL other relationships but with him-- he wasn't haven't it at all. I think he wanted us to have a baby. For one, because he didn't want the condoms, but second ever tine I ask him he say "why do you say that? " and never answer the question. But I wouldn't mind if we did use them though, he just hates them.

Kim, I definitely felt that E-hug :haha: and those are truly from the heart hun. I'm sure I speak for most of us, if not all of us, on this thread besides you who are a little disappointed we aren't pregnant yet but are so happy when we see our fellow TTCers get :bfp:s because it gives us hope. As long ad we're patient and stick to the plan we WILL one day be there too! Enjoy your pregnancy love..and keep us along for the ride.

Speaking of which, Louisa did you ever get a full flow? Or had the bleeding stopped?
Yeah this is full flow Shara, and don't I know it :sick: it's one of those months where the pain is so bad that you're physically sweating and can't keep still, hurts so bad. :cry: :witch: bless Jesse, he's gone to asda to get some period pain relief as ibuprofen is doing nothing! :( loving life rn, not, lol. Xx
Kim, Kika, Shara and Louisa! I wanted to stop in and say Happy Thanksgiving! (I hope I have all your names right while I learn!!)

I think I may be out this cycle…AF is expected this weekend and Kika, Shara and Louisa - we will be joining Kim next cycle for sure!

I'm away for the next few days…but hang in there girls and have a wonderful holiday!

Cute means the same thing to us, Louisa. There are some things when you said cute that made me wonder if it had a double meaning over there, but now I can't remember what they were. I'm telling you, pregnancy brain is real! :haha: Y'all just wait and see! :wacko:

I like your theory about Jodie maybe reading scary things on here so deciding not to get on anymore. I hope that's the case! Or maybe she forgot her password, like you said. But if that were so, I'm inclined to think she'd create a new account so she could get back on. I don't know. I just really hope she's OK.

LOL about the condoms!! :rofl: Shara, Shaun feels the same way. I think he and I used them a few times at first and then he finally told me how much he hated them. He said it's like trying to eat a big, juicy steak with a balloon over your tongue! :haha: He's such a funny guy and has kept me laughing from the start!

I'm sorry you're having such a painful period, sweet Louisa. I hate that for you! :( Hopefully after this cycle, you won't have to worry about it again! ;)

Thanks again for being so supportive, ladies. I will keep you in the loop with everything pregnancy-related from now on, I promise. Nausea hasn't been too bad today, so I'm very thankful for that. I'm drinking water like a fish and peeing at least twice an hour on a daily basis (I literally just stopped typing there to go pee). I've been craving the good (fresh fruit and broccoli) as well as the bad (fried chicken strips, pizza, macaroni and cheese, pasta in general, really) and have been giving in to those cravings this week for dinner meals. I do really well during the day eating healthy (spinach salad, yogurt, cheese stick, fresh fruit, protein shake, etc.) and then it all goes to crap for dinner. Anyway, I'm going to do better next week. This week's already out because of Thanksgiving being tomorrow. Y'all wish me luck on not giving the secret away to Shaun's family! They're definitely going to be wondering why I'm not drinking wine tomorrow, that's for sure! :wine: Oh yeah, and how could I forget my boobs? :holly: They're already getting bigger and so freakin' sensitive! Seriously, Shaun can't hug me too tight without me squealing. He just did it this morning, as a matter of fact! And of course all he wants to do when he sees me naked is touch them and play with them, but I'm like "Uh uh, back off, mister!" I do let him massage them softly which feels nice, but sometimes he gets carried away, if you know what I mean, and massages too hard! I might have to go up to a DD. Shara, if I remember correctly, you're already a DD. Honey, I feel for you already! <3

