Hi, ladies! I'm back!
Louisa, I don't know if I trust your cheapies, hun. No offense, of course, but the readings they give you are never straightforward.

If you don't get that

this cycle, you MUST let me send you my leftover Clearblue sticks. You do have to take into consideration, like you said, that you didn't use FMU and hadn't held it for long. But once you get that smiley on Clearblue, you're good to go! No, you would not get one for no reason, my sweet.
AFM, I had an excellent weekend (aside from one hiccup, but I'll tell y'all about that in a minute)! I had dinner with my parents and the one sister who lives in the same city Friday night and they were all so excited. My sister even cried with joy! So their reactions totally made up for my in-laws lack of reactions. It's my family's reactions that mean more to me anyway. I announced to my brother and other sister by calling each of them on my trip to my parent's. They were also super excited and happy for us.
Now for the hiccup. First, so that the story will make sense, I need to tell you that Vince is their super awesome gay uncle, who I absolutely adore. OK...Shaun's sister-b*tch...I mean sister...texted him Saturday. Here's how the beginning of the conversation went:
L: "Have you told Uncle Vince yet? I want to gossip."
S: "Oh, shiz. Thanks for the reminder!"
He then proceeded to text me asking ME to call Uncle Vince to share the news, as he was wrapped up with painting. I immediately called him to remind him that we aren't telling extended family until Christmas at the earliest, and WTH was she talking about by saying "gossip"? We ended up getting into an argument because of course no one in his family can tell the Princess no. I mean, how could he forget that we weren't telling extended family yet? It's like as soon as she asked, he was in such a hurry to please her majesty, he completely forgot! God forbid he make her wait so that she can gossip with Uncle Vince! Ugh! And she wants to GOSSIP??? Our baby is GOSSIP?!?!? WHAT. THE. F***??? And he couldn't straighten her out about that comment? Oh, it burned my ass! He apologized on her behalf (!!!) that she said something so wrong, and apologized for even telling me she said that. He said he never even should have told me. I told him I was glad he did, because that just further proves what kind of person she is. By the end of the argument, he said "I'll take care of it." After I got off the phone with him, I burst into tears to my mom. Why can't his sister just be happy for us? Then he called me back to tell me how the rest of their text conversation went down:
S: "It won't be for a while, anyway."
L: "What won't be for a while?"
S: "When we tell Uncle Vince. Remember, we told you at mom's house when we announced? We're not telling extended family until Kim's in the 2nd trimester, in mid-January."
L: "Boo."
S: "Sorry, Sweets. Remember, mum's the word."
L: "Fine."
I have got to learn to let these things with her go and not to take them so personally. She is obviously unhappy in some aspect of her life and I'm the easiest target. Even though this wasn't directly towards me, it was still an attack of sorts (or at least I took it that way). From here on out, I'm going to try my hardest to practice being a hard ass when it comes to her and strengthen my "shell", so to speak. This is just the beginning, and she's obviously not going to change, so I have to change the way I react and/or the way I let her affect me. I cannot continue to let her have this power over me.