Hi vonz, thanks for joining us! I hope this thread takes off and becomes a great place for support and socialisation while TTC.

for your recent loss, here's hoping you conceive a forever baby very soon. How long have you been TTC?
Adrienne, glad you're having a lazy Sunday. Sunday's here are far from lazy, but I always enjoy them nonetheless.
Allie (or should I call you your real name?) yay for RE!! You'll soon be sorted and you'll be preggy before you know it.
So no BD last night (stupid new game kept him up til too late), or this morning either since he didn't sleep enough and wouldn't wake up early

Not many more chances to catch the egg.
I'm taking a short break from working this morning as I'm only halfway through the first pass of a 40 minute long report! He's a pretty nice doctor though, not too many spots I didn't catch on the first pass so far so with luck it'll be a pretty good income report. (I'm guessing over $40 and with luck it won't take me more than 3 hours). All right, back to work.