*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

Ruth - The 6th Sept will be here in no time, I can't believe we're in August already :dohh:
I haven't 'officially' had my scan date through but my friend works at the hospital and asked if I wanted her to check if they had made the appointment at their end - they have made it for the 5th Sept but that could change anytime up until me getting the letter.

Jen - My midwife asked if I wanted the test doing which is done at the 12 week scan. At first I said I didn't want it doing as it would make no difference but after thinking about it, I am going to have it done if anything just to be prepared incase it does come back as a high risk :thumbup:

Feeling a little better this afternoon. This morning I was ridiculously tired - even more so after I realised that it is only Thursday, not Friday like I thought when I woke up :dohh:
Oh, I ordered a non-wired bra off of Ebay last week (it was about £3) and it arrived yesterday. Absolutely amazing! I slept in it last night, it's sort of like a light sports bra(?) but it stopped my boobs hurting in the night and they weren't too bad this morning either :thumbup:

How is everyone else? :flower:
Yes I am going to have it and she has booked me on for it. Scares me really but so does this whole pregnancy lol.
I got wireless bras when I found out I was pregnant as my boobs we do sore. It's been amazing and I tend to wear my sports bra to bed.

Feeling exhausted today but luckily a long weekend ahead.
Hi ladies,

I have my scan on 7th September at 11am- I'm so excited but a bit nervous too :) it's the day before we go away to the Cotswolds for a week so we've got lots to look forward to. Ruth your booking in appointment does seem very late- poor you having to wait so long. I'm not having problems with my boobs this time at all but OMG I remember the pains when I was pg with DS. Think because I only stopped breastfeeding a week or two ago that's why I'm not feeling it this time. Soooo tired though, josh doesn't seem to be having great nights at the moment, was up 3 or 4 times with him last night- so tired I can't remember which! I started leaking colostrum at 19 weeks in the night so bought a couple of slee bras for that and they were so comfy :) still in my maternity bras with no underwire as you have to wear them when you're breastfeeding so don't see the point of changing now!

Today has been hectic for me, went to Aldi this morning for the first time and I am never going back! Had a friend and her children over this afternoon and the little girl had the biggest tantrum! So I'm now enjoying a lie down while DS is napping and my mum will be here soon :) found out yesterday that my online tutoring is coming to and end as they are shutting down business :( it has been nice (albeit a bit stressful at times) to have something else other than DS and housework to think about and I've loved working with the little boy I've been tutoring, quite sad it's finishing :( got lots to think about with the party now though, still so much to do but have hospital for DS and dentist for me tomorrow so can't see a lot getting done- oh well- my standards might have to slip a bit to allow for me being pregnant and exhausted!

So Jennie what are you going to do for your 'long weekend' any plans? What about everyone else? I'm excited about the party but Sunday is going to be amazing as it's our wedding anniversary and Jodh is going to stay with my mum for the first time sat night so I can have a good sleep and then a lie in with DH :) something we've not been able to do in pretty much a year! Then we have a table booked at Strada in town for 1.30 so I am going to straighten my hair- something I used to do everyday but never do anymore unless for a night out which rarely happens! Oh I can't wait :)

So the downs test- yes we had it done last time and it came back low risk and we'll have it done again this time. We've talked about it and if it came back high risk I wouldn't have the diagnostic test and we wouldn't terminate but it's more to start preparing ourselves for the possibility. It is very unlikely.

Hope you're all good anyway, nearly the end of the week :)
Eeek looks like we'll be having our scans around the same time (hopefully!)

Is the diagnostic test the second test? I wouldn't have the second test done either, the disadvantages of it were too high for me :nope:

Yes the one with a risk of miscarriage- it is a low risk but that's still too much of a risk for me.
Never knew there was a second test!!!

Not sure what I'm doing with my weekend except tomorrow seeing my big sister who's been down for the week. It could be the day that I finally tell someone lol.

Hope the party goes well for you Bec at the weekend and enjoy your meal out too.
Got home from work to a letter from the hospital, scan date is officially booked for..

Wednesday 5th September @ 2:40pm


So excited! x
Oooooh, can't wait for my scan date now!!! I won't even have had my booking in appt by then!!

Well my weekend will begin tomorrow evening when the three of us will pack up our car and drive the 3.5 hours to Surrey to stay with DH's family for the week. We will be telling them about the baby (or Frankie will!) I feel sick at the thought of the drive but I know I won't have to do any cooking or cleaning for a whole week and that seems pretty good to me right now!!

