Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Heyyyy! Did you change your avi because I embarrassed you, Lou Lou? (That's so cute, Kika, I'm totally using it.) I hope not, and I'm sorry if so!
Louisa, I love your new pic! :) Kim, what did I miss? haha
Hahaha cross wires, read my last message on the page before, love ;) nothing embarresses me it's all good :p and thank you tara <3
Kim, so glad you're doing well...and I agree with the ladies! You're peanut will be just fine! Awful about all the losses...is that the August group? I have a good friend in that group and she also mentioned there have been a ton of losses. So sad. Hang in there!

As for me! I am officially 3 days into my TWW! :happydance:

Thank you, sweet Tara! I'm actually in the July group. If I'm not mistaken, your friend from your signature, luvallmyH, is part of that group, too.

Yay for the TWW! I'm so excited for all of you ladies! A BFP is coming soon, I can just feel it! :dance:

Oh man, I missed a ton of posts...I wonder why my page didn't refresh! Yes, Luv is due then!! She's awesome.

Wifey my other friend in the August Firefly group said they have had a lot of MC in that group. :cry:

Completely forgot to mention it the other day but talking of weddings, Jesse and I set a date :D summer next year, I'm super excited to start planning!!! <3

YAY!!!! How exciting!!!
Omg!! June 11 was my first marriage!!! I love love love love June...and 11 is the best...
Awwww haha thank you Kim <3 I just literally changed it to a Christmassy one (a little more relevant since it's not summer anymore like when that was taken!) so I don't know if you meant this one or the other but either way I love your choice of words lol! Yay i'm exotic :happydance: you're super sweet. It was on Christmas day but I ordered a dress in a size 8 rather than 10 online and it was FAR too small, I ended up looking blue and it didn't do my figure any good and squashed my boobs :haha: I ended up sticking my onesie on come 4pm! :rofl: Kim, did Shaun get you the Doppler you wanted for Christmas in the end?

I was referring to the one you just changed it from, but you look beautiful in all your pics, really. :thumbup: And no, Shaun didn't order the doppler, but after telling me why, I thought it was sweet and he had good reason. He did some research before buying and read that they might not be safe for the babies. He called my OB's office, but didn't get a return call until the day after Christmas. When they told him it was OK, he told me to go ahead and order it. The company didn't offer shipment tracking, but I'm hoping it'll be delivered sometime this week since I ordered last week!

Louisa, I love your new pic! :) Kim, what did I miss? haha

I complimented Lou Lou on her previous avi and I thought I might've embarrassed her. :blush:
Thank you so much for the info and advice Kim and Tara! We really want 17th to happen...at first I didn't really care about dates as long as it happened.

...but then 17th Jan just stroke me... I went to check it out on the orthodox calendar because there's days you can't marry according to it and 17th Jan is when we celebrate st Anthony the Great!!! I was so excited and so in love with the date and the feast and I read all about the life and greatness of st Anthony I decided I'd name my baby Anthony if boy and Antonia if girl. The names mean "priceless" in Latin and in my tradition we tend to name the first baby after the parents of the husband and the second after the parent of the mom...so my oh's dad's name is Al (not Anthony but still same first letter) and I was so so excited and my oh loved the date (he still doesn't know about the names...)

And then...

...remember my sister told me she's pregnant and I told her about our date and baby names and she said she was thinking about the same names and she said thank goodness she got pregnant before me so she could use the names... (I was staying with her during my miscarriage and she had been "trying to conceive" around that week without even telling me she was...and she did...and I stayed with her for two months and she was pregnant all the time and keeping it from me and it wasn't until I left for the USA that she told me <-- I hate her so much)...

Anyway, I really hope that the 17th and st Anthony the Great is going to mean a lot to us and our babies, wow Kim, 16th how exciting :) <3
I've heard too that babies shy away from droplets and U/S scans...as if they don't like the waves...but then a lot of ppl do it and their babies are just fine...

...so dopplers are fine by me...but babY vaccination :nope: I would have to find a hippie -er thread for that :muaha:
I'm glad it's on the way kim (the Doppler) that will be one of the first things on my checklist when the time comes. I bet it lifts a ton of weight off your shoulders! <3

Kika. No. Way! Oh my :o we really are ssm's, such weird things happen, all so similar but so alike. Same wedding day is crazy- though I hope mine doesn't end in divorce :( (please don't take offence by that lol!)

So I'm at the stables with my dad right now, I had a call from him at 10pm half hour ago saying saskia has come down with colic :nope: aka a horse owners worst nightmare! The vet has been and dosed her up so I'm hoping we can walk it off. (Yes I currently have a lead rope with a horse at the end of it in my hand :haha:) bless her cottons :( never good seeing your babies in pain is it, human or furry! She's even managed to nearly put her hoof through the wood in her stable walls from thrashing around in pain so much. My sweet baby :(
Thank you so much for the info and advice Kim and Tara! We really want 17th to happen...at first I didn't really care about dates as long as it happened.

