Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Do you use the opk sticks or the digital ones girls? I still haven't been to get any but it's only CD2 so I have time. Do the normal ones just show a line like a hpt would? And then when it gets darker it means you're closer/ovulating? And how many do you normally get in a box? Sorry I'm clueless! Never used these before :haha:
Aw, Louisa, I'm sorry you're having terrible cramps, hun. :( Cramps suck.

Are you saying you don't have to pay for ultrasounds or prenatal healthcare??? If so, I am SOOOOO moving there. No, the US doesn't have NHA. We have health insurance through our employers which covers some of the costs, but we still pay out of pocket. But there are programs for people to get assistance with health costs based on their annual income, so not everyone is eligible. Our country could not afford a program like NHA, I don't think. :nope: That would be so great, though! I couldn't imagine not having to deal with healthcare costs while pregnant!

You made me lol about your dad driving the wrong way in the rental car! Actually, I'd probably do the same thing! Did he sometimes forget which side the driver's seat was on and go to the wrong door and then remember he was in America? That's totally something I'd do! :haha:

Shara, I miss you already!!! :sad2: I hope you Od, it sounds like you might have to for both you and me this month. :growlmad: FX for you, and good work on the BDing!!! We DTD :))) last night, but I'm really frustrated about my lack of EW! I don't use OPKs anymore, just a Fertility Monitor first thing every morning. It still gave me a "High" reading this morning, so I haven't even made it to "Peak" yet (which is when O happens) and my EW is already drying up. Grrrr!!!
Do you use the opk sticks or the digital ones girls? I still haven't been to get any but it's only CD2 so I have time. Do the normal ones just show a line like a hpt would? And then when it gets darker it means you're closer/ovulating? And how many do you normally get in a box? Sorry I'm clueless! Never used these before :haha:

When I was using the OPKs, I used Clearblue digital ones. They have a cute little smiley face in the testing window. Maybe Shara can advise us a little more on the sticks, it sounds like she uses those from her last post? I'd be interested to know, too, because the digital ones are too expensive!
Is the fertility monitor reusable Kim? How does it work? :)

Yeah haha it was really strange being out there actually, it is so different to here!! Like, you have different things in the American McDonald's even! I couldn't believe that, you'd think it'd all be the same.

And yep, we have literally everything free health wise/pregnancy wise! The only thing we have to pay for is 3D scans but other than that we don't pay for anything. We even get prenatal vitamins free :haha: I guess it's a good perk of being English :D move here girls!!!!
The best way I can think to describe it is it's a small handheld device (and yes, it's reusable month after month :)). You have to set your CD on the device at the beginning of every cycle and then around CD8 it starts asking for a test stick, which you pee on just like an HPT. You also have to set a 4-hour test window, preferably in the mornings, and you must put the stick in the device sometime within that 4-hour window. I set my testing window for 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. because I wake up at 5:00 on weekdays and later on weekends.

It starts out giving you a "Low" result (1 bar in the testing window) the first several days. When your hormones start to increase, it moves up to a "High" result (2 bars in the testing window), and then "Peak" (3 bars in the testing window with an egg in the 3rd bar) is when your hormones are at optimal levels for Oing. This month, we started BDing every other day at the first "High" result so that there's always :spermy: in there when the egg decides to show.

But like I said before, now it looks like I might not even O this cycle! Ugh, trying not to think about it, but I can't help it! What if we don't get the chance this month? It seems like next month is so far away!

I hope my explanation made sense, but if not, feel free to ask questions love. <3

That is crazy about McDonald's having different menu items! I agree with you, you'd think it'd have all the same stuff! What was different on our menu that you don't have over there? I'm so curious now!

And also so jealous about your free health and pregnancy care! I'm buying my plane ticket today! :winkwink:
Oh I get it, i think :p so you pee on the sticks, then put it into the monitor? does it have to be a certain stick or do any work?

