
Well, thank you, jules! You can butt in any time and join. Seriously. We're not mean most of the time. Plus, the more people I can share my too much info with, the better =D I want the world to know about my gross.

Speaking of which, nope. I have no hemorrhoids. Well, none that i've noticed? Thank god.
I do, however, have two ingrown hairs. One in a really awkward spot that I'm not going to describe, and one hanging out right where my scrub pants hit. Its painful. Not as painful as buttsores, i'm sure, but still bad lol
hmm, i can imagine butt sores might be QUITE painful. In fact, I think next time I have an inane complaint about having a pain, I might say, "well, at least it's not a butt sore!" because honestly, that has got to suck (i'm assuming you mean the sores where you've been in bed too long? wait, that's just a bed sore...or is it...? great, now i'm going to have* to ask you to define a butt sore. and while i'm talking in parenthesis, can't you just pluck the ingrown hairs and be done with it?)...and i would have never even know of the existence of the hemorrhoids had I not gone to wash back there one day and I was all, "wtf?" and the hemmies were all, "HI!" And I was like, "well, i guess if you're just gonna make an appearance and not cause any real problems, you can stay...for now."

People keep saying how their babies need to decided to leave their uteri**...and I was thinking the same thing...but then I thought, well really the cervix is the guard of the gate, so shouldn't we all be talking kindly to our cervixes (cervixi? cervi? hmm...) and asking it to do it's damn job and open up?

*i originally spelled this as "half". just thought you should know.

**my spell check did NOT disapprove of "uteri", but doesn't like "uteruses", so I feel uteri must be correct.
What do hemmoroids feel like???????????????????? I know DUMBASS ME .... Lol.
YAY, tmi time.

So, since getting all large and really pregnant, I have found that I gross myself out a whole lot more. i think i smell, I am greasy, its icky, blahblahblah. But i've also got some round ligament pain that makes it hard for me to bend back to, uh, wipe. I mean, I do it still, but it hurts like a bitch and its rather ineffective and I have to do it a lot. Plus, I cant see to shave down there and being hairy makes me feel gross.
So I pooed the other day, because I'm always pooing (i havent been cursed with constipation, rather the opposite) and realized I have baby wipes hanging around. everywhere. And i have adult wipes from my home health days!
So now i'm using wipes along with regular toilet paper.
IM A GENIUS!! A very clean genius! Not particularly eco-friendly, but more eco-friendly than showering 458871 times a day.

eh hem.

You make a face with your knee by straighting out your leg when your sitting and pinching the excess skin/fat on both sides of the cap with your fingers. creates big old lips, and then since you pulled the skin away, you can see the two dents on the bottom of your cap that I use as eyes.
I've spent too much time alone, I think.

Gah, yeah, I dont get the controversy. I am of the opinion that as long as your baby is taken care of, it doesn't freaking matter to me how the baby is taken care of. For real.
As for placentas, i view them the same way I view most medical waste. Get rid of it in a biohazard bag. But i'm not against it if someone wants to eat theirs. Hell, im not even against it if someone wants to eat mine. I just dont want to see it, i've birthed too many cows.

YAY! I'm glad she liked it and that it doesnt hurt you. You going to wear it and her around your house? Also, how are your levels?
ALLLSSSSOOO, who is your peds dr?
LOL, my husband does the baby wipe thing. He's always got an upset tummy and too much toilet paper gives him a rash. (While we're on the TMI thing!)

And totally with you on the placenta. They're pretty gross. I had a "friend" post her placenta pic on Facebook. I wanted to vomit. :dohh:

I'd love to wear it and her around my house, but I haven't figured out how to nurse in the damn thing yet, and she's been attached to my boobs 24/7 today. I'm absolutely not exaggerating when I say she nursed 7 hours STRAIGHT. I'd hand her off to my hubby so I could pee, and she'd be screaming in hunger when I was done peeing. Good thing I already knew about cluster feedings or I'd have been a lot more stressed out.

Won't know my numbers till tomorrow. I have an appointment at the blood thinner clinic tomorrow. Yay?