I hope Joshua's party goes well Bec, try not to over do it!

Hey girlies! How is everyone? How was Joshua's party Bec? Is it his actual birthday today? How are you feeling about that? I know I felt a real mixture of emotions on Frankie's birthday, really happy and proud but it was definitely tinged with a bit of sadness that my baby was growing up.

How has everyone's weekend been? We're at my in-laws until Thursday and so I've really been able to relax. MIL has been getting up with Frankie which is a total plus and FIL just wants to spend all day playing with him so I don't feel I have to be up and down all day long.

Hope everyone is doing well. Can't believe we're in our 8th week already! Xx
Good morning.

I've had a busy weekend and am exhausted today. Sickness has been worse but yet to actually be sick.
I still haven't told my parents as I really didn't want to rain on my sisters parade on Friday. How I am hiding it i will never know as my tummy is so bloated and I feel bloody awful most of the time.

Made the sad decision to remove some of my clothes from the wardrobe on Sat was pretty gutted and wondering if I will ever get into them again :cry:.

I did win two items from Ebay on Saturday 99p each and then ordered some stuff from the Next sale which Includes a dress for a wedding in a couple of weeks.

Hoping my scan date comes today :)

Glad you have been able to relax Ruth and yes 8 weeks I'm so excited now :)
Ruth - Glad you're getting some relaxing time :thumbup: I love how we're all within a week of each other!

Jen - Sorry you're feeling crappy still :hugs: But yay for Ebay bargains!

Didn't do much this weekend apart from housework :( It needed doing though as i've been slacking for a couple of weeks now

Didn't wanna come back to work today :nope: Keep having really bad nights sleep lately - whenever I turn over in the night (which is a hell of a lot lately) my boobs are so painful it wakes me up :(

Might have to have a nap when I get home from work at this rate :dohh: Luckily no one's in the office again today :thumbup:

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends :flower: Oh and I hope Joshua had a lovely day Bec! xx
Hi ladies, just spent ages writing a massive update on my I-pod only to lose it all so I will say a quick hello, Josh's party was great and we had a lovely anniversary and I will write more detail tomorrow on my laptop! Am in bed about to get an early night as so tired. Hope you're all good x
Hi again!!

Well, what a weekend! I had a mad Friday to start things off and made Josh's first birthday cake which was in the shape of a one and I was really pleased with it- definitely gave me confidence to make one each year :)

On Saturday we opened Josh's presents with him first thing and had a nice little family time before we started rushing around trying to get everything done. Everyone started arriving at 2pm- just when Josh was going down for a nap (bad timing!!). We got a couple of hours before he woke up and then he was quite tired and overwhelmed by the amount of people there. He was fine eventually and we had the best time. It was so nice having all our friends and family there and I got asked a couple of times (by friends who know we're trying) if I was pregnant yet but I just said no, there's no way I could have done all this if I'd been pregnant and that seemed to convince them! I hate lying but at the same time I want to get past the scan first. I saw my pregnant friend staring at my tummy at one point- I was wearing a dress that skimmed over my tummy area but later in the day I looked down and could see a little bump. My MIL apparently said to DH she could see a small bump but she knows. So anyway, hoping no-one guessed! I was rushing around like a headless chicken all afternoon so sure that would've put most off the scent!

Josh got some lovely new toys and loved playing with his helium balloon. Saying goodbye to him at the end of the party was really hard (his first night away) but it was so nice waking up and although still at 6am we didn't have to get up (except to feed the cats!). DH made me a nice breakfast, we exchanged cards etc then fed the ducks in the park, sat chatting by the lake and then had a lovely three course meal at Strada. It was so nice spending time together, just the two of us. We got Josh back in the afternoon and I realised that although I'd enjoyed my day I'd hated being without him. He had a great time with my mum and step dad though.

So, my c-beebies card got shown too which made my day! I was really happy on his birthday Ruth, the sadness of him growing up hit me a few days prior when he had his first haircut- he went from baby to boy and I found that surprisingly hard.

