Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Kika - Then yaaaay, I AM having an early scan! :wohoo:

Aw, Tara, I'm sorry to hear you're out, hun. But try not to worry too much. Two of of my favorite life philosophies are "What's meant to be will be." and "Everything happens for a reason." Last month just wasn't meant to be for you ladies, but hopefully this month will be the lucky month! It is Christmas, and with the spirit of giving being in the air, I'd be very suprised if at least one of you don't fall pregnant (<3 Louisa). EX for all of my girls! :dust: And butt butt, that is too funny! :rofl: I love that your daughter has a good sense of humor about it, Tara!

Yay for us, Louisa!!! Shaun and I are going to look at them tonight. I haven't seen the 6 or 6 plus in person, so I want to see exactly how big the plus is before deciding. My Nokia Lumia is a behemoth, it was the largest phone on the market 2 years ago when we got them, so depending on how the plus compares to it, I might want to go with just the 6. I can't text with only one hand with my Lumia, so if the plus is bigger AND heavier, it might be the deciding factor in going with the 6.

Louisa, have you tried putting slices of lemon or cucumber or small chunks of melon in your water? They infuse the water with the flavor of the fruit and it is soooo tasty! If you haven't tried it, do yourself a favor! Especially since you already love fruit. That should definitely help you keep drinking that important water, even though O seems so far away. :hugs:
I'm not sure about the size difference between the lumia and the 6 plus but I have a feeling the plus may be bigger.. I say that because I ordered the case for mine ready for when I can collect it from the store and it turned up this morning, it's HUGE and I don't like big phones :haha: oh dear! Let me know what you decide ;)

Yes, I feel a couple bfp's coming along within the next few weeks too <3 :bfp:

Yeah, Kim. I have heard people doing that with the fruit like lemon or lime. I hate both of them but love love love melon so may give that a go! It's effort, and I'm lazy! :haha: well, not lazy just never here or so it feels that way! I guess I feel like I've lost it a bit this month.. Like where O feels so far away, I haven't taken my vitamins the last few days or drunk any water at all. I feel like I'm slacking and I hope I'm not losing faith after so little time but after the worst cycle ever last month in terms of symptoms and false hope, it feels that way at the moment :nope: sadly. Hopefully closer to O I'll get 'that' feeling again maybe :shrug:

I didn't realise it was an 8 week SCAN you was having Kim either, I thought just an appointment with your midwife... HOW FREAKIN EXCITING!!!!! Oh my :happydance: this was the point I had my early scan last time. Well it was 8 weeks 4 days in the end by the time they managed to squeeze me in after that bleed. But you will be able to see the tiny outline of a baby at that point! Not much different from what a 12 week scan looks like just much smaller - eeeek. I'm so happy now :haha:

Guys- this may be a bit of a weird one :haha: but seeing as most of you are American. I have a question :p one of the uk's most popular shows is on at the moment, the series lasts like 3 weeks and we have a week left. It's on every November. It's called I'm a celebrity get me out of here, don't know if you would of heard of it over there, but it's about celebrities from all different paths that get put into an Australian jungle having to compete in gross activities to win food for the camp, and other gruesome things they have to do but they all become so close having spent every day in the middle of a jungle together and it's a actually really sweet to watch- then during the last week one camp mate gets voted out each day until there's only 2 left and then a king or queen of the jungle is crowned and they all have a big leaving party before heading back to the uk. There's 10 of them until they start getting voted out and we watch it every night from what they've been doing that day .. Anyway let's cut to the chase (just didn't want you to be confused as to what I was on about! :haha:) one of this years camp mates is actually American and I wanted to know if you guys have heard of her and if she's actually popular over there. Kendra Wilkinson? Literally it seems nobody over here likes her, she's so up her own arse and makes out that she's somebody BIG over there.. Yano, one of Hugh Hefners 'girlfriends'. I can't even believe she accepted the offer to go on this show, she has a 6 month old baby. What about bonding time n all! They're away for a month/5 weeks in the end, I could never leave my 6 month old, not for any amount of money or offers that came up. Anyway enough of that.. Lol have a nice evening, night ladies! :sleep:
Im excited about Kim's early scan too and about Shara's news :)

Tara, you did have a faint second line on that early test ...sorry it didn't stick :( why would you guys give it on,y five cycles? I think may be 5 cycles of tracking ovu and obsessing about diet exercise etc sounds fair but then keep having unprotected sex without too much thinking about it and it may happen. A friend of mine got pregnant at 42 and she was kinda severely obese at the time (may be still) and not even trying, but she did give birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy who I used to babysit :) so don't give up and FX for a Christmas bean for you and Shara and Louisa :)

I don't watch "I'm a celebrity get me out of here..." But I miss UK tv...I miss bbc i player and 4 documentaries ...

