Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Shara, you are too hard on yourself! You're adorable! <3

I'm going to lunch :munch: now, be back soon!
OMG ladies, I totally missed that whole residencts part. Oh my god Luisa, I'm so sorry that you have to work that could be so devastating and sad sometimes, I mean I know they are going to pass eventually as we all are, but I couldn't stomach seeing some of them suffer the way they do. That's something I don't think I could ever be immune to.

AWWWWWWW Kim!! You guys look so cuteeeeee!! That looks like pure happiness in that pic!

Thanks guys for being so sweet! Only on this thread can I get that type of support, except from my babe. I guess we all will be cooking some beautiful buns then lol
Not sure if you ladies saw the post below? I have been lighting up the thread today, so I wouldn't be surprised as I'm obviously that friend who talks too much in our little BFF group here! lol Hey, let's come up with a name for us! It'll be fun!

Thank you so much, and no offense taken! Waverly is the name of a character in a book I read (can you guys tell I'm a total bookworm/nerd by how I keep talking about books? :haha:) and I just fell in love with it. Her friends in the book called her "Wave" as a nickname and I thought that was also adorable. Then I thought Grace just sounded good with it. Maybe I'll have my way and get to name her that and she WILL be a celebrity! lol My SIL came up with Caitlyn, and I changed the spelling to Caitlin. Marie is a family name. :pink: :pink: I love Jaida Lily, too!!! And both Shaun and I really, really love Bella but he wasn't down with how it sounds with our last name. He said for Bella Colonna, he pictures a dark haired, brown-eyed, olive-skinned Italian little girl. We'll probably have blond-haired, blue or green-eyed, fair-skinned children - he got his mom's German genes instead of his dad's Italian ones (my ancestry is English and Irish, soooo...yeah). We were both little towheads growing up, me with blue eyes and him with green, so unless his recessive Italian genes come out, I'm pretty sure we'll have fair-haired and fair-skinned kids! Shara, I love that you used the word "smashing" - AWESOME! And I just love the way Louisa talks in general. English accents and words (like loo and mum, for example) are so cool.

BTW, Shaun proposed to me after the first Twilight movie. I've seen all the movies and read all the books. I'm a "Twi-hard", if you will. :p

Shara, I can actually see you with a :pink: or :blue: now because of your love for sports. However, I still think you'll have a :pink:. That's another reason I would love to have a :pink: - girls are so much more...well, girlier! There are way more outfits for girls than boys, you can play with and fix their hair cute, do girly things with them, etc. My BFFs little girl, who is 4, loves going to get mani-pedis with her Mommy! But I will take whatever I'm given, with the hopes that he/she is healthy!
I knew you guys did, I just wanted to add it in since you guys thought I was a Black Ops worker lmao!!! I had to edit my last post b/c I didn't see your avi, since I had my reply open for so long. Man you ladies are fast!!!!!! I'm at work, so I try to refesh as much as I can but it's kinda busy today, so I'm do little tid bits here and there. But in case you missed my add-on:
Luisa you look stunning. So pretty. I don't have any "wedding" pics, because we went to the courthouse to get married, but we will be having an official wedding on our 1 year anniversary (w/ ceremony, reception, etc to renew our vows) but we got our Marriage Certificate, so it's official. I'm a Carter!! SSN and all lol...I think I'm gonna sing for my wedding since my hubby insists, sorry to go off topic

Oh and yes Luisa I love the new avi!! I'm probably going to change mine after you guys have seen it because like I said I hate how I look in pics, and now you see why lol

I think you were commenting on my wedding pic and accidentally wrote Louisa. :blush: If so, I just want to be sure to say thanks! Both of you are so sweet and kind, and I am so glad I "met" you two!

Oh, Shara, how exciting! And what a great way to celebrate your 1st anni!!! BTW, I love the name Carter for a boy. I might have to use your last name for my :blue: first name!!! :D

Louisa, I'll play your game and switch out my avis frequently, too! It's kinda fun!
I hear you on that Kim! I'm gonna take whatever God blesses me with. Although, you do love the idea of the whole Mommy and Tot mani-pedi idea, because I LOVEEEEE every other Saturday, NAIL SHOP TIME!!! And I just love curls as you see in my avi! This is when I cut and curled my hair last year, but it grew back. I would love to give my little daughter big locks of curls. Ok I think I'm switching back to team :pink: haha!! ....okay no I'm not the ideas are appealing though. Either way, I'll be a happy momma
I think you were commenting on my wedding pic and accidentally wrote Louisa. :blush: If so, I just want to be sure to say thanks! Both of you are so sweet and kind, and I am so glad I "met" you two!

