I agree, the technology these days IS crazy! I'm going to age myself here, but do you realize that the internet did not exist when I was born? And my family didn't get internet until I was in high school (maybe you guys call it something different?), at the age of 16!

And certainly no cell phones. I got my first cell phone when I was a sophomore in college, and even then, it was literally just a phone with number buttons that you could make calls on away from home. No texting, no internet, no camera... Technology has DEFINITELY come a long way!
OMG, call me a dork, but talking about the differences between here and there is so fun! We call McDonald's Mickey D's sometimes, too (at least down here we do, I'm not sure about up in Wisconsin...Shara?). And if you think the soda/pop/soft drink (what do the English call it?) flavors at McD's are crazy, you should see some of the new machines that are coming out here. The last time Shaun and I went to the movie theater, there was a new machine at the snack bar that had 100+ flavors of soda!!! I drink Sprite Zero, which is a zero calorie, zero sugar, etc. version of Sprite. Not only did they have regular Sprite Zero (which most restaurants don't have, you have to buy it at a store), they had cherry Sprite Zero, raspberry Sprite Zero, lemon, grape, watermelon, etc. It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen! And Americans wonder why we have an obesity problem... Did you try any of the drinks you don't have over there? Did they taste weird?
I've never been to an English grocery store (or any foreign grocery store for that matter) but I do think our grocery stores are pretty awesome when it comes to having choices for a single item. When you say jelly/jello, are you talking about the jiggly stuff that comes in a box and you have to make it with water? I think our jelly is what you call jam over there? The stuff you spread on toast and biscuits? Oh, and your food! Yum! We had a bridal tea party recently for my cousin and it was in a small restaurant run by a couple of English ladies. All those little cookies (I forget what they're called, there were a bunch of different ones), and tea with cream and sugar...oh, I was in heaven!

See, isn't this fun? It certainly takes my mind off worrying about my CF!
P.S. I love that you used the number 7392873 instead of a million. I LOLd!