Happy Thanksgiving, Shara and Tara (hey, your names rhyme)! And Kika, too, since I'm guessing you'll be celebrating with OH while you're over here. :) Love and hugs to you all! :kiss: :hugs:
Oh my gosh, Tara! You are beautiful and so is your daughter! What a great pic! I'm telling y'all, we have a good looking group of women on this thread! I don't mean to sound vain or snobby (sorry for the nonsense talk, Shara :blush:), but all you ladies are just so darn pretty!
I hope I don't have to worry about period pain after this cycle either Kim, we all have that wish, right :D this is normal for me every 1 in 3 periods but I don't remember having one quite this bad before.. Not even Feminax has lifted it a great deal.. Drowning in my own sorrow over here hahaha. Nah just kidding, its something we all deal with :sick: :thumbup:
I literally love every single food you just mentioned! Damn you made me hungry :haha: I love your theory of 'starting next week' hahaha that's everyone's cop out! I do that all the time. I plan on starting a diet and then it goes wrong so my answer is 'that's fine, we'll start again tomorrow' :rofl: as a matter of fact, my profile picture was in Antalya just over a year ago and I've whacked the weight on since then. I'm still only 8.5/9 stone, but that's much heavier than I was in that picture and that's probably why my boobs have doubled in size too, since then! Which jesse loves :haha: I'm not sure about shara but I have double d's Kim and sometimes I wish I didn't! I'm hoping they shrink a little when I finally lose some weight :p

I am lol'ing so much at Shaun's description of what condoms feel like! And I KNOW Jesse would agree with that because that's something he would say :haha: got to love the way a mans brain works, haven't you :rofl:

I've heard of thanksgiving so many times but never known what the actual meaning of it is. We don't have it here :shrug: is it where you get together to eat?!

Oh- something took the misery of this horrible period away today :happydance: we booked our flights to my dad's for 30th December. Yay! It's good because obviously we (uk, us) celebrate the real Christmas on the 25th but the Turkish Christmas is basically on new year, so we have decided to spend that with my dad which is nice as we get to still see everyone here for 'our' Christmas and see them for 'their' Christmas :Dit's coming around so quick! What are you guys plans for it this year? :)

Kim- another thing I forgot to mention ages ago. How is Shaun now? Is he still in disbelief bless him :bfp:?! Did he stick to the deal of quitting the cigs? Aww, I reckon he will be an awesome dad.
Kim, Kika, Shara and Louisa! I wanted to stop in and say Happy Thanksgiving! (I hope I have all your names right while I learn!!)

I think I may be out this cycle…AF is expected this weekend and Kika, Shara and Louisa - we will be joining Kim next cycle for sure!

I'm away for the next few days…but hang in there girls and have a wonderful holiday!


Good job, Tara, you DO have our names right! Well, I'm not sure if Kika is Kika's real name or not, she hasn't told us. :winkwink: And you're not out until :witch: shows, hun, so don't count those eggs before they hatch! Looking forward to hearing from you in a few days - hopefully you'll be telling us she didn't arrive and you got a :bfp: instead! :hugs:
Guys.. I'm a little bit worried. So I'm in agony with these cramps which I don't normally get as bad as these, and I just went to change my 'mouse' and it is absolutely full of big dark clots, sorry I don't mean to make anyone feel sick :sick: but they just fell off the tampon as I put it down the loo :( it was in for no more than an hour either .. Do you reckon I'm miscarrying? I didn't have a bfp though, or could I have started rejecting it before the chance of a bfp? Really feel sick right now. :cry:
Kim, Kika, Shara and Louisa! I wanted to stop in and say Happy Thanksgiving! (I hope I have all your names right while I learn!!)

I think I may be out this cycle…AF is expected this weekend and Kika, Shara and Louisa - we will be joining Kim next cycle for sure!

I'm away for the next few days…but hang in there girls and have a wonderful holiday!


Good job, Tara, you DO have our names right! Well, I'm not sure if Kika is Kika's real name or not, she hasn't told us. :winkwink: And you're not out until :witch: shows, hun, so don't count those eggs before they hatch! Looking forward to hearing from you in a few days - hopefully you'll be telling us she didn't arrive and you got a :bfp: instead! :hugs:

Thank you!!!

