Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Same here. Do you buy the ones that come in the clear plastic bags, the small opk's and tests? Paper ones. They work well for me it's better than buying the expensive stuff all the time :D

Me too shara, I was hoping we would hear from our dear Kim today :( she's freaking us all out, bless her .. I really hope she hasn't got that, gosh no!!! Even when she felt crappy before she still made it on even if it was short and sweet, so I am genuinely worried for her :nope: it's 00:30 here so it's technically another day she hasn't posted, major dislike :(

Jesse made me sooo happy today. Since we couldn't go to my dads for new year as planned because of the shingles, we're going in the summer now as we would have done even if we went for new year but he surprised me with a get well card, flowers and 2 tickets for a week in Paris in March :happydance: I had a sneaky look at the hotel on trip advisor too and the rooms overlook the Eiffel tower, super happy can't wait. He's a gooden bless him :D it would be cute if we conceived in Paris too, the city of love as they call it :) although I'd love it to happen this cycle or February's if I had a choice in the matter haha

Not long for us shara!! Are you noticing any changes in CM as you're getting closer to it? Mine keeps going from watery to creamy and this cycle there's so much now that I'm drinking water again. I had a dream last night that I had a doctors appointment and she told me that I ovulate twice a month lol!!! So I woke up rearing to go, Jesse wondered what was going on :haha:
Hey guys! Just wanted to check in. Was hoping Kim checked in also!!

If you guys need BBT help - I'm getting good at it. :winkwink:
Shara, does it say "basal" anywhere on it? I've checked the ones in the pharmacy and although they are way more expensive than $7 and say "flexible tip" for oral, rectal and under arm use it doesn't say "basal" and I've heard it does have to say that :)...

Hugs all

Oh Lou lou Paris is great but you'll be pregnant when you go there :) Jessie is so sweet, have you guys been to Paris before :)
Oooh wishful thinking kika :p lets hope we all are! :bfp: we have time ;) no we haven't been to Paris before, our first one away just us two aswell as when we go to my dads in Antalya were always with my family over there and we've been on a couple other holidays abroad with my parents so this is our first time completely alone :D he said were having a meal up the Eiffel tower too, didn't even know that was possible :haha:

How are you today love? <3
Hi, ladies! I've missed y'all! I have a lot of catching up to do on the thread, but I just wanted to let you know I'm back before I dive in. Another lady on my July Mamas board had a MMC (also at 8w3d, so freaky) and after seeing that, I needed a break from BnB. I have my next appointment on Wednesday morning and I'm feeling really confident that Peanut is A-OK.

Shara, even though I wasn't on to give you hugs on New Year's Eve, you were in my thoughts and I said a prayer for you. I hope the day/evening wasn't too tough for you, honey. :hugs:
Blah, I just realized our tickers aren't working :( what the heck :(

I like Paris, I've had great time there but we didn't have dinner up the tower...but friends of us had done it and the photos they took were breathtaking but dinner wasn't that great they said ... But ya I would do the dinner next time I go :) i deleted my FF app and not sure what CD im on today...grrr...I'll go down load it again :)

Hugs all
Kim!!! We missed you :hugs: I'm so pleased you're okay and I'm glad you made the choice to have a break from BnB.. Oh nooooo, not another mmc :cry: how terrible. Bless that poor couple. I honestly think taking a break was the best thing you could have done. Reading things like that isn't gonna do you any good at such a fragile time, love! Sending you and baby peanut lots of e-hugs beautiful lady. <3
Kika where did you stay? Jesse said most of the hotels he looked into prior to booking were an hour walk from the tower/arc de trimophe, but then he found the one where we're staying which is a 10 min walk with room views of the tower/city.. Thank goodness for that LOL I hate walking!!! I'm a bit of a sucker for taking a photo, a day out in London and I came back with over 400 on my iPhone :haha: so Paris so I dread to think how many i'll come back with! Oooooh and i begged Jesse last night, I even said I'll pay for our tickets, for ... Disneyland :happydance: yes, I'm nearly 20 and I absolutely love Disney and always will :rofl: so we booked and printed Disneyland tickets off last night and put it this way I couldn't sleep with excitement :haha: dearyyy me! Turns out he was actually planning to take me down there for a day anyway, but wasn't gonna tell me. :p oh the little things that please me. Lol

What you doing today kika. much? How are your shingles now? Mine are clearing nicely and much less painful. I can't wait to go back to work if I'm honest. Where's everyone else! :(
I'm not doing much :/ I've a bit of a cold going and not feeling great :( my rash is completely healed but the pain is still killing me. I' e had the rash more than 10 times in the last 3-4 years but the first time I got the shingles my doctor thought the virus had managed to damage a nerve...so the pain there is almost constant. But sometimes better than others and there's days I don't feel the pain at all. I think I've learned to live wih it ...

