Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Oh bless your heart :( that's sooo sad! You looked so happy in your old pic :( you're a gorgeous girl and will shortly have his baby, so if he wants to miss out on that then more fool him I say! Sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh but I would hope that most fathers-to-be who tried for as long as you 2 would step right up and I don't understand why he would want to lose not only you but the baby you're carrying :( it's sad and I hope it works out but it's not good to feel constantly down especially right now, I'm sure you've got enough on your plate! :nope: I know exactly how it feels, this is what happened with my ex when I was pregnant and it's horrible! You fear for the baby because you imagine it to be so perfect and then they change or atleast that's how my situation ended up :growlmad: I'm here chick <3 xx
Thank you <3
Everyone close to me who ive tried to speak to about this have mostly said "Oh hes a man, hes just scared about the baby coming, he will be fine when its here".. but seriously, what if he isn't you know?! Ugh just difficult decisions to make!
I have to give an example just so I don't sound like a total hormonal B**** who hates her partner lol! Earlier I told him id like to use the spare money we have and book a pvt gender scan for the week after next, he then tells me straight up "No" because he wants to get a new game to play instead!! What the hell!
Im 100% sure im not over reacting D:
What the helllll hun :nope: it's bad :( a game should be the last thing on his list of priorities right now. Did you have to make a new account in the end btw? I thought something looked different about your name lol it used to be xpinkglitterx didn't it?! :haha: or am I losing it lol!! Xx
I know right! The only part of this im enjoying is having the bed to myself at nights lol!! As he always sleeps on the sofa now.. That makes me sound so bad lol!!

Aww noo haven't changed it haha, was always this one xx
I wouldn't blame hormones sweet, I would be no different hormones or not! I hope he wouldn't rather sit on an Xbox when your beautiful baby is born! :nope: his responsibilities are gonna shock him lol.

Sorry I've been so absent today. jesse problems! He's normally the type of guy to take things on the chin and ignore any problems. Bury his head in the sand and hope it'll go away - pain wise. So he woke up at 3am rolling around the bed absolutely screeching in pain, sweating from head to toe, couldn't talk or walk. So I called the ambulance and they turned up 15 minutes later which seemed like 15 hours to him, he was nearly crying and that's something I have never seen! They arrived and went upto him (still in bed), attached an IV which I could have done lol, gave him morphine pain relief and entonox(gas and air) which calmed him a bit but he still couldn't talk and was sooo unresponsive! They then carried him down to the ambulance strapped him in bla bla bla - there's me in my pjs lol!!! I filled them in based on what jesse told me before the pain got so intense and suggested that I thought it could be either a kidney infection or kidney stones. Go straight through to one of the examination units so they took bloods, heart rate blood pressure etc etc. By this point the pain releif had taken the pain away and he's himself again. Needles sticking out of everywhere bless him! They found blood in his urine samples which I knew they would say so wanted a ct scan for him. Turns out the pain he had been through was him passing kidney stones and get this (there's hope kim, kika and jodie) the nurse that actually has a 7 year old said that the pain he was experiencing goes way past labour pain on the scale! Poor poor little mite. So guess who had to play nurse Louisa at home AND at work tonight?! Haha, yep! Me ;) I'm just so pleased it was nothing worse but I was almost certain of what they'd say, he must have been hurting sooo much. My eyes are absolutely hanging out of my head and now I have a 12 hour shift to get ready for in just over an hour. Atleast he's still here to tell the tale though right?! :thumbup:
Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that about Jesse :hugs2: Kidney stones are no joke I hear, and from what he went through just confirms it. I'm so sorry he had to go through that. I hope he gets better soon :flower:
Thank you shara I'm hoping that this was the last bad thing to happen to us! We've had our fair share since the latter part of 2014 lol. Happy times from now on ONLY :D
Trust me, I understand! I said the same thing since 2015 started lol, I hope we have our sunshine and rainbows this year because Lord knows we have been through a really rough patch last year, and I just hope this time we get some beautiful, bouncing results lol.

How is everyone this morning??

I wonder how Kika's wedding was? I'm so happy for them :wedding:
I hope Kim and Peanut are doing well, and Shaun too...
It's crazy ridiculous isn't it! If it's not people dying it's our animals on deaths door or me crashing head first into a tree so on and so forth! I hope we ALL get our bouncing babies at some point this year :baby: I can't wait to test. But I have no idea when to considering I don't know what dpo I am. I'll give it 4 or 5 days ATLEAST I think.. When are you testing shara or leaving it until last minute??? :)

Me too.. I hope Kika had a fab time in Vegas, can't believe she's married now. And I still can't believe that someone who use to live no more than 10-15 minutes away has just got married in Vegas either lol that's like a dream for us!!!

