
Here its about $800 a month, its like passing one of my paychecks over, if i add that to my half of the bills Im at -5 bucks a month. Itd be easier on us if we could live off of mitch and find ways to eat cheaply but not unhealthy and live minimalistic which is not what we're used to, usually I do what I want with my money and he does the same, but right now its more important that Tyler gets the attention he needs, and honestly he needs me more than work does..

I just wanna sit down and find a way to make it work =/
Hrm... not sure sorry. Perhaps an alternate career temporarily? I'm trying my hand at nanny-ing when Kaida is young; I figure I'm already looking after mine, what's another?
Real estate was something I was going to school for before i knew i was pregnant, once I got pregnant the night classes + work drained me and i ended up stopping classes, but Its something Id like to do.

The other thing I thought of was actually interior design, but specializing with childrens rooms ;) .. my friend told me i should do just a whole pregnant woman's assisting business, do things like plan the room, do some shopping for them , etc anything they need to make their lives easier, idk if anyones ever done that before.

But the issue is i never went to school for either, and going to school costs money I dont have either =/
I am looking into some work from home stuff, I'd do home daycare but you have to get a license for it and I have a dog and two cats, too much liability... >< IDK I'll figure something out, I know the one time I WILL work is during the xmas season. even if its a lame retail job JUST to pay for xmas...
How about nanny-ing at the client's house? Here we don't need a licence for that; they just recommend a first aid certificate.

If you want to pursue something then don't let anything stand in your way. I know that sounds impractical but time will help; you might not be able to do it right now but don't completely abandon the idea due to current impracticalities.

As for interior design, what a great idea! Just advertise, start cheap (maybe some freebies) get yourself a name and go from there. You'll be using Tyler's room as your first example obviously, but you can also do some computer rendering ideas to show designs to potential clients. Some women absolutely lack the design spark you have. Like me lol.
YEah Id be using Tylers room for now, maybe my neices' rooms if I ever get around to those, I need to talk to mandy about those, It'd help me :)

I need software for good computer renderings, whats funny is tylers room was all done in my head, and I never even put it on paper 0.o

Im just really creative, and going to school for interior design seems weird to me when youre doing it for such a narrow demographic, i have no interest in doing kitchens or master bedrooms or bathrooms 0.o

maybe im weird.

I think it's a good idea too though, I mean, I've got A LOT of creativity in here =) and I execute it well =)
Software isn't hard to source ;)

Go for it - put out some advertisements when you get some more time :D
ZOMG I want to vomit but I can't. Even if I could I wouldn't want to break my record.
Nope, I'm 5 foot 7 and Colin is 6 foot 1, so not exceptionally tall
I'm very, VERY angry. My fucking printer keeps jamming; I have notes to print and study to fucking do and it just keeps eating paper and reprinting the last fucking page. Waste of my time, paper and fucking money. So furious, started beating the shit out of the printer and Colin turns to me and said "you shouldn't be doing that while pregnant" - I will turn my wrath on him, not a very smart thing to put himself in the firing line >:- (
Throw the printer at him? No im kidding dont do that 0.o even if your pregnant mind wants to ;) lmao..

:( Im sorry your printer hates you right now =/

Mitch is 6'2 and the doctors think Tyler will be like him, hes def built like daddy, bigger bones than me and he has a long torso so we will see :)
Hoping Kaida takes after her aunties. They're 17 and over 6 foot 2.
grr.. so the night before last tyler was AMAZING. he slept so well

last night - I got two hours of sleep and hes not looking naplike either... I HOPE i get sleep asap.. or I am going to be a very cranky mommy.

By the time mitch woke up I had cleaned the litter boxes and made his lunch (I never do either those are his jobs in the AM) and fed the cats and sanitized tylers bottles and cleaned up the kitchen 0.o
6'2 is REALLY tall for women! wow! lol Mitch is extra tall to me, Im only 5'4 and we look funny in some of our pics together because he almost towers over me by a whole foot :(

>< I'll grow damnit...
ok i love the rain but this tornado warning stuff has got to stop :( i'm freaking out; i hate severe weather!

milf you are very accurate in your point! everyone everywhere is living life in a way they think is right, but sadly many don't see that what's right for one person may not be for another.

i love the word "jubilee". i think if i have a daughter i might consider it as a name, even though i already have two others picked out...

how long have you and future hubs been together? it took my hubs about 2.5 years to ask.

20 months :haha: im just getting impatient. iv been ready for him to ask for a while, but he told me a few months ago he was finally ready, but he doesnt see the point in asking before we know we are ready for a wedding financially :dohh:

:dohh: boys!

i waited at every special occasion for him to ask. then i caught his mom handing over her old engagement ring to him so he could have the diamond reset. i just straight asked him about it, and he told my why he got the ring...so i was REALLY expecting it. waiting patiently. getting upset every holiday/anniversary/monday when he didn't ask. then when i confronted him he told me it was her idea, not his.

he didn't ask until, like, a year later or more after getting that damn ring. i used to go in his drawer where it was to see if it was still there lol

omg this is soo me :haha:

haven't been online for a few days as FIL had jake for a night so we got some time to ourselves :thumbup:

we had a talk about next baby and getting married and we decided that we can get married next august :happydance: though he still hasnt asked and i obviously cant plan things until he has asked. which makes me then think when the hell is he going to ask....i need time to plan *explodes* i dont want to bring it up again either as he will think im bugging him. dammit.

he said hes not ready for another baby for a year or 2 :cry: but think if we get married august then we might try after...lets hope we manage to fit it all in.

sooo excited :haha:

how is everyone?
Im good, Tylers chilling on my tummeh right now while I tyle and hes doing good.. we napped like until just now thank god.

Im looking up the number for the kindercare right next to my work :( sadddd
and aug isnt that far away 0.0 I mean, i was engaged for three mos and thankfully i didnt want a big wedding (we kind of eloped in Hawaii) but even that was kind of stressful for three mos..He needs to get off his tush and ask already!

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