Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Wow, you ladies have been busy since I've been away. I loved coming back to the thread and seeing so many posts. Tara, welcome back, we missed you. :hugs: Thanks for adding us to your siggy. I think you may have meant to add me (fluffet521) but added Jodie instead (Pinkglitterx)?

I am really down in the dumps today, girls. :cry: I seriously cried 4, maybe 5 times before leaving for work this morning. For one thing, we announced to Shaun's family last night and it just didn't go as well as I had wanted it to. My BFF suggested it may be because they are concerned that it's still early in my pregnancy and they don't want to get too excited yet. I get it - we were concerned at first, too. But then we had our appointment Monday, saw and heard Peanut's heartbeat, and got an EXCELLENT report from the ultrasound tech about Peanut being right on track. And you know how THRILLED I am that Shaun is finally excited, too. I mean, he was grinning like a fool seeing and hearing that little heartbeat. It has finally set in for him. But for his family to barely even congratulate us and then go back to normal conversation minutes after we'd announced? Am I expecting too much from them? I just feel so let down. I hope my parents have a better reaction this weekend. I'll be crushed if not.

Anyway, so when I woke up this morning, I felt the biggest weight on my shoulders. I couldn't even bring myself to smile. And I know y'all don't REALLY know me, but I am usually a very positive and upbeat person. I told Shaun I was feeling down and his response was "Yeah, me too." So we spent the rest of the morning barely talking because neither of us could bring ourselves to pump the other up. I'm a little ashamed, but I'll go ahead and admit this because y'all are my FF SSMs...when I got out of the shower and Shaun got in, I laid back down in bed and cried, feeling so sorry for myself. I know I should be so happy because I have Peanut, but I simply have not been able to snap out of it today.

Seriously, I have tears in my eyes just typing all of this and I have no valid reason besides my inlaws not reacting the way I wish they had. Is it just my pregnancy hormones? I'm just in desparate need of some love and support and who better to turn to than my FF SSMs?
AAAAAAND now my boss just snapped at me because I didn't remember he had a 9:00 meeting tomorrow when I told our broker to schedule another meeting for 9:00 tomorrow. I just can't get right today. I want to go home, get in bed and go to sleep until tomorrow, and hope it'll be a better day.
Kim that really, really sucks. I have no idea why they would barely acknowledge the fact that you're PREGNANT! You've seen the baby, heard the beating heart.. Did you tell them that part? Wow, that has really upset me because I can only imagine how deflated they've made you feel after Monday and all..

I know exactly what you mean about you and Shaun both being 'down' and not being able to pump each other up, that's exactly what was wrong with Jesse and I the last few days which I'm happy to say has resolved itself since we got home this morning. Have you told your parents yet Kim? I mean I really don't understand that. I'm trying to think what it could be.. You're adults that have been together for YEARS so it's not as if they think you're 'tying a noose round his neck' at a young age (the words of my ex's mother). Hmm I hope it sets in for them and they can actually bring themselves to show some excitement towards your pregnancy. It's meant to be such a positive time, not brought down by negativity :nope:

If they're not, I AM elated for you and Shaun Kim! I'm not your parents in law and granted I don't matter (like they do anyway!) but until they can give you a proper congratulations, take one from me and all of us because we're over the moon!! <3
Thank you, you sweet precious angel. I love and appreciate you more than you know for being so supportive. And you being elated DOES make me feel better. I should be elated myself and say bump them, but like I said, I'm just having trouble with it today. We're telling my parents this weekend.

I only have a few minutes left of my work day, then I'm headed home and getting in bed. What a terrible thing for your ex's mom to say, Louisa. :(
Aww I love you and peanut too, very much you beautiful lady :hugs:

It's hard to say bump them when they're people that matter, isn't it? Their actions can easily make you feel like how you feel today because they're people that you would expect to be absolutely over the moon for you. They will be in time, I believe that <3 Oh, don't worry about my ex's mum. I actually laugh at my ex and her now lol, ridiculous specimens. That was years ago and we never saw eye to eye from day 1 but enough of them idiots. I love Jesse's family luckily. How is your relationship with Shaun's parents/family normally? Back to your last post, I can 100% tell that you're bubbly in day to day life so I bet there aren't many people that you don't get along with!

Glad I made you feel a little better chick. That's what I'm (we're) here for <3 xx
Aw Kim, I'm so sorry you had that experience with Shaun's family. It is awfully odd even if they are being cautious because it is early on. :shrug: What gives?

