Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

I'm so sorry to sound like your momma, but I don't want your wittle heart bwoken :cry: I just want to have high hopes for you! [-o< I'm praying this is a BFP Louisa [-o<.....just give it one more shot in the morning (I know it seems like forver from now), and if it doesn't get darker than feel free to be mad at me for being pushy, but I have a feeling you'll get some good results
Nooo lol kika that's what I meant :p The first one this morning (the 'bfp') I used a 2 hour hold for that. But I held my pee since 11am until 3 something with the second one yet its a bfn. I'm just stumped as always!

Yay yay yay Kika come back to London :hugs: you can get a scan at any point of the pregnancy here if it's private I'm sure? it's money though! And it's also a shame dh won't be able to be there to see little jellybean for the first time :( I know for early scans they don't print pictures for some reason or atleast they didn't with mine so make sure you take some of the screen on your phone <3
Oh no you have to hold for 3-4 hrs and no drinks while holding, no wonder it's bfn... You got to hold!!

Tara, place in providence won't do early dating scan grrr :( I'll try get a scan around 8 weeks in London, im flying back next week, how do I keep calm for 2 more weeks... And what if...in two weeks time...

Oh no you don't Kika lol...NO What if's remember. YOU SAID IT, only positive vibes and talks from here on out. Everything's crossed for your sweet sticky bun! I know you have your own personal issues that scare you, but like you said, this baby was conceived out of unorthodox circumstanaces (protection being the biggest), so that's got to mean something special and good! Everything will be fine, and in "two weeks time"....you will see your baby's heartbeat <3 and fall in love
Thanks shara you sweet girly! :hugs: I have high hopes too after this morning lol, and I would never be mad at any of you! We all want this for each other just as bad as we want it for ourselves :bfp:
I know right :happydance: I saw that

So Louisa and Kika too, if you want to indulge, to keep the positivity and confidence flowing....I want to see your DPO symptons, up until you BFP. I know you said you didn't have any "dead giveaways" but what symptoms did you have altogether. Just for kicks...
I really don't have many, a lot of symptoms that I think are there could be to do with the IBS like the constipation gas and indigestion. The nausea this morning when I looked in the fridge took me back a little and stuck out for me because I never feel like that towards food! :haha: I'm a piggy. Will let you know what tomorrow brings, test wise and symptom wise if I have any lol. I suppose I should start thinking about getting ready for work, one of you please keep me company on here tonight!!! :hugs: night shifts last forever
Haha that's alright there's only so much you can say about fur babies anyway :p actually no I could go on about my 2 all day, I know kim is the same:haha: <3:dog:<3

Are you working today?
I am working today....but I could talk about how much I wish I had a fur baby :winkwink:

Ok, sooo I'm gonna take a crack at it..

1 dpo- nothing but gas
2 dpo -nothing but gas
3 dpo - a little tender boobs, very gaseous
4 dpo - legs ache, close to groin area, gas
5 dpo - headache, notice abundant CM (creamy lotion like), dull cramping in pelvic area around panty line area (only last 2 minutes top, thinking it could be gas bubble because I have been very gaseous lately lol)
6 dpo - backache, leg ache, still gassy, all symptoms are the same as Pre AF, still abundant CM
7 dpo- same as above, except I notice I have cotton mouth last night haha
8 dpo - nothing's changed.....:coffee:
14dpo - :bfp: hahahahahaha :rofl: j/k...don't hurt to dream :haha:
Yay, thanks Shara, I hope I see my baby well and alive in two weeks time. I'm sure I could get an early scan on the NHS cause of August MMC, but if not I'll go private, it is money but at least it's something. They don't give pics in EPU but I'll take pic with phone :)

Shara first time I had symptoms I just didn't know they were symptoms cause I had never been pregnant before and because when doing IVF pretty much you're so sore from the stimmy and you got to rest and do nothing and they test you 10 days after (blood) so I never symptomed.

So thinking I couldn't get pregnant and having NO intercourse for 6 days around my ovu and with only 2 unprotected sexes on days 5 and 7 of my cycle, I didn't think I was pregnant in June until after AF was late by a lot ... Symptoms then were --> yeast infection from days 9-16 that's why we didn't have any intercourse not even condom --> that's what yeast infection medicine instructions said... Once yeast was clear we tried sex but I was drowned in lotion like cm --> I freaked out, we ednded up doing this --> he pushed in, cm gushed out it was so embarrassing and gross I ran to the bathroom and I said sorry may be yeast hasn't cleared yet. Later on I googled it and it was early preg symptom hmmm and so was thrash hmmm...

