Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Well that's what I'm thinking Tara that I conceived but failed to implant.. Though I'm not sure because I KNOW I had that second line this cycle! :nope: I don't know what's going on. I take a multivitamin for couples who are ttc, I don't know what else to do! I need to go the doctors :(
I totally hear you! It takes a year for healthy couples to conceive. And with healthy couples there is only a 20% chance of conceiving even when timing is right. Don't give up on yourself yet. It'll happen. I promise. :hugs:
Hi, my sweet SSMs! I am finally back after a long Christmas break! I missed you girls!

Louisa and Tara, I'm so sorry AF showed for y'all. What a Christmas witch. I was really hoping to come back to some BFPs. :hugs: Louisa, I think if you go to the doctor to talk about TTC, it will help you feel better about it, hun. And Tara is right, it WILL happen, you just have to give it time. I know it's frustrating for you (and easy for me to say in my position), but everything will work itself out, I promise! :hugs:

Shara, you're up, girlfriend! We need another BFP in our group, and hopefully it's you this cycle! ;) With all that BDing you and Romeo did, I'll be pretty surprised if you don't catch that egg.

Shara, I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. Louisa, I love the pics of Amber and Saskia with Santa hats - so cute! Tara and Kika, how were your Christmases?

xoxo to you all!
Good Morning Chicas!!!

Hiya Tara :hi: and yes I am in that dreaded TWW! I'm 10 dpo today and I'm sooooooooo anxious to test! I secretly tested yesterday afternoon about 3 or 4p, and BFN, I mean stark white, no color to even obsess over lol....:shhh: I will be testing on Wednesday though, that would be 12 dpo and if I'm preggo it should show. FX!
I was thinking the same thing for Louisa, that it could've very well been a CP :cry: and I agree with you too on the willing to try anything lol. I was starting to feel that way, but I'm sure sooner than later, I'm gonna get my bfp. I just feel it. I'm feeling very optimistic about 2015 for all of us who aren't preggo yet!! One thing I'm not willing to try though is BD everyday again:nope: not me. I think I might try that Grapefruit juice suggestion though, seeing as though I like it anyway, can't hurt right?
Thanks for the acknowledgement and I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope that you and your family will heal from this

Welcome back Kim! Glad to hear all is well
I secretly tested yesterday afternoon about 3 or 4p, and BFN, I mean stark white, no color to even obsess over lol....:shhh: I will be testing on Wednesday though, that would be 12 dpo and if I'm preggo it should show. FX!
I was thinking the same thing for Louisa, that it could've very well been a CP :cry:

Aw, Shara, I'm sorry, honey. Hopefully it was just a little too soon to test. Plus it wasn't FMU, so maybe Wednesday you'll get your BFP! EX! I couldn't help but think the same for Louisa, as everything sounded so promising. :(

You gals just keep hanging in there! My guess is that every one of you will be pregnant before I have Peanut in my arms!
Thanks girls. I went to the doctors this morning. I have IBS (permanently) and shingles, but I'm ok.. I mentioned to her about how my cycles have lengthened somewhere along the line and she isn't worried about it.. She also said the spotting pre-period will come and go throughout my life and won't affect my chances. Jesse also arranged to be sent a tube to send his spermies off in to get tested for that and see where we stand with ttc. I have a sick note for a week off work, could be longer depending on how long these shingles take to shift. I physically couldn't of risked giving this to my residents as it can be fatal to elderly people! Me and Jesse are in the process of deciding whether to take a break from ttc this month .. I guess it delends how I feel but since my O takes forever to come around I guess there's every chance that it'll be ok by then. It's not gonna achieve anything by taking a break, though I just feel like we're not getting anywhere with it - don't we all :nope: but, after seeing my doctor who is fab I feel refreshed like she has boosted my confidence so it has to happen someday right.

Shara - grrrr. I HATE that you got a bfn!!! .. Although 10dpo is still early, I just hate to hear of someone I love getting that! It kills me every time, it's like torture!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for you.

Kim I'm glad you're back :hugs: I was worried that our CHATTIEST lady disappeared hehe. Thanks, I do feel better (about ttc) now I've been to the doctor. I just hope jesse's sperm count comes back normal now and I'll be able to breathe again and just be patient! X x
Good Morning Ladies!!