Oh, Shara, how exciting! And what a great way to celebrate your 1st anni!!! BTW, I love the name Carter for a boy. I might have to use your last name for my :blue: first name!!! :D

Louisa, I'll play your game and switch out my avis frequently, too! It's kinda fun!

Oh no:dohh: So Sorry Kim!! I was trying to remember to respond to her post as well as your pic and typed her name in your spot, I'm sorry :wacko:
And shoot for it Kim, I love my last name too, Thank God I married into it. My maiden name is VEAL.... don't laugh lol
Believe it or not, I went to school (from elementary all the way through high school) with a girl whose last name was Veal! So when I read it, I immediately thought of her and was a little confused why you said don't laugh until I thought about the meaning if it weren't a last name!

But hey, is Veal any better than Gillespie? I could hardly wait to take Shaun's last name, I love it! And by hardly wait, I'm dead serious. I was 18 and he was 21 when we first started dating... So he didn't propose until we'd been dating 9 (yes, NINE) years! We will have been together for 15 years on January 1, and January 16 is our 5 year wedding anniversary. OMG, I'm OLD!!! :haha:
Aww thanks shara :hugs: this thread genuinely makes me smile! I love it. You girls are little gems, honestly! One day we have to meet, somehow!!!

Haha I love your post about the skin colours and eye colours Kim although I must admit I didn't see that one. What happens a lot of the time is, it goes straight to a new page and a post that I haven't seen is left at the bottom of the previous page unread! Nightmare. I think you will have fair skinned children with dark hair and features Kim, purely because of hubby :D I know mine will be olive skinned because of my dad's side of the family, the baby will be 1/4 Turkish I guess! But my eyes are green (the only thing I took from my mum!) and jesse's eyes are BRIGHT aquamarine so I can picture our baby to be olive skinned with blue or green eyes but hey, I bet they all turn out completely different to how we imagine them! :haha:
I totally agree with everything you said, Louisa! You gals make me smile, too, and I genuinely enjoy our chats here. If I get rich, I'm flying Shara and I over to meet you in London!

Oh, I can already imagine the eyes of you and Jesse's child, Louisa! It will be like looking into the ocean! <3

Alrighty, girls, tonight is BD night! Maybe my fertility monitor will give me a "Peak" status tomorrow morning which means O is imminent! Wish me luck!!!

Ooooh best get cracking then Kim ;) good luck lovely!!

Night night, catch you girls tomorrow <3
Aww thanks shara :hugs: this thread genuinely makes me smile! I love it. You girls are little gems, honestly! One day we have to meet, somehow!!!

Haha I love your post about the skin colours and eye colours Kim although I must admit I didn't see that one. What happens a lot of the time is, it goes straight to a new page and a post that I haven't seen is left at the bottom of the previous page unread! Nightmare. I think you will have fair skinned children with dark hair and features Kim, purely because of hubby :D I know mine will be olive skinned because of my dad's side of the family, the baby will be 1/4 Turkish I guess! But my eyes are green (the only thing I took from my mum!) and jesse's eyes are BRIGHT aquamarine so I can picture our baby to be olive skinned with blue or green eyes but hey, I bet they all turn out completely different to how we imagine them! :haha:
I t truly hope our baby takes his skin color as he is really much lighter than me in person but I want him/her to have my eyes and nose...it's so fun thinking of different facial features that the babies will have

Believe it or not, I went to school (from elementary all the way through high school) with a girl whose last name was Veal! So when I read it, I immediately thought of her and was a little confused why you said don't laugh until I thought about the meaning if it weren't a last name!

But hey, is Veal any better than Gillespie? I could hardly wait to take Shaun's last name, I love it! And by hardly wait, I'm dead serious. I was 18 and he was 21 when we first started dating... So he didn't propose until we'd been dating 9 (yes, NINE) years! We will have been together for 15 years on January 1, and January 16 is our 5 year wedding anniversary. OMG, I'm OLD!!! :haha:
Tell me about it lol. I couldn't wait either lol. We met at church though last year and right away we had a chemistry that was explosive and it just worked for us. So in April he said he wanted to get married now and since we didn't have the money to plan the wedding with, we got hitched! And that was the happiest /scariest day of my life lol. It's not big deal to me thought, that was less money and stress, and plus I still get to spend the rest of life as his wife: smug: as a CARTER haha

I hope we do get rich in process of this TTC, you and me both. Then we all could Vaca in Antayla for a few weeks then go to London and then bring Luisa back to the states, not sure if she's been here on vaca before unless I missed it. That would be so aweosme...doesn't hurt to dream big lol
You guys would love Antalya!!! Everywhere you look is just paradise. I love it! Yeah I've been to the US. I've been to Raleigh Durham, NC. Boston, South beach Miami and Orlando :D you guys are so lucky to live over there, believe me!!! But you would probably want to move here if you came here on holiday(vaca).. It's all about wanting what you can't have isn't it?! Haha!! We do have corona here Kim by the way ;) I remember you mentioning in a pp, it tastes foul but we still have it :haha:
Good morning, girls! How are y'all doing today?

