Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

I really hate how quiet Kim is lately .. I don't like it at all :nope: I hope she feels better bless her. We love you and peanut <3
Good Morning Ladies and Happy 2015!! My New Year's Eve was pretty ordinary. We went to a friend's house and they were celebrating, I didn't drink anything, but Romeo got pretty buzzed...

Speaking of which, AF got me Wednesday night. Booooooooo!! I'm just worried that it might've been a chemical because, I don't know about you guys, but my cycles are always on time, like clockwork, so for her to show up 2 days early was shocking to me:shrug: Anywho, here's to getting our BFP's in 2015 Tara, Louisa, and Kika! And to a happy, healthy pregnancy for Kim!!

I hate that Kim is sick too, but hopefully that means that Peanut is growing fast! I hope she gets better soon too!
Grrrrr DAMN af, sorry Hun :nope: having said that, mine was due boxing day and I got her Xmas eve so mine was also 2 days early last cycle :/ sucks doesn't it?

Well done for not drinking on nye, me neither lol. What grannies we are ;) nah. It's best to keep those bodies healthy right?! :thumbup:

And yeah, I'm obviously not glad she's sick but it does mean everything's going good for peanut but it's just horrid for our chattiest lady to be so non existent lately, hopefully she might post today :)
I know right! As bad as it sounds, I hope the sickness means all is well. I really do miss her conversations too. I just wanna be sure everything's fine with them both.

I'm so glad to hear I wasn't the only non-preggo person NOT drinking in the world. It seems like EVERYBODY else was. And it wasn't even planned either. Truth be told, I actually wanted to drink, but somehow it just didn't work out that way. I didn't have the desire once I got there. Weird!...But like you said, gotta keep my body baby proof haha
I'm not a huge drinker anyway if I'm being honest. i would rather have a drink that tastes nice rather than the taste of alcohol which is vile imo :haha: a glass on occasions doesn't hurt but that's as far as I go! You definitely wasn't the only one not drinking. My family did and I was just there chilling with a j2o as you do hahaha. I'm so bored these last few days. Can't really go out and I'm off work :nope:
I know you're probably bored out of your mind, but the good thing is you get to recover properly and you don't have to work in pain...

I'm not a big drinker either, mostly Moscato if I do indulge, but that's it. But yesterday they had some peach flavored Vodka and Pineapple juice, which sounded awesome to me, so I planned a night of getting buzzed, just don't know what happened. I drank mostly water and Sprite.

So, are you and Jesse planning to do anything different this cycle? Any pineapple core, primrose oil, BBT charting, acupuncture? Which by the way, I decided to buy a BBT yesterday for $7, so I'm going to try charting this cycle! FX I figure it out before it's too late haha...
I get to catch up on house work and can still do a little bit of work from home so i'm keeping busy. I'm glad this week isn't my fertile window though!!! :thumbup:

I don't know if we will do anything different as such but Ive started drinking loads of water and I'm taking my vitamins again, Jesse got some of the man ones too which is suppose to help spermies .. We might give preseed a go but we generally don't need lube ever, I hate the stuff! So I don't know if that would benefit us in any way but it acts as CF right? The only reason I haven't been temping so far is that i do that all day long at work lol, but I may give it a go this month. However temping whilst ttc is a little different to the way I temp so will have to learn the rules :p other than that I don't know what else to change, but I do want to try different things if the previous month failed, then again I didn't try as hard as I could of last cycle! I'm back full of confidence again though.

I really want to aim to fit in two BD a day when I get my peak smiley, I know people say that it wouldn't help but since we havent tried it yet, it may help us. We did SMEP for the last 3 or 4 months so gonna give something else a try. Shara I can't believe you've only just got AF and yet you're gonna be O'ing before me lol!!! Thats so strange, damnnnn long cycles

Shara, so sorry about AF. I hate it when that happens. I totally agree about the chemical...my AF is always regular and mine came 4 days early and it was a heavy painful long period and it never is.