Thanks for the support guys. I know I shouldn't have test anyway, I was just curious. I wasn't that bummed until....well this morning me and Romeo decided to have a quickie before I left for work, and right after, when I was showering, I wiped and saw blood :shock:
I pray to GOD AF is not showing up early!! It's bad enough I'm due for AF on 1/2, I sure as heck don't need her right now even if I didn't get catch it. Let me enjoy the New Year, at least, before I have to realize it didn't happen lol...

I have a eerie feeling that it might not have happened b/c he did get sick right around my fertile period and we weren't able to BD as much as we would've liked, but as Kika reminded me, it normally happens when you least expect it. Same thing happened with my first Angel. We BD on the 4th of July, the only time during that fertile period and it was enough to catch the egg then, so I'm praying it was enough this time too haha.
Thanks girls. I went to the doctors this morning. I have IBS (permanently) and shingles, but I'm ok..

OH NO :nope: I'm so sorry to hear about the IBS and Shingles, I'm glad to hear you're ok, but that still sucks!! I'm glad it's not going to affect you TTC, now all we need to make sure is that Jesse's soldiers are "A ok" then you can relax and continue your journey. I know it's hard because it feels like an eternity, even I feel like that sometimes, but I got to keep my chin up and not stress too much. Hope you're feeling better today

Oh man, sorry about the Shingles Louisa! Ugh, I hear it is going around near us too.

Shara, those stupid BFNs are always so disappointing. Was the blood bright red? I'm wondering if it could possibly be implantation?

HI KIM!!! :) How are you feeling?

My Christmas was great. Uneventful, fun to watch Lucy open presents. Sydney really made out. Grateful for the two of them.

We are hosting 50 people at my house on New Years Eve. :dohh: But should be fun but a lot of preparation going on right now.

My DH has been super sick and I'm hoping it doesn't affect us TTC. I think I will be O'ing next Monday...what do you girls think?
Thanks Tag, but no I don't think it was implantation! For one because it was a brown, it was a darker red, but not brown like the usual IB, and also because it was after our "session" the way it looked didn't give me the impression of IB, so :shrug: :shrug: Maybe it was little too rough for a quickie :rofl: I guess we'll see what happens later today.

I'm sorry to hear about your DH. I hope it's not the same thing Romeo had a couple of weeks ago :sick:, but if so, I am REALLY sorry about that. Hope he gets better soon. That New Year's party sounds like it going to be fun. Wish I was there lol. We still don't have any plans for New Year's yet. I think with Thanksgiving and Christmas we just don't have the energy to do anything else lol...well besides BD:haha:. I hope we get to go out but if not, I'm sure we'll enjoy a quiet night together...

Anyone else with New Year's plans?
Hello my sweet ladies, im back from my holidays break :) well, I was back on the 26th when I typed this long letter and it disappeared before posting and I didn't have time to re-type...until now and fingers crossed it doesn't disappear again :)

Louisa, Tara what a bummer :/ but like Kim said we'll all be pregnant before peanut arrives :) in fact we'll all be pregnant next month :)

Louisa, what a coincidence we both got the shingles around the same time. It's not contagious and it's dangerous only for ppl who's never had the chicken pox before as the shingles will make them get the chicken pox, so don't worry about it going around Tara, and enjoy your sick slip and stay at home week Louisa :)

Ibs sucks big time, did they test for any food intolerance, my ex had it and it wasn't fun.

Tara, what's the prep for the party? We are having around 25 ppl over and it stresses me a lot but oh said don't worry we'll order chinese since it's the tradition...

Shara, I'm sorry for your negative test, grrr...but it's still very early, as long as you don't get AF theres a chance...

Louisa, how nice of your doctor to send Jessie for a swimmers test and to reassure you. You don't want to stress or keep thinking you're infertile... Believe me it takes years for them to diagnose you with infertile and if you make it on the NHs assisted conception waring list its at least a year wait depending on the area (it was 3 and 1/2 years fin Wimbledon when I lived there). You don't want to get there and there's no indication for either of you of being 'unable' so keep trying and keep positive <3

I'm not telling you off but I need you to stop having negative thoughts, ok? It will happen :) and it will happen soon :)

Now a little about our Christmas --> we had all 3 oh's kids on Christmas eve, he was so so happy. The boys didnt talk to me but they weren't disrespectful either, so I guess it was ok for a first times meet. His daughter was lovely she even got me a little pressie :) then on we went to oh's sister who was hosting the christmas dinner and sectet santa party--> lots of fun :)

We went fishing on Saturday and shopping yday and now Im stressing about the NEw years eve party...

