Happy New year my lovely SSMs

here's to a bfp for Tara, Shara, Louisa and I and happy and healthy pregnancy Kim and happy healthy pregnancies for the rest of us this cycle F&E crossed
Shara, sorry AF got you :/ this is going to be our cycle ...well a little later on for me but january 20th here I come
Tara, hoping Lucy gets better soon and ends up not needing Tamiflu...I'm surprised Tamiflu is all over the tv commercials here, Usa seems pretty keen on it, it's hardly ever prescribed in UK and even then doctors woukd advice against it...
Kim, get better soon girl!! We need your positive vibes here
Louisa, I've heard the shingles could mess up ovulation --> Google shingles and ovulation, it may not happen to us but be patient with your ovu and start testing early in the cycle. I had the shingles in the beginning of June 2014, then AF 15th of June and I knew I was pregnant around 29th June may be 30th ...
Now...we had the shingles just which means the cycle after the shingles we'll get pregnant

I just have that feeling that we will
We didn't have as many ppl as we invited :/ some of them cancelled last moment but we still had fun

I had a sip of wine and then I knocked my glass and spilled it and never got refill. I don't drink ever but I'm not against it and I don't think a drink here and there would harm the baby, there's other things that harm babies too so I don't stress about a sip or a smoke here and there...
I had a glass of bubbly last night --> I like the taste but it wasn't original champagne and next year I think we'll go for the original...I just had no idea the fake one taste so different
Tara, it's normal to get CM and no ovu, when I was prepped for IVFs I would always get tons of it around day 8-10 and doctors would say don't worry it's normal it's cause it's more than one egg

and then I'd ovulate around 13-14 day so may be you're cooking more than one egg this cycle, fingers crossed for a sticky one
Shara, where did. You get your bbt from and I woukd like to try primrose --> they don't have it at Costco I don't thing which is a shame as Costco is the only shop that's exactly the same as Costco UK and I'm familiar with ...and the other us shops just meh are not as what Im used to
I've heard pineapple are controversial as they cause contractions?!? But I'll have to google that again ...may be good for implantation but then need to be stopped or visa versa oh I'll check google later.
Louisa I always you tube the fireworks as midnight steals my focus with kissing wine pouring friends texting and stuff ...2014 were the best so far, they had hearts for the first time and I was my fav part

I tried to google NY fireworks as apparently usa national tv is NY but they don't seem to be too interested in fireworks the Americans ...there's nothing on you tube and I'm not sure why but I was happy to watch the London ones
Do you normally drive there and how early do you have to get there to secure good spots? I've never done it but hoping I would one day

where do you live ?
Hugs all and hope we start getting bfp's here very very soon