It's weird .. I'm in so much discomfort with it but I feel more positive towards this month ttc for some strange reason
Shara, Tara could be right.. It could be implantation. That's the tiny bit of hope we all like to hold on to, or atleast I do as I approach the end of my tww but sometimes that actually is the case .. look at Kim! Thought it was AF but no, so don't give up yet

I agree with the fact it happens when you least expect it. That's why I wanted to ntnp this month but I know we probably wouldn't catch it if we tried and my cycles just take too long to come around to waste!
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great Kim. We're in the same boat chick, I feel rotten! I've scratched these shingles so hard I've made them bleed tonight

I hope work doesn't drag on too much! Get home and put your feet up and cuddle your fur babies (basically what I've done all day... yawn) not through choice believe me! -_-
Tara wow that's a lot of people to have in one house

should be a great night though. i hate to say it but I'm dreading the new year celebrations .. Purely because I have none now! We were suppose to be going into London to watch the fireworks by Big Ben and the London eye which are just amazing year after year, but I can't even step foot out of the house! I'll have to settle for watching it on tv lol.
Kika.. I sooooo feel your pain when you had these before!!! They are EVERYWHERE. All over my boobs, under my boob!!! My stomach, legs, just everywhere! I've literally ripped my skin apart they're so itchy. My doctor said these ones are the type caused by a virus in my system but I don't recall feeling like I've had a virus lately, but working in a place like where I work it's sometimes inevitable and I probably didn't even know I had one! These type are only catching to people who haven't had shingles before and elderly with the inability to fight infection and virus so I really Can't go back to work until she gives me the all clear.
I'm so glad to hear you're definitely going for it in jan kika. That's great news, finally, yay!
Another weird thing which I forgot to mention yesterday .. She also said I have anxiety too! Whaaaaat. I would say I'm confident and never feel anxious or anything but she said I have IBS and anxiety I know all tied in with that, so I guess she's not wrong but I'm still puzzled with that. :s I googled it and part of it is negative thoughts and extreme thoughts like thinking you're gonna die etc which I never think that lol.. But I do feel on a huge downer to do with ttc sometimes especially after every bfn so maybe the anxiety makes this whole ttc lark worse than how other people deal with it, I don't know
I'm glad you was able to meet your OH's kids kika. I bet that made you feel a whole lot closer to him as well?
I had a little giggle at your question about opk's lol I think shara did too by the sound of it haha you're so cute!!! On a serious note, ask any questions you like, how are you meant to know if you've never used them before

no.. They don't tell you how many hours until you o,

the cheapest way of doing it is ordering a batch of say, 30? On eBay or I'm sure Amazon have the same things if you're more of an Amazon person but I get mine off eBay. Anyway they're cheap and not the most accurate I doubt but they give you a rough idea, you dip them and the appearing line has to be as dark or preferably darker to know you're O'ing.. Or the clear blue ones that I use and Kim used to use are digital.. So you put a stick in the small reader thingy, dip it in your pee and wait for the symbol to come up which is either a round empty circle (low fertility), a flashing smiley face (high fertility), or a non flashing, solid smiley face (peak fertility) which does mean you'll be O'ing within the next 12-48 hours I think it is.. Or clear blue do different ones where just a smiley or sad face comes up but then you don't get to now when your peak time is which I guess matters. in England they're something stupid like £30 for the clear blue reader machine and 10 sticks but on eBay it's £17 free post for the exact same thing so I'd go for that unless you wanna do the cheapy sticks

personal preference