Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Bding is going quite well Louisa!! It's not nearly as bad as last cycle because I think my body is getting used to the BD-a-thon. We did the everyday session for 4 days, then last night I think we were both too exhausted to do anything so we just skipped it. I'm pretty sure we're gonna BD for the next 3 days for sure though because I'm O soon sooooo.....
I haven't using Opks this cycle. I'm just tired of all of the mechanics. I know some of you won't agree, but it's stressing me out. I can't afford to go through the bfns and - opks, and the minimal CM sometimes. It's really starting to blow my mind and make me not wanna do it anymore. Then, just when my hopes are up high, I get AF 2 days early :nope: not gonna bother with it.

Now, as for your test, it appears that maybe the stick you used was a little faulty or maybe your body was gearing up to O. I've heard that if you don't release the egg when you're body thinks it should, then it would gear up again to try and release that mature egg, so that could be happening also!! But if your CM is abundant than you should be able to tell by your EWCM, or lack thereof, if your O'ing or not. Idk :shrug: Maybe Kim or Tara could shed some light on the opks too??
Awe, Tara you look gorgeous and i love the dresses. I wish we kinda had more time to plan our wedding day, I don't even know why we didn't. We did know it might happen in January and no idea why we hadn't preped for it. I guess waiting for divorce and stuff, ugh. Anyway, we got no time for dresss or anything any more. Also I got so stressed about it last weekend htb said "hey it's vegas we can get married in sweat pants if we had to" so ya I agree it's not what we wear and I'll make sure we plan accordingly for our church and reception day and dress appropriately then :)

Tara, did you have a photographer come to the beach to take pics? We love newport to the point htb wanted to buy a house and move there. We used to go there almost every weekend last summer :)

I really want to be pregnant for real and for it to stick...I just don't know how realistic this is...I've no symptoms and that worries me- no crams, no fatigue, no gas, no constipation, no tender breasts and no vivid dreams :( that's what I had the first time. I never had the nausea or the food aversions.

Shara, you must got tonight covered and Lou lou you got to do a lot of BD cause of the shingles and chances of messed up or double ovulation... I must have ovulated before the 24th cause 21 or so was the last time we had sex and we think may be it was pre cum (although the American pregnancy association says it's impossible to get preggers that way) like before he put on a condom or something otherwise we cannot explain how it happened...
I hope it sticks for you Kika! :dust: :dust: At this point, as long as it's a baby in there growing healthy, I wouldn't care how it happened lol, but that's just crazy me :wacko:
Shara I could not agree more!!!! I'm also getting stressed out and so is Jesse I think. Mind you, I've had the horse to deal with which has put a downer on this month and the stress may have messed O up for all I know! I told Jesse I wasn't gonna bother using my clearblue OPK this month and just stick with the paper ones since I ordered a batch of 50. But I told I'd double check after getting such a dark line and NOW im confused :nope: so I agree about the stress it causes. At the end of the day I know when I ovulate, around day 21 so I think next month we will just bd around that time. The tests and temping causes nothing but confusion and stress ugh. we managed to do it twice today, and aiming to do the same until friday... Not too sure how that will turn out though lol.

Kika, I think you are pregnant for real! I'm not sure you would get multiple positive tests otherwise ;) I hope and pray when you go for your appointment that everything is okay! And shara is right lol I wkuldnt care how it got there but it has somehow so that's all that matters ;) the man above made this happen so just like kim he will look after you now <3
Shara I could not agree more!!!! I'm also getting stressed out and so is Jesse I think. Mind you, I've had the horse to deal with which has put a downer on this month and the stress may have messed O up for all I know! I told Jesse I wasn't gonna bother using my clearblue OPK this month and just stick with the paper ones since I ordered a batch of 50. But I told I'd double check after getting such a dark line and NOW im confused :nope: so I agree about the stress it causes. At the end of the day I know when I ovulate, around day 21 so I think next month we will just bd around that time. The tests and temping causes nothing but confusion and stress ugh. we managed to do it twice today, and aiming to do the same until friday... Not too sure how that will turn out though lol.

Kika, I think you are pregnant for real! I'm not sure you would get multiple positive tests otherwise ;) I hope and pray when you go for your appointment that everything is okay! And shara is right lol I wkuldnt care how it got there but it has somehow so that's all that matters ;) the man above made this happen so just like kim he will look after you now <3
:rofl: It just tickles me pink how much more :sex: is going on when TTC!!! Wow! To be honest, I don't think me and Romeo would have had sooo much sex had it not been for TTC. I mean before we were pretty active, but damn, not THIS active lol. 2, sometimes 3, times a day, or everyday for 10 days straight, phew we are some humping, strong back, jack rabbit women when it comes to TTC......and I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! Except when it finally stops and I'm too exhausted to do anything else other than breathe lol. It blows my mind looking back on these last 4 months for myself. And our HUSBANDS, WOW!! You can tell how supportive and loyal they are, especially since no man is gonna turn down extra lovin' :haha:, but for them to support us in this journey and be the rocks we need considering all the stress, it just so amazing.
Ok I'm done rambling :coffee:
WOOHOOO!!! Love the Siggy KIKA!!! :happydance: That's my girl, finally excepting it eh??? YEEEEESS!!! 2 down, 3 more to go
Girls, I'm here. I wasn't able to get on this weekend and I've had a busy day at work, so I will be on tomorrow to write back.

