Hey guys ...wow you've been busy posting
~ Kim, I'm so sorry you had to deal with selfish in-laws...we are super excited for your guys and for adorable little peanut and we love you and him and im sure your in-laws will get excited too

it does take time ... --> I've been trying for over 10 years and I've spent every spare penny we had on fertility treatment and when I finally did get pregnant all I did was cry cause it wasn't planned :/ so it took me a while to get excited ... They'll be there you'll see
My ex's family was the same --> they only loved their daughter and my ex (thier son) was next to non existent

sad ...yet he never got upset about it.
Haha, lots of talk about ex'es huh
~ Tara, 2dpo, im so excited ...let us know all your symptoms and let it be a

OH is an accountant and ya we should meet up if not this time then next time I visit...I'll be here until end of January unless my divorce paper get to me in time for us to get married before I have to leave...
I'll be back in a minute girls, mom is calling...bbl
Ok I'm back...
Loiusa and Shara you're O buddies �� yay ... So...I suggest you ladies all fall pregnant this cycle and send me all your left over ovulation and pregnancy tests �������� haha
~ Louisa your ex is out of his mind to text you and to suggest you go back to him...just ignore him... Lunatic
And ya I got my degrees and qualifications in the UK --> university of east London
Posting photos proves to be a little challenging ...but I haven't really tried hard enough ... Can't wait to show you our xmas tree and see yours ...
I'm a bit of a grinch myself (but not because my heart is small) and my dear OH read me the story last night and it's only a story so the who's had their xmas...but I think that if the grinch was to steal real ppl all their food and presents and stuff, christmas won't come for them... Cause it's all about food and presents nowadays ugh I'm feeling sick already... Wish we were all little who's who didn't care about their roast beast and toys and still had christmas even if the grinch stole it ...