I have no doubt your family is going to be OVER THE MOON about this news. And you file Shaun's family's reaction in your mind and remember who to make a priority once this baby is here. If they questions it, you are in your right to say, I didn't think you all were that excited.

And being down in the dumps is completely normal. Your hormones are trying to figure out what they are doing and even though this is super positive news…in the back of both of your minds is realizing this BIG responsibility is on the way and you worry about this peanut until you're actually holding it. I hate to say it, my 3rd trimester with both girls I put myself in a tizzy wondering if they didn't move etc. It's normal and you're completely normal experiencing all these feelings. Cry away girl…let it all out. We're here for you!!! :hugs:
Afternoon ladies, how's everyone? I had another blinking smiley today and tonnes (tonnes!!!) of EW. I'm on schedule for Sunday which is the day that all my apps predicted me to O :D
Yayyyyy Louisa!!! Get going lady :sex: :spermy: :sex: :spermy:

Aww Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about them not being as happy as you would have hoped, or anyone would've hoped, but your SSMs are so here for you and as Louisa stated, we are OVER THE MOON happy for you!!

Hey Tara, thanks for adding us to you siggy, and thanks for the well wishes too!! Baby dust to us all :dust:

My O date is projected to be 12/19, so sorry that was a typo in my other post, CD14. And I go to see my OBGYN on 12/17 to make sure everything's going well because she is concerned as to why I haven't gotten pregnant. She told me yesterday that I could've had a CP last cycle, that's probably why it was so bad and heavy, but then again, I wouldn't have had an exact on time AF, so I'm going to see her to make sure the egg is being released properly and nothing is preventing it from meeting the sperm :haha:
Y'all are so sweet! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and good advice, it means more to me than you know! Tara, I think you're absolutely right about subconsciously knowing that we will have a big responsibility on our hands in less than a year. When I stop to think about it, it actually takes my breath away. It's a good thing we have 7 more months to wrap our minds around it!

And if you really want to know what gives...I don't mean to slam Shaun's family, but I am going to vent here for a minute. First of all, they&#8217;re Italian (he&#8217;s only half Italian, as his mom has German roots). His sister is a princess and the whole family caters to her; Shaun has taken the backseat ever since she was born when he was 3. When she was engaged, topics of conversation were all related to her destination wedding (a huge, lavish event). When she got pregnant, topics of conversation were all related to her pregnancy and baby. His family's world revolves around his sister and it has always surprised me that he has no resentment about it. I guess because he's a guy, but you can bet that when we got engaged, conversations with his family were still about her and what was going on in her life for the most part. Not that I would want that kind of attention ALL. THE. TIME. but it would be nice to be able to shine when it's your time. So I really shouldn't be all that surprised that they're not over the moon. As a matter of fact, after we announced, she said to her husband &#8220;Let&#8217;s have another baby.&#8221; (Our nephew, their son, is 5 now.) It&#8217;s like she can&#8217;t stand not being in the spotlight. It&#8217;s really quite frustrating.

I&#8217;ll admit, I am a bit envious of her, but I&#8217;m also going to be completely honest: she&#8217;s selfish and can be a straight up snob. For example, after the announcement, we were somehow on the topic of laundry detergent (see? I told you conversation went back to normal stuff!). She made a comment about how she hates the smell of laundry detergent in her clothes. I was like, &#8220;Ohmigosh, really? That&#8217;s one of my favorite scents in the whole world!&#8221; Her response was &#8220;Yes, really. I don&#8217;t want my clothes to smell like $8 laundry detergent.&#8221; So when I asked her what she DID want her clothes to smell like? &#8220;My Chanel Allure, of course.&#8221; Ugh, seriously? She only shops at high end stores, wears designer label clothes, owns more than one pair of Tory Burch shoes, would never be caught dead shopping in Wal-Mart, and turns her nose up at pretty much anything she deems to not be up to her standards. I am sooooo thankful my husband is EXACTLY opposite of her! I tried to be &#8220;friends&#8221; with her by asking her to hang out and go shopping together, but we&#8217;re just too different. Louisa, to answer your question, I actually do get along with his family quite well, but you&#8217;re right about there not being a lot of people I don&#8217;t get along with anyway. So let&#8217;s suffice it to say my relationship with them could be better (I wish I had closer bonds), but it could be way, way worse, too.