And her peds is Karen Jackson down by Alta View hospital.
Also, Menelly--i saw the proud aspie signature, do you have aspergers or does a family member? I am almost 100% sure my dad has it and that my oldest brother has a mild form of it (he exhibits the physical symptoms of it)...
I have Aspergers. My son is autistic, and my dad is autistic. My dad was actually diagnosed in 1959! (Yeah, so for all those people who want to know where the autistics were generations ago, they were there! I promise.)

I am pretty mild, you'd have to know the spectrum to notice it, or have me tell you and then you go "oh, that makes SO MUCH SENSE!" But yeah... generations of autistics in my family. :)
hmm, i can imagine butt sores might be QUITE painful. In fact, I think next time I have an inane complaint about having a pain, I might say, "well, at least it's not a butt sore!" because honestly, that has got to suck (i'm assuming you mean the sores where you've been in bed too long? wait, that's just a bed sore...or is it...? great, now i'm going to have* to ask you to define a butt sore. and while i'm talking in parenthesis, can't you just pluck the ingrown hairs and be done with it?)...and i would have never even know of the existence of the hemorrhoids had I not gone to wash back there one day and I was all, "wtf?" and the hemmies were all, "HI!" And I was like, "well, i guess if you're just gonna make an appearance and not cause any real problems, you can stay...for now."

People keep saying how their babies need to decided to leave their uteri**...and I was thinking the same thing...but then I thought, well really the cervix is the guard of the gate, so shouldn't we all be talking kindly to our cervixes (cervixi? cervi? hmm...) and asking it to do it's damn job and open up?

*i originally spelled this as "half". just thought you should know.

**my spell check did NOT disapprove of "uteri", but doesn't like "uteruses", so I feel uteri must be correct.

Most importantly, i'd like to say that I say "feti," "uteri," "peni," and "ambuli."

I meant butt sores as in hemmies lol. but on that note, I had a patient once that had a bed sore on his ass the size of my fist. MY FIST. It was terrible.

I'd totally pluck my ingrown hairs if i could see them!! I've tried balancing a mirror between my thighs, and that doesnt work, and its too dark in front of my full length and I havent seen my vagina in what feels like decades. Plus, i'm sure with the one, I'd have to dig at it with a pin too and im just not mentally prepared for that yet lol

Have you felt a feeling sort of like a paperclip all digging up inside your hoohoo? I've been told thats my cervix doing its thang. i dont like it.
LOL, my husband does the baby wipe thing. He's always got an upset tummy and too much toilet paper gives him a rash. (While we're on the TMI thing!)

And totally with you on the placenta. They're pretty gross. I had a "friend" post her placenta pic on Facebook. I wanted to vomit. :dohh:

I'd love to wear it and her around my house, but I haven't figured out how to nurse in the damn thing yet
, and she's been attached to my boobs 24/7 today. I'm absolutely not exaggerating when I say she nursed 7 hours STRAIGHT. I'd hand her off to my hubby so I could pee, and she'd be screaming in hunger when I was done peeing. Good thing I already knew about cluster feedings or I'd have been a lot more stressed out.

Won't know my numbers till tomorrow. I have an appointment at the blood thinner clinic tomorrow. Yay?

And her peds is Karen Jackson down by Alta View hospital.

In my brain, the bolded parts were all together. I was very "WTF"y for a second.

she nursed 7 hours straight? Like, sucking and swallowing and all? Or just holding you in her mouth?
what is a cluster feeding? now i feel dumb.

Where is Alta View? Its unreasonable for me to get a peds in UT while shes really young, but I was switched to one in provo when I was about a year and my parents were thrilled with the care. Its hard to find quality here when we dont have much options.

Good luck with the blood suckers!
Oh. Also, I would like to state that I am a grumpy bitch tonight.

LOL, my husband does the baby wipe thing. He's always got an upset tummy and too much toilet paper gives him a rash. (While we're on the TMI thing!)

