Hahaha I feel so cruel right now ... I didn't even notice you guys added our newbies (not so new anymore) to your sigs. I'm gonna go do that right after this
Ooooh wow you guys posted a lot today! Lol, I feel like I created the most famous thread in the history of BnB, I love it!!!! I have a banging headache so I will try and remember as much as I can of what I've just read
Yay shara, I knew the rough estimate in my head was right about us o'ing roughly the same time! TWW BUDDIES!

linking back to what I said yesterday about not really feeling it this cycle, Jesse reminded me to do a stick earlier and I got a bleak round circle.. In theory I'm suppose to O on Sunday so I'm hoping tomorrow I get a flashy. That's lovely that you met your step babies!! It can be difficult with crazy mums in the mix, I know this because jesse's sister is in the same situation with her ex's new girl but she's a physco so I can understand her for that. Aw, I'm happy for you girly.
AW, thanks for the encouraging words regarding the me and Jesse situation. We have been much better today, much more lovey dovey with each other and were also leaving for the airport to go home in 3 hours, and I think going home is what we need to get back to normality in all honesty. I'm so glad we came over here and showed our love for a wonderful person but you're all right I think it put us both in really low/down moods so it rubbed off on our general mood towards each other. It was lovely to see my dad though. 💕
Yay Tara!!! Hey, lovely

glad to hear from you, I thought you had left us too!
Kim, I still say girl! I said it from day one and stand by it, I see pink everywhere in those beautiful photos. Ooooh its so exciting!!!
As soon as I'm home tomorrow I'll upload pictures of our decorations

we regret putting our outside ones up, they cost a bomb to run!!!! Damn things, jesse's bright idea of course.
Guys, did I tell you that the whole puppy situation didn't happen in the end? I'm still so mad about it. We went round to pick the pup up that Tuesday evening for our neighbour to tell us that the puppy we chose, her mum wanted (?!) And the rest had been taken to the shelter and had already been adopted out. I don't get that, I don't buy that sh*t either

she had my number, she could have told me to go round and choose another of the boys as her mum wanted the one we picked, they all looked the same anyway! Everyone in my neighbourhood always says she has screw loose and now I can see why! I mean there is no reason why she wouldn't have wanted us to have one of those pups! Bailey loves other (small) dogs, and isn't viscious to bigger breeds just a little wary. He's fed, watered, walked, and to be quite honest gets treated like our baby. I think me and Jesse ended up having a big arguement that day and that's why I didn't tell you guys but must have thought I did. I think we're gonna wait until the new year and then look into rescuing a puppy or a dog around baileys age. , considering we went and bought puppy food (expensive stuff! £14 a medium size bag) because of the diet bailey requires from his bad start in life, he's on a special diet and it would have made sense to have them both on the same stuff, but the puppy one ofcourse. Argh!

after christmas, after christmas!!
Woooow I can go on can't I ...

I only have another 3 days at work before a week off, I have to work boxing day but as lead nurse I get Christmas day off! Result

what do you guys have to work over the Christmas period?