Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

We just had another SSM moment, Shara, posting at the same time! :haha: Great minds think alike!
Soooooo true Louisa! I wonder too ALL THE TIME how she and her bun are doing and why she abandoned us, but since I can't answer it, I just leave it alone. I hate that I get so attached to people sometimes, whether in person or on here, especially when they appear to be so down to earth and going through the same thing as I am, since we all know how difficult that is. Then when they one day up and leave, it's like "oh no, where is my friend???", and of course we don't wanna be stalkers, so we don't wanna constantly PM them lol, but it does leave a little empty "cyber"-space in your heart lol. I just pray all is well with her and her fam.

That's why we were so afraid you'd left us, too, Shara. Louisa and I were FREAKING OUT. Tara hadn't joined yet, and Kika had only just joined so we didn't know her as an SSM yet. It sucked. You're so right about getting attached, though, that's how I am, too. When you make a connection with someone, whether it be friendship or love, you tend to stick with it! It's just surprising Jodie didn't feel the same way. :nope:
Honestly Kim, keeping you and peanut in my mind whilst ttc is keeping me going :hugs: and shara thank you for just making my night :hugs: I really don't feel like I deserve it any more than any of you, it's just a case of wanting it BAD. We all work hard to make a home for a family right. <3 in fact, you all make my night by just being my SSM's! And sorry Kim I forgot to answer to this bit earlier but no I didn't tell kika or Tara about our little group name ;) in all honesty I thought it was soul sister mates not sister soul mates! Woops :rofl:

- is it that we all end in 'a' except you? :D haha if not then I have no idea :haha:

I agree too girls .. From the start I've felt soooo attached to you girls especially you two as we were here from the start and we've covered just about every topic to talk about ever! But as you said we gained another two and I love them just the same, it's just silly how Jodie didn't even bother briefing us or anything. I think shara was right from the start tbh but oh well, hopefully her and her peanut are well as you guys said! Lol, we did panic Kim, badly!!!! We thought you had followed Jodie's foot steps and disappeared too, I thought it was something we said :haha:
Ohmigosh, I love you ladies something fierce! Y'all always know how to put a smile on my face and make me laugh! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

First of all, Louisa, you are sooooo right! You'd think the person who came up with the SSM nickname would know it! :haha: It IS Soul Sister Mates, you're absolutely correct. So Kika and Tara, forget what I originally said, SSM stands for Soul Sister Mates. :friends: :friends:

OK, Shara, you win 2nd place because you're right about how many letters are in our name, but Louisa wins 1st place because she guessed exactly what I saw. Each of your names end with an "a" except me. Maybe I should start going by Kima...? :rofl:
We just had another SSM moment, Shara, posting at the same time! :haha: Great minds think alike!

I know I just saw that haha, that always makes me smile being on the same wavelength with you ladies <3 <3

Ohmigosh, I love you ladies something fierce! Y'all always know how to put a smile on my face and make me laugh! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

First of all, Louisa, you are sooooo right! You'd think the person who came up with the SSM nickname would know it! :haha: It IS Soul Sister Mates, you're absolutely correct. So Kika and Tara, forget what I originally said, SSM stands for Soul Sister Mates. :friends: :friends:

OK, Shara, you win 2nd place because you're right about how many letters are in our name, but Louisa wins 1st place because she guessed exactly what I saw. Each of your names end with an "a" except me. Maybe I should start going by Kima...? :rofl:

Boooooooo :rofl: I wanted 1st place (j/k)
Kima is actually pretty cute. I used to listen to this group called Total, and one of the singers' name was Kima, which I just loved! But you, NO, I LOVE MY KIMMY JUST THE WAY SHE IS!! It is kinda weird though looking at those names end with -a except yours Kim, and how Shara and Tara rhymes and we just so happen to be on same forum, blows me away!!
Haha! Kima is so cool :) im so happy to be one of the soul sister mates and im so homered to have you all as my SSMs <3

Louisa how long have you been trying now? I thinks it's cycle 3 for shara as I knew her from another thread before I came here :) shara sweetie sending baby dust to you hoping it's your bfp cycle FX

Louisa, im not sure if you should test for ovu in the TWW

BUT may be keep having an occasional intercourse just in case?

Hugs all, I'm going offline now but I can't wait to see you all comes tomorrow <3
Oh yeah shara I didn't realise about the number of letters but that counts too ;) kima is cute but here we have a type of naan bread that you eat with curry called kima naan although I'm not sure it's spelt that way. It's got a beef inside it and tastes like crap lol.

