Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Guys, I'm sadly logging off for a few days. One of my best friends who's Turkish has passed away. I grew up with him, we have so many memories and I can't believe he has gone. My dad has been extremely close to his family for as long as I can remember, so he was more like a brother to me. He went into a diabetic coma and died within hours, yesterday. I'm heart broken. Jesse and I are flying over late tonight, he was only 22 :cry: this just isn't meant to be my month, is it?

Take care guys. I'll talk to you soon. :cry: xxx
And the very best of luck for Monday Kim, I'll be thinking of you. <3 xx
Oh, Louisa! That is just terrible! I am so very sorry to hear of your friend's passing away. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to lose a friend, especially at such a young age. Bless your heart. My thoughts are with you, sweetpea. Sending lots of love and hugs your way. :kiss: :hugs:
Oh no :( Shara how is that even possible :( im sending you my big fluffy hugs and let's all get busy making these xmas bubbas that we long for with all our existence... I just realized you added me to your signature--> so so sweet girl and thanks for having me as a friend :)

Lousia, im so so sorry about your friend, I too had lost a friend. It takes a while to even realize they are gone...ya ...even a few days ago I was thinking about him with kinda disbelief that he's gone. My friend went to the beach with his gf (my bestie) and he drowned saving a little girls from drowning ...it'll be 3 years in May...

...so I'm with you...stay strong...

Kim, I'll be here on Monday waiting for that scan pic...I can't wait till you guys find out baby's gender &#128513; :)

Thanks, guys. :hugs:

I'm okay right now but I'm physically worried about when we get there, I know I'm gonna be in a thousand pieces. That's heart breaking kika :cry: gahh, I don't deal with things like this very well. I've lost English friends/family friends and of course it's never nice, it's hard to accept but there's something about O&#287;ulcan (o-john) dying that has really ripped my heart out. I think it's the fact he's Turkish so I've always associated him with happy times- my dad, being in Antalya, sun, laughter, Christmases (which I've spent endless amounts of with him). Unbelievable and so young :( I know we're going over at the end of the month(which he would of been at:nope:) for their Turkish Christmas, but I feel like I need to show my face and be there for them all, and grieve in the place that everyone close to him is grieving and that's not here. He was a huge part of all our lives, just loved him. :sadangel: he was a dj in a hotel in Antalya, so you can only imagine how much fun he was! Legend.

Our flight is in 6 hours, so I'll catch up in a few days. Take care everyone

<3 xxx
You know Kika, the pleasure has been all mine getting to know you ladies! I haven't had this much support EVER in my life, besides from my hubby. I appreciate you. :flower:

OH MY Louisa! I'm sorry to hear of your loss. You have my deepest condolences. :hugs: Your and his family will be in my prayers.

Thanks Kim, but yeah she flew in on her Hoover full throttle at 3:28a, the worst cramps and bleeding simultaneously ever in life. That's the only part that I'm not fancying right now. I'm not down at all though! As a matter of fact, I actually feel pretty good. Not happy per se, but my faith hasn't wavered one bit. You don't have to worry about me, I know who my God is and I'm sure when HE is ready, I'll be a mommy. My time IS soon, just not RIGHT NOW lol. As long as I'm breathing, there's hope.
Ladies! Can't believe there have been no posts since I last checked a couple days ago :o

Just wanted to check in to say good luck for today Kim, I'm thinking of you. Let us know when you're done please! <3

Hope everyone else is okay! I'm finally approaching my fertile window but not too sure how that's gonna work out since were away! Coming back within the next couple days though.
My sweet ladies, I'd like you to meet "Peanut"!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Peanut is right on track with my LMP, measuring 8 weeks + 3 days, with a confirmed estimated due date of July 17th. :happydance: The ultrasound tech said everything looks great! She said the "hole" in Peanut's head is normal, that's where the brain is developing and will continue to grow. We saw and heard the heartbeat, thank God! Heart rate was 172, and she said between 120 and 180 is normal. I do have a small cyst on my left ovary, but the tech and my doctor both said it shouldn't be an issue.

I am so relieved, thankful and BLESSED! :cloud9: Shaun and I are over the moon and already in love with little Peanut!