I love temping!!! :haha: I'm gearing to O yet again, in 2-3 days. We shall see. We have BD yesterday and today and hope to continue that for another 5 or 6 days since we haven't done it every day in previous cycles. :dohh:

So the baby had a fever of 105.3 yesterday, it's much lower today but I am taking her to the doctor in an hour. The flu is really bad in the East right now so I'll probably put her on Tamiflu.

Kika! You asked about my new years party....we had so much food and Syd's friends came over and we blew up 100 balloons and put them in this holder you put on your ceiling and the kids let it down at midnight. It was cute and fun. Just when our last guest left the baby woke up with the fever...so we really haven't slept much ourselves the past couple days. My poor DH had to go work last night also so he really hasn't slept.

I have a ton of EWCM this cycle...but a negative O test. Just not sure why it would come before the O test...what do you guys think?
I get to catch up on house work and can still do a little bit of work from home so i'm keeping busy. I'm glad this week isn't my fertile window though!!! :thumbup: <---Agreed! Hopefully you back to a clean bill of health by that time

I don't know if we will do anything different as such but Ive started drinking loads of water and I'm taking my vitamins again, Jesse got some of the man ones too which is suppose to help spermies .. We might give preseed a go but we generally don't need lube ever, I hate the stuff! So I don't know if that would benefit us in any way but it acts as CF right? The only reason I haven't been temping so far is that i do that all day long at work lol, but I may give it a go this month. However temping whilst ttc is a little different to the way I temp so will have to learn the rules :p other than that I don't know what else to change, but I do want to try different things if the previous month failed, then again I didn't try as hard as I could of last cycle! I'm back full of confidence again though.

I'm starting to drink more water too. I'll admit I did slack off a bit, and I too stopped taking my prenatals because they didn't do me any justice, at least that's how it felt to me, but I guess I'll have to get back on top of taking mines too. As far as Preseed, I know for sure we don't need it, but it's always cool knowing that it can't hurt because it does act as CF, even though I manufacture plenty of it, I think it feels pretty niiiice!!

I really want to aim to fit in two BD a day when I get my peak smiley, I know people say that it wouldn't help but since we havent tried it yet, it may help us. We did SMEP for the last 3 or 4 months so gonna give something else a try. Shara I can't believe you've only just got AF and yet you're gonna be O'ing before me lol!!! Thats so strange, damnnnn long cycles

Yeah, that IS strange. I mean I knew eventually we would be in a cycle together, but not this soon!! I know my AF coming 2 days early is what boosted me up there too because she wasn't supposed to be here til today!!! I don't know what the hell happened! Hopefully, you're cycles shorten soon, which you know they do have things you can try if you do want to shorten them for real....
HI TARA :hi:

Party sounded so awesome!!! Glad you guys had a safe celebration...

Oh NO! I just read about the baby's fever. That's so scary! Is she okay now?? I know Romeo had some type of virus a few weeks ago and his temps were so high, I thought he was gonna leave me for a second. Bless her little heart, oh my gosh :(
Happy New year my lovely SSMs :) here's to a bfp for Tara, Shara, Louisa and I and happy and healthy pregnancy Kim and happy healthy pregnancies for the rest of us this cycle F&E crossed :)

Shara, sorry AF got you :/ this is going to be our cycle ...well a little later on for me but january 20th here I come ;)

Tara, hoping Lucy gets better soon and ends up not needing Tamiflu...I'm surprised Tamiflu is all over the tv commercials here, Usa seems pretty keen on it, it's hardly ever prescribed in UK and even then doctors woukd advice against it...

Kim, get better soon girl!! We need your positive vibes here <3

Louisa, I've heard the shingles could mess up ovulation --> Google shingles and ovulation, it may not happen to us but be patient with your ovu and start testing early in the cycle. I had the shingles in the beginning of June 2014, then AF 15th of June and I knew I was pregnant around 29th June may be 30th ...

