Monkins, how cute!!! Which one of you is monkey and which one is kitten? I'm guessing he's the monkey, you're the kitten?

I do love Malin, too, btw. Would you use it for a boy or girl or both? Good job, girlfriend, and way to think positive! I'm so proud of you! Yes, you and baby bean will be just fine!

I don't know when you changed your siggy, but I love it! I got the Hi Bebe BT-200 doppler. Here is the link: Let me go ahead and warn you, though - I have yet to hear lil monkey's heartbeat and I'm 16 weeks today. I haven't tried again since last week. I read somewhere that women who are overweight will have a harder time finding the HB, I'm guessing because of the excess fat. As I've said many times before, I already had a tummy starting out, so it makes sense that I haven't been able to find the HB yet. I get so frustrated trying to find it that I lose interest. I was worried that it would terrify me if I couldn't find it, but since I know it's harder for overweight women, I'm not super worried. I just wish now that I'd started trying to lose weight sooner than 3 months before I got pregnant! Anyway, I remember you saying that you're overweight, too, so I just want you to know that it may be much later when you actually get to hear rascal's HB than you think.

I hate it, because I could really use the reassurance sometimes, especially since my next appointment is still 3 weeks away! Did you post a video of a baby heartbeat? I wasn't able to see it, it was just a big blank square.

I kept HPTs from my first pregnancy and this one. I put the HPTs in a ziploc bag with my bracelet from the hospital when I had the D&C. I know that may sound strange, but to me, it was the beginning and end, if that makes sense. Keeping the bracelet was kind of a way to say goodbye, you know? I'm not sure if my HPTs turned yellow or not. Also, FYI so you don't freak out too much, I didn't have any CM until very recently. When I checked, my finger would come away a little damp, but no actual CM. So try not to worry about that too much! Remember, every woman AND every pregnancy are different, my sweet. I am so happy you found us, too!

And I'm so glad to hear that DH will be able to get you on his insurance once your marriage certificate arrives! I know you can hardly wait to see your little rascal!
Did you and Jesse get your tattoos? You should post a pic! I don't have any tattoos so I'll have to live vicariously through you. Not that I'm against them or anything. Target is actually just like Wal-Mart but the products they sell are more quality in my opinion. I'm sure you've heard of Super Wal-Marts? They have Super Targets here, too. We don't have one in Tallahassee (my city), but I've been to one in Orlando. They're fab! Our Target actually does have food, but not as much as a grocery store or a Super Target. I have not seen the movie Hairspray, sorry.

I have a few things to tell you about temping, but I'll reply directly to your post about that. Oh, Louisa! I can't believe those guys! I don't understand people who think they can ruin someone's else's property or possessions! We don't use the word twats here, but I can use my imagination - it sounds like a good word to describe them! Complete jerks! And yes, they DO deserve a smack in the mouth (more like a punch, probably).
Ohmigosh, now I love Marlow!!! Low Low is TOO cute!

And woohoo, that line is SUPER dark!

Oooooh, let's hope your OB really can get you in a week early! It sounds to me like everything is happening to you 2-3 weeks earlier than "normal", if you know what I mean. Your pregnancy test, you gagging at the toothpaste so early MUST be having twins, ladybug! I will be soooo surprised if not! And I completely agree with you about being right where you belong on BnB, which is here on our SSM thread. TBH, I don't even go on the other threads anymore, and especially not on my July Mamas thread. Ever since those two poor ladies lost their LOs, I haven't been able to go back on. My heart broke into pieces for them, and it just made me too anxious to hear any more bad news. You ladies know you're different because you're my SSMs and I want to hear about it all, good days and bad days, ups and downs, but since I don't really "know" them like I know y'all, I just haven't felt a draw to go back to them. And I agree about not having the time or energy. I've beens so busy lately, that all I want to do is keep up with my SSMs, I "can't be bothered" (see what I did there, Louisa and Kika?

) to go check all the other threads! Shara, I think you should give your baby(ies) what they're asking for! As long as you're not going overboard, which I know you aren't, you'll be fine. You have to treat yourself every once in a while. Plus, your body was probably telling you that you needed protein or something like that, hence the burger craving!

And I TOTALLY feel you on the spring water. I literally drank 9 bottles yesterday!!!