First of all, Louisa, you are so sweet to be concerned and continuing to check back for my update. Thank you, you sweet, sweet chica - I feel so loved!

The reason I didn't post yesterday is because my boss came to me Tuesday afternoon and suggested I just take the day off yesterday! Obviously, I didn't turn that offer down! So after the appointment, I ran some errands and then went home to take a nap that afternoon. It was really nice having a day off in the middle of the week!
Tuesday night before the appointment, I had a scare - a smear of fresh, red blood on my toilet paper. I IMMEDIATELY started praying for Peanut's safety.

The second wipe was pink, and even less with the third wipe, but I called my mom to get her advice. Shaun wasn't home and I was freaking out, as you can imagine. My mom said as long as it wasn't a lot of blood and I wasn't cramping/in pain, I should be fine and to lay down and/or prop my feet up. Every time I peed after that before going to bed, there was still pink tinge to the toilet paper, but I wasn't too worried since it wasn't getting heavier. The next morning, I had a tiny bit of brown on the toilet paper and haven't had anything since, thank God! So...on to the good stuff!
We got to hear Peanut's heartbeat again, it was so amazing. Heart rate was 159. I started crying (of course), but they were happy, relieved tears. Peanut was still measuring almost perfectly with my LMP, only a day behind, but they said they wouldn't change my due date because one day doesn't really make that much of a difference. Neck size is measuring normal for this gestational age, so Peanut shouldn't be at risk for Down's syndrome or anything like that, but the specialist gave me the option to have blood drawn for testing to see what my chances are of having a baby with Down's/Trisomy 18. We figured why not? It won't change our decision to have Peanut, but it will help us be more prepared in the long run if our child has special needs. Those results should be back next week, and if my blood shows I'm at risk, I can have CVS or amniocentesis, but I don't think we'll do those because there's a risk of miscarriage, and like I said, it wouldn't change our decision about having Peanut! The coolest parts about yesterday were: 1) hearing/seeing Peanut's heartbeat again 2) getting to see Peanut moving around in there. His/her little arms especially were so active! And one time, Peanut did this little wiggle with his/her back facing us (we saw the little spine!), it was so cute! 3) Seeing Peanut "wave" at us. At one point, we saw the clearest little skeletal hand go from head to belly. It was a perfect little hand with all 5 fingers, it took my breath away. 3) One time it looked like Peanut was chewing, we could see the little jaw moving, open and close! I asked about it and the sonographer said no, Peanut was swallowing amniotic fluid! I know babies do that in the womb, but I didn't know it'd be visible on the ultrasound! So yesterday was definitely a highlight of my life! I'm posting pics below, so let me know if they don't show up.
I've just made the announcement at work this morning, since we're pretty sure we're out of the thickest part of the woods, if you will.

Everyone at work has been really receptive and excited, especially the ladies, which is so nice.

My next door cubicle neighbor, who has an event planning/catering business on the side, is already planning my work baby shower!!!

It's just so refreshing to get such positive reactions, especially after being bummed about my in-laws reactions. I guess I had subconciously prepared myself for low-key reactions because of my in-laws, but I'm over that now. I think you gals know what I'm saying, though, right? It's just nice when people do make a big deal, but I no longer expect a certain reaction, that's all.
OK, I have comments to make about previous posts (Kika, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, getting married in Vegas!! and Shara, what the hey with that lady using Royal??? and Louisa, I hope Saskia is doing better, bless her heart). I will try to get to them today, but it's been busy at work, so it may be tomorrow, as I have a hair appointment this afternoon.

It has taken me hours to get this post posted this morning, that's why I took a sec from this one and did the quick post!
Lots of love to you all! xoxo