I hope I don't have to worry about period pain after this cycle either Kim, we all have that wish, right :D this is normal for me every 1 in 3 periods but I don't remember having one quite this bad before.. Not even Feminax has lifted it a great deal.. Drowning in my own sorrow over here hahaha. Nah just kidding, its something we all deal with :sick: :thumbup:
I literally love every single food you just mentioned! Damn you made me hungry :haha: I love your theory of 'starting next week' hahaha that's everyone's cop out! I do that all the time. I plan on starting a diet and then it goes wrong so my answer is 'that's fine, we'll start again tomorrow' :rofl: as a matter of fact, my profile picture was in Antalya just over a year ago and I've whacked the weight on since then. I'm still only 8.5/9 stone, but that's much heavier than I was in that picture and that's probably why my boobs have doubled in size too, since then! Which jesse loves :haha: I'm not sure about shara but I have double d's Kim and sometimes I wish I didn't! I'm hoping they shrink a little when I finally lose some weight :p

I am lol'ing so much at Shaun's description of what condoms feel like! And I KNOW Jesse would agree with that because that's something he would say :haha: got to love the way a mans brain works, haven't you :rofl:

I've heard of thanksgiving so many times but never known what the actual meaning of it is. We don't have it here :shrug: is it where you get together to eat?!

Oh- something took the misery of this horrible period away today :happydance: we booked our flights to my dad's for 30th December. Yay! It's good because obviously we (uk, us) celebrate the real Christmas on the 25th but the Turkish Christmas is basically on new year, so we have decided to spend that with my dad which is nice as we get to still see everyone here for 'our' Christmas and see them for 'their' Christmas :Dit's coming around so quick! What are you guys plans for it this year? :)

Kim- another thing I forgot to mention ages ago. How is Shaun now? Is he still in disbelief bless him :bfp:?! Did he stick to the deal of quitting the cigs? Aww, I reckon he will be an awesome dad.

:rofl: Don't you love American holidays? Yes, we all gather and eat!!! And too much. But it originated with the Pilgrams long time ago when our land was discovered. :rofl: We find every reason to celebrate.
You sound just like me with the dieting, especially before I got pregnant! And you think those foods made you hungry now? You just wait, girlfriend, you are in for a real treat once you have that sticky bean! I STAY hungry. :haha: Most of my avi pictures are from my thinner days, too, before I quit smoking, gained 40 pounds and a whole bra cup size! I desperately wanted to lose that weight before getting pregnant and I did lose 10 pounds of it, but oh well. I've heard breastfeeding will help shed pregnancy pounds over the months after birth so I'm hoping it'll help take off the extra weight, too, as long as I eat healthy and don't splurge too often! Yes, I would really like for my boobs to go back down to a C (or even a perky B) because I'm afraid the bigger they are during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the saggier they'll be afterwards!

Thanksgiving is a day set aside to give thanks for all the blessings we've received throughout the year. A huge meal is prepared and everyone gets together (families and friends) to eat and spend quality time with one another. My family has a Thanksgiving tradition: before the meal and prayer, we all stand in a big circle and each person says something they are thankful for. It is very emotional so I'm kinda glad we're not with my family this year because I'd be BAWLING like a baby (more so than usual, anyway)! The meal typically consists of turkey as the main meat (my family does ham, too) and a TON of sides and desserts. Stuffing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes with gravy are a few of the usual sides; pecan pie and pumpkin pie are some of the typical desserts. I'd be interested to hear what Tara and Shara say about their Thanksgiving meals and traditions, too. Thanksgiving is definitely a day of pigging out (Americans, eh? :haha:) and then complaining about your full bellies after!