Real quick, though - Kika, I'm so happy for you, honey! YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!! After all you've been through, you deserve it so very much! :hugs: A BFP and a wedding in the same month! How exciting! This is going to be a big year for all of us, I just KNOW it!!!

Oh, and Tara, you looked STUNNING in your wedding photos! Absolutely gorgeous. You and hubby are a beautiful couple!

Lots of love and hugs to you all! :kiss: :hugs: Until tomorrow, my sweets...
:rofl: It just tickles me pink how much more :sex: is going on when TTC!!! Wow! To be honest, I don't think me and Romeo would have had sooo much sex had it not been for TTC. I mean before we were pretty active, but damn, not THIS active lol. 2, sometimes 3, times a day, or everyday for 10 days straight, phew we are some humping, strong back, jack rabbit women when it comes to TTC......and I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! Except when it finally stops and I'm too exhausted to do anything else other than breathe lol. It blows my mind looking back on these last 4 months for myself. And our HUSBANDS, WOW!! You can tell how supportive and loyal they are, especially since no man is gonna turn down extra lovin' :haha:, but for them to support us in this journey and be the rocks we need considering all the stress, it just so amazing.
Ok I'm done rambling :coffee:

Love, love, LOVE this post for some reason, Shara! You are so adorable and I just love you to pieces! <3
Shara, ya, last time I was so doubtful and so negative about my pregnancy, I literary waited for it to end up by a miscarriage and so it did.

I now decided to take on a more positive attitude and I believe that MIRICLES DO HAPPEN and I have faith that our creator will look after me and my baby and will gift us with a positive outcome. So ya, im pregnant!! And I love it :) it was so unexpected yet so wonderful and baby and I will be just fine <3

And I agree!! --> three more to go :) and in less than a month we could all have gotten our:bfp:s and have our July/September/ October babies...

And now I got a wedding ceremony to obsess wih...and then it will be all about our :bfp:s and bumps :)

Shara I missed the post earlier about the lady who's had 17 weddings so far!!! Oh my goodness they must have bottomless pockets hahaha :haha: that's cool that they have thought of 17 different themes already and no doubt more as the years go on! Wow go them ;) I wonder if the same people go to their wedding every year, I wonder if they're fed up of it yet :rofl: I bet they don't get it! there's nothing like the first time though I guess so I doubt they get the same feeling each wedding but it's still sweet and it really must be love. Think of all the planning and money spent! I love Jesse, but I think 1 wedding will be enough :rofl: aw, i think that would be super sweet to go ALL out for your 5 year anniversary! Baaically like a proper wedding but that way it gives you time to save! I love that, and you will hear the pitter patter of tiny feet walking alongside you by then too! Aww <3

Kim! :hugs: I did wonder where you was today! You know what I'm like. Miss panicky! Lol, no.. I just love my girls a lot. Give peanut a rub from us. <3 :baby:

Yessssss kika! I LOVE your new signature ticker!!! STICK BABY STICK, I know he/she's going to, I'm so happy. So unexpected but sooo loved already huh?! :hugs: happy happy days!

Oh my, ladies.. Can I just say we've managed to create 160 pages already! That's craziness, I think it's so cute that we all still (aim to) post every day and still haven't lost touch since october (I know kika and tara were our SSM late comers ;)) oh, and we lost 1.. But generally, how cute is that?! I loooove it. GO US :happydance: cutest thread on BnB if I may say so myself. ;) and the best part is, 2 :bfp: down 3 to go! :baby: :dust:
It really is the cutest thread on BnB :)

My first wedding was a little bit like my second :P

No theme or planning or preparation but it was still wonderful... I don't know what it is to plan a 120 + ppl wedding but it will be amazing for you Lou Lou and may be you'll get some last minute wedding crushers from across the pond ;-)

If you're in this country by then, then you're invited <3 If you couldn't with a young baby then I would understand ;) and our others know they're invited too but unless we relocate our wedding to America then I doubt that will happen lol. However we have spoke about honey moons and Jesse mentioned Florida, but think he's more set on Mexico. Me, I'm not fussed about it! I don't even want a fancy wedding as long as I get to marry jesse but my dad (real dad, turkish one) has always said he is paying for my wedding and wants it to be huge God help me lol. It ties in with where he's from because their weddings over there are massive. Kika it's Saturday isn't it? I can't believe all this has happened so soon! I can't wait to hear all about it x
Yes, Saturday! And we are leaving tomorrow night ::blush:

I got so excited talking bfp's and weddings I forgot to share one of my concerns --> i now do not want to go back to England on the 29th :( I just want to stay here, but not sure if that's possible since I came on a visa waiver. Had a come on a visa, all visa's could be applied for and extended and/ or status changed (from visitor to spouse, or from season worker to student and so on).