I've been feeling a bit better the last few days, less sick and less repulsed by food. I still haven't completely got my appetite back but some food is becoming a bit more appealing. I'm 9 weeks tomorrow so I suppose it could be the placenta starting to take over. I still am so tired and my manic Saturday obviously took it out of me. I definitely just ran on adrenaline that day!! How is everyone else feeling, sorry you're feeling more sick Jennie. With DS my ms was at its worst at 8 weeks and I didn't lose it till 17/18 weeks so this time it feels like a bit of a breeze- where ms is concerned anyway.

Hope you're enjoying time with your inlaws Ruth, must be lovely having a break and help with Frankie. Hope work is ok Laura, I really struggled working when pg with DS but then I had to teach 30 8/9 year olds and was on my feet most of the day. How are you feeling about going back Ruth? (Not that your holiday is over yet lol!)

I noticed my hips really hurting in the night and am so scared that my SPD I had last time is already starting again this time. I will mention it at my 16 week appointment if I'm still having problems but that's ages away. At least I can get physio earlier this time though. Did you get it last time Ruth? I suffered so badly with it, was just in agony at the end, quite worried how I'll cope with a toddler this time. Oh well, I must cope- no choice!!

Must stop typing now...such a chatter box :)
Wow sounds like a manic but lovely weekend. I was exhausted just reading it lol.
Sickness finally got me yesterday and I threw up for the first time which worried me as I'm working today but thankfully I feel much better.
I think wirk takes my mind off of it.
Only one mpre day and I'm finished for two weeks. OH and I have the use of my bosses cottage in Cornwall as they are off to France. So looking forward to spending time with him.
Awh poor you, glad you're feeling a bit better today though. With DS I threw up the first time bang on 8 weeks so was dreading it this time but just hasn't come (thank God!). How lovely that you only have one day then two wonderful weeks off and lucky you going to a cottage in Cornwall- LOVE cornwall. Hope you have a really great time, sure you will :)

We're off to a cottage in the Cotswolds Sep 8th- day after scan- and I can't wait! So excited :)
Glad you had a great weekend Bec :thumbup:

Jen :happydance: for two weeks off!

As for me.. telling my boss went exactly as I thought it would - awful!

I asked if he had 5 minutes and he said I could go in and sit down, he closed the door - which he only ever does on serious talks so obviously he was expecting something.

I said that my doctors appointment the other week was because I found out that I am pregnant.

His response? "You're not are you?" :saywhat:

So I went on to say how I have told him early, and it is still early, so that he can decide what he wants to do about cover whilst I am away as they will probably need training up. Also told him that I won't be leaving until March, which is still ages away anyway.

He basically turned round and said.. "Well since you're being honest with me, i'll be honest with you. If business doesn't pick up in the next couple of months i'm closing anyway so I can't guarantee that there'll be a job when you come back" :growlmad:

It really was like tit-for-tat - sort of, 'you pissed me off so i'll piss you off' There's been no mention of business failing lately, business is slow but then again it always has been! All I can think is that this is his excuse to get rid of me when he wants to without it being illegal. He did it a couple of years ago with the telesales staff. Didn't want to have to pay for them anymore but didn't have any excuse to sack them so just made them redundant - he's very underhanded and sneaky like that.

I've decided if he wants to be funny about it then so will I. I can a) play the pregnancy card big time and be as awkward as he can - the "oh, I can't do/lift that - i'm pregnant" can come out or b) if it gets real bad and he's still being a complete nob end about it all, I only have to give one weeks notice to leave anyway. Plus having looked at our finances over the last couple of weeks - as much as we don't want to, i'd probably be better off on benefits after bubs is born anyway :shrug:

He won't win and he will not make me feel like i'm inconveniencing him :sulk:
Oh no Laura what an arse he is!!!!!!!

I still haven't told my boss as was going to do it today but her parents arrived and couldn't bring myself to do it :(.
On the plus side they wanted to look after the girls tomorrow so I have started my holidays early:happydance:
Laura your boss sounds like a real numpty! You are in by far the stronger position though, play him for all you can!

Jen, wishing you a very happy holiday. We had a lovely week in Cornwall last year.

Bec I felt knackered reading your update! Sounds like you had the perfect weekend though! So glad your boy had a great first birthday!

AFM I am feeling ok, still pretty tired but i have a friend who has recently been hospitalised due to her severe morning sickness so I really can't complain. We head home tomorrow after a lovely week in surrey with my in-laws. I'm looking forward to my own bed but I also realize that I will only have two weeks of my summer left and will have to do some serious planning for September. Gulp! Xx

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