Louisa, I have heard of that show, but we don't have it here. It sounds kinda like the American show Survivor, but sillier. I know who Kendra Wilkinson is, and she is famous, but only for being one of Hef's girlfriends. She and 2 of his other girlfriends had a show on TV for a while, it about literally about being his girlfriend and living in the mansion, etc., but it wasn't that great. And in my opinion, neither is she. She always seemed kinda dumb on the show, very flaky. I tell you, some people let their 5 minutes of fame go to their heads. It's certainly not like she's Jennifer Anniston or Angelina Jolie or a big name like that (did I really just put those 2 ladies in a sentence together? lol!) And I wouldn't leave my 6-month old at home either! :nope:
EW, it all sounds so wrong. She said she was 18 and hef was 78 when they use to have sex. Just how?! :sick: my oh my
EW, it all sounds so wrong. She said she was 18 and hef was 78 when they use to have sex. Just how?! :sick: my oh my

Right?!?!? Double...no, triple :sick:! That man must have Viagra hidden everywhere in the mansion! Ewww.
I just can't imagine that. She has 2 beautiful kids and a husband now so I guess the past is in the past but she sure loves showing her past off on this show!!! I'm sick of hearing it, it's all about kendra! :nope:

Guess what :haha: I called up my local apple store earlier to order my iphone, and I was waiting for an advisor to help me for about 20 minutes. Then an American guy picks the phone up so I'm like ... Ok this is strange :haha: he was SO friendly so in conversation I asked where I had got through to, florida!!! :happydance: immediately thought of you Kim. He was Infact so friendly that he decided to go into deep convo about the weather :rofl: did I hear him right in saying that your winter is around 80?! Damnnnnn :haha:
Guys I need help. well not help, just what you'd do if you were me.

I'm CD11 today. Last night I felt twinges and cramps on the right side, I couldn't put it down to anything other than pre ovulation pains but that can't be considering my cycles are longer and for the last couple of months I've ovulated around cd21/22?!

What my question is. Would you start doing opk's or not? I don't have any cheap ones, just the clearblue digital one which has 7 sticks left in it but I wanted to wait as long as I could before testing to prevent running out of sticks, because last time when I started chopping and changing sticks and putting them in different monitors it hindered my results remember? So this month I wanted to try and only use the 7 I have left without running out so the result I have is more accurate than last cycle .. If that made any sense at all :shrug: :haha:
:rofl: "they must have Viagra hidden everywhere in the mansion!!!:rofl: You guys are soooo crazy. Yea, I know Kendra, not personally or anything, but I've seen her and her now hubby's show on our American channel Vh1 when she had her first son Hank. He's so adorable, might I add! But yea, she can be a ditz sometimes lol...

Louisa, I would test on an opk just to be sure! Especially, since you're cycles are so long, to feel that seems a little soon. If you do use one and it's not O yet, then you don't have to worry about using any others but if it starts flashing then maybe O is coming sooner, which actually would be a good thing, right?

Still waiting :coffee: I'm an ITCHING to test, but I like Kika said, if it's a BFN I will be soooooo disappointed and not as excited about my ANNIVERSARY! woohooooooo:happydance: Tomorrow can still be a gift if I am.
Rather than waste a stick (they're sooo expensive for something you pee on!!!) we're just gonna start bd'ing every other day, since O isn't THAT far away I guess - lol jk still feels like forever!!! So that way we should cover it even if this is O, but in a way I hope it's not because that would mean my cycles are super irregular! Atleast when I O around day 21 I know where I am with it all. I've just ordered some cheap paper opk's aswell as they went sooo dark last cycle so maybe they do work :haha:

Shara I'm actually dying to know. I think if I was with you right now then I'd be ripping a test open and begging for you to do it!! :rofl: I have had a good feeling about this cycle for you, I said that so long ago and still do! Yeah, her son is gorgeous isn't he!! She just comes across on our tv every night as a spiteful person with an ugly personality :haha: so I had to google her kids, and I was shocked that she could produce something so beautiful. Fair play for that though!! apparently she has a show or something about her life and the last episode was how her husband cheated.

Kim what day was your scan?! Was it tomorrow. I'm so excited, I hope they let you take a picture!!! In the uk, I know that they're only allowed to print photos off from the 12 week scan onwards. But at my 8.5 she let me take a picture on my phone of the screen. How do you feel about the fact it may be an internal one? It may be different over there for all I know but I think here all early scans are internal. I don't want to scare you(nothing is going to take your excitement away anyway!) but it sort of hurt me :sick: the woman checked my ovaries and was really moving the probe around! I didn't get to hear a HB but was able to see it flickering away which was amazing. Made my whole year not gonna lie! I know you're gonna come away from there super smiley just like I did <3

I can't believe Jodie is still not here.. She should be about 9/10 weeks now shouldn't she? Did she ever reply to the email Kim? It's a mystery, not a very good one either. :/
It is an internal one, I had it in America in August at 9 weeks... I'm so used to this it didn't reLly bother me, I've done ovu tracking and IUIs, IVFs, ICSIs, they all involved TV scans starting CD 1... Just try not to think about it Kim and you'll be fine :) and as soon as you see your sweet bean you won't even care if there's a dildo scan in your va-jj &#55357;&#56841;

Enjoy anniversary Shara and post a photo of a bfp first thing tm morning for us ok :)

Florida...it's our "elope" destination ;p

And I intend to have sex with my htb way past 78... If you guys haven't watched "forks over knives" noes the time to see it, guys there were doing it at 80 + :) [natirally --> without viagra]...