Paris was quiet an adventure...and you gotta walk if you want to see a city...same as in London...if you don't walk and only take the tube you've no idea what it looks like outside the tube :) but also London is the one city in the world with the BESTest public transport ever, so don't expect Paris undergrpund to be able to take you everywhere....

It's also quite dirty...london isn't clean but after seeing Paris I thought oh my. You should try the toilets in the Effel tower park --> blah... There's no chain restaurants in Paris cause they want you to eat their food. It's was quite expensive, and without McDonalds toilets walking around sucked. Also no Pizza Hut free salad bar with any main meal...happy times :)

We did lots and lots and lots of walking. I don't care about their designer shops, we got designer shops in London and I wasn't going to spend thousands on clothes and handbags and shoes so shops we didn't do. We did the Louvre, Versailles, Norte dame, a boat ride and just walking around the city like crazy...

Paris hotels are famous for their oldness, dirtiness and rooms are crazy small... But a few years ago I read that the French were forced to pass on a law saying all hotels in Paris had to be refurbished
I just submitted the post as I didn't want to lose it getting too long and having to re-type. So first time we went it was a Saturday and friends had a wedding anniversary and I invited them over and cooked for them ...we had a few families very close to us and very good friends and we were always at each other's places and I had ppl over for dinner 2-3 times a week at least...

So anyway they came over for dinner which was actually mid day barbecue and we were chilling in the garden grilling chatting etc and she says "oh I wish he would take me to Paris for our anniversary"... And my ex was quite adventurous, he said lets go to Paris, you got an hour to pack!! Her husband was left with no choice, he's not a bad person but very indecisive and lacking initiative.

So for their anniversary we all went to Paris, we drove there and we had no hotel nothing. So we just saw a hotel while driving and stopped and got rooms :) parked the car got sat nav and walked around like crazy for 2 days, we only got back to the hotel for a few hours sleep and shower and we stayed 3 days.

Next time it was just the ex and I and we did the same thing...every weekend we used to be with friends --> either to any of the national trust sites, or Brighton, or fishing, or cooking or just anything with friends. We almost never were alone. So Friday afternoon I start calling friemds to organize something for the weekend but one couple was busy, another had their parents visiting, the others were working and it was goignt to rain both Saturday and Sunday in London.. So I said lets check out Paris weather --> and it's beatiful wether and the last weekend of the thrones exposition at the versatilles!! So I said lets go! And we drove there and stayed another 3 days and it was just the two of us :) since we left Friday night I booked a hotel while we were driving to Dover, and I just typed hotel near versatilles (cause that's what we needed) and we had the hotel booked before we got there...

Oh it was such fun...you and Jessie are going to love it...
Oh I nearly forgot --> Kim you and peanut will be fine :) but good idea taking a break till Wednesday and then we're waiting for more pictures of him snuggled tight in ykur belly :)

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::dance::dance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee: I'm so happy you're back! Phew! Glad to hear Peanut's okay???

I am absolutely sorry about her loss!!! She will definitely be in my prayers :sadangel:
Shara, does it say "basal" anywhere on it? I've checked the ones in the pharmacy and although they are way more expensive than $7 and say "flexible tip" for oral, rectal and under arm use it doesn't say "basal" and I've heard it does have to say that :)...

Yeah, it does Mine came in a little blue box, and it had a Pink highlighted box that said Basal, on the side it gives desciption of what it's used for. It came with a tracking chart (2 actually) and they give you these cute little sleeves to use, like 30 of them, to put on the BBT before you use it.
Kika that sounds so cool! I'm super excited, even more so now I know you had such a good time! Do you remember what the hotel was called? Our one 'tour de la eiffel'. I don't know if I'm more excited for Paris itself or Disneyland :haha:

I keep getting weird sensations like a pulsey burny feeling in my 'doodah' bone today. Keeps coming and going, it's weird! I don't know if it's something pre-ovulation or what, levels rising etc :/

Kim, kika is right, sweet! <3 we're gonna be updated with pictures of peanut completely chilled out in there just like we did the first time but there's gonna be a huge difference :) i'm excited for you but also feel your nerves, it's natural I'm sure we will all be the same when our times come. Stay strong m'love xx
Good Morning Ladies!!!

