Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Hey, Tara hasn't posted on here since last Tuesday!!! :shrug: Tara, where are you??? Don't desert us, we've added you to our FF SSMs signature! :winkwink:

I'm not giving up on Jodie yet. I want her to come back! It's just sad that Kika and Tara never really got to "meet" her.
Checkin in...

Hope everyone's doing great and what are you guys doing for Christmas, it'd be cool to share pics of trees and stuff :) how does one post a photo?

Ooooo ooo ooo, I wanna do that too Kika!! The way you posts pics is by going to tinypic.com and uploading it from your phone (or computer if you have that pic on your computer), and it gives you an url for Message Boards and you copy that url, open a post like you're going to post a message and click on the picture icon, and paste the url in there!! I always preview the message before I send it because it allows me to see that it's done correctly.

SOOOOOO, I got to meet my stepchildren for the first time yesterday :happydance::happydance::happydance: I know you ladies are thinking that that should have happened long ago, but it's their mom and that's a whole other story, BUT I had a blast! Needless to say they liked me since I'm so awesome :blush::haha: but it was so fun. Hopefully they'll be here for Christmas and I can share a pic with you guys (FX'd). I was sooo happy, and the fact that it felt so much more homier with kids in the house made me want to try even harder for our own
baby(ies), which he promises we will be Bding everyday now :dohh: (dry spell here I come :cry:) I just hope we can catch the egg this month. Pray for me lol....

Oh yeah and Louisa I O on CD15 according to my tracker, which is 12/9. I don't know when yours is but I think it's not long after you, you're right! (I know this is responding to something old but I JUST remembered)
Kika, I wasn't able to upload pics Shara's way as I use my work computer sometimes (shhh) so another way you can upload pics is by clicking the black "Go Advanced" button (beneath the "Quick Reply" text box) and clicking the little paper clip, which will then let you browse for the photo(s) you want to upload.

You gals are going to think we're the Scrooge family, but we can't decorate for Christmas this year. :( Since we're about to put our townhouse up for sale, it has to look like a home out of a magazine - basically like no one lives there. Our realtor said it'll sell faster if we don't decorate, and since so many people have different tastes, it makes sense. But I'd love to see pics of y'all's Christmas trees and decorations and whatnot!

Shara, that is AWESOME! I'm so glad you had a good time and great experience meeting your stepchildren! I know Romeo was happy to see them, too. I think I remember you saying a while back that there were issues with his ex never letting him see them? That's just terrible. I'm so glad you guys got to spend some time with them. What are their names and how old are they? And OF COURSE they liked you, you ARE awesome!!! :kiss:

So you're supposed to O today, girlfriend?!? I hope y'all have already been BDing every day, in that case! And I will keep praying for you to catch that egg, honey. You will. I know you will.
Guys, I'm sadly logging off for a few days. One of my best friends who's Turkish has passed away. I grew up with him, we have so many memories and I can't believe he has gone. My dad has been extremely close to his family for as long as I can remember, so he was more like a brother to me. He went into a diabetic coma and died within hours, yesterday. I'm heart broken. Jesse and I are flying over late tonight, he was only 22 :cry: this just isn't meant to be my month, is it?

Take care guys. I'll talk to you soon. :cry: xxx

Louisa I am so so sorry about your friend! :hugs: I hope all went well. So hard losing anyone, but that young…heartbreaking!!!

My sweet ladies, I'd like you to meet "Peanut"!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Peanut is right on track with my LMP, measuring 8 weeks + 3 days, with a confirmed estimated due date of July 17th. :happydance: The ultrasound tech said everything looks great! She said the "hole" in Peanut's head is normal, that's where the brain is developing and will continue to grow. We saw and heard the heartbeat, thank God! Heart rate was 172, and she said between 120 and 180 is normal. I do have a small cyst on my left ovary, but the tech and my doctor both said it shouldn't be an issue.

I am so relieved, thankful and BLESSED! :cloud9: Shaun and I are over the moon and already in love with little Peanut!

Those by far are the cutest scan pics EVER! :happydance: Isn't it amazing!!! I'm so excited for you to embark on this!!!

It is an internal one, I had it in America in August at 9 weeks... I'm so used to this it didn't reLly bother me, I've done ovu tracking and IUIs, IVFs, ICSIs, they all involved TV scans starting CD 1... Just try not to think about it Kim and you'll be fine :) and as soon as you see your sweet bean you won't even care if there's a dildo scan in your va-jj &#65533;&#65533;

Enjoy anniversary Shara and post a photo of a bfp first thing tm morning for us ok :)

Florida...it's our "elope" destination ;p

And I intend to have sex with my htb way past 78... If you guys haven't watched "forks over knives" noes the time to see it, guys there were doing it at 80 + :) [natirally --> without viagra]...

Hugs all

Happy anniversary Shara! Kika - you crack me up!!!