That is awesome, Louisa! As a matter of fact, I just talked to Shaun - we're booking our flights today to meet you and Jesse in Antalya! Just kidding, but that would be SOOOO FAB!!! I like how they celebrate Christmas later, that makes it very convenient for you to be able to spend Christmas with both families. Since both of our families are so tight-knit, we split the two big holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) between our two families. This year we're with Shaun's family for Thanksgiving and my family for Christmas. Last year, we were with my family for Thanksgiving and his for Christmas, and we've been switching them like that ever since we got engaged, but now with a little one on the way, there's no telling what we'll do next year because both families will want to see the baby for both holidays!

Aw, you're so sweet, honey! Shaun has kicked the cigs to the curb for good! I was just giving him props for it last night, telling him how proud I was that he quit cold turkey. <3 And he is slowly but surely getting over his initial disbelief and lack of acceptance of me being pregnant. We have more and more conversations about pregnancy and baby-related things every day. I think he'll be an awesome dad, too. Thank you so much for asking, you sweet lady! You made my heart swell! <3

Good Lord, here I go again, droning on and on and on...y'all tell me if my chattery ways get to be too much! :haha:
No don't stop talking Kim. That's what make you YOU. Plus, it's good hearing about how things are looking up for you two.

:rofl: you guys cracked me up with the boobs talk. Yes Kim I am a 34 DD and it was pretty horrid when i was pregnant the first time, so I'm sure it'll be the same this time around, when I get pregnant again. At least I know what to expect though :haha:

Kim, that was the funniest description of "condom hate" I've ever heard of in life :rofl: Shaun is a riot!!!!!

Thanks Tag and Kim! Happy Gobble Gobble day to you ladies too lol..Hope you guys enjoy your holiday.
We're going to my brother's house , who just moved about 20 miles from us, but for Christmas I'm not sure. Football's on both days so it doesn't matter where we go, as long as I can watch the game. American Football that is lol...
Hey ladies,

Sorry I didn't make it on yesterday. I managed to wrap my car around around a tree yesterday morning and my neck is extremely sore as well as my back and shoulders and naturally I'm so so shaken, not to forget my face that the airbag flew out at. :( I've never hit any of my cars in the whole time I've been driving not even a scrape so I couldn't stop crying most of yesterday and I'm just in so much pain today, trying to take it easy :cry: hope you all had a lovely thanks giving x
OMG NOOOOOOO!! I'm glad to you're still alive after that type of accident! I'm so sorry you had to go through that :cry: Is everyone that was in the car okay or what it just you? Oh my Louisa, I'm so sorry that happened to you:hugs:

And thank you for asking, I'm doing quite well today. After eating and shopping, I'm a little tired, but all in all I'm okay. Had to work today so that's got me up and going but once I get home, I'm sure I'll be dead-to-the-world sleep
Louisa!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're OK!!! And that you didn't get hurt any worse than that! Bless your heart, being in pain and scared from the accident! I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. What happened? I'm so thankful you are alright and hope your soreness goes away soon, honey. :hugs: <3
Thanks ladies .. I honestly didn't tell you for attention or anything, I just didn't want you to wonder why I probably won't be as chatty as normal. I've somehow just got away with only a sprained wrist which on top of all the other pain and bruising is enough! I was in the car by myself driving to work yesterday at 8am and a drunk driver (yes at 8pm) swerved right towards me so I obviously did everything to avoid a head on collision and just couldn't break hard enough. I was going 25mph at the time according to the police which if I had of been going any faster then I probably wouldn't be here writing this right now. I'm just thankful nobody was in the car with me and that I wasn't going any faster! Jesse was out of work and with me at the hospital within 15 mins of finding out, he has been an angel bless him. I am Kim, so shaken up and nervy. I was a wreck going home from the check over with Jesse in the car! I'm not sure but I think it's gonna take me a while to get my confidence back to drive again after this which could prove to be a problem with work and everything.. Argh :nope: typical
Louisa, thank goodness you're not hurt and I've been in an accident a few years ago, I didn't get hurt but the whole dealing with insurance company thing was so frustrating and tiring, I feel you...