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Louisa! I'm so glad to hear from you! I hope everything is OK in Antalya and your friend's service went well. I am thinking about you and still sending lots of love and hugs every day. :kiss: :hugs:

I have quite the story to tell about why I was away this weekend. I'll do it in a separate post, though.

I hope all of my other FF SSMs are doing well. I too was surprised to see no one had posted when I got on to upload the pics! :o
Oh kim!!!! I'm sitting here in tears right now, I wish you could see me hahaha (I'm an emotional mess right now anyway..) I'm so so so happy and relived to see those pictures, oh my!!! Beautiful baby bean <3 we all love you already!!!!
Yay Kim, I love your peanut baby and im thinking its a boy &#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56861; not sure what your preferences but when I opened the first photo and I kinda "saw" blue light around it, that sounds freaky right... Oh well, chances are 50-50 right :) im so happy for you guys and for little peanut there oh... It's such a cutie...
I love my girls! Thank you, Louisa and Kika, for your sweet comments! <3 :hugs: Kika, I don't think it sounds weird at all that you saw blue light around it, that's actually quite interesting! All I want, hope and pray for is a healthy baby, but if it were my choice, I think I'd want a :pink:. I have two neices and four nephews, so Shaun and I need to even the score a little. :winkwink: However, I've always thought if we had a :blue: first, he could protect his little sister (if we had a :pink: second). But really, I'd be pleased with either. I just want my little Peanut to be full term and healthy.
OK, so here's what happened over the weekend. I woke up Saturday feeling absolutely terrible. Not sick like I was catching a cold or anything, but completely and totally miserable. I felt super nauseous, had a headache, my stomach muscles were sore (and no, I hadn't done stomach exercises :haha:) and just yucky altogether. So I did nothing but lounge around all day, being a total lazy bum.

On a side note, Shaun and I are trying to sell our townhouse and buy a house on the north side of town, as our townhouse is not ideal for starting a family and our neighborhood is not the greatest. We live in a college/university town and our neighborhood has lots of partying college students as well as some sketchy characters, too. Anyway, Shaun had been taking things from our house to our storage unit in preparation for our eventual move. Our American college (where we both went to college/university) football team's game was to begin at 8:00 p.m. Saturday night, so I was waiting for him to get home so we could watch it together on TV.

I went to pee for the millionth time that day :haha: and after wiping, noticed some brownish pink on the toilet paper. I wiped again, trying to stick the toilet paper a little farther up there, and that time it came away with some red, too. Of course Shaun wasn't home, so I was all alone. I started crying immediately, but surprised myself by taking deep breaths, telling myself everything would be OK and eventually calming down before Shaun got home. I texted him saying we needed to go to the hospital because I was spotting. I didn't want to take any chances! He came home to get me and we got there around 9:00 p.m., had an ultrasound and got to see Peanut and the heartbeat flickering on the screen (for some reason, they didn't let us hear it). Everything with Peanut and the pregnancy was OK, but I have a hematoma which was causing the spotting. We didn't leave the emergency room until 1:30 Sunday morning, but it was well worth it to know that everything was going to be OK. So we slept in Sunday morning and then went to Shaun's uncle's house to spend time with family that afternoon and eat dinner together, so the day completely got away from me. But I'm back now! The weird thing is, I haven't spotted since, but that is absolutely fine with me!
Wow! I am digging that scan Kim:happydance:. Baby looks right on schedule and it sounds good to me. :thumbup: Don't worry about the spotting, it does happen to MANY women who go on to have healthy beautiful babies. I love that you were able to calm yourself down and just be positive. You're gonna be such an awesome mommy hun.
Hectic weekend right Kim? Bless you. It's normal and actually common I was told.. Even though you still think the worst when it happens to YOU! I did. My spotting was the whole reason I had my 8.5 week scan and I expected the absolute worst but it turned out to be the absolute best news possible instead. It didn't happen to me after that, and I hope it doesn't happen to you anymore because it is scary to say the least.. I'm just glad everything went okay, so glad. I bet you feel on top of the world. :) my O seems to have come around quickly this month. I think it's because me and Jesse haven't really spoke about it much, sadly :( We've both been really distant and cold with each other lately too so I hope that it's not a sign of bad things to come :/
Awwww, Shara! I have tears in my eyes! You're so sweet, love! :hugs: Thank you for saying that, you made my already awesome day even better!!!