Oh, we also talked about babies and we decided we'll try in January. I will be ovulating around 20th, there's still lots of time but I'll need you all to explain to me everything there is about ovulation pee kits, I don't get the dark darker darkest line thing, don't pee stick just say --> will ovulate in ...hours?

Anywho, lots of hugs and see you later on :)
Girls, I'm so sorry I've been quiet but I'm just not feeling well today. :nope: I will get back with you ladies soon. It'll probably be tomorrow, as I am also exhausted and doing my best to keep my head off my desk at work. :(
:rofl: I wish the O test did tell you that lol...

I'm so happy to hear y'all will be trying in January :happydance:. Now y'all can actually do some real BDing around that camp haha

Normally, with an O test, you pretty much either take them 2x a day (preferrably one in afternoon and one in evening since they don't recommend FMU) only if you have enough tests to do that. Otherwise, take one every late afternoon/evening and you take it just like taking an HPT, the exact same way. If you get the dipsticks, you pee in a cup and dip it, or if you get a midstream stick, you hold it under you and pee on it. Now, for me, I still dipped the midstream sticks and it was the same result so I don't think it matters. I think you just can't pee on the dipsticks because they're too small. Now, I did get the dark, darker, darkest thing so that's how I knew, you could try the digital ones, which has the flashy thingies on it, but you would have to get the digital business from Louisa or Kim, because IIIII can't afford that and don't know about them either lol...

I'm glad you had fun with your soon to be stepkids :winkwink: I know that feeling. I just met my steppies about 3-4 weeks ago for the first time, and the experience for me was pretty awesome. It has been so amazing ever since!! His son LOVES me! He follows me around EVERYWHERE!! In the store, in the house, too and from the car, all while still holding a conversation the entire time lol, it's so funny. And his daughters are so comical, they're always ganging on him when me and him have a disagreement, and he just says "I thought I was your Dad?", but they're so "Girl Power Pro" they don't even care haha....It really is another element finally meeting them, in my experience. I couldn't have asked God for anything more, besides my own baby of course. I'M JUST SO HAPPY THEY LIKE ME :smug:
It's weird .. I'm in so much discomfort with it but I feel more positive towards this month ttc for some strange reason :shrug:

Shara, Tara could be right.. It could be implantation. That's the tiny bit of hope we all like to hold on to, or atleast I do as I approach the end of my tww but sometimes that actually is the case .. look at Kim! Thought it was AF but no, so don't give up yet :) I agree with the fact it happens when you least expect it. That's why I wanted to ntnp this month but I know we probably wouldn't catch it if we tried and my cycles just take too long to come around to waste! :nope:

Sorry to hear you're not feeling great Kim. We're in the same boat chick, I feel rotten! I've scratched these shingles so hard I've made them bleed tonight :( I hope work doesn't drag on too much! Get home and put your feet up and cuddle your fur babies (basically what I've done all day... yawn) not through choice believe me! -_-

Tara wow that's a lot of people to have in one house :) should be a great night though. i hate to say it but I'm dreading the new year celebrations .. Purely because I have none now! We were suppose to be going into London to watch the fireworks by Big Ben and the London eye which are just amazing year after year, but I can't even step foot out of the house! I'll have to settle for watching it on tv lol.