Kik a isn't my real name it's the name of my fav choc bar --> kitkat take away the "t" cause kitkat wasnt available.

Tara, hope you get a bfp today :) share, happy hatching (I don't if you girls know but the embryo does actually hatch for real before it implants :thumbup:) so fingers crossed and take it easy, more naps and less shopping :haha:

Kim, did you guys announce at thanksgiving? Or what are the announce plans?

I did try condoms more than 10 years ago with my ex but it didn't work, he hated it and we switched to the pull out method for a few months and then it was baby making for 10 years... Condoms actually worked now with my sweet soon to be husband and the few times we made love after my MC and before the condoms, it was hmm I could feel he's trying so hard not to come before me that in the end it ruined it and either he couldn't come at all or while I was coming he was so not there emotionally cause of trying not to come himself ...sorry I hope it doent sound like a cheap porn woth all the details but ya, now we can both enjoy :) I really hope we start baby making in December but I'm not sure if he likes the idea :nope: which makes me very very very sad...but I'll talk to him about it first day of next cycle and I'll take it from there.

I'm not exactly sure what thanksgiving is and I think everyone pretty much has their own interpretation of the holiday. We went to Plymouth plantation a couple weeks ago and it was great and we got some idea of what it was when the pilgrims settled but still it doesn't really tell you what thanksgiving is. I also googled it and this is what Wikipedia says: thanksgiving is the equivalent of the European harvest festivals. So these pilgrims came from Europe and they had had harvest festivals (thank god for all their crops) and they kinda brought It to America with them. However, in america (according to Wall Street journal) thanksgiving is a feast which the pilgrims had after harvesting their first crop and they invited the natives (Indians) who helped them survive the winter and that the was their way to thank the natives for their help. Nowadays, I don't think ppl gather round turkey to thank the Indians for their help, there's no natives invited to Americans homes and so the holiday had lost its initial meaning (I think). I Think that everyone has their own interpretation of the day and rather than it being all about thanking God/ the InDian's for the crop, it's a family holiday and everyone decided for themselves what they are thankful for. I'm not exactly sure why a "family" or "harvest festival" holiday became official public holiday, but my guess is because turkey has to cook for 5-8 hours and they had to give ppl the day off to prep the turkey :shrug:happydance:

Haha, wasn't that the longest post ever...time for a cuppa :) see ya my lovely girls :flower:

PP Louisa have a look at this https://www.pregnancyloss.info/waitingforaf.htm it was originally found and posted by Laska5 and I found it very interesting especially the clots part which is due to hormon imbalance after miscarriage (but please read cause may be I didn't remember it right).
I see.. Kika is a cute name if it was your real one though! What is you real one?! :) unless you would rather stick to kika which is fine of course!

Hmm, well what with those clots I was passing and the worries that it could of been a chemical without a bfp, and now this .. I feel pretty low right now I won't lie. I'm still bleeding, not too heavily anymore so I just don't know. I feel like I want to just take a back seat from all the guess work and just let whatever's going on, go on.. If that makes sense to you. Obviously we are still trying and we will still do everything we can to get there, but I think I will just wait until the day before AF is due this cycle before testing because it just stresses me out unbelievably and what with just completing my nursing training, work is tough right now so I don't want to stress any more than I have to! anyway there are much happier subject we could discuss so less of me :) Kim how are you feeling love? And shara- POAS yet?

Ah- I hope you and OH try in December. That would be a great New Years present if you were to bake a bun!

My phone just scrolled me up to a post from yesterday and Kim when you said about always being hungry and staying hungry- lol that was me all over last time.. I gained a stone by the time I had my 8.5 week scan and when I saw the HB I knew I had to curb it or I would be giving birth to a whale :haha: I'm hungry at the best of times so I can imagine what you're feeling at the mo, I was exactly the same and probably will be next time haha

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