~ Karma's Birth - 4/01/2010 - Traumatic - Long with pics & video! ~

I'm so sorry to hear about the way things turned out.

I don't know whether you would agree with me or not - tell me to take a jump if you like... But I feel that from the minute you went into hospital, the intervention started.. you were monitored, you consultant thought it was better for you to stay (when, and I could be wrong, he didn't give you a clinical reason??), you were unsettled and frightened into agreeing to having more interventions - like the induction drip. No wonder your progress was slow under these condiditons. I feel this lead to your babies heart rate dropping making the forceps delivery a necessity. I'm so sorry.
Of 4 ladies who I'm now really good friends with, that I met at anti-natal classes, I was the only one that things went more or less to plan.. it shows that it just doesn't happen for alot of mummies. I know that you will feel angry and cheated. But your little one is absolutly stunning!!!.. and the birthing bit, is only a small part of having a child. You must be so in love with her.

I agree, I think I was scaremongered into staying if I'm quite honest with you looking back. My tocco reading was perfect for baby and me and they thought the bleeding was just my cervix opening - not really grounds for doing what they did in my opinion! I don't think they wanted me to go home because they were short on midwives, not because I was at risk. I bet plenty of women have bleeding and go on to have a normal labour! I think I would have progressed perfectly well on my own! I had only been in labour 6 hours before they decided to "speed things up" ! I'm still bitter about the whole thing, next time I'll know a bit more about what goes on and will probably decline intervention as quite frankly I don't think any of it was needed! My guess is that they only induced me cause they wanted my labour over and done with so they could free up the room as I was in a consultant suit.... Ahhh if only I had known ! Better luck next time I guess! Congrats on your LO glad you got most of what you wanted :) :hugs: xxxx

yep - I totally agree. I would have felt fightened, scaremongergerd (very apt word!), and dis-empowered, and esp if I was in pain. I would have chosen all of the options as you did in the same situation! I'm sadded by your experiance, but I know your story and views will help lots of ladies make informed decisions, it is so important that you have shared your experiance - thank you so much, for your frank account.
Oh good grief, you poor thing! I am a total advocate for natural birth and it absolutely infuriates me that your wishes were ignored so much. I mean ffs, if it wasnt enough that you were told you had to be in hospital but they cut the cord????? *fumes* I am so angry for you. We are planning a natural lotus birth at home this time (after a highly medicalised hospital affair last time) and after reading your story i will be sure to very loudly make my wishes for the placenta known if i end up in the dreaded hospital.

after all of that, though... your little girl is absolutely beautiful. and YAY for another sling mummy!! Attachment parenting is awesome :hugs:
oh hun so sorry the ordeal u went through. no one red my notes either and i didnt get skin to skin at all. its rubbish.

where did u get your wrap its lovely.
Just seen your birth story. Your labour was a LOT like mine...I had my waters broken, had the drip to start contractions, i asked for an epidural only to find out I was 9cm dilated, I lost a lot of blood although not as much as you and I even got cramp in my leg when I was in stirrups!! Freaky huh?

Your story just goes to show that births really cant be planned, soooo unpredictable. I didn't even get my birth plan out of my bag lol but I hadn't asked for anything out of the ordinary. Pretty shitty that they cut the cord without reading your notes.

Glad your little girl is OK though :) x
oh hun so sorry the ordeal u went through. no one red my notes either and i didnt get skin to skin at all. its rubbish.

where did u get your wrap its lovely.

I knoow hun :( I was gonna say - same goes for you too! I doubt yours went quite how you expected either! Least we have our bub's finally though :hugs:

The wrap is from ebay by a company named Ellaroo :D ! Cannot reccomend it highly enough ! Best £45 I've spent so far! Makes short trips and busy days in town soooo much easier! x
I only just read your birth story. I am so sorry for everything that happened to you. Yes, your baby's healthy and yours are the most important thing but that isn't the only thing that matters! You were robbed of an important experience and it is perfectly OK for you to grieve for this. Nearly 11 months on and I am still grieving for the loss of my birth experience :hugs:
I agree :( and even now 8 weeks on I'm still nowhere near full recovery. If the aftermath hadn't have been so bad for the first 2 weeks of her life I think it would have been easier to deal with the birth but since the whole lot was so shitty ... It just sucks!! x
Hiya, I read one of your posts in the natural parenting forum and saw the link to your birth story.... OMG! I'm so sad that you didn't get the birth you wanted!!

