Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Kika!!!! I got that from YOU SILLY!!! Remember!!!! You told us that a friend who studied meditations or somewhere you got the idea and you recommended us do it, right along with positive talk and thoughts! That was all your idea baby cakes and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you for it!
Kika is to thank for that one!

And you know what, I have been in love with Ice cream since I could remember, but both times I've been pregnant...:nope: CAN'T STAND IT! The thought pisses me off lol...I don't know why because when I'm normal :haha: I love it
Haha ya feiend's tip worked!!! I'm so happy it did and it will for Lou Lou too <3

Very weird you don't like ice cream, I normally hate it cause it's dairy...even when it's coconut the White colour for me screams dairy...but now I actually love it, even tried a bit of the non-coconut dairy one and mmmm <3
Monkins, how cute!!! Which one of you is monkey and which one is kitten? I'm guessing he's the monkey, you're the kitten? :p I do love Malin, too, btw. Would you use it for a boy or girl or both? Good job, girlfriend, and way to think positive! I'm so proud of you! Yes, you and baby bean will be just fine! :hugs: I don't know when you changed your siggy, but I love it! I got the Hi Bebe BT-200 doppler. Here is the link: Let me go ahead and warn you, though - I have yet to hear lil monkey's heartbeat and I'm 16 weeks today. I haven't tried again since last week. I read somewhere that women who are overweight will have a harder time finding the HB, I'm guessing because of the excess fat. As I've said many times before, I already had a tummy starting out, so it makes sense that I haven't been able to find the HB yet. I get so frustrated trying to find it that I lose interest. I was worried that it would terrify me if I couldn't find it, but since I know it's harder for overweight women, I'm not super worried. I just wish now that I'd started trying to lose weight sooner than 3 months before I got pregnant! Anyway, I remember you saying that you're overweight, too, so I just want you to know that it may be much later when you actually get to hear rascal's HB than you think. :( I hate it, because I could really use the reassurance sometimes, especially since my next appointment is still 3 weeks away! Did you post a video of a baby heartbeat? I wasn't able to see it, it was just a big blank square. :nope: I kept HPTs from my first pregnancy and this one. I put the HPTs in a ziploc bag with my bracelet from the hospital when I had the D&C. I know that may sound strange, but to me, it was the beginning and end, if that makes sense. Keeping the bracelet was kind of a way to say goodbye, you know? I'm not sure if my HPTs turned yellow or not. Also, FYI so you don't freak out too much, I didn't have any CM until very recently. When I checked, my finger would come away a little damp, but no actual CM. So try not to worry about that too much! Remember, every woman AND every pregnancy are different, my sweet. I am so happy you found us, too! :friends: <3 :friends: And I'm so glad to hear that DH will be able to get you on his insurance once your marriage certificate arrives! I know you can hardly wait to see your little rascal! <3

Did you and Jesse get your tattoos? You should post a pic! I don't have any tattoos so I'll have to live vicariously through you. Not that I'm against them or anything. Target is actually just like Wal-Mart but the products they sell are more quality in my opinion. I'm sure you've heard of Super Wal-Marts? They have Super Targets here, too. We don't have one in Tallahassee (my city), but I've been to one in Orlando. They're fab! Our Target actually does have food, but not as much as a grocery store or a Super Target. I have not seen the movie Hairspray, sorry. :( I have a few things to tell you about temping, but I'll reply directly to your post about that. Oh, Louisa! I can't believe those guys! I don't understand people who think they can ruin someone's else's property or possessions! We don't use the word twats here, but I can use my imagination - it sounds like a good word to describe them! Complete jerks! And yes, they DO deserve a smack in the mouth (more like a punch, probably).

Ohmigosh, now I love Marlow!!! Low Low is TOO cute! <3 And woohoo, that line is SUPER dark! :dance: Oooooh, let's hope your OB really can get you in a week early! It sounds to me like everything is happening to you 2-3 weeks earlier than "normal", if you know what I mean. Your pregnancy test, you gagging at the toothpaste so early on...you MUST be having twins, ladybug! I will be soooo surprised if not! And I completely agree with you about being right where you belong on BnB, which is here on our SSM thread. TBH, I don't even go on the other threads anymore, and especially not on my July Mamas thread. Ever since those two poor ladies lost their LOs, I haven't been able to go back on. My heart broke into pieces for them, and it just made me too anxious to hear any more bad news. You ladies know you're different because you're my SSMs and I want to hear about it all, good days and bad days, ups and downs, but since I don't really "know" them like I know y'all, I just haven't felt a draw to go back to them. And I agree about not having the time or energy. I've beens so busy lately, that all I want to do is keep up with my SSMs, I "can't be bothered" (see what I did there, Louisa and Kika? :p) to go check all the other threads! Shara, I think you should give your baby(ies) what they're asking for! As long as you're not going overboard, which I know you aren't, you'll be fine. You have to treat yourself every once in a while. Plus, your body was probably telling you that you needed protein or something like that, hence the burger craving! :thumbup: And I TOTALLY feel you on the spring water. I literally drank 9 bottles yesterday!!!
Just so y'all know - I have been working on that post since THIS MORNING! I kept getting pulled away (stupid work! :haha:), so have just now finished and been able to post!
Oops - Kika, I just realized I forgot to include the link to my doppler. I meant to go back and put it in, but posted before remembering. Here it is:

I took my temp for the first time whilst ttc today - woohoo! :happydance: 36.4, around O its meant to dip isn't it? I did get up and pee first though, completely forgot that my thermometer turned up

In my case, I never saw a dip until the month I actually conceived. Please know that I'm not saying you WILL conceive if you see a dip in temp before O, that's just how it happened for me. In my "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" book, the author says a dip does not always occur, so it can't be counted on to know if you Od. Really, it's once your temp spikes at least 0.3 degrees (Fahrenheit, at least) and stays there for 10 days, you've Od. You'll see what I mean once your chart starts getting fuller. Before O, my temps would go up and down within 1.0 degree, but after I Od, they stayed above the coverline until I started my next period. Obviously now that I'm pregnant, it hasn't dipped back down below the coverline because I haven't started my period again. It will stay higher throughout the entire pregnancy.

And the other girls did update you about not getting up to pee first, drinking alcohol, etc. Temps are very sensitive, and these things can change them pretty drastically. For example, my temp on a Saturday morning might be 97.5. If I drank that night, my temp for Sunday morning would go to 98.3, and then back down to 97.6 Monday morning because I didn't drink Sunday night. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, when you have an "abnormal" temp, you're supposed to ignore it so it doesn't skew your coverline. I'm sure this is all Greek to you, so if I need to explain a little more, just let me know.

There was something Kika (I think it was her) said that I wanted to go back and touch on, because it wasn't the case for me, but I'll have to search back through the posts and comment on it directly.
Yay, Kim's back:hugs:we missed you so much kimmy boo don't you go away for too long again :) I was going to use malin for boy and Malina for girl may need to change the girl spelling a bit so it sounds same +a in the end :)

It wasn't baby hear beat it was actually a you tube of the baking soda gender test that you and Jody should do!!

I heard the overweight comments on Doppler but...it seems harder to find as pregnancy progresses and baby moves in tummy and at 8 weeks baby heart beat is found near pubic bone where there's not much fat so may be it would be easier? Or may be not...you're right I need a scan not Doppler...

Also when you try to find baby use as much of the gel as possible is what they say :) and when you find it please record on iPhone and post here for us to hear :)

Have you put on any weight yet Kim and how much if it's not too uncomfortable for you to discuss weight. I know I'd rather not talk about my weight but then I'd do cause you're my besties and why be embarrassed :) oh may be a little bit

Give us more Lil Monkey names Kim :happydance: and ya im kitten and he's monky :p it's started one day when I was talking about cats and it was obvious that I love cats and I asked him, hey when you were little what animal did you want to be if any and he said I always pretended and wanted to be a monkey and I climbed trees all the time. And I said I climed trees all the time too and I always pretended to be a kitten :)
Awwww, Kika, you are simply adorable! I love the story about you and hubby climbing trees as kids and pretending to be your favorite animals. So cute! I'll tell you how I got the nickname monkey, but it's kinda embarrassing. Whenever I'd have an itch on my side, like on the side of my belly at my waist, between my hip and arm, Shaun said I looked like a monkey when I scratched like that! He started calling me monkey and it stuck, then I started calling him MY monkey (not sure why) so now we're monkeys! :p I will have to research the baking soda thing, for sure. And I totally don't mind talking about weight. I know you girls love me the way I am, and for my sparkling personality not my sexy body! :rofl: I weighed 214 pounds when we started TTC, and had only gotten down to 210 when I got pregnant. I actually LOST weight from there, and got down to a low of 204 in my 1st trimester. That was not from a lack of eating, either!!! I ate every couple of hours to keep the nausea at bay, which really worked for me. I guess eating small meals so frequently made my metabolism work better. I am now up to 208. My OB said it was OK that I lost weight in the beginning because I had extra to start with. Now that I'm in 2nd tri, though, I am expecting to start gaining a little more. My goal is no more than 20 pounds total. I know y'all use stones, but I'm not sure how to convert it. People are always surprised to hear that I weigh so much because they say I don't look like it. I have always carried my weight pretty well. Plus, I'm not really all that concerned with what the scale says, I'm more concerned about my health and how it affects lil monkey, of course. You might be right about the doppler, hun - it's still early for you and there isn't much fat around the pubic area, so you may want to give it a try! I just wanted to be honest about my experience and let you know that I STILL haven't heard mine. :( I'll try using more gel next time! If I remember correctly, I got it at the very end of December, so I was already between 11 and 12 weeks when I first tried to listen for it. Unfortunately, I don't have any other names to share just yet. I can tell you the girl names I loved for my angel were Waverly Grace and Caitlin Marie, but I kinda feel like they passed with my baby. :sadangel:
I have a bit of catching up to do - bare with me .. But first I just wanted to say happy 16 weeks kim and baby monkey! :hugs: :baby:
Kim also make sure you don't search for baby too far us, lower abdo still for you, under the tire. 1 stone is about 6 pounds so pretty easy to convert. I could swear you're less than 200 from the pictures you shared and ya ppl are right you carry it pretty well girl well done! I'm about the same as you but haven't stepped on scales since I started overeating to keep baby alive. I may weigh myslef tm and update :)

