Oh and Kim, bit of a weird question but as we're all SSM's I guess it's ok

how's your sex life since finding out about little peanut?! I think everyone has different views on this. When I found out last time, despite being young, I wouldn't let my ex go near me like that in fear that it would hurt the baby (silly I know because it goes absolutely nowhere near!) but I guess I was scared to risk being rough just Incase- especially after I had my 8 week scan and actually saw the baby with a heart beating away! THEN I really wouldn't let him do anything
You're absolutely right, my sweet, feel free to ask me anything you wish! Since finding out about Peanut, we have had sex exactly 4 times. Poor Shaun.

At first, it was only once a week starting the morning after we found out (not on purpose, of course, it just worked out that way). Then after the 2nd time, it was 10 days later and then after that
nothing until last night. I know, I feel like a terrible wife. And to be perfectly honest, Im not worried about hurting our baby, its really because Ive been feeling so sick since around week 6. He hasnt tried to initiate at all because he knows how nauseous Ive been so I finally felt up to it last night, and GIRRRRRRRLS!!! Woooo-weeeee! It didnt last more than 10 minutes

(which is OK with me!), but goodness gracious it was awesome! The only thing is that I seem to be drier at first than I was when we were TTC (or ever before, really), so that kinda sucks, but once he was in, no problems whatsoever. I think my ms has calmed enough to the point we can have regular sex again, but now its just that Im so tired!
Louisa, we got so sick of BDing also, that we haven't since I ovulated.
I am 6dpo and plan on testing with a FRER Friday and Saturday. This week is going by SOOOOOO SLOW!
Shara, I'm glad you and DH got to spend some time together. Men are like children some times. LOL
Yall, I was the same way! After using SMEP, we didnt have sex again until the day after we found out! I know I said that above, but my point is that we didnt DTD for another 2 weeks! Good luck with your testing, Tara!

And men are SOOO like children sometimes, you hit the nail on the head there!
Hello my lovelies, I only got a minute...I typed this long letter yday about Kim sister in law and Louisa's "friend" but screen froze and then it all disappeared just before I submitted it

loiusa it's horrible what your friend said

and you're right to get offended by her not telling you earlier

but then ...my sister never told me about any of her pregnancies either ...and when I had the miscarriage all she said was oh you can always have another --> and she knows it took me 10 years to get the one I miscarried grrr
Ugh! I HATE when that happens, it drives me crazy!

I cant believe your sister told you that you could just have another after your mc. Thats a very unkind thing to say to someone who has experienced a loss AND has been trying for so long!
One thing people said to me when I has my mmc was 'you're so young Louisa, you will go on to have healthy babies' as if I should just brush it off and agree with them!!! I KNOW I was young, 16 is way too young but I didn't ask to get pregnant ON the pill and I certainly did not ask to lose that baby so why the freakin hell do people have to say such dumb things

oh, people pissed me off at work this evening if you didn't realise lol.
Oooh Tara I'm soooo hoping this weekend is your weekend!!! I haven't sat and worked it out but I think around Christmas Day/Boxing Day is the time I should test so I may try my luck with FRER on that Tuesday, maybe Monday. A lady on another thread is testing Christmas morning! I mean how amazing would that be if it turned out to be a bfp for her which I sincerely hope it is, but if not that would completely ruin my mood for the day! I don't deal with bfn's well at all so atleast if I get one on the Monday/Tuesday then I'll have a few days to get over it so to speak
Oh, Louisa, Im sorry you had to hear those things. People just dont understand how badly their words can hurt!

Obviously you didnt intend to get pregnant, but a loss is still a loss and youd think people could have some sympathy!
Good luck, Tara AND Louisa! Keeping everything crossed for both of you lovelies!
Good Morning! He hid them because he said I only REALLY feel like DTD when I see a positive OPK as oppose to when we first got pregnant, it planned, mapped out, scheduled, and it was all fun, so he figured hiding them and BD everyday would make it more spontaneous, which I expressed to him yesterday it's not, it's very tiring. Believe it or not, he agreed! But he still thinks that's our best chance to get pregnant, so I'm gonna stick with it for this cycle.
I know you must be tired with those shifts, phewww! If the pay is better, than I don't know about you, but that would be my reasoning for taking it lol. I wish we could all be self made millionaires, and stay at home and make all the money hehehehehe

I know I get that way with my job sometimes, but the money don't make itself is what Romeo says, who minds you NEVER calls in for work no matter how he feels (sorry that's so not me lol)
ROMEO!!! I cant believe he hid them from you, Shara!!! That wasnt very nice.

Hopefully now that you guys have been BDing every single day and he admits to being tired too, hell think twice before going and doing something so silly again! And thats so funny about you not being one to go to work even if youre feeling bad Im the same way. I admire people who have the kind of work ethic to go even when theyre sick, but thats just not me either, sorry. If I dont feel well, Im certainly not going to work where itll make me feel even worse AND take the risk of spreading whatever I have! Hey, thats how I justify it.