Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Hahaha shara, you just crack me up :haha: I know exactly what you mean :rofl: I'm not trying to shrug the poor woman's passing off, you know? But I guess there was not a great deal that could be done to a 92 year old lady! God bless her soul though <3

Oh your poor mum. I personally have never experienced anything to do with kidneys, infections stones etc. But seeing him in that much pain I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Well. I guess it depends what they did :haha: no, I'm not a horrid person really! :p

I feel so hopeful for a bfp this month. My boobs feel super swollen and kinda burn/tingle when squeezed! Not cooool :nope: I also get sore boobs around the day of O, or like 1dpo every cycle. But today they only just started getting sore and it's a different pain to normal, I don't recall experiencing it before so I hope that change could be a good sign but after that disaster cycle with EVERY symptom going, I don't trust anything anymore, apart from a pregnancy test :haha: :bfp:
Cody!!! <3 :dog: <3 I expect to see frequent pics of him on here, OK? ;) If I were Jesse and had that note to stay out of work and still get paid, you better believe that's exactly what I'd do! No ifs, ands or buts! Still, what a horrid experience for him to have to go through (and you, too!). I am so sorry to hear about your resident passing away from a heart attack. You certainly do have to have thick skin to be in your line of work. I admire you for doing what you do for a living, I couldn't handle it. I'd be in tears all. the. time. :sad2: 92 is a pretty good age, though. I'm sure she had a full life! <3

Oh, Louisa, FX for you hun!!! FX for you, Shara and Tara!!! Hopefully Tara isn't out yet! :af: Shara, did you say you are testing Saturday? How exciting! I'm so ready for our next BFP!!!

Speaking of Tara, how did girls' weekend go, hun?
Louisa, here are my bump pics (y'all have seen one of them, but I'm including it for comparison)!

Gray top = 14 week bump. Black & white top = 10 week bump. Compared to my 10 week bump pic, I can tell it has grown. Like I said before, I already had a tummy to begin with, but it is definitely sticking out more than it was.


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Aw, thanks :hugs: I've contemplated giving up care/nursing as a career so many times because it's tough to take and I'm a sensitive person I guess but I don't do it for the recognition, I guess it's for the love of the human race - as soppy as that sounds :D you learn to not take things to heart aswell like residents passing away. It's always sad don't get me wrong but you become immune to the pain.

Haha I'll change my photo to cody in a second, I still haven't figured out how to attach a photo from my iPhone when on here!! :nope: so annoying :(

Awwwww those bump pictures! You look so glowy already, and bump IS coming along well isn't she/he?! That is a big difference!!! :happydance: beautiful. <3 <3 <3
Cody is soooooo sweet!!! I want to hug him and cuddle him right now!!! <3 :kiss: How is Bailey getting along with him?
He's soooo tiny :dog: erm, seeing as Bailey was a neglected rescue he's naturally really wary of other people and dogs so at first he was so snappy and growly, and I'll admit I was worried of how it would turn out, after all Bailey was here first, but now he's much more tolerant just 4 days on! Lab puppies are snappy, really snappy! their teeth are like needles, and I think that's what Bailey can't deal with as he was apparently bitten as a pup in the shelter before I adopted him and they don't forget do they! :nope: but he's doing great for just 4 days, he could be doing much worse thanks for asking :hugs:
I'm back!!!

Kim, what adorable bump pics, I love them!

Lou Lou, im so sorry Jessie had to go through kidney stones but I'm glad he didn't need a surgery or anything like that requires more than a week recovery...im just so scared of surgeries...

Also, lotion cm and sore boobs, hmmm, sounds like a bfp :) Fingers and everything crossed for you <3

Shara, any symptoms yet sweet? If none --> you'll be like me. I don't even know what made me test that day, knowing we used protection and no symptoms at all... Waiting patiently till Saturday when a big fat bfp is due for you!