Kika.. I sooooo feel your pain when you had these before!!! They are EVERYWHERE. All over my boobs, under my boob!!! My stomach, legs, just everywhere! I've literally ripped my skin apart they're so itchy. My doctor said these ones are the type caused by a virus in my system but I don't recall feeling like I've had a virus lately, but working in a place like where I work it's sometimes inevitable and I probably didn't even know I had one! These type are only catching to people who haven't had shingles before and elderly with the inability to fight infection and virus so I really Can't go back to work until she gives me the all clear.
I'm so glad to hear you're definitely going for it in jan kika. That's great news, finally, yay! :happydance:

Another weird thing which I forgot to mention yesterday .. She also said I have anxiety too! Whaaaaat. I would say I'm confident and never feel anxious or anything but she said I have IBS and anxiety I know all tied in with that, so I guess she's not wrong but I'm still puzzled with that. :s I googled it and part of it is negative thoughts and extreme thoughts like thinking you're gonna die etc which I never think that lol.. But I do feel on a huge downer to do with ttc sometimes especially after every bfn so maybe the anxiety makes this whole ttc lark worse than how other people deal with it, I don't know :nope:

I'm glad you was able to meet your OH's kids kika. I bet that made you feel a whole lot closer to him as well?

I had a little giggle at your question about opk's lol I think shara did too by the sound of it haha you're so cute!!! On a serious note, ask any questions you like, how are you meant to know if you've never used them before (: no.. They don't tell you how many hours until you o, :rofl: the cheapest way of doing it is ordering a batch of say, 30? On eBay or I'm sure Amazon have the same things if you're more of an Amazon person but I get mine off eBay. Anyway they're cheap and not the most accurate I doubt but they give you a rough idea, you dip them and the appearing line has to be as dark or preferably darker to know you're O'ing.. Or the clear blue ones that I use and Kim used to use are digital.. So you put a stick in the small reader thingy, dip it in your pee and wait for the symbol to come up which is either a round empty circle (low fertility), a flashing smiley face (high fertility), or a non flashing, solid smiley face (peak fertility) which does mean you'll be O'ing within the next 12-48 hours I think it is.. Or clear blue do different ones where just a smiley or sad face comes up but then you don't get to now when your peak time is which I guess matters. in England they're something stupid like £30 for the clear blue reader machine and 10 sticks but on eBay it's £17 free post for the exact same thing so I'd go for that unless you wanna do the cheapy sticks :D personal preference :thumbup:
Ya, shingles are horrible but a fuLly you got the virus when you were little --> first time you had the pox. Then the virus "falls asleep" in your body and waits for when you're most frigile to "wake up". So the virus is inside you and it's inside everyone who's ever had the pox. And only your body can wake it up, you can't catch it from someone. But if you're immune is weak (like elderly) or you're stressed then your body wakes it up. Since it is the pox virus you can pass it on as chicken pox to someone who's never had the pox before --> like kids :) and when I was teaching and working with kids they could get the pox from me even though I had shingles... Anyway it's horible and I hope you never have to experience it again but mostly it is stress that causes it in young ppl cause our immune systems are still strong and healthy i would think.

You had a lot of stress lately --> the ex's stupidly, the pregnant "best friend" insanity, bfn's...it's slowly makes your body frigile and susceptible to infections so, oh I just thought of a game we used to play during my MSc psych's --> we got to write down a thing a day that made us happy, grateful, thankful, helpful, etc positive ...and no writing/ feeling negative. Every time we felt ugh we need to come here and I stead of writing about the ugh, write about all the yays and wows :)

We all need positive thinking and although I agree that sharing a ugh experience help move on --> the act of writing it enhances it and the time we spend focusing on it and putting it i to words is much longer than if we just waved and focused on materializing in words and comments all the yay and wow experiences :)

What do you guys think about it?

Louisa, I always watch the fireworks on tv, it's just too cold outside and well I guess someday I would like to do it but not yet :) I've always had ppl over and that makes me happy --> chat and eat and even dance, then watch fireworks eat desert and go to bed ;p <--- old old old ppl :)

Kim, I hope you feel better soon sweetie. Big hug and give peanut a little pat/ rub for me <3

Hugs all

Oh I don't like that ovu sticks don't tell how many hours to BD grrr they are kind of pointless then...but I'll try read the dark darker darkest right :D
AWWW Louisa you look so beautiful on your new avi!!!!

I know all about anxiety too! TTC only makes it worse, but I'm trying to push through and be as positive as possible, as I see you are too! I think once we get our life's dream of being a mommy, the anxiety will just float away lol...I hope your shingles clears up soon. So sorry you and Kika have to go through that :hugs:

Kika, that still sounds like a good time to me and I'm not old at all (at least I don't think I am lol). I would prefer to do just that. Dance, chat, eat, drink, fireworks, sleep with a smile on my face, the end; sounds awesome.
I also think that's a great idea of writing down/chatting about positive things all the time, instead of dwelling on the negatives. I'm up for that anyday. I know this TTC can be a rollercoaster, but positive energy IS what we need if we're going to succeed in anything. Wise suggestion hun. Soooo only positive chats ladies.

