WARNING: the chattiest member of the thread is back, as evidenced below!
Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!?!? No, they're not! JODIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! First of all, let me say I am so, so, SOOOOO glad you are back and safe! We missed you so much and were really worried about you! Are you OK now? No longer on bed rest? Still high risk, though, I imagine. What happened to get you there? I am so thankful you and baby are OK!!! Your scan pic IS beautiful!!! Isn't it crazy we are due on exactly the same date?!? Ohmigosh, I can hardly believe you are back, honey!

And WTH is up with Kyle? I am so sorry you are having to deal with his punk ass on top of everything you're going through with your pregnancy. I don't think you're overreacting at all, my sweet. I'm mad at him! I hope you guys don't end up splitting up, but you have to take care of yourself and baby, and if that's what ends up being best for you in the long run, you do what you have to do. I just can't believe he's being so...crappy. I want to use stronger words, but I don't want to offend you or anyone else. He is just not being nice to his wife and the mother of his child, and it pisses me off. Hopefully he'll straighten out. Him wanting the game over you wanting the private scan pisses me off even more. How dare he, especially after all you've been through? Let me at him! J/K of course, but ugh, I want to punch him. Sorry, I know he's your hubby, but he has made me mad!
Louisa! Yay for getting your puppy! Tell me what his name is again? Sweet little pup, I love him already!

What a horror story with Jesse's kidney troubles. You poor dear, having to take care of him and then work a 12-hour shift!

You are a stronger woman than me! Thank God he is OK!
I can't wait to hear from Kika! I hope all went well this weekend!
Me, Peanut and Shaun are doing well, Shara and Louisa. Thank you for asking, you sweet ladies!

I'm sorry to have worried y'all! We went to a hibachi restaurant for our anniversary dinner Friday night and it was DEEEEEE-LICIOUS!!! I love hibachi. It's too bad I couldn't have any sushi, I love it, too. We had plans to go to a movie after, but the pregnant lady was too tired!

We visited 2 sets of friends Saturday, that was nice. Sunday we had a very relaxing and chill day sitting in front of the TV together. We watched the movie The Equalizer and if y'all haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! Denzel is the shizz. MLK Jr. Day is a holiday for state employees

so yesterday I cleaned house and then we went out for lunch and ran errands together. We finished off the night by watching The Bachelor. Are any of my American girls into the show? A friend-couple got us hooked last year and now we can't stop. We watch it more for entertainment than actually take it seriously, because some of the girls are a MESS! I love it! Oh, and the best part? We had some REALLY, REALLY good

before going to sleep last night. My goodness. Let's just say I believe my sex drive is back! I'll leave it at that.
Tara, I'm sorry you got that stinkin' dreaded BFN. I looked at your chart, too, and saw you had a big drop today, so I'm guessing AF showed?