Now...we had the shingles just which means the cycle after the shingles we'll get pregnant :) I just have that feeling that we will :)

We didn't have as many ppl as we invited :/ some of them cancelled last moment but we still had fun :) I had a sip of wine and then I knocked my glass and spilled it and never got refill. I don't drink ever but I'm not against it and I don't think a drink here and there would harm the baby, there's other things that harm babies too so I don't stress about a sip or a smoke here and there...

I had a glass of bubbly last night --> I like the taste but it wasn't original champagne and next year I think we'll go for the original...I just had no idea the fake one taste so different :p

Tara, it's normal to get CM and no ovu, when I was prepped for IVFs I would always get tons of it around day 8-10 and doctors would say don't worry it's normal it's cause it's more than one egg :) and then I'd ovulate around 13-14 day so may be you're cooking more than one egg this cycle, fingers crossed for a sticky one :)

Shara, where did. You get your bbt from and I woukd like to try primrose --> they don't have it at Costco I don't thing which is a shame as Costco is the only shop that's exactly the same as Costco UK and I'm familiar with ...and the other us shops just meh are not as what Im used to ;)

I've heard pineapple are controversial as they cause contractions?!? But I'll have to google that again ...may be good for implantation but then need to be stopped or visa versa oh I'll check google later.

Louisa I always you tube the fireworks as midnight steals my focus with kissing wine pouring friends texting and stuff ...2014 were the best so far, they had hearts for the first time and I was my fav part :) I tried to google NY fireworks as apparently usa national tv is NY but they don't seem to be too interested in fireworks the Americans ...there's nothing on you tube and I'm not sure why but I was happy to watch the London ones :)

Do you normally drive there and how early do you have to get there to secure good spots? I've never done it but hoping I would one day :) where do you live ?

Hugs all and hope we start getting bfp's here very very soon :)
Tara that's so scary about Lucy! I hope her temp has come right down by now.. Bless her poor baby. Give her a cuddle from your bnb girlies! <3 that's really strange about the EW and negative O test.. That's like what happened to me last cycle. I had a smiley solid face on my digital OPK but the line on my cheap paper ones wasn't as dark as it should be :/ we can't win with ttc can we? :haha:

Kika I can't believe we've had the shingles at the same time! The latter part of 2014 absolutely sucked for me literally one thing after another .. But they're starting to clear up slowly so I'm happy! I hope it doesn't mess up O, but I'll make sure we BD every other day so we hopefully have a better chance of catching that eggle! I've been taking my cheap opk's and have a faint line so I'll keep an eye but generally on a normal cycle minus shingles, it wouldn't be yet. I love your theory, girl.. Hopefully that is completely true and we do get pregnant the cycle after the shingles or even this cycle wouldn't be too shabby hey? ;)
The fireworks were mesmerising!!! I'm not usually a fan of them, they're loud and they smell lol and since I have asthma I just prefer to stay away but New Years eve in London is the one exception :) When I lived in London it was either Wimbledon or Kensington, moved between the 2 a few times but wherever we lived we always got the tube. Then we moved to the outskirts and been here since. Think of driving in central London on a good day let alone with 500,000 extra people there lol. I think the trains run all night for that one night of the year for the fireworks but I know one thing - I am not missing it next year! Looked soo fun :p and yeah people start walking up to it a couple of hours before but this year was the first year ever that you needed tickets for it and they actually cut it from 500,000 people to 100,000 :/ you either chose to buy North, East, South or West Bank tickets and obviously South bank ones were the best so you're on the London eye side and I guess west side was on Westminster bridge. Either way it's impossible not to get a good view because they're up in the sky lol. We should go together next year if you come back!!

Shara .. I know!!! It's so strange. It just shows how much that one small week extra in my cycle makes a difference doesn't it. You've caught me up already and even more than that because you're actually O'ing before me this month... What! Madness :haha: looks like we'll both be playing giddy up at the same time :rofl: same possible due dates too!! Oo how exciting :D
Thanks ladies! Thankfully the Tamiflu is working fast and the fever is hovering around 100 now. She is even acting herself again.