Kika and Louisa, Paris sounds so awesome!!!! I wish I could afford to go, sorry I'm a poor person :cry:
You girls are so sweet and I love y'all so much! <3 Thank you for your concern, and I'm sorry if I worried my SSMs! I'll be honest, though, it feels nice to know I was missed! And thank you also for your thoughts and prayers and well wishes for the other ladies in my group who've experienced losses. I can only imagine how they're feeling, but I'm sure our thoughts and prayers are very welcome and greatly appreciated. I have only been checking in on this thread, as I'm afraid to look at any others right now. Once I get a good report tomorrow morning (thinking positive!), I'll be back on as usual. I know my limits (as far as getting freaked out and stressed)...read on, you'll see what I mean. ;)

In regards to the anxiety convo, I do want to say that I completely feel y'all. I have been on medication for anxiety for 7 years and depression for 5 years now. I also see a therapist every 3 months. Shara, I really admire your strength in not needing medication or counseling and just letting God take control and putting the utmost faith in Him. You are so strong! :hugs: Unfortunately, right before I was diagnosed with depression, I could barely get out of bed to eat, use the bathroom, shower, etc. for a week, so Shaun put his foot down and took me to a psychiatrist. I've only had one depression episode since (in 2012) and a switch in medication was all it took to straighten me back out. My psychiatrist helps me with positive thinking and teaching me to push negative thoughts away, so the medicine/counseling combo really works for me. So Louisa, I hate to hear you have anxiety (and IBS, bless your heart), but it's definitely something you can learn to live with, whether going Shara's route or mine or anywhere in between. :hugs: It certainly does make TTC a little trickier, though, that's for sure! :(

And in case you're wondering about the effects of my medication on Peanut, I was, too! But my psychiatrist says it's one of the safer anxiety/depression medications for pregnant women (no medicine is 100% safe) and the benefits of making sure I'm in a healthy mental state for Peanut outweigh the risks (my OB doc agreed). So I feel pretty confident that Peanut will be OK regardless of the medicine. My OB did warn me that there's an increased risk for cleft palate, so that freaked me out of course, but she advised I continue on the medication as the increased risk was quite minimal.

OK, I think I've droned on long enough about myself now. :haha: But y'all missed my long-winded posts, so there you have one! :wacko: Sending lots of love and hugs to my girls, I really have missed my SSMs! :kiss: :hugs:
Oh, a few more things! Kika, my BBT was also marked "basal". I don't know if you're an online shopper, but got mine from drugstore.com. ;) Just like Tara said, if y'all have questions, I can try to help out, too. I feel like I got pretty good at charting myself, so between the both of us, we should be able to help if y'all need us. I really enjoy it personally, but I'm a nerd when it comes to graphs and charts and things of the sort. :p

I would LOVEEEEEEEE to go to Paris, ohmigosh! That sounds amazing. I'm envious of you ladies, Kika and Louisa! <3 Louisa, I know you'll have a fab time, especially with it just being you and Jesse. And how awesome would it be if you conceived in the City of Love?!?
I hear you Kim, whatever helps with your anxiety, definitely take that route. It wasn't easy in the beginning for me, because just like you Kim, I didn't want to take care of myself AT ALL. I was panicky and paranoid all the time. Thinking everyone was against me and I had no friends, life, family, etc. I was going through a really, really rough time. So many times, I thought about suicide because I felt my life was pointless and had no meaning because everywhere I turned, I was getting hurt. So I didn't go out, didn't shower, didn't eat, barely went to work, it was just horrible and terrifying. I didn't have anyone in my life to put their foot down though, so I just Thank God that Shaun was there to help you. Once I moved to Wisconsin and found a person who brought me to her Church, that's when I found Christ and was able to realize that God could relieve me of my depression and anxiety, if I wanted him to. It took literally every second of the day to keep my strength and read and pray, and even in those time I was still struggling a bit. It's not that I didn't want to see someone or get help from a therapist, but I didn't have money to do those things and I didn't have insurance so I had no other choice. Going to God was free.
I'm not trying to talk anyone out of going to a therapist or taking medications for depression and anxiety, because it can literally kill you if it's severe, just sharing my story and offering a different option.
Sorry if I'm being too religious for some of you, because some people don't have those beliefs, but you never know who's life could be changed because I certainly didn't expect mine to be.
Bless you Kim, so that's 3 of us in one thread! I didn't know it was such a common thing. I went to the docyors with depression after my mmc actually just after it happened but I don't feel depressed at all now.
I'm happy with life but I do panic an awful lot over silly things and sometimes feel like everyone's looking at me! I don't feel like I need to take anything for it at the moment considering I didn't even know I had anxiety, I thought that was just normal! So I'm ok right now but I have been on depression meds before so it probably wouldn't be a bad idea in the future if ever I need them! I'm sure if the risk for cleft palate was high enough for concern then they'd advise you to come off the tablets Kim. You're both so strong and if I can turn out to be half the woman all of you are then I'll be happy <3

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