Sorry for the long rant, ladies, but I had to get that off my chest. I can&#8217;t go into detail to Shaun about how I feel because she&#8217;s still his sister, and family is family. So thanks for letting me vent! :hugs:
Afternoon ladies, how's everyone? I had another blinking smiley today and tonnes (tonnes!!!) of EW. I'm on schedule for Sunday which is the day that all my apps predicted me to O :D

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! Are you doing SMEP this time? Ooooh, I'm so excited for you! Especially now that you and Jesse are back to being yourselves! Get it, girl!!! <3
Ohhhhh god- one of THOSE.. I hate those people that think they're a couple of notches above you.. Why?! It's ridiculous. Money, clothes, scents, none of that defines you as a person. The funniest thing is, my mum is one of 3.
The youngest, the only unplanned one. The middle baby, my mums sister/my aunt is the same as your SIL. We call her hyacinth bouquet hahaha, and she's no different to what your SIL sounds like. Won't shop at asda (owned by the same company as Walmart would you believe it :haha:) won't buy normal clothes from primark, wouldn't be seen dead in costume jewellery that costs a couple of quid. It's silly! I have a couple of designer bits I won't lie, I love hollister especially heir sweatpants but other than that i love primark and all the normal stores .. It's crazy isn't it. Ugh. Remember Kim and shara I mentioned a while ago that the reason I deactivated my Facebook was because of my family troubles, it was because of this woman! :haha: so, I completely feel you.. Because her kids (my cousins) have grown up to be the same way and we simply don't get along. I would love to kick them all of their pedestals :/
Being an Irish-Italian :haha: I totally get the family you speak of and the girls are ALWAYS the italian princesses. It's a good thing you and I don't go to his family's house together for get togethers because we would have a grand old time :rofl: making her feel like a high maintenance self centered premadonna. UGH!!! I have too many of those in my life.

My suggestion is to let your family to all the doting and my guess is eventually Shaun's family is going to be like :shrug:. And then you'll be in the driver seat.

But this is a super exciting time!!! :happydance: Enjoy every minute!!! And you and Shaun should do some fun stuff together. Go to babiesrus.com and look around and let him pick stuff out. Buy a few outfits…it really all does help. Watching my DH cuddle in bed watching Bubble Guppies this morning while I got dressed melts my heart and this is what you are working toward.

Shara and Louisa…so excited for you guys to O!! How hysterical for someone to be saying that…but the TWW is going to be torturous without you guys!!!
Thanks shara, we didn't manage to bd this week (ugh, I know, but we can't do it in someone else's house :rofl: ..) so we have to make sure of it tonight. I'm not letting myself get excited or have good feelings about this cycle after last month so I'm just gonna do what we've gotta do and leave it at that, wait to see if AF turns up. I'm really worried that my CBD will go from flashing to low again like it did first off last month! I'm silly I know :nope:
Thank you guys for adding us to your signs &#65533;&#65533; Shara, how do you pronounce Nya, my niece is called Niya which is pronounced [nia].....

(Sorry for the late reply hun so much happens on here, I forget sometimes to reply right away) You're so welcome, and you pronounce the 'y' like you're saying sky or skya, but why an N instead of SK
I'm really worried that my CBD will go from flashing to low again like it did first off last month! I'm silly I know :nope:

Try not to worry too much, hun. Just keep BDing like it's your job and you'll be fine! <3 Are you going to try SMEP this time? I can't remember if you have or not. It worked for us! :winkwink:
Louisa, I am quite relieved to hear that I'm not the only one who has family like that and sees this behavior as ridiculous. And how terrible that you have more than one because her kids are now the same way?!? Ugh. Bless your heart. :hugs:

Tara, what are the chances you're coming down to Florida any time soon? I'll be sure to set up a family dinner so you and I can have a ball! :rofl:
Hehe I'll be there in April. ;) But to torture myself at Disney. :haha:

Maybe I can do a little Italian drive by! :rofl:
That would be AWESOME! Seriously, though, have fun at Disney! Have you guys been before?
Very jealous you're at disney in the new year Tara!!! It's literally the happiest place on earth, I love it there. I've been to the one in Paris as it's accessible by train from London but nothing is the same. Oh, how jealous am I... :haha:
I have!! :) We are doing 3 days in the park and 4 days on a Disney Cruise. Me personally prefers a tropical destination with a drink in my hand :rofl: but the kids and my DH have a blast and that's all worth it! My mom lives in Sarasota so hoping to see her too!

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