Still didn't test this morning guys. I'm due for AF on Friday, so hopefully I can make it without testing, IDK maybe tomorrow morning if I remember haha. Definitely not going to test today since it's not FMU:nope:
You're soooo right kika! a lot does go on in life without even realising it really.. The ex's and the bfn's and all those situations probably do add to anxiety but I still wasn't aware I had it.. :shrug: I didn't know you had it either shara! How does it make you feel and I'll see if I can relate to it because I would never have said I had it. Could be a hell of a lot worse so as you said, stay strong and keep your head up right girly? And aww thank you haha I took that back in the summer, i got bored of having my girls as my photo so fancied a change! :p

Kika i go to the fireworks every year so I'm just gutted I can't make it this year. But atleast I can still see them on the tv and be tucked up in my warm bed I guess :) it's just annoying as I'm so close to them! :nope:

well done for not testing shara, I don't know how you managed that lol but another day could make the world of difference!

I agree with the positive chats.. The only thing I probably shouldn't mention on this thread is when I get a bfn because I don't take them well and it probably seems like i'm bringing negative vibes to the thread but I don't mean to. As you said it is a roller coaster and can make you feel like shit sometimes lol -_- I'm gonna change this month though. I admit I didn't try as hard with certain things to do with ttc this cycle like the water drinking, I didn't have much EW at all so I'm gonna drink water, start taking my vitamins again, exercise lightly in my (Very little) spare time, and I'm gonna try and BD twice a day when I get my peak reading :D see it that works! It can't hurt, right? Since we tried SMEP for 2 cycles and then BD'ing every day for a week the following cycle. So I am positive and feel refreshed for all of us in the new year, this is gonna be our year! Peanut is gonna be here and the rest of us are gonna get our bfp's watch this space <3
Oh and 7 hours to go here until 2015! I always get emotional on the countdown lol am I the only one?

Health, wealth, bfp's and LOTS of happiness for 2015 my beautiful ladies. &#128151; <3 xxx
Anxiety, in my experience, is just me wanting what I want right then and there and wanting them to work out how I want it to (I know I'm supposed to be a Christian right lol). Great example--TTC, when tests come back - or I'm not getting enough CM that lines up with what I think should be there, I get really irritated, but no to the point of madness, just to where I feel like you did, like something is wrong and I'll never get pregnant and God is punishing me for not being the perfect person blah, blah, blah, but it only lasts a few hours before I get the nerve to read my bible or pray, and then I'm back to being my positive self. I don't wanna go into my depression stage b/c I did experience that about 7 years ago, and it was messy, I mean the worst!! But just anxiety itself can be defeated with positive thoughts. I think with what Kika said, it ties in perfectly. The only thing that has worked for me overcoming anxiety is GOD himself and knowing HE will fix all things, that I don't have to do it by myself. I didn't need medicine, therapy, staitjacket, none of that. I know everyone don't believe, which is fine but that's what's worked for me. When you speak good things, I believe good things will happen.

No, you're not the only one either, I get emotional too on New Year's for various reasons, but I think about those things that happened the previous year and it just overwhelms me how much can happen in 365 days lol...but yes, lots of good things coming our way in 2015
Yeah then I guess i have anxiety then, because I feel like that every month! About every little thing to do with ttc. CM, about O, about whether I can see 2 lines on a test. So many things! And then it affects my mood and my day. I Love your attitude shara. I'm not religious so to speak but I'm christened so I'm a huge believer of everything happens for a reason and I do believe that someone in the sky is the one to make those decisions so I see where you're coming from.

How are you all anyway? :)

My shingles are giving me GRIEF today. I'm in so much pain with them, I'm so fed up! :nope: the new years fireworks in London last night looked soooo magical on the tv, YouTube it! I'm sieving that I've been every year minus this one and this year was suppose to be the best one yet, and I believe it because they really were something else- wow :p how was your new years eves? <3

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