Did you girls have the chicken pox? Shingles I know can be super painful. I hope you're feeling better.

We are heading out tonight for my husband's birthday. We always do fun cakes. Here's the one for my DH tonight. So excited for him to see it.

Oh Kim!!! Hope you're feeling ok mama!!

So Kika, when are you testing!! :happydance:


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LMAO...."giddy up"':rofl: Yeah I guess we will be. Hopefully that means we'll get pregnant together too lol:winkwink:
As far as this cycle though, I'm not sure if i should move my dates up to 26 days going forward or if that was a fluke? Because the app on my phone defaulted my cycles to 26 days now, so I'm trying to change them back. I'm gonna keep it at 28 days for now and hopefully my body is on the same page. I can't imagine dealing with wishy washy cycle lengths, it'll drive me crazy haha. I feel your pain Louisa
Omg Tara. That's so cute!!!!! I bet he's going to love it. I mean who wouldn't? That is so creative. And the I Love Lucy just took it over the top for me. Love that show. You guys are so fun! Hope y'all have fun tonight. Glad to hear your daughter's feeling better too.
Louisa! we should definitely g together next year or the year afer) do you think we should be ok going there with our september-october born babies? :)

Tara, im sorry for saying "this" cycle when i actually mean nxt cycle :) i'll be ovulatng around 20th jan and opefully testing first week of feb :)

Louisa and I had the shingles, its the chicken pox virus, but since you cant have the chicken pox more than once in your life, every next time the virus activates is called shingles and not pox ...

Im glad Lucy is getting better and I love the cake!!

Shara, where did yo get your bbt from and have you started temping? Here is the pine apple study --> it sys start eating pineapple the day after cnnfirm ovulation and stop with a positive pregnancy test. Good luck! https://www.fertilityafter40.com/do...-help-with-implantation-during-pregnancy.html

Still no KIm :/ Hope you feel better soon girl!

I personally wouldn't take a newborn (or a baby of any age) there just because it's so loud for their little ears and you can't move with bodies everywhere lol its a dangerous mix for a baby I think but there's plenty of places we could take them and meet :D

Shara I'm in that predicament every month. My last few cycles have been either 33,34 or 35 days so I never know what to class as my cycle lengths on my apps! I have a rough idea that I O around day 21 though atleast

Tara I'm glad Lucy is starting to feel like herself again and that cake is fab!!! Did you make it?! That's so clever. Jesse and I were suppose to be going out for dinner tonight as well with my family for my mums birthday but obviously I can't go and yes it's the shingles kika AND I have both had at the same time, very painful indeed you're right -_-
Guys I'm soooo worried about Kim!!! I know she feels a bit crappy which is expected but she said she will try and post yesterday and its been a whole day since then (well nearly, it's 10:30pm here anyway) I hope we hear from her really soon. The woman worries me lol :nope: I hope her and baby peanut are all okay
Lol, as you can probably tell I like to be equipped for things, so since I still can't go out (ugh!!!) I had a little Internet shopping sesh earlier and ordered some tests but I was clever with it .. I ordered one cassette type with a little peppet which I've never used before and two 7mlu compact pink hpt's so that way I can't torture myself by testing early, can I :haha: I only have enough to test on 11,12&13dpo. Do any of you stock up on supplies? I dread to think how much money has gone on tests alone already! Without the vitamins which cost a bomb for what they are and the clear blue opk's!!! I swear it is costing more than an actual baby would :haha:
Lol I agree with you on that. Especially when the bfp doesn't come right away, it really does add up...i don't necessarily stock up but I do buy 25-50 opks and only 10 hpts a month.

I was coming on today too looking for our sweet Kim to bring us some good news but I guess not. I hope she doesn't have that Hyperemesis Gravidarum sickness, i hear that is pretty awful in the first Tri. I'm praying they're okay

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