Jody, nice to meet you and I'm glad everything is good with you and baby and wha an ass of a bf/husband you have --> he's got to go unless he changed.

AFM --> one day soon I'll be able to appreciate and enjoy our adventure, but for now I'm still trying to recover from it. It was the most intense and stressful thing I've ever gone through which can't be healthy for anyone let alone a high risk early pregnancy :( it was terrible and sweet in a way but the sweet is the aftertaste, like a said it will be sweeter next week remembering it than it was actually going through it.

Fisrt the flight was exhausting -> we did 2.5hrs to Charlotte and then 6hrs from there to vegas. It was early in the morning in Vegas and check in time was. 4pm --> so no shower and rest but we managed to get marriage license, eat and see most there's to see on the strip. Then we walked back to the hotel at about 8pm and checked in and thought we'do sleep but no, there's no sleeping in Vegas. There's drunks and loud inconsiderate ppl running up and down the hotel, laughing and disturbing every one who's tryikg to sleep. Horrible. But what I found disgusting was the smoking in the casinos. I've never thought a western country would ignore human rights of healthy invironment for degradative or any money making industries. The way the hotels are built --> you got to go through the casino, there's no access to the hotels from anywhere esle, they want you in the casinos, so pregnant women and families with babies in strollers (there were quite a lot of them, and also kids doing gymnastics and karate tournaments) had to second smoke and that's totally against their rights and that's alowwed only so the casinos can make money. Barf. Smoking is not allowed in European casinos and was banned in Monte Carlo in 2007 and Monte Carlo is the European Las Vegas and ya barf on whoever came up with the idea that kids and health is less important than making money.

Choosing where to get married was stressful too, we only made an appointment on Saturday morning to have it done Saturday afternoon. I couldn't stop sweating and my heart was beating like crazy, the wait was so intense...I calmed a little when we finally found the place but the moment we had to walk down the isle my heart was going to explode and I had to take a minute cause I couldn't breahe... The ceremony was short but sweet, they gave us a dvd and and a cd with photos, one day we'll look at them :) I was very happy to marry the love of my life and the father of my growing cell cluster of a baby to be soon... If there was an online form that we fill out and then we submit and receive a confirmation "you're now married" I think that's what works best for me :p the traditional way is way too stressful for me :) but we did it anyway :)

Then we walked and did more sight seeing and went back to the hotel not later than 10. We had plans to rent a car on Sunday and go see red rock and Hoover dam but stress again--> they're out of cars. We try two places within walking distance but no luck and then we get a cab to the airport and there out of cars there too :( we try a few places then we find a place with cars but higher class so more expensive and we don't know what to do but this is the only option and we take it. Then we see what we think is the most amazing thing we've ever seen --> red rock national park and Hoover dam and we get back to the hotel exhausted but happy. I was feeling tired all the time and I couldn't sleep at night at all :(

Monday morning we got up at 5 packed and checked out and set off for the Grand Canyon...5 hrs drive through mountains and desert with no food places and hardly any gas stations ...but we made it and then we saw the most amazing thing in the world --> it was breath taking, we were driving and we saw it and he pulled out and I cried...it was that beautiful and amazing :) we spent there 3-4 hrs and we did another 5 hrs drive back to Las Vegas, we were so tired, we are and returned car and waited for flight --> 1am Tuesday :/

We got back home around 2pm yday and we had a little nap but im thinking we need a whole week of sleeping 14 hrs a night to catch up to what we missed ...

Now some bad news --> I didn't realise I had a symptom until I lost it --> I never had sore boobs like the first time so I didn't count boobs as a symptom but Sunday morning I woke up and my boobs feel differnt --> deflated and no pressure and smaller ... And I worry :( and still nothing, still feeling deflated and last time my boobs stopped hurting and I had the scan and baby was gone... I'm so so sad and worried but there's nothing I could do except waiting...