I'm sad to have not heard much from kim lately :( I guess she's been super busy preparing for little one and work etc. I guess it's harder to come on when you finally get that bfp. I understand that. I hope the three of them are good also <3
I want so bad to test around Friday or Saturday, but I'm just a little concerned because I didn't get the usual signs that I get for ovulation. I didn't get the O pains that's usual for me, or has been these last 4 months, and I didn't get the abundant CM that I get as well, so I'm praying that I even O this month lol...and I think Romeo is really, really hopeful because he just kept saying little things like "when the baby's born I don't wanna be in this apartment..." (because our lease is up in a few months) so that gives me the hint that he wants a baby like now lol..I just pray that I did O and all of BD "efforts" caught the egg [-o&lt;
I thought you'd say Friday/Saturday, same here but I soooo bet I'll cave in and test before! :haha:

Think about it though shara :p It's normally those months where you don't have this and don't have that, that :bfp: actually happens. I read so many stories on here like that! Or when they go from ttc to ntnp and bam it happens there and then. I'm honestly contemplating it next month lol. This cycle I did have twinges in my right ovary on my suspected O day, but due to work and saskia this month we didn't start BD'ing until late, so we only got 2 days of swimmers in before suspected O day which I guess is ok, could be worse but we do normally start the BD'ing 4/5 days before. We shall see what happens. But .. One in every 3 periods I get those ferocious pains and this cycle is the third one, so I am dreading that bit! It's weird, give me needles to poke in someone else or give me someone to examine and I'll be fine but the second someone brings needles near me I turn into the biggest baby! :baby: Yes I'm cringing over this months period pains right now lol :cry: (if I get this months period of course - hope not as always). We're bound to get 1 out of 3 bfp's this cycle surely. either you, tara or me. It must POAS time for her any day!:dust:
Can someone also do me a huge favour?! I can't seem to find the page of BnB smilies, would one of you be able to screen shot them or take a pic of them on a computer screen whatever you use,just so I know the code thing?? :)
I thought you'd say Friday/Saturday, same here but I soooo bet I'll cave in and test before! :haha:

Think about it though shara :p It's normally those months where you don't have this and don't have that, that :bfp: actually happens. I read so many stories on here like that! Or when they go from ttc to ntnp and bam it happens there and then. I'm honestly contemplating it next month lol. This cycle I did have twinges in my right ovary on my suspected O day, but due to work and saskia this month we didn't start BD'ing until late, so we only got 2 days of swimmers in before suspected O day which I guess is ok, could be worse but we do normally start the BD'ing 4/5 days before. We shall see what happens. But .. One in every 3 periods I get those ferocious pains and this cycle is the third one, so I am dreading that bit! It's weird, give me needles to poke in someone else or give me someone to examine and I'll be fine but the second someone brings needles near me I turn into the biggest baby! :baby: Yes I'm cringing over this months period pains right now lol :cry: (if I get this months period of course - hope not as always). We're bound to get 1 out of 3 bfp's this cycle surely. either you, tara or me. It must POAS time for her any day!:dust:

LOL!! Or hopefull 3 OUT OF 3!!! I want us ALL to be done with the stress and wondering and POAS addictions lol...then again, after we get the first one out the way, we'll be doing the same, ready for #2 :rofl:

I can't do a screenshot, well I can but I can't post it here because my work computer wouldn't let me do the tinypic.com conversion :( :( So Sowwy!!
:hi: Sorry to hear about Jesse! Whoa! I'm catching up on all the threads...

I did POAS this morning with a FRER digital. Big negativo. Af is due Wed or Thursday. We shall see. I agree I hope one of us gets a BFP.

My battery is dying on my computer but wanted to check in. Was thinking about you guys!
Thanks tara he's on the mend with a week off work!

Oh nooooo- no negatives allowed this cycle for the 3 of us! That sucks. I hope that changes today! Let us know :thumbup:
Good Morning Loves!

FXd it was just too early to test Tara! :dust:

Still no Kim? :sad1: Someone needs to call her, I'm getting concerned. I hope she's not overworking herself with little peanut => :telephone:

Where's Jodie too?

