Grrrrr! The freeze screen and post disappear just happened to me again

I think I know what causes it now... I click on backspace to fix a typo or to edit and it happens ...but not always, sometimes it doesn't so so annoying...
Sooo...starting from the beginning:
Tara, fingers crossed for tomorrow, cramps is a good sign, I had cramps with my angel and to be honest I've never had cramps before or after my short pregnancy...
Louisa, wow, how exciting! I'd test tomorrow morning (first pee, after a night's hold) if I were you
And a pony, wow, I wouldn't know where to buy or accommodate one even if I wanted to....and just before xmas too...happy days
Shara, poor Romeo, and ugh for not BD...but there's something else--> sometimes we get pregnant when we expect it the least and against all odds too so don't count yourself out yet

may be you ovulated yday or may be you'll ovulate tomorrow and hopefully Romeo is better and you guys manage to DTD...or may be your eggs is getting fertilized as we speak by patiently waiting spermies from 2 days ago...
Kim, how's little peanut doing these days? We had sex like crazy when I was pregnant cause we felt like it and cause we researched that it's safe. I don't think sex killed our baby and if I'm to ever get pregnant again I'd go with my instinct and desire (unless advised otherwise by doctors)
Now the bad news
I've been feeling really sad lately, I can't get excited at all about xmas, my oh keeps saying it's our first xmas together and it's going to be amazing but there's nothing amazing about me being "empty" on our first xmas. I wish we didn't lose our baby and then it would have been amazing ...but now ...
...the second bad news is-->
We aren't even trying

I don't know what to make of it and what to say...I don't know when and if we'll try again so ya im going to have the worst xmas of my life and feeling so sad and helpless.
And I don't like coming over here when I'm feeling all doom and gloom and here is supposed to be happy and excited and not sad and depressed... So I'll try my best to log in everyday...but if I don't then I've not had a happy day
Wishing you all bfp's this and next week and the week after next for shara...
Hugs all and I'll see you around