I'm from Derbyshire....can I be cheeky and ask which hospital this all happened at. Dont know if we can post publicly about it anyway? I know we geta choice of Derby, Notts and CHesterfield where I am and I chose CHesterfiedl (but planned a Darley Dale birth centre birth... natural, water, mimum intervention etc

Luckilly I did hypno birth course andwas pre warned about clinicians working to their own timescales and overriding womens wishes ESPECIALLY how quick they are at getting the hormone drip out to induce labour.

When I went into labour, my waters broke before contractions so Darley felt I needed IV antibiotics in case of infection. Off to Chesterfield I went.... as soon as I got there they wanted to put me on the drip DESPITE bubs heartbeat being fine, DESPITE my contractions progressing as normal.... Again, luckilly, because I was half expecting this response, I was able to react (even though in labour I wanted to just 'birth') so I barked at the consultant and midwife NO and to respect my wishes unless bubs needs help to be born. THe midwife walked off muttering she shouldn't be spoken to that way and refused to birth me! WTF?

Soooooo glad I didn't have the drip.... in my case it wasn't needed and they over reacted. I understand sometimes it's needed though but sounds like you didn't need it either!!!!! Then ended up really suffering needlesly through Karma's birth (and afterwards) when it shouldn't have been like that for you!!! Grrrrrrrrrr

Makes me sooooooo angry for you!!! Really hope you're able to start putting it behind you as much as you can! It's so hard not getting the birth you wanted or expected.

Love, light and hugs xxxx
First of all -----> CONGRATS on your labor and your little GIRL is SO cute, great name and you look fantastic!!!!!

Wow.....what a 'birth experience'! I had 'back labor' with my son and there was NO way anyone was going to put me in a bed! That must have been the WORST part....could not even imagine! I had to have my mother push as HARD as she could on my back as COUNTER-PRESSURE to offset the back labor contractions!!!!! WOW....you poor girl....

The bright red blood that you lost at the begining almost seems like a 'placenta previa' ????? How much blood did you lose total? ......more than 500 ml blood loss in labor is considered a hemmorhage.....do you know if you had the placenta covering part of the cervix????

Congrats again on the birth of your little girl!
Hiya, I read one of your posts in the natural parenting forum and saw the link to your birth story.... OMG! I'm so sad that you didn't get the birth you wanted!!

I'm from Derbyshire....can I be cheeky and ask which hospital this all happened at. Dont know if we can post publicly about it anyway? I know we geta choice of Derby, Notts and CHesterfield where I am and I chose CHesterfiedl (but planned a Darley Dale birth centre birth... natural, water, mimum intervention etc

Luckilly I did hypno birth course andwas pre warned about clinicians working to their own timescales and overriding womens wishes ESPECIALLY how quick they are at getting the hormone drip out to induce labour.

When I went into labour, my waters broke before contractions so Darley felt I needed IV antibiotics in case of infection. Off to Chesterfield I went.... as soon as I got there they wanted to put me on the drip DESPITE bubs heartbeat being fine, DESPITE my contractions progressing as normal.... Again, luckilly, because I was half expecting this response, I was able to react (even though in labour I wanted to just 'birth') so I barked at the consultant and midwife NO and to respect my wishes unless bubs needs help to be born. THe midwife walked off muttering she shouldn't be spoken to that way and refused to birth me! WTF?

Soooooo glad I didn't have the drip.... in my case it wasn't needed and they over reacted. I understand sometimes it's needed though but sounds like you didn't need it either!!!!! Then ended up really suffering needlesly through Karma's birth (and afterwards) when it shouldn't have been like that for you!!! Grrrrrrrrrr

Makes me sooooooo angry for you!!! Really hope you're able to start putting it behind you as much as you can! It's so hard not getting the birth you wanted or expected.

Love, light and hugs xxxx

I sooo wish i knew what was what before i went in :( ! it was at derby royal! it was sooo terrible, and they were rediculously understaffed.