Baking soda test is collect FMU in a cup and put 2 spoons of baking soda, not baking powder! In another cup, then pour pee on soda, if it fizzes it's a boy, if it stays flat it's a girl :)

If I make 1st tri I may start watching my diet more in 2 and 3 tri as according to doctors the baby is too strong to be damaged by the killer cells. But may be I won't just to be safe...I'll try dieting after birth :)
Omg yes! Lou Lou is right --> happy 16 weeks to kimmy boo and lil monkey. I like the monkey story :p scratch scratch :D
I'm headed out of town to spend the weekend with my best friend (today is her birthday) - we're going to do girlie things (mani/pedis, shopping, etc.) tomorrow. I'm excited! Before I go, I wanted to share my 16 week bump!

And Kika, you're so sweet. Thank you for saying I don't look it. I especially feel like it in this bump pic, it looks like fat tummy more than baby bump!

Everyone have a great weekend! I love you SSMs! :kiss: :hugs:


  • 16 Weeks - 01-30-2015.jpg
    16 Weeks - 01-30-2015.jpg
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Good morning girlies.

Kim Thankyou so much for that huge paragraph about temping! Given my job, it sounds ridiculous that I don't know what I'm doing but obviously things work differently whilst ttc. My only issue is finding the button on my thermometer without waking up and stirring too much, and also where to put it! I left it under my pillow last night but the night before I knocked it under my bed and that ruins the whole 'temp immediately without getting up'. Aw, have a great weekend with your bestie!!! I absolutely love that 16 week bump photo, you look amazing kim and bump looks fab! <3 have a good weekend & speaking for all of us, love you lots lady!

Kika, shara. Where are you?! :? :( my post is a little delayed today. I normally post before I start work or during work but I have a day off today as I'm working tonight and damn it has been a shamballs huge mess of a day!!! I took cody for his second vaccination and his microchip. So they put the wrong numbers on the system for his microchip despite knowing my new contact details! So then I got home and called the microchip company to change the numbers on codys chip, and then whilst on the phone I asked to change baileys too because obviously his chip is older and I realised that if they haven't updated my numbers on their screens then they wouldn't of done his chip either. So I took Bailey to the vets and we changed details (they had lost all details of his chip and we never did have any confirmation of a chip!!) so I asked them to run the machine over to detect the chip so I could make sure it was all correct because this vet practice is a mess, and what happens? No bloody chip in the first place!!! So when I took him for it 18 months ago, the so called vet took the needle out way too soon apparently and he has never been chipped! Their paperwork system is ridiculous in the place, they have written that he's a 'white' Labrador on his file when they can clearly see he's black besides white isn't even a Labrador colour. Ugh fuming, lol. :nope:

Anyway my cm has gone from non existent/dry, to sticky :) so O is coming yay! :wohoo:
:hi: I'm here!! You guys have been CHATTY! LOL You girls are awesome. Between the huge storm and sick kids and a hubby working overnights, oh and my BFF who got dumped by her fiancé....my life has been hectic to say the least. Give me today to catch up! And Lou Lou from the few posts I read, it's time for you to start temping. And it's okay if you stir a bit like rolling over or getting the thermometer. So don't stress too much about that. I promise to come back and write more.

HAPPY 16 Weeks Kimmers!

How are you feeling Shara and Kika?

Lou Lou, how horrible and im sure they charged you for the chip and they failed to chip...may be you need to change vets?

Kim, gorgeous bump and def baby bump not fat, I may take a pic of what fat bump looks like just so you see the difference <3

I'm feeling fine I guess, no cramps and horrible stiffening contractions since Wednesday. No sore boobs, no frequent urination, no nausea, no fatigue, no heartburn, no gas and no CM yet :/ im just waiting patiently to get on hubby's insurance and have a scan and hoping im pregnant. I had heartburn a couple time just before my pregnancy test when I didn't even know I was pregannt and I was overeating like crazy, thinking heartburn is from eating and may be it was....as im still overeating and eating fried and junky food but no heartburn...ugh

Tara, not sure if you read the "call you baby" suggestion, but if you haven't, start calling him every time you remember.... Also im not sure what your diet includes but have you read the boy making foods? I'm kinda thinking your diet is a girls one but may be im wrong ...