I had sore boobs but weirdly they were sore only at night, we would wake up in the morning 6am and he could squeeze and play with them and no pain and that until I fell asleep and then I coukd feel them sore while I slept --> very weird.

I had constipation from day 7-8 of cycle and later on gassy-ness. Never food aversions or morning sickness nausea or queasiness.

I had vivid dreams and I woukd nap 2-3 hrs a day and go to bed at 8 pm I had tons of fatigue. And cramps :)

Nothing yet this time :( which worries me a lot but happy thoughts... :)
Shara lotion cm is the thing...

Oh I did had a symptom with this pregnancy. So first time I had lots of cm and every time I felt it I was reasured baby is ok. This time knowing we used protection and didn't sex the week of ovu --> I did see on ONE and only occasion lotion cm and I thought ugh so lotion cm can't be a predictor of pregnancy when I have it even with no pregnancy --> little did I know a few days later I'd turn a test positive...

I'm not sure what's wrong with my cm this time and why im so dry :( but I did experience it a few days before I tested, I was yay AF and then wiped and it was lotion cm. I never never never thought lotion cm = 100% pregnancy, but apparently it is :) I thought how stupid I was to think lotion cm meant healthy pregnancy the first time when this time I have it when I'm not even pregnant...who would have guessed?!?!... Shara you should test tm with FMU!!
I wouldn't blame hormones sweet, I would be no different hormones or not! I hope he wouldn't rather sit on an Xbox when your beautiful baby is born! :nope: his responsibilities are gonna shock him lol.

Sorry I've been so absent today. jesse problems! He's normally the type of guy to take things on the chin and ignore any problems. Bury his head in the sand and hope it'll go away - pain wise. So he woke up at 3am rolling around the bed absolutely screeching in pain, sweating from head to toe, couldn't talk or walk. So I called the ambulance and they turned up 15 minutes later which seemed like 15 hours to him, he was nearly crying and that's something I have never seen! They arrived and went upto him (still in bed), attached an IV which I could have done lol, gave him morphine pain relief and entonox(gas and air) which calmed him a bit but he still couldn't talk and was sooo unresponsive! They then carried him down to the ambulance strapped him in bla bla bla - there's me in my pjs lol!!! I filled them in based on what jesse told me before the pain got so intense and suggested that I thought it could be either a kidney infection or kidney stones. Go straight through to one of the examination units so they took bloods, heart rate blood pressure etc etc. By this point the pain releif had taken the pain away and he's himself again. Needles sticking out of everywhere bless him! They found blood in his urine samples which I knew they would say so wanted a ct scan for him. Turns out the pain he had been through was him passing kidney stones and get this (there's hope kim, kika and jodie) the nurse that actually has a 7 year old said that the pain he was experiencing goes way past labour pain on the scale! Poor poor little mite. So guess who had to play nurse Louisa at home AND at work tonight?! Haha, yep! Me ;) I'm just so pleased it was nothing worse but I was almost certain of what they'd say, he must have been hurting sooo much. My eyes are absolutely hanging out of my head and now I have a 12 hour shift to get ready for in just over an hour. Atleast he's still here to tell the tale though right?! :thumbup:

Have only now come on online so sorry for the delay!
Oh poor Jesse :( Hope all is ok now though and that you finally got some sleep bless! :( xxx
WARNING: the chattiest member of the thread is back, as evidenced below! :rofl:

Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!?!? No, they're not! JODIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! First of all, let me say I am so, so, SOOOOO glad you are back and safe! We missed you so much and were really worried about you! Are you OK now? No longer on bed rest? Still high risk, though, I imagine. What happened to get you there? I am so thankful you and baby are OK!!! Your scan pic IS beautiful!!! Isn't it crazy we are due on exactly the same date?!? Ohmigosh, I can hardly believe you are back, honey! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: And WTH is up with Kyle? I am so sorry you are having to deal with his punk ass on top of everything you're going through with your pregnancy. I don't think you're overreacting at all, my sweet. I'm mad at him! I hope you guys don't end up splitting up, but you have to take care of yourself and baby, and if that's what ends up being best for you in the long run, you do what you have to do. I just can't believe he's being so...crappy. I want to use stronger words, but I don't want to offend you or anyone else. He is just not being nice to his wife and the mother of his child, and it pisses me off. Hopefully he'll straighten out. Him wanting the game over you wanting the private scan pisses me off even more. How dare he, especially after all you've been through? Let me at him! J/K of course, but ugh, I want to punch him. Sorry, I know he's your hubby, but he has made me mad!