Louisa, I'm so sorry to hear you and Jesse have been distant and cold with each other lately! Has it been since your friend's death, or before then? The death of a loved one can certainly cause strain in a relationship sometimes, so I'm sure it's not a sign of bad things to come. He just proposed to you, remember? ;) Have you two been arguing? All healthy relationships go through ups and downs, hun, so I wouldn't worry too much. :hugs: Are you concerned that you might not catch O this cycle?
Erm, I guess it was before he passed away but that certainly caused it to be much worse. We're arguing and just not really talking, I feel extremely touchy like I keep snapping at him over silly things.

I'm not worried about O, we have a week left and should be coming home within the next couple of days. We're not staying for the funeral, they all appreciate that we have jobs and lives in the UK and we have flown over at the drop of a hat to show our love and support, so no we will be back home in time to catch it luckily! I haven't started doing sticks yet, I'm slacking so much. Haven't drunk water, eaten healthy :( nothing. I think Jesse and I being like this has just thrown me way off and I don't feel as focused this cycle. They say when you get like that, that it can make it happen so who knows :) xx
Awwww, Shara! I have tears in my eyes! You're so sweet, love! :hugs: Thank you for saying that, you made my already awesome day even better!!!

Louisa, I'm so sorry to hear you and Jesse have been distant and cold with each other lately! Has it been since your friend's death, or before then? The death of a loved one can certainly cause strain in a relationship sometimes, so I'm sure it's not a sign of bad things to come. He just proposed to you, remember? ;) Have you two been arguing? All healthy relationships go through ups and downs, hun, so I wouldn't worry too much. :hugs: Are you concerned that you might not catch O this cycle?

You're so welcome Love <3. And I was thinking the same thing Kim. Lost of loved ones can have a strain on a relationship and I'm hoping that they do get past the storm, no matter the cause.

Louisa, truthfully, being with somebody for a lifetime-- that is bound to happen, if u let it. No relationship is rainbows and sunshines all the time, so there will be those days, unless you guys are perfect. There were days I wanted to quit (and I'm sure there will be more days) but it's about you guys' will and to be together and getting past the minor stuff. I know its redundant but if you both put your pride aside and have a 1-on-1 I'm sure you'll resolve whatever the issue is, as long as you remember the love you have for the other. I hop you can get past this soon.
aw, thanks ladies. I guess it's just a rough patch, everyone has them right.. It is sad though because we haven't been like this before and I don't know what's sparked it off. We haven't had sex in what feels like forever either. I don't know WHAT is going on but I hope we can get past it! I don't know but unless something changed drastically then I doubt we will catch O this month, there's still a while left though.. It's one of those situations where we just need to sit and talk and hug. I know the death of our well loved friend has really crushed us both in different ways, Jesse has known him since he knew me so only a couple years where's as I've known him my whole life so technically in theory it should be me that is struggling more but I appreciate that Jesse thought the world of him too, everyone did. On the other hand these situations when somebody is taken so young, they're meant to make you realise that life is too short to be like this! Argh. It's 1am right now so I'm gonna head to bed girls, but thank you for the advice lovely ladies <3 I appreciate it a lot you know that.

That was good advice, Shara. Louisa, how would you feel about being the one to suggest sitting down to talk and hug it out? I bet it would make both of you feel so much better. To me, when things aren't right between Shaun and I, it puts a damper on everything else, and knowing the way you ladies feel about your OHs, my guess is that it's probably the same for y'all, too. And then you have your friend's passing and those emotions to try and sort through, as well...I'm sure it's just too much for you right now. You need Jesse and he needs you, so maybe it'd be best to have that talk sooner than later. Just a suggestion, my sweet. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. But you are right, all relationships go through rough patches. You may not ever figure out what's causing you to be snappy with him, sometimes it's something that's bothering you subconciously. But you'll get through it and past it together because you do love each other so much. Just know we're here for you and we love you tons! :hugs:

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