And totally with you on the placenta. They're pretty gross. I had a "friend" post her placenta pic on Facebook. I wanted to vomit. :dohh:

I'd love to wear it and her around my house, but I haven't figured out how to nurse in the damn thing yet
, and she's been attached to my boobs 24/7 today. I'm absolutely not exaggerating when I say she nursed 7 hours STRAIGHT. I'd hand her off to my hubby so I could pee, and she'd be screaming in hunger when I was done peeing. Good thing I already knew about cluster feedings or I'd have been a lot more stressed out.

Won't know my numbers till tomorrow. I have an appointment at the blood thinner clinic tomorrow. Yay?

And her peds is Karen Jackson down by Alta View hospital.

In my brain, the bolded parts were all together. I was very "WTF"y for a second.

she nursed 7 hours straight? Like, sucking and swallowing and all? Or just holding you in her mouth?
what is a cluster feeding? now i feel dumb.

Where is Alta View? Its unreasonable for me to get a peds in UT while shes really young, but I was switched to one in provo when I was about a year and my parents were thrilled with the care. Its hard to find quality here when we dont have much options.

Good luck with the blood suckers!
LOL, that would be weird crammed together! :) Cluster feeding is the feeding constantly to up your milk supply that most babies do before growth spurts and stuff. And for the 7 hours, I got a 45 min break while she napped. Otherwise she was attached and sucking. I hadn't had any nipple pain till today, but now they hurt. :( Fortunately, she's napping in her daddy's lap right now, so I'm having a break. LOL

Alta View is in Sandy, at about 94th and 13th E. A friend of mine lives much closer to downtown and has a peds she adores, I can ask for the name if you'd like? Downtown is much closer to you. :)
lol, if you would, that'd be great. And downtown or uptown being close to me won't matter...I end up getting lost NO MATTER WHAT and either going to the Grinders on State to get my crap in a pile (aka eat.) or go to little america grand and figure it out from there. Or the capital building lol...last time I had to go to the U, I somehow managed to end up at the capitol with the directions I had written down. Seriously, with no dirt roads, I dont know how you people do it =)

What are you doing for nipple soothing? I have some cleansing and soothing wipes but idk if those really work?
i had the same thought about wearing the placenta...that just gave me an image i wish i never had...lol

btw, don't google "placenta"...granted i'm sure all ladies reading this already have or have seen one elsewhere. I hadn't. In my head, I had just imagined it as some sort of clear jelly-fish looking thing...you know, instead of an in-side-out rodent. (not that i'm judging anyone willing to look at it, eat it, dance around with it, or wear it...i just wouldn't)

yes, i've totally had the paperclip digging in my darkest of places feeling before. that one is pretty annoying...almost like a pinching/stabbing sensation. fun! also baby's head grinds down on my cervix/bladder...that's a great feeling too. but it must be said that one of my favorite feelings of all is his little toes digging into the left side of my uterus. sometimes this happens in conjunction with the head grinding. I swear, I can feel each individual toe nail scraping...yay!

but, still, probably not as painful as a bed sore! fuck that!

ilove3baby--mine don't really cause me any discomfort so I'm not sure how to describe them...but i've heard they can cause pain (especially when pooping) and sometimes be itchy. physically they just feel like little swollen bits of skin.

and about the ingrown hair...i have no solution, except for maybe blindly trying to grab it with the tweezers. You might should throw some hydroden peroxide on those suckers.

Menelly thanks for the explanation on cluster feeding as I'd never heard of it either!

I got some sort of cream for the nipples from my baby shower. seems to be some sort of chap stick for your ta tas...hopefully that does the trick :thumbup:

new fear: baby will be born sunday. did i say this already? i'm sorry if i did, but it's a huge concern of mine. MIL's b-day is sunday and she's crazy and totally going to call our child her birthday gift and that's going to piss me off.
Oh no! When babies arent supposed to be born, they show up lol. You know she'll call the LO a birthday gift even if he's earlier or later. She'll just add "early birthday" or "late birthday" to it. *rolls eyes* people are icky.