Louisa! Yay for getting your puppy! Tell me what his name is again? Sweet little pup, I love him already! :kiss: What a horror story with Jesse's kidney troubles. You poor dear, having to take care of him and then work a 12-hour shift! :hugs: You are a stronger woman than me! Thank God he is OK!

I can't wait to hear from Kika! I hope all went well this weekend! :wedding:

Me, Peanut and Shaun are doing well, Shara and Louisa. Thank you for asking, you sweet ladies! :kiss: :hugs: I'm sorry to have worried y'all! We went to a hibachi restaurant for our anniversary dinner Friday night and it was DEEEEEE-LICIOUS!!! I love hibachi. It's too bad I couldn't have any sushi, I love it, too. We had plans to go to a movie after, but the pregnant lady was too tired! :haha: We visited 2 sets of friends Saturday, that was nice. Sunday we had a very relaxing and chill day sitting in front of the TV together. We watched the movie The Equalizer and if y'all haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! Denzel is the shizz. MLK Jr. Day is a holiday for state employees :) so yesterday I cleaned house and then we went out for lunch and ran errands together. We finished off the night by watching The Bachelor. Are any of my American girls into the show? A friend-couple got us hooked last year and now we can't stop. We watch it more for entertainment than actually take it seriously, because some of the girls are a MESS! I love it! Oh, and the best part? We had some REALLY, REALLY good :sex: before going to sleep last night. My goodness. Let's just say I believe my sex drive is back! I'll leave it at that. ;)

Tara, I'm sorry you got that stinkin' dreaded BFN. I looked at your chart, too, and saw you had a big drop today, so I'm guessing AF showed? :(

Heeeeyyy Kim!! aww I missed you all too! And again super sorry for going MIA :( Im good thank you! How are you?
No longer on bed rest but still have to take it very easy and probably will until LO is here! Still high risk but they are no longer keeping a close eye with scans every two weeks thankfully!
Basically at 6 weeks I started bleeding and badly cramping, went to Early preg unit where they checked my cervic (was closed thankfully) and they did a scan .. and seen NOTHING but a yolk sac. No baby at all. So that dragged me into a depressed state.. I took a clear blue (the ones where they give you weeks too) the weeks had DECREASED fro 3+ to 2-3. Went for a scan two weeks later, we sat in the waiting room and prepared for the worst. But we seen a healthy baby with a heartbeat, even the doc was very surprised. so from then on they scanned me every 2 weeks until 13 weeks and put me on bed rest.
It was a nightmare but hopefully worth it in the end!
Its awesome we have the same due date!! Wouldn't it be crazy if they were born at the same time too?! thinking waay too much now haha!!

haha no apology needed! trust me I came very close to letting my anger out on him! All seems to be ok now and hes FINALLY stepping up.. I will shamefully admit I made a call to my parents.. they had a chat with him and I guess it worked! I just hope it lasts..

Im so glad you are doing good and that LO is good too!! sounds like you guys had a wonderful anniversary <3
Oh Louisa ive just caught up on the thread!! FX'd for you tomorrow!!

Those TTC I had all the usual AF symptoms before my BFP including strong cramps. I was convinced I was out that month, the 12 months TTC before that I had all symptoms.. so yep the month I had zero was our month lol! Crazy how that happens!

Well I have booked a early gender scan for next Saturday 31st, I will be 16 weeks so hoping they'll be able to tell me boy or girl then!
Everything is ok here atm, Kyle has stepped up a lot this week.. im praying he stays this way!
Im starting to show too but its at that "is it a bump or just too many cakes" stage lol!! cramping and getting a lot of ligament pains lately so pretty sure ill have a very noticeable bump very soon!

How is everyone?! xxx
Hey Jodie! I wanna see those bumps pics too! Kim was nice enough to show us hers TWICE! My, oh my, how peanut is growing in there lol...what a difference a few months make, and you're only in 2nd Tri! that's gotta feel gooood
Ill upload my most recent one now :D Kims bump pics looked fab! I love seeing bump progression pics!! Oh yes even as weeks go by I can see a difference! I just cant wait for the moment it finally and definitely 'pops' xx
Thanks Jodie, keeping everything crossed too :) I agree with shara, bump pictures please!!! :baby:
Woo yay! It also sounds like you've had a rough pregnancy so far :( never good when it puts you in a state of depression like my tests today haha. Ttc=pure mindgames :rofl:
taken today! 14+6. Excuse my pjs lol I live in them atm! x


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