Hugs all
First of all, let me get this out there and then I'll reply back about everything else. Louisa, honey! I have 12 Clearblue OPK sticks that have your name on them, my dear, remember? I will gladly mail them to you, no problem! I'd previously thought the box was unopened and there were 20, but after finding them, realized I had used some. Still, the unused 12 are yours for the taking, just say the word!
Girls, I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to posting. I had a CRAZY BUSY HECTIC day at work today!

Happy Anniversary, Shara and Romeo!!! What are your plans for tonight? Ohmigosh, I am soooooo excited to hear about your test tomorrow! :bfp: And I'm so proud of you for waiting, you've done so well not folding!

Louisa, my scan is Monday. I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. I keep praying to God to please let my baby be safe and well, and that I don't think I could handle it if I were to have another MMC. Only He knows what the outcome will be and I just have to have faith, but it's so hard not knowing what's going on! Last time they printed pics for me and yes, they had to use the wand. It was uncomfortable because she had to press on my tummy while the wand was in there to get a good look and scan, but I didn't care as soon as I saw that little diamond ring! I will definitely upload a pic after Monday's scan. Hopefully all will be well and my beanie baby (remember those, Shara and Tara? :haha:) will be growing strong and healthy!

No, Jodie didn't answer my e-mail. :cry: And I'm pretty sure it's the e-mail she uses for her business, so I just don't know what to think. :shrug: She and I conceived within a day of each other, so she should be right there with me, about 8 weeks. I'm just so sad we lost her from our thread and truly hope she (and her bean) is OK.

Kika! You just had me laughing so hard!!! "you won't even care if there's a dildo scan in your va-jj" :rofl: That was hilarious, and I love you to pieces!!! :kiss: And I love the abbreviation, too!
Ok so I definitely misread up there .. I didn't realise it was your anniversary shara and I feel so guilty right now!!! Happy anniversary guys <3 here's to many more :wine: i am here raising my cheeky 'pre day off' glass of wine for you ;)

Oh Monday Kim! :happydance: I swear I won't even be able to sleep Sunday night until we hear from you! Yes, I'm like that lol. I lose sleep over so many things to do with people close to me, I count you guys as part of that of course :kiss: and thank you so much for those sticks Kim! I just feel so bad about you having to spend time sending them over :( I ordered some cheapies but by the end of this cycle I will have run out of CBD's, so IF (I really hope not) I still need them next cycle then if you really don't mind then that would be amazing :hugs: aw, you're so kind. Thank you <3

It's such a shame about Jodie. I remember her saying that the email she gave was her work one so I really don't hold out much hope that she wants to be part of our little thread anymore :( I really couldn't think of why. But I agree, I just hope her and her baby are all well and good! Atleast if she just let us know that much then we wouldn't have to wonder anymore!

LMAO Kika!!! You're right though. Seeing that "beanie baby" make all the discomfort worth while. (Yes I remember them Kim lol)

Thanks all you ladies for your support, but I'm out this month :( ...spotting started tonight. And I KNOW it's too late for IB. Plus AF is due tomorrow so she's right on time as usual unfortunately. But it was a good run this month. I had an awesome time trying that's for sure ;)..thanks for all your support though. Louisa and Tara, I hope this cycle is our cycle!! Love you ladies lots.
Oh no :nope: sorry shara, hun :( I really thought this month was your month. That really sucks. If I'm thinking right then you should next O just a few days after me right? So we will be right along with each other this month! Love you girl. Xx

Oh and by the way I remember beanie babies too!!!! I use to have about 50 of them, with the little heart shape tags on their ear telling you the name and description of the bear. I miss being a kid! I was truly obsessed with them :haha:
Oh, Shara, honey. I am so, so sorry. :( Are you absolutely certain it's not IB? You know your body better than anyone, but...I just wanted it so bad for you and Romeo, for your meeting anniversary! You probably read when I told Tara this, but one of my favorite sayings is what's meant to be will be. It completely and totally sucks, but it must not have been meant to be this cycle. Your time will come, my sweet, I know it will. Keep your faith and know that He will take care of you in His time. :hugs:
Shara, I just realized you wrote that post yesterday. Has :witch: showed?

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