Oh and there's the stress of "am I going home or am I staying" :(

Hugs all and I missed you sweet ladies
kikaaa, our newly wed!! <3 tell us all about it! :happydance:

Oh, me too.. I don't know how I EVER made a nurse!!!! I'm soooo squeamish. they had to knock me out with gas the morning of my d&c, apparently I was fighting with the anaesthetist (little did I know- that's so not me lol!) I think he would of rather had the surgery bevause then he wouldn't of had the pain of passing them himself but anyways it's over luckily and he's getting there bless his little self <3

The lotion cm is sticking around! And the sore boobs too but that's normal for me I guess, although I normally get them around O until the first day of my period but I got them about 4-5 days later this cycle which could mean something?

I sooooo hope so for shara too bless her!!!! <3 I think I saw kim say she guesses Tara's AF turned up due to the dip which sucks, crap news if that's the case!!! So now I have everything crossed for shara and myself, and tara still if AF didn't turn up! I'm testing saturday also as shara and I ovulated one day apart according to my apps or judging by my opk's I o'd 2 days before usual this month. So saturday should be fine for me to test aswell. Would be fab for 2 bfp's in one cycle like Kim's and Jodie's! :bfp:
Awww kika, I get that! So you're happy you married the love of your life but didn't like the stress and everything that came with the actual day?! Maybe Vegas wasn't the best place to go for, I would HATE the smoke everywhere too!! Maybe a little private sandy beach would have been more up your street hey?! ;) but either way you're now married, but forever this time I believe!!! And I'm so happy for you. You deserve to be a happily married woman and you sooo deserve this little baby that's growing bigger and stronger every day! The future is bright for you lady. <3
So happy that you're married and that worse part is over Kika. I see why you hate America :rofl: don't blame you at all. I wish I could be European, no lie! I know you're gonna be over the moon though once you're settled in, and you realizes you are Mrs. "whateverhislastnameis" That's how it was for me. And bcause we went to the courthouse, it was EXTREMELY quick, but we got the main objectives covered: Say vowels, kiss, get license :haha: After about a week or two, maybe even a month, that's when I realized I was someone's wife, and I had a husband!! Then you being pregnant right now is perfect! That just seals off that family life for you guys, unless you want #2, or 3, or 4 etc. lol...Congratulations

AFM, I haven't had any "syptoms" really besides the same ones I've experienced PMS....The only one that's different is the backache I had for the past 2 nights, which was kind of weird because neither time was I lying on my back, but it could've been due to my position, so I'm not riding on that a lot. Sensitive boobs - PMS, abundant creamy CM AFTER O - PMS, Headaches - PMS, so none that stick out that are any different than usual... so you're right-- no symptom spotting for me, just waiting til Saturday :coffee:
AWWW Louisa, Cody is sooooo beautiful in that pic. You my friend are a true ARTIST when it comes to those pics of your fur babies
Hahaha shara, you just crack me up :haha: I know exactly what you mean :rofl: I'm not trying to shrug the poor woman's passing off, you know? But I guess there was not a great deal that could be done to a 92 year old lady! God bless her soul though <3

Oh your poor mum. I personally have never experienced anything to do with kidneys, infections stones etc. But seeing him in that much pain I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Well. I guess it depends what they did :haha: no, I'm not a horrid person really! :p

I feel so hopeful for a bfp this month. My boobs feel super swollen and kinda burn/tingle when squeezed! Not cooool :nope: I also get sore boobs around the day of O, or like 1dpo every cycle. But today they only just started getting sore and it's a different pain to normal, I don't recall experiencing it before so I hope that change could be a good sign but after that disaster cycle with EVERY symptom going, I don't trust anything anymore, apart from a pregnancy test :haha: :bfp:

Shara - so sorry about your mom! Hope all is ok.

Louisa! Yes, all hopeful signs. When will you test??? And Cody is FAB!