Don't think like that Kim :( you will end up stressing yourself out like I did, but I know it's so hard not to read into it too much! I do it ALL the time about every little thing. Next month always seems too far away :( but you have as much chance as anyone else :hugs: atleast we know we CAN actually get pregnant which some poor people have much more trouble with :( all we have to do is the easy bit now, watch this space! we will all be there before we know it <3
Is the fertility monitor reusable Kim? How does it work? :)

Yeah haha it was really strange being out there actually, it is so different to here!! Like, you have different things in the American McDonald's even! I couldn't believe that, you'd think it'd all be the same.

And yep, we have literally everything free health wise/pregnancy wise! The only thing we have to pay for is 3D scans but other than that we don't pay for anything. We even get prenatal vitamins free :haha: I guess it's a good perk of being English :D move here girls!!!!

On my way Louisa lol :). Free healthcare is an offer you just cant refuse. As far as the OPKs, I bought them from Walmart for 7 in a pack for $12, and they work exactly how you described. With an HPT the faintest line means a positive, but with an OPK for it to be positive your line has to be just as dark as the test line in order to mean your O'ing in the next 24 hours.

I was a little bit worried too Kim, because according to my tracker I'm suppose to O tomorrow but guess it happened sooner. Either that or it is tomorrow: shrug: It can still happen for you too. Maybe your cm is just thickening, or is it like DRY dry?
Thanks, honeys!

It's not DRY dry, but usually I have EW on the toilet paper. My finger does come away wet when I check the opening, but the lack of EW is what has me worried.
If there was absolutely nothing there Kim then it could be something to worry about but i'd say there's probably no problems at all if it's just a bit less than usual, as long as your finger comes away relatively wet then it's all going in the right direction, I guess? :D

& thanks for that Shara.. I might just get some sticks, and look into a monitor still but I just need the easiest option for now! but I guess even a faint line means O is coming up, or there wouldn't be a line at all right? but when it's as dark as the test line, get to it.. basically? :haha:
Oh I get it, i think :p so you pee on the sticks, then put it into the monitor? does it have to be a certain stick or do any work?

Sorry, Louisa, I forgot to respond to this. Yes, it has to be a certain stick (the same brand). When you buy the monitor, it should come with some of the sticks you have to use, maybe 10ish? And then you have to buy more for the next cycle (or for the same cycle if your cycles are really long).
Shara, I just saw you on another thread and wanted to say I promise I wasn't thread stalking you! :winkwink: I saw the title and only read the first few posts before I responded.
Ooooh I guessed so kim :D wow, the technology we have these days is just crazy isn't it! I sound like my grandad right now :haha: but it's so true.

Oh I forgot to mention about the McDonald's. Your menu wasn't completely different, obviously still burgers and things but it's like in our Maccy d's (what most English people call it! :haha:) we literally have a choice of just coke, lemonade or fanta for the drink but in the Miami one we could pick really strange ones compared to here! Dr pepper etc. and the supermarkets in miami and Orlando were SO different to here aswell! The way you guys have like 7392873 flavours of jelly (jello?) and the slush puppy machines inside the supermarkets?! We don't have anything like that here- and we have like strawberry, orange and lime flavour jelly! Me and my bestfriend at the time who came with us use to spend so much in there! I think the only shop we have that America have too is Costco :D and they look identical to the English stores too :p
That sounds so cute how you say slush puppy machines....I love it. I wish had an English accent. My husband would freak out with being turned on lol.

:rofl: I don't think you're a stalker at all. You're cracking me up lady. Its okay the girls over there are pretty nice but they don't post as much
I agree, the technology these days IS crazy! I'm going to age myself here, but do you realize that the internet did not exist when I was born? And my family didn't get internet until I was in high school (maybe you guys call it something different?), at the age of 16! :haha: And certainly no cell phones. I got my first cell phone when I was a sophomore in college, and even then, it was literally just a phone with number buttons that you could make calls on away from home. No texting, no internet, no camera... Technology has DEFINITELY come a long way!