...but then 17th Jan just stroke me... I went to check it out on the orthodox calendar because there's days you can't marry according to it and 17th Jan is when we celebrate st Anthony the Great!!! I was so excited and so in love with the date and the feast and I read all about the life and greatness of st Anthony I decided I'd name my baby Anthony if boy and Antonia if girl. The names mean "priceless" in Latin and in my tradition we tend to name the first baby after the parents of the husband and the second after the parent of the mom...so my oh's dad's name is Al (not Anthony but still same first letter) and I was so so excited and my oh loved the date (he still doesn't know about the names...)

And then...

...remember my sister told me she's pregnant and I told her about our date and baby names and she said she was thinking about the same names and she said thank goodness she got pregnant before me so she could use the names... (I was staying with her during my miscarriage and she had been "trying to conceive" around that week without even telling me she was...and she did...and I stayed with her for two months and she was pregnant all the time and keeping it from me and it wasn't until I left for the USA that she told me <-- I hate her so much)...

Anyway, I really hope that the 17th and st Anthony the Great is going to mean a lot to us and our babies, wow Kim, 16th how exciting :) <3

I just saw that Southwest is having a huge sale through January 8th!

I love the names. Al was my dad's name to (Alan). :)

That sounds awful about your sister! In the end, who care's name your kids the same.

I remember giving Sydney my grandmother's name for her middle name and she said, that was what I was going to name my daughter. Well two boys later...needless to say she had no choice. :haha:

It's a bit selfish for your sister to glom on like that. Perhaps her husband will have a say! :hugs:
How insensitive of your sister to say something like that 'thank god I got pregnant first' .. It's not a flipping race! Funnily enough my cousin (female, jade) had said from the day my grandfather died that she was naming her first son Freddie after him. So then jades brother (male, my cousin) his girlfriend now wife fell pregnant soon after our grandfather passed away and they went and chose Freddie so there was huge uproars in the family over that but jade is still adamant to use Freddie despite her nephew being called that. There's no harm in choosing the same name but sometimes people go the wrong way about it and say the wrong silly things, don't they :nope: what names do you have planned for future baby kika? Shara, Kim and I have spoken about this a million and 1 times lol :haha: but I don't think you was a SSM at that point! Same as you Tara :D what names do you both like?!
Yawnnnn, just got home. 1am and my eyes are hanging out of my head.. Goodnight beautiful ladies and Kim I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, please let us know how everything went straight away, can't wait to see updated peanut pictures! Love you all x x
Good morning ladies, just checking in :) been googling Las Vegas flights and hotels like crazy ...I don't know how ppl do it...to me it's seems far too expensive and very very stressful :/

Hows TWW going for you Tara?

Kim, we are all waiting not so patiently for peanut pics <3

Shara, how's temp'ing going? Does it make any sense yet and would you recommend it? I'm surprised we don't have more temp'ing Discussions on the thread <3

Lou Lou, where's the stables and how is your dad in the UK when he lives in Antalya? Sorry if I missed or misunderstood something --> I was so excited about weddings and stuff last night :) how's your poorly baby doing? Is she feeling better today?

Good Morning Ladies!! Well I sure missed a lot

Beautiful picture Louisa (as usual lol)! And I agree, sometimes choosing the same name as someone else, be it family or friends, can be very controversial. You guys remembered how we first had that discussion, before we found our long lost SSMs Tara and Kika, and I chose Royal and Roman for my boy and girl names? Well, this girl I go to church with was struggling to find a name for her baby, which she was like 4 months at the time, and in Women's Group everyone was showing their sympathy for my loss, and the questions came about somehow of if I had picked out names, went shopping for the baby, if I got mentally prepared already, etc..and I told them the names I had planned for my baby. Well, come Nov 14 when she had her darling baby girl and guess what name she chose???? Royal!!! I could not believe it! And I WAS the one who took it too far. After a while, I did calm down and just let it go, because if I have a girl, she's still being name Royal, because that was a name me and my hubby agreed on, but overall, it just hit me the wrong way that she just took the name I had. I think it hurt more because I didn't get a chance to even knowing if I was having a gir to name her that....

Anywho, enough with the babbling lol. How is everyone today?
Kika, temping is not my forte! I have been trying to do it at the same time everyday, same location under my tongue, while lying flat without any previous movements, but I'm having trouble perfecting that lol. Only because sometime my hubby has to pick up his friend from work at 4 am so of course I wake up since I'm a pretty light sleeper, so that throws it off because "the rules" says it has to be within the hour and I don't usually temp til my alarm goes off at 5:30a. Then, with this freezing weather here in Wisconsin that just came upon us, it's like my temps dropped even lower, so right now I'm not sure how this will play out. I don't have FF, I actually do it on my the countdowntopregnancy.com forum. I tried comparing with other charts, and it looks okay for CD8, but :shrug:

I did, however, have a ? for Kim or Tara, whoever wants to answer...I read that immediately after ovulation, your temps will rise significantly, around 1 degree higher than normal, which means you've missed ovulation. Does that mean the egg has already been released and has now disintegrated, or does that mean you've just missed your LH surge but the egg could still be there. I know I haven't O yet, but I was just wondering..
Shara...that is AWFUL she took the name especially after the support group discussion. People are just so insensitive sometimes.