LMAO Kika!!! You're right though. Seeing that "beanie baby" make all the discomfort worth while. (Yes I remember them Kim lol)

Thanks all you ladies for your support, but I'm out this month :( ...spotting started tonight. And I KNOW it's too late for IB. Plus AF is due tomorrow so she's right on time as usual unfortunately. But it was a good run this month. I had an awesome time trying that's for sure ;)..thanks for all your support though. Louisa and Tara, I hope this cycle is our cycle!! Love you ladies lots.

So sorry you are out this month! :nope: AF always ruins it. And the WTT is always hard as the TWW for me. :hugs:

:hi: I'm here!!! I took the weekend off from BnB to catch up and do my thing. And I did read throughout the day on your thread from my phone but waited until I could log in to respond. You girls have been BUSY! Lo and behold…take a look at my pic from today. The only thing that worries me is I temp also, and yesterday morning I got my temp dip but I thought that means I O'd already. Ugh! This TTC thing is exhausting!!!! :dohh: I think I have a few more of your posts to catch up on. I'll be back in a few minutes. :haha:


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Aw thank you for adding me to your siggy! I love how supportive you mommies are!!!
Tara, I don't understand temping and ovu kits so can't really give advice/ opinion...but I really hope you girls all get your bfp's this month...

Yday, I watched "I didn't know I was pregnant" and it was a 46 old woman who's had her tubes tied 9 years before and she miraculously got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy ... So Tara don't panic ...and I promise I won't panic either :)

I'll try the photo thing tomorrow :) Shara how old are the step-kids :D mine are way too old and not even kids any more ... ;-)

Tara, I don't understand temping and ovu kits so can't really give advice/ opinion...but I really hope you girls all get your bfp's this month...

Yday, I watched "I didn't know I was pregnant" and it was a 46 old woman who's had her tubes tied 9 years before and she miraculously got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy ... So Tara don't panic ...and I promise I won't panic either :)

I'll try the photo thing tomorrow :) Shara how old are the step-kids :D mine are way too old and not even kids any more ... ;-)


I love that show!!! :rofl: How do you NOT know you're pregnant!! :haha: A boy you say…that's what we are rooting for although we'll take another girl!

PS…step parents is the hardest job on the planet!!
Hahaha I feel so cruel right now ... I didn't even notice you guys added our newbies (not so new anymore) to your sigs. I'm gonna go do that right after this :D

Ooooh wow you guys posted a lot today! Lol, I feel like I created the most famous thread in the history of BnB, I love it!!!! I have a banging headache so I will try and remember as much as I can of what I've just read :p

Yay shara, I knew the rough estimate in my head was right about us o'ing roughly the same time! TWW BUDDIES! :happydance: linking back to what I said yesterday about not really feeling it this cycle, Jesse reminded me to do a stick earlier and I got a bleak round circle.. In theory I'm suppose to O on Sunday so I'm hoping tomorrow I get a flashy. That's lovely that you met your step babies!! It can be difficult with crazy mums in the mix, I know this because jesse's sister is in the same situation with her ex's new girl but she's a physco so I can understand her for that. Aw, I'm happy for you girly.

AW, thanks for the encouraging words regarding the me and Jesse situation. We have been much better today, much more lovey dovey with each other and were also leaving for the airport to go home in 3 hours, and I think going home is what we need to get back to normality in all honesty. I'm so glad we came over here and showed our love for a wonderful person but you're all right I think it put us both in really low/down moods so it rubbed off on our general mood towards each other. It was lovely to see my dad though. &#128149;

Yay Tara!!! Hey, lovely :hugs: glad to hear from you, I thought you had left us too! :p

Kim, I still say girl! I said it from day one and stand by it, I see pink everywhere in those beautiful photos. Ooooh its so exciting!!!

As soon as I'm home tomorrow I'll upload pictures of our decorations :D we regret putting our outside ones up, they cost a bomb to run!!!! Damn things, jesse's bright idea of course.

Guys, did I tell you that the whole puppy situation didn't happen in the end? I'm still so mad about it. We went round to pick the pup up that Tuesday evening for our neighbour to tell us that the puppy we chose, her mum wanted (?!) And the rest had been taken to the shelter and had already been adopted out. I don't get that, I don't buy that sh*t either :( she had my number, she could have told me to go round and choose another of the boys as her mum wanted the one we picked, they all looked the same anyway! Everyone in my neighbourhood always says she has screw loose and now I can see why! I mean there is no reason why she wouldn't have wanted us to have one of those pups! Bailey loves other (small) dogs, and isn't viscious to bigger breeds just a little wary. He's fed, watered, walked, and to be quite honest gets treated like our baby. I think me and Jesse ended up having a big arguement that day and that's why I didn't tell you guys but must have thought I did. I think we're gonna wait until the new year and then look into rescuing a puppy or a dog around baileys age. , considering we went and bought puppy food (expensive stuff! £14 a medium size bag) because of the diet bailey requires from his bad start in life, he's on a special diet and it would have made sense to have them both on the same stuff, but the puppy one ofcourse. Argh! :( after christmas, after christmas!!