I'm a little nervous... 8-[ My CM seems to be drying up as of late yesterday afternoon (not nearly as much EW as in the past several days) and I haven't even Od yet! I'm not stressed or anything, so I don't think that could be delaying my O. I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to try not to think about it and just go with the flow.
Shara, I TOTALLY agree - it is so much fun thinking about whose features the baby will have! And what he/she will look like as they go from baby to toddler to little boy/girl, etc. No matter how much we think and dream about our future little ones, they will probably look nothing like what we imagine. Just the thought of holding my little bundle one day, all sweet smelling and precious, makes my heart swell with love and pride...and I'm not even pregnant yet! And I totally understand about the money thing. That's another reason it took us 9 years to get engaged!

I love the idea of vacationing in Antalya! Listen to Louisa, being a world traveler and all! :winkwink: I live in Florida, so I've been to Orlando and South Beach (and Miami proper). What did you think of them, Louisa? Did you visit theme parks while in O-town? South Beach is expensiveeeeeee!!!

And btw, I already want to move there and I've never even visited! I think everything English is awesome! Again, I have to say how adorable you are with your words and the way you say things! "Holiday" and Corona "tasting foul" and "colour" instead of "color" , they make me smile! Plus your accents are FANTASTIC! It really is all about wanting what we don't have, you hit the nail on the head there!
I'm okay Kim how are you? well i'm okay but in a LOT of AF pain today for some reason. I spoke too soon when I said I barely bled this period. I may not have done yesterday but i'm doubled over with cramps today.. sucks doesn't it :(

It is a heart warming feeling, the thought your brand new newborn wrapped up in a blanket all cosy! All the cute family pictures when they're still tiny etc.. EEEEK I cannot wait

I loved South Beach!!! <3
We stayed on collins avenue, self catering! so you can only imagine what we spent on food. Most nights we just got a mcdonalds or pizza, but 3 or 4 nights out of the fortnight we went for a meal on Ocean Drive and WOW I dread to think what the bill came to for 8 of us! We knew it was going to be expensive by the menu prices though, we ate well that night ;) It was just amazing, I nearly cried coming home! apart from the 2 different plane journeys which was a pain, but I guess we were on a jumbo-jet so it was more comfy :) We went to disney, magic kingdom because of my nieces, then we did Epcot and last the Animal Kingdom :D We actually stayed in a hotel on South Beach but drove down to Orlando for the 3 days whilst doing a park a day! Then we went to Miami Seaquarium and swam with the dolphins.. oh my gosh I miss that place. All of it!

Hahaha everybody seems to love English accents and words! If you lived here then you'd realise it's actually probably the most boring country in existence. We can swap homes if you like ;)

One thing we've got which i'm not sure if the US do, is the NHS? national health service? I think I saw on a TV program once that somebody had to pay for ultrasounds and health care whilst she was pregnant and to then have the baby too?! is that right? that's terrible if so :(
Oh I forgot to mention another 'English' thing.. :D
We went for a drive around Miami in our hire car, the second we pulled away, my dad is driving towards oncoming traffic!!! He forgot where he was for a moment but I guess he got us all the way to Disney which was a 3 or 4 hour drive if I remember correctly :p
I'm already loving Antayla Louisa! Sounds beautiful :) I hope one I really do get to visit, and I have a son or daughter with me haha. I'm glad you liked the States. I haven't really visited Florida just for one day in Miami and it wasn't a vacation so I didn't have the opportunity to see how awesome it is. One day very soon though.

Kim I think I I'd too day because my CM this morning was very watery and the opk last night showed a line almost as dark as the test line, so if not today then I know tomorrow for sure. We BD this morning just in case and will again tomorrow. Did u test last night at all?

Oh yeah ladies, my job has banned me from posting during work hours so I'll be checking back on my next break lol. Ciao Bellas
And I'm not sure Louisa if any state has NHS but we don't in Wisconsin

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