It didn't work on iPad but I'll try laptop later. I'll be back in 4 hrs to check on Lou Lou's second stick! Wow, Lou Lou you and you're sister are pregannt together how cool is that!!
Same here Shara, I wanted 2 or 3 in my sig but i've used all my space up lol.
Kika I know!!! literally just a week or so apart, that's if it's true! I called her nearly in tears when I thought I saw the line, i'm in sooo much disbelief right now lol. I want to believe it though!
I think i'm in disbelief because of the line that I saw last month too! and now this month, I have a huge fear of doing a test later and there being no second line like last time.. i will honestly cry lol but i'm praaaaaying there will be! and if I am, then you best be joining me on saturday shara!!! Due date buddies
Last time you didn't have IB!!! Anything could cause PMS and nausea and fatigue but how does one fake IB! Just hold your pee for 4 hrs and report back here ;-)
I just wanted to scream to the top of my lungs because I feel like it's winding down and the last 2 -ara's are gonna get their bfps too. I don't care if it's 2 cycles from now! As long as I get one this year, and I know it will be soon!
I think this mornings test must have been faulty. Tested again, a huge bfn!!! why does this keep happening to me?! Is there something wrong with me? I just want to cry and scream.
What Tara said... I couldn't keep urine for more than 4 hrs when I tested,my first morning was 7 am but I had pee'd at 3am and before that 11pm... I would even say wait 48 hrs for hsg to double --> test Saturday!
Yes honey! STOP! Wait until tomorrow morning! It is VERY early, and like Tara said you need that FMU because it has the highest level of HCG in it! Don't worry yourself! Just work or do something to get your mind off it, but think POSITIVE, like your test just was
But was that first test really a positive even if it didn't appear within the first 5 minutes? I really don't think that could have been a true reading! I'm thinking of everything right now. I left it on the windowsill before going back to it an hour later, and the sun has been out - did the sun dry it out which made that line visible? I'm so confused and I'm almost convinced that there's something majorly wrong with me right now! How can that happen during two different cycles at roughly the same point in that cycle I only have one test left but I'll do it in the morning, feel so sick! I have work tonight anyway so that will keep my mind off it, might take my test to work, HOWEVER am I gonna hold my pee in through a whole night shift guys?! Lol, really really hope it's a bfp in the morning
Oh I just remembered something --> remember my test I posted here? I was worried line was to faint and Kim and Tara reassured me? Well by the time dh came back from work the line was fat and dark!!
Your first test you forgot it and walked away! If you walk away from the bfn one you'll find a line in half a hour or so! It does get fatter and darker sitting around--> you're so so early still
It's wait 5 min on date AF is due or is already late. Honestly it does get darker and fatter over time and remember mine was faint then got really dark by the evening and morning digi said 2-3 weeks... It's is a bfp!!!
Thanks kika I'm sooo hesitant in believing it! This other test is still as negative as can be, half hour on! But then that wasn't fmu, then again neither was the first test this morning that was second pee of the day, and only held for max 2 hours! This is so strange! I keep going back to the test to look and see if it has changed and my heart sinks every time because it's not changing at all
Maybe the pee I used for the 'positive' test was a little bit of my fmu left over lol, racking my brains trying to think of a suitable reason as to why the first test would have been positive against the second one with a longer pee hold. ohhhhh the ttc life hey?! Who would have it lol. It's a journey to say the very least
Oh no you have to hold for 3-4 hrs and no drinks while holding, no wonder it's bfn... You got to hold!!
Tara, place in providence won't do early dating scan grrr I'll try get a scan around 8 weeks in London, im flying back next week, how do I keep calm for 2 more weeks... And what two weeks time...
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