Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Aw Shara, those types of arguments are the absolute worse. Would it help for you to show him the baby boards?

I feel sad for both you…this should be a happy and fun time. I don't think I fully knew you were expecting…I'm so super sorry for your loss…I can't imagine how that would feel.

Hang in there…I'm glad you guys made up. Maybe a little date night is in order? :hugs:
Yay for the sickness Kim :happydance: I bet that's not how you feel having to go through it but I know what you mean by being comforting! Everything is going in the right direction chicka!!! <3 and yeah, I don't think I would have ever let Jesse get involved for that exact reason. I don't hold back and can genuinely stick up for myself so that's what I will do. Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean to say I can't scream my head off at the spiteful cow, does it now? :haha: she ASKED for that (and a whole lot more if she wasn't expecting..)

Shara, bless your little cottons. I didn't write it on here the other day because I didn't want it to seem like I'm out for attention and sympathy all the time- that's not me&#128528;, but the whole point of that really rough patch between me and Jesse was actually the exact same thing. Strangely enough. He said he gets fed up with me always being on my phone and even brought himself to say that If it came to it then I would choose my phone over him (ok, he said that in the moment because that's so childish :haha:) I said the same things as you did pretty much, that I'm always on the ttc boards, talking to my BnB girls, googling this that and the other. He was bothered we don't spend enough time together and it is difficult to sometimes what with the way I work nights more than days again (for goodness sake). We actually managed to fix the problem by going to nandos (you have them there?) and having a real deep conversation about absolutely everything and it has pulled us closer together again. So I agree with Tara, date night definitely helped us so give that a go lovely :hugs: it's weird that our two arguements with our men have been over the exact same thing. They're so insecure and extreme aren't they
Shara how's the BD'ing going?! I'm so tired of it. :haha: never thought I'd say that! :sex: we have BD every day since last Thursday (the last blinking smiley before my solid one on Friday) and I'm tired! we felt like we should give it one last bash tonight (no pun intended! :rofl:) just to make sure we covered the grounds completely this cycle as we felt last cycle we stopped bd'ing too soon. I took another CBD this evening and it's back to a blank circle again so I doubt there's any need to 'try' anymore this cycle, although the apps on my phone say my most fertile time is from last Thursday until Wednesday. Oh well we tried our hardest as always :D sorry Kim I completely forgot to reply to post where you said I'll have to let you send me those sticks if all else fails this month, yes please that would be awesome. As always though, (what I say every cycle :haha:) maybe I won't need them. I can definitely tell the difference in my CM this month though. I'm still drinking water daily but not half as much as I did last cycle and my CM wasn't half as much this time. Grr
Oh and Kim, bit of a weird question but as we're all SSM's I guess it's ok ;) how's your sex life since finding out about little peanut?! I think everyone has different views on this. When I found out last time, despite being young, I wouldn't let my ex go near me like that in fear that it would hurt the baby (silly I know because it goes absolutely nowhere near!) but I guess I was scared to risk being rough just Incase- especially after I had my 8 week scan and actually saw the baby with a heart beating away! THEN I really wouldn't let him do anything
Awww, Shara, I'm so sorry to hear about your falling out with Romeo over the weekend. :( Were you able to calm his fears a little by showing him all the proof? How could he not know you love him with every part of your being?!? Hopefully by you telling him that you're trying to take your mind off missing your little angel, it made him understand where you're coming from. Hearing that can be pretty hurtful, especially when you would never ever cheat on him to begin with! :nope: The little "Say Wha" guy you used was perfect. Even we know you'd never cheat on Romeo, just from the way you talk about him on here! <3 I'm glad you guys made up though, but I completely understand you never forgetting it, as I'm sure a part of you will always wonder if he still feels that way.

I'm not sure if I calmed his fears, but he was a bit hesistant to accept my reasoning. He just kept saying but you're always on the phone. I understand we don't time together like we want due to work, but what about him being on the game all the time. I don't complain about that, I just right to my phone and find a distraction. I didn't sign up for watching him play the game....Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I told him all about why and that's up to him to accept it. I will always wonder if he still feels that way, but I just have to watch myself when we're alone, not to get online. We don't have a computer or anything like that, which is why I use my phone but I'm sure he would've come up with something for that too so :shrug:

Aw Shara, those types of arguments are the absolute worse. Would it help for you to show him the baby boards?