I got AF full force this am. Sucks!! I honestly couldn't have done this cycle any differently. Onto the next one. I did set up an appointment with my GYN just to check me and DH out. I hear so many things about secondary infertility and I'm hoping it isn't us. And then of course everything I read online is telling me turning 40 sucks and getting pregnant is harder. Whatevs! If it's meant to me...it'll be.

Cody!!! <3 :dog: <3 I expect to see frequent pics of him on here, OK? ;) If I were Jesse and had that note to stay out of work and still get paid, you better believe that's exactly what I'd do! No ifs, ands or buts! Still, what a horrid experience for him to have to go through (and you, too!). I am so sorry to hear about your resident passing away from a heart attack. You certainly do have to have thick skin to be in your line of work. I admire you for doing what you do for a living, I couldn't handle it. I'd be in tears all. the. time. :sad2: 92 is a pretty good age, though. I'm sure she had a full life! <3

Oh, Louisa, FX for you hun!!! FX for you, Shara and Tara!!! Hopefully Tara isn't out yet! :af: Shara, did you say you are testing Saturday? How exciting! I'm so ready for our next BFP!!!

Speaking of Tara, how did girls' weekend go, hun?

:hi: Kim! Your bump photos are amazing!!!!!!! I love it!!! You're looking good.

Kika! Your trip to Vegas sounds like a HUGE adventure. And while it had its ups and downs it sounded wonderful and memorable. Congratulations!! :happy dance:

I want to make you feel better, my boobs didn't change one bit early on with Syd or Lucy. They got fuller and more tender in second trimester. Some ladies just don't get those symptoms. And every pregnancy is different. You have a snuggly little bean in there. :hugs:
Haha Shara I studied photography for 3 years during seniors (high school) so that probably helps ;) but thanks though hehe.
Haha Shara I studied photography for 3 years during seniors (high school) so that probably helps ;) but thanks though hehe.

Noooo tara, shitty AF!!!! :nope: sorry sweet! That's never good news, you BD so much too! Grr, ttc is pure mind games. Erm, I think Saturday I'll test! But I do have 3 lol so may have to do a cheeky one Friday maybe!
Tara, I hope my boobs symptom is not the beginning of what I dread the most :hugs: and boo to AF ugh, good idea to get checked and I don't think your bfn is due to your age. There's plenty young girls there ttc for months and thy they get their bfp's. I was far less fertile when I was young. I never got pregnant when I was young and with the stim and meds I still had troubles ovulating and implanting... And now it just happens --> meaning I can ovulate and implant and there's still the NK cells problem I need to treat and I'll have that most wanted baby...

Lou Lou, Shara, boobs shmoobs! Lotion CM is the thing!!!! I'm so excited for Saturday!!!
Kika, I hope you're right. I got pregnant with healthy babies at 25 and 38 fairly easily...not sure what's happening at age 40.
Tara I wouldn't worry about age! My mum was pregnant with her last at age 41 and he is a perfectly healthy little devil! I can understand your concerns because kim was worried about the same thing before her bfp but I really don't think that it's an issue unless you're unhealthy yourself which you're clearly not! :hugs: :)

Guys, I am freaking out sooooo bad!
I just sat on the loo to pee, but before that I felt so wet (sorry lol) unusually wet down there. It's BLOOD! I honestly was nearly sick. I can deal with periods because I know the reason behind them each month but there's no explanation for that! I'm leaning more towards a cut or scrape up there because it was pink then bright red blood! So I'm ruling IB out I think! :nope: ooooo gory I hate blood. Ew EW ew.
How much was it? Mama, you're right around the time for IB! And it can be pink!
Enough for me to get it on the tissue paper 4 times in different places :shrug: I kept dabbing the paper and thought it was never gonna end! Lol, I never had IB last time but the circumstances were different I guess, though I don't feel like this is IB :( I hope I'm wrong! But I think it was too red at times for it to be that, which I heard is never bright red ( I say 'at times' because it was pink too) so maybe there's hope? Ah I don't know! We will soon see though. The truth shall emerge. :D

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