Woooow I can go on can't I ... :haha: I only have another 3 days at work before a week off, I have to work boxing day but as lead nurse I get Christmas day off! Result :D what do you guys have to work over the Christmas period?
My stepies are Mia (9) who looks JUST like Romeo, so much it's scary. I mean down to the ONE dimple that's there but not really there lol, Nya (8) and Romeo (6), who's not really a junior, just the same first name. And guys, I was sweating bricks meeting them. He told me as a surprise because he knew I always wanted to meet them and due to circumstance I knew it was not gonna happen anytime soon, but when he told me, I was like :shock: and that's because of the horror stories you hear of what stepmoms have to go through, but they were so funny and sweet, and they actually wanted to have conversations with me, which normally a 9 or 8 year old girl is more-so told to be like "You're not my mom and what are doing with my dad?" but it wasn't like that at all. They completely shocked me in all the right ways, and I'm so happy I was blessed to meet them.

Okay, so I have an appt to check on my Ovulation because they want to make sure my egg's getting released since I've been getting positive OPKs, and even though it can take a healthy couple months to a year to get pregnant, she said she knows I should have been pg by now with all the BDing I gave told her we were doing, so they just wanna make sure everything's good
Louisa, that really stinks about the puppy and something really doesn't add up there! That is such a bummer!!

Shara, the meeting with your steppies sounded so much better than it could have been. I was a step mommy for 8 years and it was so tough. I do miss her.

That's awesome you two are also going to O around the same time. Shara, how long have you been trying?
Thank you guys for adding us to your signs &#65533;&#65533; Shara, how do you pronounce Nya, my niece is called Niya which is pronounced [nia].

My ex and I never had any xmas decoration because e erythema we could save we spent on IVF, ICSI, ovu tracking scans etc... sad... I really did hate xmas and I had decide I'd start liking it once we've babies cause xmas is for the kids...

I'm still not very excited about Xmas but my oh convinced me we got to put up a Xmas tree and be positive about Xmas and I really hope we could have our miracle this year ...

We didn't buy lots of ornaments but I'm thinking of making some salt dough ones (as soon as he buys me brushes and paints) :)

What do you guys work? Im a teacher so didn't teach Xmas but I did lots of holiday child care for the extra cash we needed for all the assisted reproduction ...

I miss having a job :( Tara how can I find nanny jobs in RI and how much does it pay &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;

I tried to add a profile pic but it didn't work --> says upload failed but when I go to edit profile I can see the pic ...grrr

Louisa sorry about the pup...I have had a dog but I'm more of a cat person meow :p
Thank you guys for adding us to your signs &#65533;&#65533; Shara, how do you pronounce Nya, my niece is called Niya which is pronounced [nia].

My ex and I never had any xmas decoration because e erythema we could save we spent on IVF, ICSI, ovu tracking scans etc... sad... I really did hate xmas and I had decide I'd start liking it once we've babies cause xmas is for the kids...

I'm still not very excited about Xmas but my oh convinced me we got to put up a Xmas tree and be positive about Xmas and I really hope we could have our miracle this year ...

We didn't buy lots of ornaments but I'm thinking of making some salt dough ones (as soon as he buys me brushes and paints) :)

What do you guys work? Im a teacher so didn't teach Xmas but I did lots of holiday child care for the extra cash we needed for all the assisted reproduction ...

I miss having a job :( Tara how can I find nanny jobs in RI and how much does it pay &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;

I tried to add a profile pic but it didn't work --> says upload failed but when I go to edit profile I can see the pic ...grrr

Louisa sorry about the pup...I have had a dog but I'm more of a cat person meow :p

Kika, are you living in Rhode Island full time now? Or just visiting?

My dad died :nope: on Xmas so it wasn't until I had kids that it didn't sting so much. I do enjoy it now…I hope you will too. :hugs:

Did you make your pic your avatar pic? That's really the "profile pic". I've made that mistake several times.

I am a marketing manager and work out of my house for a company in Minnesota. :) For nanny jobs, have you tried care.com? I know my friends pay $10-$15 for 1 child. My profile pic are my two daughters and attached below is me and my youngest. :)


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I just noticed my oldest and I are holding our heads the same way in each pic. :haha:
I also wanted to add that according to my religion on this day st Anna who was barren conceived Virgin Mary ... So today kinda celebrated the end of childlessness ...pretty amazing huh
Lol kika I guess you're either one or the other. I can't lie though cats really scare me for some reason :haha:

Aw you're all so pretty Tara! Very jealous. Beautiful family. :)

The only reason we went to town this year with the Christmas decs is that Jesse and I are having it at ours this year. That includes my niece Sofia and my god children so we had to make an effort for them. I agree tara its for the kids really but other than that christmas can be a horrible time for me as I was due on 23rd december last time. Its alright this year though we'll have a packed house with kids running around.