OMG, call me a dork, but talking about the differences between here and there is so fun! We call McDonald's Mickey D's sometimes, too (at least down here we do, I'm not sure about up in Wisconsin...Shara?). And if you think the soda/pop/soft drink (what do the English call it?) flavors at McD's are crazy, you should see some of the new machines that are coming out here. The last time Shaun and I went to the movie theater, there was a new machine at the snack bar that had 100+ flavors of soda!!! I drink Sprite Zero, which is a zero calorie, zero sugar, etc. version of Sprite. Not only did they have regular Sprite Zero (which most restaurants don't have, you have to buy it at a store), they had cherry Sprite Zero, raspberry Sprite Zero, lemon, grape, watermelon, etc. It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen! And Americans wonder why we have an obesity problem... Did you try any of the drinks you don't have over there? Did they taste weird?

I've never been to an English grocery store (or any foreign grocery store for that matter) but I do think our grocery stores are pretty awesome when it comes to having choices for a single item. When you say jelly/jello, are you talking about the jiggly stuff that comes in a box and you have to make it with water? I think our jelly is what you call jam over there? The stuff you spread on toast and biscuits? Oh, and your food! Yum! We had a bridal tea party recently for my cousin and it was in a small restaurant run by a couple of English ladies. All those little cookies (I forget what they're called, there were a bunch of different ones), and tea with cream and sugar...oh, I was in heaven! :cloud9: See, isn't this fun? It certainly takes my mind off worrying about my CF!

P.S. I love that you used the number 7392873 instead of a million. I LOLd!
There she is!!! Shara, we've missed you!!! I know you can't help it, but I just wanted you to know that you're missed! <3
It really is interesting comparing actually :D

Yes we call it internet here too Kim. And also, about the mobile phones (cells) :haha: mine as a kid was literally a brick. The only game I could play on it was the most BASIC game of black and white snake! and now you think of the iPads, tablets!!

We call 'soda' fizzy, or pop. Either goes :p and wow, I can't believe those grape and watermelon flavours, I would of been in love!!!! <3 although it probably would of been a bad thing if I had of set eyes on it. About 2 hears ago, I got OBSESSED with pink lucozade to the point where if I didn't have about 5 bottles a day then I'd physically get upset about it and start lashing out! I became SO addicted to a flipping drink that my mum made me go to the doctor and now I have to be so careful with drinks!! How strange?! It's not even as if it was alcohol or anything bad! I've never smoked or done any of that stuff in my life and I'll only drink socially on occasions but yeah that was a weird stage I went through. The doctor said there's an ingredient in the lucozade that works exactly the same as an addictive drug does.. Never touched it since, he scared the life out of me!

Also, to be fair when we visited America and I saw all those crazy drinks and the range of food in your McDonald's compared to here, I did say about the obesity thing haha! But I guess nobody forces them to eat it ;) :haha:
Hahaha shara, does hubby like an English accent?! God, I've never heard anyone say that before! We really don't have an accent do we?! :haha:
Yes we call it internet here too Kim.

Oh, I must sound so dumb! What I meant was do you call high school something different over there? I'm pretty sure the internet is called the internet all over the world, even if in another language. lol :winkwink: We have elementary school, middle school and high school. And I think what we call college you guys might call university? Not sure about that, though. :shrug:

That's crazy about the pink lucozade! Good thing you got over your obsession!!! I used to do kinda the same with Coke, if I didn't have at least 3 bottles a day, I'd get grumpy, have a crazy headache and just feel lousy in general. As far as doing bad stuff like smoking and whatnot, I'll leave out all the things I've done and say the past is in the past! :wacko: I do enjoy alcoholic drinks, though, especially wine. :wine: I've cut back, though, because of TTC.
Hahaha shara, does hubby like an English accent?! God, I've never heard anyone say that before! We really don't have an accent do we?! :haha:

Louisa, I kid you not...I don't know a single American who doesn't love an English accent. I'd probably be turned on by a guy's English accent, so I don't blame Romeo if... Heyyyy! I just had a great idea!!! :idea: Shara, remember how we said we want to keep it interesting in the bedroom since the SMEP requires so much BDing? Fake an English accent!!! Australian accents are awesome, too. To Shara, I'd probably have a Southern accent, but mine isn't nearly as bad as other Southerners I know. My city is a larger one, but some of the little country towns in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, the Carolinas, etc.? Whoa. Some accents are so thick, you can't understand some of the things they say!

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