OH I DID and you said that doesn't prove anything, that only tells him that I posted but that doesn't explain all the other times I'm on my phone. (YES HE SAID THAT!!) I couldn't win...so I didn't try anymore

..I feel sad for both you&#8230;this should be a happy and fun time. I don't think I fully knew you were expecting&#8230;I'm so super sorry for your loss&#8230;I can't imagine how that would feel.

Thank you, I lost my baby at 11w2d on 9/5 and even though I have moved past it quite a bit, it still stings sometimes knowing my baby isn't there anymore.

Hang in there&#8230;I'm glad you guys made up. Maybe a little date night is in order? :hugs:

Thanks again, we actually ended up renting some redbox movies and ordering in, which strangely felt more awkward then the sex saturday night (yes that still happened), but eventually worked itself out, so I'm happy too, it's just still a little disheartening. I'm letting it go though......slowly lol

Shara how's the BD'ing going?! I'm so tired of it. :haha: never thought I'd say that! :sex: we have BD every day since last Thursday (the last blinking smiley before my solid one on Friday) and I'm tired! we felt like we should give it one last bash tonight (no pun intended! :rofl:) just to make sure we covered the grounds completely this cycle as we felt last cycle we stopped bd'ing too soon. I took another CBD this evening and it's back to a blank circle again so I doubt there's any need to 'try' anymore this cycle, although the apps on my phone say my most fertile time is from last Thursday until Wednesday. Oh well we tried our hardest as always :D....

It's still going like the Energizer Bunny for now. Day 6 today and I'm sure it will happen tonight. I'm tired as well Lady! BUT, I really want to be a mommy so I guess the complaining stops there! I'm so proud of you guys though, for making through the Marathon, I hope to see you on the other side :haha:
Good news, I found my OPKs and HPTs, which he was hiding from me!!! I took one today at work, and it's not a for sure positive, but the line is pretty dark so I know O is around the corner, so I'm gonna do another one today at 5p and see if it gets any darker, and then 2 a day until I get a for sure positive.
Checking my CM is not a good factor for me as we use Preseed and it has the same consistency as EWCM, and since that's the case, I just don't bother because I would worry if it's indeed EWCM or just left over PreSeed, but since it does the same job as EWCM, then I'm okay with it
Louisa, we got so sick of BDing also, that we haven't since I ovulated. :rofl:

I am 6dpo and plan on testing with a FRER Friday and Saturday. This week is going by SOOOOOO SLOW!

Shara, I'm glad you and DH got to spend some time together. Men are like children some times. LOL
Hello my lovelies, I only got a minute...I typed this long letter yday about Kim sister in law and Louisa's "friend" but screen froze and then it all disappeared just before I submitted it :( loiusa it's horrible what your friend said :( and you're right to get offended by her not telling you earlier :( but then ...my sister never told me about any of her pregnancies either ...and when I had the miscarriage all she said was oh you can always have another --> and she knows it took me 10 years to get the one I miscarried grrr

Shara...we too are going through a fall out :/ ours isn't about his or my phone ...may be I'll tell you more about it tomorrow when I got more time... But now I really have to go...

Tara...hang in there girl, I've everything crossed for you comes the weekend :)

Hey kika :hugs:

'Long letter' haha aw!! You are sooo cute. I know how frustrating that is when you've typed out a really long reply to each post and then your phone dies or something stupid! It has happened to me so many times :growlmad: :haha:
I don't know if I was offended by her not telling me, as I said before I think it was just confusion and I was sat there thinking of reasons why. My loss did come into my head and I thought maybe she didn't want to upset me by announcing her pregnancy but you know what, my time will come like hers has. All of our times will come so she shouldn't have felt the need to hide it, she could have told me a week after losing my angel and I still couldn't feel bitter towards HER because she's more like a sister (well she was!) so I don't know but I won't tolerate someone talking about my baby like that. As Kim said you don't mess with a mumma's babies, angel or human, and that's exactly what she did. I feel just as defensive over my angel baby than I would over any future babies so just how dare she. It's making me crazy mad all over again so I will shh. That's also such a harsh thing for your sister to have said about losing your baby. 10 years is a long time to wait, my mum waited 10 years and if someone had of said that to her then I'm sure she would have knocked them to the floor. One thing people said to me when I has my mmc was 'you're so young Louisa, you will go on to have healthy babies' as if I should just brush it off and agree with them!!! I KNOW I was young, 16 is way too young but I didn't ask to get pregnant ON the pill and I certainly did not ask to lose that baby so why the freakin hell do people have to say such dumb things :nope: oh, people pissed me off at work this evening if you didn't realise lol.