Kika?? Everyone who's preggers just seemed to have disappeared lol!! I know Kika's probably on her Honeymoon though :sex: bwahaha...You go girl!! Congrats
WARNING: the chattiest member of the thread is back, as evidenced below! :rofl:

Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!?!? No, they're not! JODIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! First of all, let me say I am so, so, SOOOOO glad you are back and safe! We missed you so much and were really worried about you! Are you OK now? No longer on bed rest? Still high risk, though, I imagine. What happened to get you there? I am so thankful you and baby are OK!!! Your scan pic IS beautiful!!! Isn't it crazy we are due on exactly the same date?!? Ohmigosh, I can hardly believe you are back, honey! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: And WTH is up with Kyle? I am so sorry you are having to deal with his punk ass on top of everything you're going through with your pregnancy. I don't think you're overreacting at all, my sweet. I'm mad at him! I hope you guys don't end up splitting up, but you have to take care of yourself and baby, and if that's what ends up being best for you in the long run, you do what you have to do. I just can't believe he's being so...crappy. I want to use stronger words, but I don't want to offend you or anyone else. He is just not being nice to his wife and the mother of his child, and it pisses me off. Hopefully he'll straighten out. Him wanting the game over you wanting the private scan pisses me off even more. How dare he, especially after all you've been through? Let me at him! J/K of course, but ugh, I want to punch him. Sorry, I know he's your hubby, but he has made me mad!

Louisa! Yay for getting your puppy! Tell me what his name is again? Sweet little pup, I love him already! :kiss: What a horror story with Jesse's kidney troubles. You poor dear, having to take care of him and then work a 12-hour shift! :hugs: You are a stronger woman than me! Thank God he is OK!

I can't wait to hear from Kika! I hope all went well this weekend! :wedding:

Me, Peanut and Shaun are doing well, Shara and Louisa. Thank you for asking, you sweet ladies! :kiss: :hugs: I'm sorry to have worried y'all! We went to a hibachi restaurant for our anniversary dinner Friday night and it was DEEEEEE-LICIOUS!!! I love hibachi. It's too bad I couldn't have any sushi, I love it, too. We had plans to go to a movie after, but the pregnant lady was too tired! :haha: We visited 2 sets of friends Saturday, that was nice. Sunday we had a very relaxing and chill day sitting in front of the TV together. We watched the movie The Equalizer and if y'all haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! Denzel is the shizz. MLK Jr. Day is a holiday for state employees :) so yesterday I cleaned house and then we went out for lunch and ran errands together. We finished off the night by watching The Bachelor. Are any of my American girls into the show? A friend-couple got us hooked last year and now we can't stop. We watch it more for entertainment than actually take it seriously, because some of the girls are a MESS! I love it! Oh, and the best part? We had some REALLY, REALLY good :sex: before going to sleep last night. My goodness. Let's just say I believe my sex drive is back! I'll leave it at that. ;)

Tara, I'm sorry you got that stinkin' dreaded BFN. I looked at your chart, too, and saw you had a big drop today, so I'm guessing AF showed? :(
Hi Kim, good to hear you guys are all doing well. Happy belated Anniversary too!! Congratulations!
YAY I'm glad you're back!!! Our thread is simply not the same without you kim. <3 I'm so happy you peanut and Shaun are all good. Forgive me, but I do really panic every time you go quiet :nope:

Happy belated anniversary my loves. It seems like you had a great weekend together, quality time right?! And for the :sex: woo you go girl! ;)

He's called cody! :D oh my dear lord I'm so super in love with him! I can't even explain. He is SO good I just want to cuddle him so tight. He can sit, give paw, fetch, house trained ALREADY and sleeps like a dream all night long! Downstairs by himself in a (still quite new) scary house! We've had him since last Friday so he is proving to be amazing so far!

Oh, about jesse :nope: I was SO hoping we had left bad things in 2014 but I am not so sure after saskia first and then that! but luckily he's on the mend. The hospital gave him a sick note for a week off work and in actual fact he probably could go back much sooner he says but it's illegal for insurance purposes bla bla bla plus he's getting paid for not going this week so why would he go back early. But bless him, he did go through it on Sunday! I wish I could have taken it all away from him. BUT he's here and alive, that's all that matters :D
Actually it wasn't a huge deal having to go to work after, I was just dog tired. But we had a resident rushed to the same freakin hospital for a suspected heart attack. She later on passed away, yesterday in actual fact. So sad but she was 92, so a decent age I guess :thumbup: I can't count that as another bad incident of 2015 because unfortunately it's a monthly occurrence in that industry! You have to be pretty thick skinned I've figured out. Mine is thickening, I'm getting there :)

Kim, how's bumpy bump coming along?!
I'm so sorry to hear of her passing, I'm just happy to hear she wasn't long suffering. LOL at the thumbs up smiley. I'm not sure how to read into that gesture but either way, it's pretty funny. Not that she died, of course, but....nevermind I'm not getting into all that. Anywho, I'm glad to know Jesse's getting well too. I know too many people who have had to pass them, my mom included, and it's never easy to hear that story. Just so much pain and agony. Glad to hear he's "on the mend" (I'm guessing that means on his way to being 100% healthy :shrug: ) lol

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