Noooo kika haha I didn't test for ovulation but I heard someone say on another thread that if you're pregnant then an opk should always be positive but I think that's further into the pregnancy anyway not right at the start :/ I guess. And aww, we love having you as one of our SSM's. I literally could never speak like that with Anyone else hahaha I bet people read our thread and think what the f... But only we know what it's like to be a SSM <3

it's cycle 4 for me kika. We decided to start trying in September but at that point I didn't track periods or anything so we just started BD'ing unprotected and hoped we may of caught it that month. Then we started properly in October, so technically 3 months we've used opk's and tracked (charted? Not sure what the right word is) :D.
Oh it's me again, i just wanted you to check out something fun I found yday :)

It's baby gender prediction according to moon phase:


And here you can check the moon phase and the zodiac it was in the day you conceived: https://lunaf.com/english/live-data/moon-phase/

Let's see if it's true when we get to find out our babies gender :)

3 cycles isn't long ...but it could have been cycle 1 right :) our time is coming :)

I will be (hopefully) conceiving on 20th Jan and the moon is in Capricorn so chances are I'll conceove a girl. Chinese predictor however says January --> a boy &#55357;&#56861; haha fun fun... I can't wait :)
Wow that's cool :p I'm gonna have to try that tomorrow. And no it's not long technically but it feels like forever and each month I get more convinced that there is a problem because it hasn't happened yet haha, I know 6 months is average so I guess I have time :p I don't know if you was here at this point but the other girls will tell you, I'm paranoid I'm infertile for some stupid reason :s like I'm convinced I don't ovulate. I don't know what would possess me to think that. I just don't get how I fell pregnant on the pill which I took religiously May I add, and it happened on one of my very first times too! We wasn't even trying obviously, far from it, yet it happened. And now were literally going for it every day around my fertile window and we've tried the SMEP for 2 cycles so I don't know why it isn't happening but everyone who's ttc could say the same thing, it's a case of patience (which I don't have much of lol) and positivity (which I do have a lot of, just not when it comes to ttc sadly).. I'm 10dpo tomorrow so maybe there's a higher chance of a bfp if this month is my month. I hope Tara gets an answer tomorrow too bless her little cottons. And shara in a few days! Were all in this together right? You're in it with us kika but will be officially one of the tryers in jan I hope!!! <3
Oh, bit of a strange question but I just literally thought to ask. It's personal but were SSM's right?! ;) <3 how old was you all on your very first times and how many people have you slept with? Told you it was personal but I won't judge of course .. It just helps to know I guess. Now were all at the point in our lives where we want to make our families grow, it's sort of fascinating to know the numbers and past relationships as CRINGEY as that sounds haha!! I don't mean for it to sound the way it does - honest. I had my first time when I had just turned 16 and then I got my positive test a month later ... ( I won't say bfp because it wasn't seen in that type of context ) I HATE that I lost my virginity to such a disrespectful pr*ck to be honest and our first attempt was ridiculous when I think back to it (not a nice memory but it's something you never forget right?..) after me and my first (abusive) ex split for good, I then went off the rails a little and started to play away on the rebound and then stupidly started seeing someone and slept with him after the 4th or 5th time of seeing him. Then I had a short relationship after that which lasted no more than a couple of months, and then Jesse. So 4 for me and I'm 20 in 2015 so I guess it's not terrible when you think of some girls but it could be better. I'm sooo convinced Jesse is the one though so I really don't see myself ever sleeping with anybody else obviously! I'm so excited to finally set a date to marry the softie and hopefully we have a little one walking down the aisle too, would be the icing on the cake! <3
Okay, I just laughed my ass off at the later posts -- you guys are freaking funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had a long weekend and day. Long story short, two of our best friends got into a huge domestic brawl in front of their 3 year old (1 of 5 of their kids). The bad news is the DH works with my DH at the police dept. During the brawl, the wife calls me hysterical with the baby screaming and him yelling. He goes back to work and starts "boasting" about it and once my DH goes to work...I find out he is going back to the house. Still following? I know I'm leaving out a lot but long story short...his PD had to go over there and investigate. It's awful. I think we also lost our Best friends. I'm so sad.

I also have only lived in my state my 3 years and she was one of my closest and only friends that I do things with. I feel very sad. I know they are pissed.

Onto pregnancy news...my test only have shadows. :shrug: I decided to take KIKA's advice and not test for a couple days.

My dad passed away on Christmas 17 years ago...so that's how I feel about Christmas.

I just wish this week was over. Sorry to be such a downer but ... everything seems to be bad news.

So thank you for making me laugh with your posts!!!

Louisa...believe it or not I was a virgin bride when I married (the first time :rofl:) at age 23. Divorced and had 3 more partners before marrying my DH. :) I know I'm the exception to the rule. :haha: Oops, remembered one more. :rofl: So make that 4 more before current DH. hahahaha
Tara, that is awful. You think you lost your best friends because of what happened? I certainly hope not, and I hope everything turns out to be OK with them! I&#8217;m sorry to hear this happened, hun. :hugs:

Shadows are not a bad thing, right? I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re taking Kika&#8217;s advice. Sometimes it&#8217;s best just to let some time pass before testing again. When is AF due for you? I&#8217;ve still got everything crossed for you, love!

And bless your little cottons, with your dad passing away on Christmas! My goodness, that is terrible! No wonder you want the week to be over, I would too. I do hope it goes quickly for you and you&#8217;re able to take comfort in knowing that your dad is there in spirit. :hugs: And maybe having your girls to dote on helps make things a little more bearable.