Oooh Tara I'm soooo hoping this weekend is your weekend!!! I haven't sat and worked it out but I think around Christmas Day/Boxing Day is the time I should test so I may try my luck with FRER on that Tuesday, maybe Monday. A lady on another thread is testing Christmas morning! I mean how amazing would that be if it turned out to be a bfp for her which I sincerely hope it is, but if not that would completely ruin my mood for the day! I don't deal with bfn's well at all so atleast if I get one on the Monday/Tuesday then I'll have a few days to get over it so to speak
Woooo go shara!!! Energiser bunny all the way girl, same here :rofl: we are struggling! I'm so tired and I hate BD'ing during the day but I haven't had much of a choice with my rota this week which I wrote up would you believe it!!! Have to be fair and split night shifts between nurses unfortunately... Remind me why I didn't stay as a care assistant? :haha: I'm glad you found your opk's, atleast it'll be easier to pinpoint O now but why did Romeo hide them? :(
Woooo go shara!!! Energiser bunny all the way girl, same here :rofl: we are struggling! I'm so tired and I hate BD'ing during the day but I haven't had much of a choice with my rota this week which I wrote up would you believe it!!! Have to be fair and split night shifts between nurses unfortunately... Remind me why I didn't stay as a care assistant? :haha: I'm glad you found your opk's, atleast it'll be easier to pinpoint O now but why did Romeo hide them? :(

Good Morning! He hid them because he said I only REALLY feel like DTD when I see a positive OPK as oppose to when we first got pregnant, it planned, mapped out, scheduled, and it was all fun, so he figured hiding them and BD everyday would make it more spontaneous, which I expressed to him yesterday it's not, it's very tiring. Believe it or not, he agreed! But he still thinks that's our best chance to get pregnant, so I'm gonna stick with it for this cycle.

I know you must be tired with those shifts, phewww! If the pay is better, than I don't know about you, but that would be my reasoning for taking it lol. I wish we could all be self made millionaires, and stay at home and make all the money hehehehehe:haha: I know I get that way with my job sometimes, but the money don't make itself is what Romeo says, who minds you NEVER calls in for work no matter how he feels (sorry that's so not me lol)

How are all my LADIES today?
Oh and Kim, bit of a weird question but as we're all SSM's I guess it's ok ;) how's your sex life since finding out about little peanut?! I think everyone has different views on this. When I found out last time, despite being young, I wouldn't let my ex go near me like that in fear that it would hurt the baby (silly I know because it goes absolutely nowhere near!) but I guess I was scared to risk being rough just Incase- especially after I had my 8 week scan and actually saw the baby with a heart beating away! THEN I really wouldn't let him do anything

You're absolutely right, my sweet, feel free to ask me anything you wish! Since finding out about Peanut, we have had sex exactly 4 times. Poor Shaun. :( At first, it was only once a week starting the morning after we found out (not on purpose, of course, it just worked out that way). Then after the 2nd time, it was 10 days later and then after that…nothing until last night. I know, I feel like a terrible wife. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not worried about hurting our baby, it’s really because I’ve been feeling so sick since around week 6. He hasn’t tried to initiate at all because he knows how nauseous I’ve been so I finally felt up to it last night, and GIRRRRRRRLS!!! Woooo-weeeee! It didn’t last more than 10 minutes :haha: (which is OK with me!), but goodness gracious it was awesome! The only thing is that I seem to be drier at first than I was when we were TTC (or ever before, really), so that kinda sucks, but once he was in, no problems whatsoever. I think my ms has calmed enough to the point we can have regular sex again, but now it’s just that I’m so tired! :sleep:

Louisa, we got so sick of BDing also, that we haven't since I ovulated. :rofl:

I am 6dpo and plan on testing with a FRER Friday and Saturday. This week is going by SOOOOOO SLOW!

Shara, I'm glad you and DH got to spend some time together. Men are like children some times. LOL

Y’all, I was the same way! After using SMEP, we didn’t have sex again until the day after we found out! I know I said that above, but my point is that we didn’t DTD for another 2 weeks! Good luck with your testing, Tara! :dust: And men are SOOO like children sometimes, you hit the nail on the head there!