I'm under the impression they wanted me over and done with cause of that and looking back i think that was deffinatly the case! I was progressing at my own rate, contracting well and my tocco & heartbeat traces were A1
It annoyed me that they left it to the last min when my babies heartrate dropped considerably til they did anything... I think it was a case of keeping their cesarian rates down!!!! Cause my mum was VERY suprised they didnt give me on in the end...

I'm just glad its over!!! :lol:

thanks for reading ^_^

peas & luuv xx

First of all -----> CONGRATS on your labor and your little GIRL is SO cute, great name and you look fantastic!!!!!

Wow.....what a 'birth experience'! I had 'back labor' with my son and there was NO way anyone was going to put me in a bed! That must have been the WORST part....could not even imagine! I had to have my mother push as HARD as she could on my back as COUNTER-PRESSURE to offset the back labor contractions!!!!! WOW....you poor girl....

The bright red blood that you lost at the begining almost seems like a 'placenta previa' ????? How much blood did you lose total? ......more than 500 ml blood loss in labor is considered a hemmorhage.....do you know if you had the placenta covering part of the cervix????

Congrats again on the birth of your little girl!

Same with my mum!! I was in absolute agony !
Yeah thats what they thought, I had an anterior placenta but I think they put it down to it partially covering my cervix or coming away from my uterus...
There was hardly any blood, deffinatly less than 500ml it was more like a light period as it was only there when I wiped so I was annoyed that they kept me in and ruined my birth experience over nothing :growlmad: as like I said my traces were absolutly perfect !

Thanks ^_^ x
I remember speaking to you a while ago , and you mentioned a traumatic birth , Well I can now sympathise . My hospital treated me awfully and didn't listen to me at all Aoibheann was bruised and couldn't eat after it , I didn't get to breastfeed as i had no help getting her to latch and she was so bruised they made me use a syringe . her daddy didn't get to cut the cord , the whisked the placenta away for testing after agreeing to let me keep it , then told me it was medical waste . I actually feel awful about the whole experience , and have had nightmares :hugs|: so I know exactly how you feel .
:hugs: awww hun :( I'm so sorry to hear you had a crappy time of it too :'( ! Its horrible isn't it! Matt didn't get to cut the cord either and as you can see from my pic Karma had a big bruise on her right cheek aswell. It was so swollen and hard she must have been in pain :( I feel so cheated out of a good experience and it cuts deep that this is only because the hospital were understaffed and didn't have time for me.

:hugs: awww hun :( I'm so sorry to hear you had a crappy time of it too :'( ! Its horrible isn't it! Matt didn't get to cut the cord either and as you can see from my pic Karma had a big bruise on her right cheek aswell. It was so swollen and hard she must have been in pain :( I feel so cheated out of a good experience and it cuts deep that this is only because the hospital were understaffed and didn't have time for me.


I completley know how you feel . :hugs: . I hope we can move on in time , but I'll never have a hospital birth again .
I agree, there is no way unless its an extreme cirumstance I will ever be giving birth in a hospital again! xxx
This made me cry! But she is gorgeous so you are very lucky! x
how gorgous is she.

that sounded like a very painful ordeal i cant imagine what u went through. congrats x
Im so sorry your birth was like that sweetie!! You poor thing, it is really traumatising, glad you are both well though! Mine was exactly the same and it took me about 2 years to get over it. I used to have night terrors and had post traumatic stress for a few months.

Good luck for next time, second babies are always easier!! xxxxx

This made me cry! But she is gorgeous so you are very lucky! x

Awww thanks :') ! :hugs: x

how gorgous is she.

that sounded like a very painful ordeal i cant imagine what u went through. congrats x

Indeed it was :( but crazy as it sounds I'd do it all again :lol: ! x

Im so sorry your birth was like that sweetie!! You poor thing, it is really traumatising, glad you are both well though! Mine was exactly the same and it took me about 2 years to get over it. I used to have night terrors and had post traumatic stress for a few months.

Good luck for next time, second babies are always easier!! xxxxx


:hugs: to you, and I hope your right about second bubs :lol: !! x
wow i just read this again and our labours with really similar!! If only mine had stuck to the labour part though and had an ending like yours then i wouldve been happier! I did the blood curdling scream too lol, except i was in stirrups and had 2 pple holding my legs in the air and a stuck baby and a mans arm up there trying to dislodge her. Stupid childbirth huh!! :dohh: xx

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