Louisa, extra hugs to you today, my sweet. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I know today was your angel&#8217;s due date because we were only a day apart, if I remember correctly. My angel&#8217;s due date was tomorrow, Christmas Eve. :cry: Here&#8217;s to wishing you, me and Tara the best to get through these tough days. How are you doing so far today?

Now to answer your question about age and partners&#8230;you know I don&#8217;t think of anything as too personal, especially not with my SSMs! There is no limit to the things you can ask me and/or that I feel like we can talk about with each other! <3 I was 15 my first time, and it was with my boyfriend, who was not a virgin. I was young and dumb because get this&#8230;he cheated on me and had sex with one of his sister&#8217;s friends. Once we got back together, I stupidly thought I needed to have sex with him to keep him. Well, actually, I guess it did work, we were together on and off for 3.5 years, from the time I was 15 until I was 18. I went off the rails some myself... During that time, at age 16, I cheated on him and had sex with another guy, so add 1. And at age 17, during one of our many breaks, I had sex during my senior year spring break with a hot spring breaker, so add another 1. Then after he and I broke up for good when I was 18, I had sex with 1 more guy before meeting Shaun (I was still 18) and we&#8217;ve been monogamous ever since! <3 So a total of 5 for me. Whew! See, you have to be careful when you ask me personal questions because I will tell you MORE than you want to know! :rofl:
Aw see I nearly caught up with you both already lol! Lucky I don't plan on letting Jesse go anywhere ;)

Thanks Kim, can't believe you remembered that's so sweet. Had a little cry this morning and let a balloon go. To make matters worse I think AF is on her way. I've been having a weird like burning shooting sensation (I would say pain but it doesn't really hurt) low down on the right side which it 'shoots' once and then stops for another 15 mins or so- it's weird! Never had it before. So I don't think you can count that as a symptom :( plus bfn today too :bfn:
My first time was a rape by my mom's boyfriend when I was 11. Soooo yeah I'm gonna leave it at that. I hate those memories because while every other normal raised girl gets to experience her own "giving away", I didn't get that option, so I'd rather not talk about it.

And Tara, my father was killed New Years Eve 19 years ago when I was 9, so I always get "moody" around that time where I don't even want to celebrate bringing in a new year, so I understand how you feel. But the Christmas we spent together just before that was so special to me and so amazing that I can't help but be happy on Christmas. If I haven't told you guys my Dad was my main parent back then. I lived with him and he was my best friend and I was his innocent angel, whom he spoiled rotten lol. So yeah, that Christmas I pretty much got everything I had asked for, being his only child and all. Only to have him taken away from me 6 days later. After that happened, I lived with my granny for a year then with my mom for 4 years, then with my granny til I was 17. It took me a LONG time to forgive and appreciate my mom due to the history, which I had learned to forgive her and move on. I just learned to appreciate the ones I did have b/c losing him a week after the "best christmas ever" made me realize just how precious, yet short, life really is. NOT AT ALL am I saying anything about how you should feel, I'm just telling you how I can relate to losing a parent around this time of the year. It was really hard and tough for me, and still is sometimes, especially Father's Day, his Bday, my wedding, the birth of his first grandchild (future tense :winkwink:) so I completely understand. I know that was a little bit chatty, but I just wanted to share that you ladies
Oh, Shara. I'm crying right now. I will honor your wish and not talk about it after this, but just know that I am so sorry such a horrible thing happened to you. I love you very much. :hugs:

As for your dad, I knew he passed but I don't think you'd ever given us the details and I would never ask, but I'm glad you told us. Bless you, my love, you haven't had it very easy, have you? You are so right about how life is precious and can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I am very proud of you for continuing to keep your faith in spite of all that has happened to you. And I'm also very glad you were able to have an unforgettable Christmas with him before he passed. I'm sending love and prayers to you to help you get through this difficult time, as well. :hugs:
Louisa, that pain does sound strange, especially since it's never happened to you before! FX it is not AF related and is pregnancy related instead! And lady, you need to stop testing every day! Imho, it's just getting you more and more upset about getting a BFN every day! :( You really should try to refrain, my sweet. I think 10 DPO is still pretty early! :hugs:
......To make matters worse I think AF is on her way. I've been having a weird like burning shooting sensation (I would say pain but it doesn't really hurt) low down on the right side which it 'shoots' once and then stops for another 15 mins or so- it's weird! Never had it before. So I don't think you can count that as a symptom :( plus bfn today too :bfn:

Not to start anything, but you do know that implantation normally takes place around 9-12dpo right?!! That sounds like it to me, but I know you don't like to get your hopes up, so I'll just keep my FX that this is the case for you
I'm so sorry Shara I would never have asked if I had any idea :cry: now I feel terrible. I didn't think it was possible to feel even worse today but I feel bad right now. I agree with Kim. You haven't had it easy and I'm so sorry for that. :hugs:
Shara!!! Oh my.. I am excited lol but not getting my hopes up once again so don't panic I'm not holding you to it :D but I really truly hope that has something to do with it. I'm not sure that's a pregnancy symptom though

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