Hello my lovelies, I only got a minute...I typed this long letter yday about Kim sister in law and Louisa's "friend" but screen froze and then it all disappeared just before I submitted it :( loiusa it's horrible what your friend said :( and you're right to get offended by her not telling you earlier :( but then ...my sister never told me about any of her pregnancies either ...and when I had the miscarriage all she said was oh you can always have another --> and she knows it took me 10 years to get the one I miscarried grrr

Ugh! I HATE when that happens, it drives me crazy! :wacko: I can’t believe your sister told you that you could just have another after your mc. That’s a very unkind thing to say to someone who has experienced a loss AND has been trying for so long! :hugs:

One thing people said to me when I has my mmc was 'you're so young Louisa, you will go on to have healthy babies' as if I should just brush it off and agree with them!!! I KNOW I was young, 16 is way too young but I didn't ask to get pregnant ON the pill and I certainly did not ask to lose that baby so why the freakin hell do people have to say such dumb things :nope: oh, people pissed me off at work this evening if you didn't realise lol.

Oooh Tara I'm soooo hoping this weekend is your weekend!!! I haven't sat and worked it out but I think around Christmas Day/Boxing Day is the time I should test so I may try my luck with FRER on that Tuesday, maybe Monday. A lady on another thread is testing Christmas morning! I mean how amazing would that be if it turned out to be a bfp for her which I sincerely hope it is, but if not that would completely ruin my mood for the day! I don't deal with bfn's well at all so atleast if I get one on the Monday/Tuesday then I'll have a few days to get over it so to speak

Oh, Louisa, I’m sorry you had to hear those things. People just don’t understand how badly their words can hurt! :cry: Obviously you didn’t intend to get pregnant, but a loss is still a loss and you’d think people could have some sympathy!

Good luck, Tara AND Louisa! Keeping everything crossed for both of you lovelies! :dust:

Good Morning! He hid them because he said I only REALLY feel like DTD when I see a positive OPK as oppose to when we first got pregnant, it planned, mapped out, scheduled, and it was all fun, so he figured hiding them and BD everyday would make it more spontaneous, which I expressed to him yesterday it's not, it's very tiring. Believe it or not, he agreed! But he still thinks that's our best chance to get pregnant, so I'm gonna stick with it for this cycle.

I know you must be tired with those shifts, phewww! If the pay is better, than I don't know about you, but that would be my reasoning for taking it lol. I wish we could all be self made millionaires, and stay at home and make all the money hehehehehe:haha: I know I get that way with my job sometimes, but the money don't make itself is what Romeo says, who minds you NEVER calls in for work no matter how he feels (sorry that's so not me lol)

ROMEO!!! I can’t believe he hid them from you, Shara!!! That wasn’t very nice. :nope: Hopefully now that you guys have been BDing every single day and he admits to being tired too, he’ll think twice before going and doing something so silly again! And that’s so funny about you not being one to go to work even if you’re feeling bad – I’m the same way. I admire people who have the kind of work ethic to go even when they’re sick, but that’s just not me either, sorry. If I don’t feel well, I’m certainly not going to work where it’ll make me feel even worse AND take the risk of spreading whatever I have! Hey, that’s how I justify it. :winkwink:
I love how Kim is the queen of the multi-quote now. Hahaha

Shara, it's kind of funny he hid them but I hope you get them back! We need all the help we can get! :haha:

My temp spiked this am…truly hoping this is a good sign. I am testing on Saturday 10dpo. :happydance:
Sex isn't everything and atleast Shaun understands, you're baking a baby in that oven of yours it's tiring work huh?! I'm sure it will only get worse as your baby bump grows :D I know you haven't even had this one yet, so there's time :haha: - but do you reckon you'll go straight into ttc again after? Only wondering because we all know about your fear of your eggs getting older and older. I'm SURE peanut would love a brother or sister ;) hehe.

Yeah people say some vile things, I'm glad I'm not like that and he majority of humans aren't but you always get one .. A lot more than one in actual fact, lol.

Afm- my boobs are really tender today. But I am NOT SS this cycle, because look how sore my boobs were last month and it meant nothing so I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt and whatever happens, happens. Tara that's a very good sign although I don't temp myself, as a nurse it would make sense if I did :haha: but I have enough of that all day long so opk's and bd'ing should be enough I hope at some point! FX.