And reading about pregnancy outcomes of women with my immunologic issues (NK over 20% = miscarriage and mine are 26%) made me so stressed and sad this morning :cry:
I don't blame you for not wanting to come home now :( all these recent good things have happened over there. Your bfp, getting married Saturday, so you're probably imagining your future over there too. I can't blame you kika but won't the visa situation change when you marry HTB? I know in other countries it's much easier when married or would it only apply if you left the country then re entered as a married woman again? It's confusing!!

Kika you naughty woman please don't read anything else online! I know it's much easier said than done. But like kim, you will just panic and read things that you don't want to see. You're fragile enough and don't need to be made worse :nope: wait for your appointment and try to relax, you got this! Look at it this way, the % of MC is 26% meaning the chances of no MC is 74% and that's a lot higher so try to look at it that way. I know it must be so hard, so hard! I am nobody to talk because I'll be no different when my time comes, the thought of a pregnancy scares me but we've gotta take the plunge if we want our baby, right? I'm here for you!!! Any time, about anything. We all are! :hugs:

Afm.. My IC OPK line is still dark today but a little lighter than yesterday's! So I'm wondering if maybe I O'd already.

I have a day off work today and went to my sisters. She popped upstairs and asked me to entertain Sofia for 5 mins, she came down and called me into the kitchen, showed me a positive test!!! She's pregnant, another niece or nephew :happydance: she's frantic though bless her. I tried to reassure the best I could but again it's hard, there's only so much you can say! :(
Lou Lou, I hope you got last night covered:dust:if not you must be today as like you said you may have already O'd. How exciting about your sister but not as much as your coming :bfp: some 2 weeks from today FX'd

Ya I was silly to look up prognosis online ...I've a immune disorder that makes my body kill my babies, so web site was saying for women with overpopulation with NK greater than 20% it means 100% miscarriage unless treated and slim chances even with treatment. It got me very sad :(

But then I remembered that this baby is special and it was conceived against every odds. And it will survive my crazy immune attacks...

I really hope to find a good reproductive immunologist here although it'd be much easier to do that in London. But that's next week topic...

I found an interesting count down to pregnancy web site, it's called pregnology.com , check it out if you got time. It offers an alternative due date, I thought that was funny and may be Kim would like to try it too.

I think I woukd have to re-enter as a married person --> but again it's next week topic...

Thank you Lou Lou and I'm sorry I'm spamming your thread with silliness...

Awww Kika!!! It's not my thread it's our thread and you're not being silly! :hugs: We all understand and what you just said is so scary about the immune disorder. Bless your little heart <3 But as you said this baby was conceived against the odds so I believe that you will both be fine. :baby:

Yep we have :sex: the last 4 days and yesterday we even managed to do it twice somehow!! So I hope we have a fair chance, little bit confused as to why I O'd early this cycle, I don't normally start getting a dark line on a IC OPK until CD19 atleast. I'm only CD18 today and my sticks are getting lighter already! :shrug:

I'm very excited for another niece or nephew :D I don't know what I must have said to my sister this morning to make her test but she soon disappeared. Aw thanks I hope you're right about a :bfp: in 2 weeks. For me shara and tara in the same month would be amazing!! :happydance:

Don't know if I mentioned but we're getting our new pup on Friday instead of Sunday now! I'm soooo excited :dog: I'm dreading taking him for his jabs on saturday though! :nope: Jesse will have to take him in. We're going straight to pets at home after we pick him up (for the girlies across the pond, it's a huge pet store!) to get his food and a collar so we can actually try it on him first. I wonder how many admirers he gets :haha:
Kika, not much to say other than I totally agree with this little one being conveived the way it was. This baby shall survive!
I don't think your topics are spam at all. It makes for good reading and entertainment to me lol. We most certainly do understand as Lou Lou said, and I will be checking that out. I'll just put in a "what if" date lol

Louisa, FX you guys caught the egg with all that BDing! I know Tara is in the 2WW officially so FX that she gets her BFP soon. I just hope we do the trick as I wait to O in the next couple of days.

This definitely is the cutest thread on this forum. Not to toot all of our horns, but I would say the most real as well. I love you guys <3
See kika we're all saying the same :) the baby was conceived without even having to try, so I'm sure the man above will do the rest for you <3

Just please don't ever think you're spamming!! :nope: <3 no no no! This is us 5's personal little thread to talk about anything at all. You know I would always help any of you in any way I could whether it's reassurance or personal advice and I know the rest of you are the same in that respect too. That's why we are SSM's right?!! <3 <3 <3

I hope so shara, but I'm so confused this cycle for real haha. I don't know if today is CD18 or 21! It depends if the brown spotting that started on Christmas eve was CD1 for me, or whether it started properly when I started getting full flow red AF in which case I'd be CD18 today :shrug: According to all my apps my fertile window started on CD12 this cycle and that's SO early for me :shrug: we didn't manage to bd tonight either :( jesse has been up since 4am for work and I don't think he had it in him tonight. He couldn't perform no matter how hard I tried to get him going and bless him he was trying too :( hopefully we've done enough already.

Awwh girly we love you too :hugs: <3

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