Wow kika, I always wanted to be a teacher. That's so cool, what do you teach? I have been a dementia care assistant from the day I left school and then one day nearly 2 years ago the home (which is more like a 5* palace :haha:) they had their yearly check and in the report they stated that they think I'm being wasted on care and that I am nurse quality. I was like NO way could I stick needles in people, lol. Sure enough I started my training and qualified as a staff nurse nearly a month ago. Very big step which I'm pleased I took although it isn't easy to say the least lol, what job is? I love hearing about what everyone does for a living. Me, Kim and Shara use to always talk about our jobs its fascinating :)
Any updates on the O situation Shara, Tara? :haha: definitely just giggled to myself at your names rhyming haha. I got a flashy smiley today, and still have plenty of sticks from the same box to last me until I get the peak reading hopefully so it will be interesting to see if I get a solid one this month as I wasn't so convinced last month after putting the new sticks in old machines which they say not to do bla bla bla you know how it goes
Wow Louisa, nurse is an amazing career and you're still so young ...you could keep adding to it :) I feel more like a studen than a teacher as learning fascinates me...I've never had a permanent teacher job and it's because of my hectic baby making for the last 10 years --> I needed flexibility. So it's been supply teaching here and there, nanny jobs and volunteering cause I cant stay at home... I also kept qualifying ... (Which doesn't make much sense cause it cost money and we needed every penny for IVFs and stuff) but anyway I first qualified to teach secondary school science, I never worked that though (what was a thinking?!) then I started a nanny job and volunteered at the school the kids went to...I immediately liked working with the younget kids and went on to qualify as primary teacher also :p ... A few years later I did Masters in psychology ... And then I had to give it all up to move to America :(

Tara, I am visiting but also we were hoping to get married just before my visa waver expires so I could stay ... There's still time but may be we won't be able to keep with plans as my divorce isn't finalised and it should have been by now :( im not if we're going to even try baby making if I'm to go back to England end of Jan :(
Thanks kika :) the care assistant job was beyond challenging in different ways .. It feels like you have 10 kids when you're in that environment in the way of having to do everything for them; showering, waking them, dressing, feeding, absolutely everything and then being a nurse is more stressful than anything else with all the charting, meds. Their life is in your hands really so it is constant pressure but I love my job :) its sooo rewarding!

You done so well too, what a clever woman haha. I hated science in school believe it or not.. I can only imagine the brain you have on you lol. So it was here in the UK that you qualified for all those things? Its a shame you can't carry it over to America isn't it :( funnily enough one of the carers at the home did his nurse training in Canada and can't even attempt it here as he didn't pass here. It sucks.
Any updates on the O situation Shara, Tara? :haha: definitely just giggled to myself at your names rhyming haha. I got a flashy smiley today, and still have plenty of sticks from the same box to last me until I get the peak reading hopefully so it will be interesting to see if I get a solid one this month as I wasn't so convinced last month after putting the new sticks in old machines which they say not to do bla bla bla you know how it goes

So my clear blue went from low fertility to the solid smiley literally in 24 hours. I completely bypassed the blinking smiley which makes me nervous we missed our window. :shrug: But as you can see from my chart we DTD quite a bit so I'm hoping we nailed it. :haha: No pun intended. :rofl:

Wow Louisa, nurse is an amazing career and you're still so young ...you could keep adding to it :) I feel more like a studen than a teacher as learning fascinates me...I've never had a permanent teacher job and it's because of my hectic baby making for the last 10 years --> I needed flexibility. So it's been supply teaching here and there, nanny jobs and volunteering cause I cant stay at home... I also kept qualifying ... (Which doesn't make much sense cause it cost money and we needed every penny for IVFs and stuff) but anyway I first qualified to teach secondary school science, I never worked that though (what was a thinking?!) then I started a nanny job and volunteered at the school the kids went to...I immediately liked working with the younget kids and went on to qualify as primary teacher also :p ... A few years later I did Masters in psychology ... And then I had to give it all up to move to America :(

Tara, I am visiting but also we were hoping to get married just before my visa waver expires so I could stay ... There's still time but may be we won't be able to keep with plans as my divorce isn't finalised and it should have been by now :( im not if we're going to even try baby making if I'm to go back to England end of Jan :(

Nursing is a fantastic field Louisa -- my SIL is one and she's amazing. Very selfless.

Kika! That stinks about the divorce. Is the divorce taking place in England?? Man you're so close, we should meet up some time!!! When does your visa waver expire? Where does your OH work?

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