Shara: I guess I can see Romeos reasoning from a non-female point of view (trying to think like a male here:rofl:).. Romeo and Jesse sound very very very similar :haha: he's said a few times how it feels like it's becoming a chore on my fertile days and he wants us to BD because we actually want to.. Well if I didn't want to then I wouldn't :haha: their brains are situated up their arse half the time I swear.. :rofl: glad you got them back though chick. Xx
I love how Kim is the queen of the multi-quote now. Hahaha

My temp spiked this am…truly hoping this is a good sign. I am testing on Saturday 10dpo. :happydance:

You've created a monster, Tara! :winkwink:

YAAAAAY! Sounds like a good sign to me! Can't wait to hear Saturday's test results! <3
Louisa, I don't think we'll start TTC for a while after Peanut, maybe a year, or more likely two. If it's meant to be, it will be. I would rather not have an only child, but I also don't want to rush things and want to enjoy Peanut for a while before going back through the process. I guess it all just depends on how things go, really. If everything keeps working out OK with Peanut, I'll be 34 when he/she is born, so if we start TTC again a couple of years later, I'll be 36, and I feel OK with that ATM. :) I love what you said about guys' brains being situated up their arses half the time. Y'all know I love Shaun to pieces, but that is so true!

Oh, Louisa! I have a couple of word questions for you. What are cottons? And savoury food? There's another one I saw on a different board, but I can't remember what it is now. I'm going to have to start writing them down. I love how the English and British talk! <3 <3 <3 I'm just too embarrassed to ask them (the ladies on the other boards) because they're not my SSMs!

Shara, you need to get a TTC ticker, my sweet! I can't keep up with where you are in your cycle without asking! :shy:
That makes great sense Kim, 36 is still a healthy age imo :)

Haha OH you're so so sweet! Just want to hug you :haha: bless your heart. Hey, if you're not British then how are you expected to know? ;) if someone says bless your cottons it is a shortened way of saying 'bless your cotton socks'. I really don't have a clue how that came about but it's quite a popular phrase over here. Savoury food is anything unsweet. The word is mainly used to describe snacks, so like pork pies, sausage rolls all that kind of stuff :D
See, I just love the way you speak!!! I could literally listen to you talk (er...read your typewritten words... :haha:) all day. I also ADORE accents! <3 I mean, of course we have phrases here, too, but they're just not as fun because I'm from here!

BTW, I'm about to change my avi to a pic I know you'll love, Louisa. I found it and really want you to see it because I know you'll get a kick out of it!
Ooooooh he is so freakin scrummy !!! Wait, is that Dixie or flash? You made me want to change mine to Bailey now :dog: :D
That's Dixie. I'm impressed you remembered both of their names! And I don't know if you can tell, but the thing she has between her paws? An apple!!! Shaun threw that apple to me, I missed it and it landed on the couch. Dixie jumped up there, grabbed it in her mouth and started tossing it around to herself! Once she'd broken the flesh enough, she started taking little bites out of it. You can see the little bites if you look hard enough, they blend in with her right paw. Anyway, it was the cutest thing EVER!
<3 :dog: <3 :dog: <3

And look at little Bailey-Boo!!! Oh my goodness, I could just smother him with kisses! :kiss: He is so scrummy, too! And he has the most soulful eyes! I want to hold him immediately! <3 :dog: <3 :dog: <3
That is super sweet, I can see the apple but I thought it was a ball until you mentioned it was an apple- aw! :haha: off subject a little though.. Don't want to seem bossy but our animals mean the world to us and we have to look after them, right <3 last night on Jesse's Facebook someone shared a post which a lady had written about how her dog (spaniel) got hold of a grape and a chocolate button that her toddler daughter has been eating and her organs shut down, it killed her :( I'm the worst for it. I'm always giving bailey little bits of what I'm eating if I think it's reasonable but fruit is a huggeeeee no no apparently! I heard cheese is the only human food vets recommend so I'm definitely sticking to that :D I mean, tiny tiny thin slithers of apple wouldn't of hurt Dixie I'm sure because Bails has got hold of an apple core before and tried to bite tiny bits off and he was fine but I can't imagine how that poor dog owner feels just before Christmas too! I couldn't imagine losing bailey like that, I'd forever blame myself especially when that dogs death could have been prevented :(

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