Kika- my TWW is just :shrug:. This should go hand in hand with Shara's questions.

This is my dilemma...by my chart I have a temp dip at cycle day 10 which is suppose to indicate Ovulation is coming. Then I had a positive on my digital and internet cheapie the next day on cycle day 11. Your temps are suppose to rise .4 degrees higher than your previous 6 temps three days in a row to indicate you have ovulated. Well mine have risen from the dip but not above the "pre O" dips like you're suppose to have. I'm almost questioning despite Bding 9 times in 5 days...(Yes you read that correctly- we were hitting it hard this month :rofl:) it doesn't matter if I didn't O. I'm feeling a little defeated. FertilityFriend isn't giving me cross hairs or indicating that I've O'd at all. :growlmad:

Shara, does that answer your temp question? So if your temp rises 3 solid days. .4 or higher around O- you can assume you are 3dpo at that point.
Kika, I have 2 dads :) my dad here in the uk is actually my step dad and my real dad is the one in Antalya hence me being half turkish. My parents own the yard and have done for years, they live within the grounds. 2 of my horses I share with my dad in terms of cost etc, and saskia who's the ill one right now is completely mine since I'm the one who rescued her a couple weeks back. The vet had to come out again for her last night at 3am, at one point I honestly thought they were gonna advise to put her down :cry: its still not looking great and I feel physically sick at the thought of losing her already but I'm not leaving her until I'm convinced she's okay. Yes I'm still in my pyjamas that I've had on since I came back here at 3am and it's freezing cold lol! I'm mad.

Thanks shara you sweet girly <3 and oh my GOODNESS no way!!!! Royal is such a unique name, it's not as if it's like 'Emma' where it wouldn't be so bad if she copied you but that's just crazy I don't understand why people do it. A few months back I went through a phase of loving the name karliah, like pronounced the same as Carly with an 'uh' on the end.. Well remember the girl I told you about who said those vile things to me? According to my sister (who has her Facebook) she's apparenrly thinking of the name karliah for the baby which is a girl btw ... We haven't spoken since that happened either btw.

Tara- 9 times in 5 days!!!!! WOOHOO damn it you go girl. You're on a roll, I'll be shocked if you don't get a bfp this cycle. Jesse and I are planning to bd twice a day when I start getting flashing smilies too but I'm not sure how it will work out lol
Louisa, I agree for unique names like Royal and Karliah to be selected...it is completely intentional.

I'm really sorry to hear about your horse. It's so sad. I hope she gets better.
Oh no, Lou Lou, im so sorry about saskia...I hope she gets better...

Shara, the friend who stole your name is not a real friend and you could either stop being friends with her or forgive her and still name your baby Royal if girl... I love both names and I'll try not to steal Royal ;p just kidding ...or am I :p :D xXXXx

But I can't stop being sisters with my sister and if she stole my name and I chose the same name for my babies then it's a bit odd for the cousins to have the same name...but, like Tara said...I shouldn't care and I'm naming my babies Anthony or Antonia regardless of sister and family.

CD1 for me but still no AF. Last month she showed late in the afternoon...I hope my cycle length stays 28...but it's out of my hands so I'll just sit and wait :)

I've seen ovulation on U/S so I think I could answer Shara/Tara's question.

Ok had to post so I don't lose it to "screen freeze" :)

On CD 1 the ovary start "growing" 1 or more follicles. lets say it's just one folicles, although normally it's more than 1 :)

But 1 it is and it grows and it grows and inside of it is the egg. So the sperm cannot fertilize the folicle. Sperm can only fertilize the egg which is inside the folicle. And only after the egg is "hatched"...I mean the folicle "pops" and out comes the precious egg.


Sometimes the folicle doesn't pop in time and the egg gets too old. And unsuitable match for spermies :/

Sometimes the folicle "pops" but the egg is not matured enough --> another non-match for spermies.

So ovulation is the "popping" of the folicle process. Ovulation means the moment the folicle is popped and the egg is released. Once the egg is out you got up to 12-24 hours to fertilize it :)

And so fertilization is always up to a day after ovulation :) at lest that's what they told me during my folicle tracking and IVFs :)

Tara, 9 times... We got less than 9 times for the whole of last month :/

When I was doing IUIs I was told to have sex as much as possible cause it helps regulate hormon levels, helps with "popping" the folicle and maturation of egg :) it did however make ex's swimmers less than normal and we were advised to have sex often only cause with IUI they would wash ex's swimmers and consentrate them before they put them inside to meet egg.

So I would think too much BD'ing unless they wash the swimmers and inject them uo the uterus isn't too good? What do you girls think?

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