Shara, what's your weekend look like?

Oh tara sounds hectic! Poor hubs and poor best friend, that absolutely sucks. Sorry to hear that! Hope you find some time to chill today :hugs:
Yep, I've started temping :happydance:

Kika, pets at home have a puppy package which includes the chip. It's something like all 3 vaccinations, worming/flea treatment and the chip for £50 but it's not the point and I'm angry that he had to go through the pain of it twice when it should be once! He made the most horrendous noise, my ears were ringing for a good 5 minutes after :(
Please don't panic about lack of symptoms :nope: some women don't see any until 12 weeks. You're pregnant! :hugs:

Where's shara today I miss her :(

Where are you ladies? :(

I just decided that I have a UTI :growlmad: so I'm really worried that it's gonna affect our chances this month, that would suck :?
Oh dear, Lou Lou, is it for sure? I think it goes away with antibiotics in 2-3 days so you should be fine. A friend had it so bad she couldn't walk and it had gone in her kidney and I took her to the A&E --> it was late one evening, they gave her antibiotics and she was back at work the day after completely pain and symptom free...

I don't think anyone logs in at the weekend...I'm only here cause dh went to see his kids and I stayed behind. But tomorrow his dad and sisters are either visiting or we are visiting them --> his dad is going through a divorce at 86 can you believe it and it's horrible cause he's not even married to dh's mom cause she died when he was young... And we also think he's got dementia and they're trying to decide what to do with/about him--> stress, stress, stress. So I might not be around tomorrow but I'll be back Sunday night or Monday morning :)

Drink lots of fluids Lou Lou and get cranberry juice/ supplement/ berries, start on antibiotics and prep for some crazy BD'ing <3

Have a nice day tm and I love you <3 I love every one of us <3
Yeah im sure it is :( constant pressure in my lower abdomen despite just peeing/strong dark pee. I went to tesco after my night shift and got raspberries and cranberry juice which I've never liked, and then I'll call my gp and see if I can get something from her. I only worry because I know sometimes antibiotics can sometimes delay O or even counteract it that cycle but urine infections are quite common for me (because I don't pee straight after :sex: :?) and normally just cranberry juice doesn't get rid of it completely.

I know! :( I don't like weekends on here lol it's too quiet. I think most of us sign in on computers so I guess they hadimited access??? I have it as a tab on my phone so I can check in wherever I am which is always handy :D I'm taking cody for his first walk today now he's had his second jab, let's hope he doesn't do a runner :rofl:
A divorce at 86!!!! Oh my goodness. That isn't good at his age and I canr say I've ever heard of that before! Oooh no, dementia is VERY hard work as it progresses through the stages! At first it's just where parts of their memory goes and you remind them of certain things but it can take a year for it to go bearable to unbearable. Not many people know how to deal with dementia properly because nobody can see in their brain to see exactly what they're thinking! :( I've been bitten, hit and a man on the dementia unit at work has also tried to escape once by getting into a lift that I was about to go down in (was waiting for the doors to close) and the whole time he cornered me until we got to ground floor so he could run out but luckily 2 reception girls were standing by the main doors! (This is why I've said I'll refuse to work on dementia unit when i'm pg!) I'm not saying DH's dad would ever go that way, not everyone with dementia does but it can be very hard :hugs: bless. I'm guessing he's considering a care home? There are some amazing ones out there with amazing dementia units! There are here so there would be in the states too obviously, at our one they really live fantastic lives despite the horrible illness. I feel for DH because it's the hardest thing in the world for family members to see their parents/brothers/sisters go through it. There's a lot of good websites about it or you know I'm always happy to answer anything best I can :hugs2:

Have a good day girlies. Love you allll :hugs: <3 :hugs:
Hey Ladies!

Love that bump pic kim!!

Shara.... CONGRATS!!!!!! im so so pleased for you!!!! how are you feeling?! And it might be twins! Im so excited for you!!

Louisa, sorry to hear about the UTI hopefully it'll clear up soon!! Have been trying to catch up on the missed posts so sorry that this is delayed, I shop at asda mainly because I live right by one so its easier.

How is everyone?!
Sorry I haven't been on in a week.. we have been busy viewing houses AGAIN, and we need a new car as ours is just too small. So been trying to sort that.

We had a gender scan yday and we are... HAVING A GIRL!! :pink:
we got to see her in 4d too that was amazing although she is very skeletal looking at this stage!! xx

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