I walked into the store today, and someone said "have you had that baby yet?"...While I'm wearing a fairly tight shirt. I wanted to punch her.

I've been keeping a face pad drenched in alcohol on it. hoping it dried it up. Or starts to eat away at the skin and the hair pops up. Or gets my vagina drunk so I cant feel anything. Whatever, right?

Boob chapstick. Hmmmmm. (when my nipples started getting all flakey when they decided they'd grow to dinner plate size, I rubbed chapstick on them. Well, the aereolas.[im very sleepy so i'm sorry if there's too many e's in that...])

I actually might judge someone who dances with their placenta. Not harshly, but I may think they were a little...off. Then again, upon getting pregnant I had my mother prick my finger and drip my blood on a crystal, then hold it over my arm and scry, then my belly and scry, so I might be a bit off too.
I walked into the store today, and someone said "have you had that baby yet?"...While I'm wearing a fairly tight shirt. I wanted to punch her.

Did you respond that, yes, you had the baby and this was the weight left over? That would have made her feel like a real dick :)
I see her nearly every freaking day! So she knows i'm not just a generally massive person.

She's just dumb. Really. Not in a "god people are dumb asses" sort of way, but she's really just dull. Wanted to say something and didn't know what to say. But still. GRRROWL
Buuut, on that note, up until a few weeks ago, i used to tell people "i'm not pregnant" when they'd ask what I was having. I loved making them squirm. But now its definately baby and not just an oddly shaped body
LOL! I always enjoy telling people I am not pregnant (it's definitely obvious that I am.. but I could be oddly shaped or parasite ridden right?)

I hate being asked for updates: My SIL saw me 2 weekends ago and I told her then my next appt isn't until March 20 so I have no updates right now and it's really too early for him to just pop out.. so Monday, she txts me asking again for updates? BIATCH I TOLD YOU I AIN'T GOT NO UPDATE. grr.. I responded with "Same as last time I saw you -- no appt til March 20 and I'm only 34 weeks pregnant, he's still in there." -.- Irritating.

If I start getting more "is he here yet" txts I might turn off my phone for a month.
I've eliminated most people I dont like off of my FB, and I rant about stupid shit people say enough that I doubt any of them will text me dumb things, but I cant stop the general public, which is really sad =/
Someone told me on Saturday that I didn't even look much different than I did before I was pregnant. I nearly told her to fuck off, but I was volunteering for the old people at a local church for StPatricks Day and that would have been bad.

Btw, I love the thug speak. i nearly peed while reading it.

Aaaannnnnndddddd, your appt is the day before mine! wooooo lol

On an off note, today I learned about molar pregnancies and had to sit and poke Addy for a few minutes to make sure she kicked back and did baby things, even though i've seen her be baby shaped on USs and have felt her and everything. I just panicked for a moment.
Sure thing, I'll let you know how unpleasant the strep B test goes and how my first internal goes (I probably will have no progress cuz it's still early, but who knows)

I Sit around poking at Tyler all the time for reactions, I can't decide if it's for the fun of it or to make sure he's okay, its probably a little of both.

I have eliminated people from Facebook, Im not even close to SIL, she started getting really creepy and buddy buddy once I got pregnant, it's kind of odd.. but I guess she's family now, eh? I would've punched the chick that made that comment, volunteering or not, or at least slid some sly remark in there >< I really hate that people have no filter. Dealing with it at work is the worst... I try to keep quiet because I Don't want to come off as hormonal.. but I don't think it's hormones, I feel like anyone would be upset by some of the stuff people say to pregnant women...

"you do look kind of puffy" ... Oh thanks, and you look kind of ugly.. but I wasn't going to say anything.

>< Wow I must be in a mood tonight..
For the longest time (and by that I mean "until I delivered") I would tremble my bottom lip, look hurt and shocked, and say "OMG, did you think I was... I mean, do I actually look... OMG, I know I'm fat but... <fake sob>. <Exit stage right>"

Never actually SAID I wasn't pregnant, right? But sure made some people think... I hope!

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