Beautiful blanket, lillysmum - what yarn are you using?
I want to post a picture of the blanket I knit Simon, but it just had a washing accident and has practically felted itself. I'm very sad.
Awww your poor blanket can you use it for something else? xxx
I think a cat mat may be all it's good for now.
I will try to de-fuzz and soften it, but it doesn't look very hopeful.
Not sure what kind of damage it is...but you could try a 'de-pluffer' as my mum and I put it... One of the little bobble remover dealies you can get from the pound shop - they have like a razor that cuts bobbles and imperfections off of the surface of clothes.... Sorry if that's no use, it's the first thing that came to mind, lol!
Thank you!
That might take care of the fuzz, but I don't know about the felting. It's tricky because the stitch pattern keeps changing direction, so it will be very time consuming to de-fuzz.
There are lots of cute knit booty patterns. Do you need some links?