*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

Well that didn't happen!!!

Walked over in the pouring rain only to be told that the Midwife who was meant to be doing my booking in appointment wasn't there and the lady that was wasn't geared up to to do it as she had no notes no nothing.
So now i'm waiting for the call again!!!!!! :(
Morning everyone,

Jennie that's terrible, you can't arrange an appointment and then not turn up- did the other lady say why she wasn't there? Doesn't fill you with much confidence really does it :-/

I've managed to take Josh to the library this morning- glad I did too as they had some lovely new books. Then did the tesco shop I was meant to do yesterday. I feel a bit better than I did yesterday but enjoying a quick sit down before making lunch. Then a nice restful afternoon with a bit of cleaning if I can find the energy! Anyone else finding everything a massive effort at the moment?

Anyway, hope you're all well :)
Jen we are going to tell my parents tonight too! Going for tea and my sis will be there so it makes sense! I'm pretty excited, going to let Frankie tell them I think!! Xx
Good luck in telling the family :)
Bec my house is a tip I can just about manage to wash up and that's about it:(

Seems now I have gone off coffee as well as tea which I am gutted about because I love my coffee :( but seem to have a craving for orange juice which is helping with my MS.
Morning, hope it went well telling your parents Ruth.

I didn't do any cleaning in the end, just rested and went online and made DH a card for our wedding anniversary on moonpig and ordered his gift so at least that was useful!

It's all I can do to look after DS and myself at the moment. Have a friend coming over this morning though and really need to Hoover and tidy Josh's toys but am not feeling great at all. Will sort Josh out, get myself dressed and then attempt getting it done! It's pathetic really, I carried on working till 37 weeks when pg with Josh and my MS was definitely worse than it is this time (so far!). Oh well, hope you are all ok today and have a nice Friday :)
Bec your MS may well have been worse and maybe you did work to 37 weeks but this time is totally different because you have a baby to look after ALL DAY!! Honestly, being at work is like having a break. When you're at home you are on duty 24 hours a day (or at least until daddy gets home!) Give yourself a break, does your house really need tidying all that much? Would it kill your friend I your carpet wasn't vacuumed? You deserve to take it easy hun.

Telling family went great. Have been training Frankie so when I said, "Frankie tell Grandma and Grandad what you're getting," he said, "Baby," and pointed to my tummy! They are all thrilled but my mum said she had an inkling because I've looked tired and my eyes have been different????? I thought she might I've picked up on something but am just glad to have it out in the open now.

Hope everyone else is doing ok x x x
Jen - Sorry your midwife didn't show, she could of at least given you a ring or asked the centre to give you a ring so you didn't have to walk there :nope: I'm glad it's not just me who's started with the emotional side then :haha: I nearly started crying at work yesterday because my boss pissed me off on the phone - nothing bad at all, just normal work stuff :roll: I'm going to be a hormonal mess by the end of this pregnancy :dohh: That's if i'm still awake by that point! Ooh, happy 7 weeks!

Ruth - Hope telling your parents was fun and little Frankie did a good job :thumbup:

Bec - I am constantly tired to the point where I get home from work, sit on the sofa and don't move unless it's to cook a quick tea. Housework has definitely gone down the pan this last week, I need to sort it this weekend. Although a good point is T read something on the internet to see what was happening this week with baby and found something that said he needed to start and do more of the cleaning as I would be too tired and can't be around a lot of cleaning products :thumbup: Good excuse for me even if it's not entirely correct :haha:!

Hope everyone's ok! xx
Afternoon all.

Ruth glad it went well i've still not told my parents yet.

Bec and Laura house work is the last thing on my mind at the moment.

I've had a lovely morning took the 9 year old who's staying with me out shopping this morning and i coped very well.
I am now exhausted at home lol. I got my self some new tops not sure how much longer they will fit me for. I'm having trouble with my jeans too and I don't wear dresses or skirts not sure if i should buy a bigger size as i reckon maternity jeans will be too big.
O and by the way midwife called this morning she is doing a home visit on weds afternoon next week.
Hi ladies, well I had a MANIC day in the end! I eventually got myself off the sofa and got Josh sorted then the midwife called and asked if she could visit this afternoon. So I said yes as long as it was finished by 4 as I had to get Josh to my mum's as I had a tutoring session at 5. Came off the phone and went mad getting myself showered and ready, hoovered downstairs and ironed Josh's clothes- another thing I'm behind with!

My friend turned up, had a lovely time catching up with her and her DD, they left at 12.15 so then I sorted us lunch and cooked Josh's dinner to take to my mum's. Then got my maternity notes and finished completing family history. Then I prepared my tutoring session and then the midwife arrived! She was my midwife last time so she loved seeing Josh and catching up. All went well.

Got my scan date through as well but had to change it as we're on holiday so it's on September 7th at 11am- soooooo excited!

Ruth, what a lovely way to share the news :) glad it went well.

Jen, glad you had a nice time shopping. I got a few maternity things in the next sale- have still got quite a few things from last time but have more summer things than winter.

Laura, I'm definitely emotional too- tear up sooo easily.

Thanks for all your comments about housework- made me feel a bit better :) I always think I have to be superwoman and do everything to a high standard! Definitely finding it easier to let things go this time but then feel incredibly guilty. Also because none of our friends know yet I feel like I should keep up the pretence do they don't guess! I'm going to clean gradually over this week anyway so it's looking nice for Josh's 1st birthday party next Saturday. Got his number one cake mould today so going to have a practise run over the weekend! Ah, so much to do! What is everyone else doing over the weekend?
Hellloooo are we all ok?

I've had a busy weekend been to Ikea today to get some new storage furniture and went round a few shops after.
Had to buy 2 pairs of bigger jeans today as my belly seems quite round!!!! My sickness seems to have gone over the weekend which has been lovely and I seem to be feeling much happier with slighty more energy.

Back to work tomorrow so will be exhausted again lol.
Hi girls, hope you're all ok and feeling well?

How has everyone's weekend been? Towards the end of the week I was feeling horrific; tired, sick and just not myself. Got up Saturday morning with DH and DS as we have football lessons on a Saturday morning and we all go together. We went for some brunch afterwards but I was feeling pretty rough. We got home and Frankie was obviously tired so we put him down and I had a lie down a bit of a nap too whilst Lloyd was out in the garden as we are prepping the lawn to be reseeded in September. Not long after Frankie woke up, my Mum and Dad rang to see if we would like them to take Frankie for a couple of hours to a local farm. They took him and I figured I could either sit and do nothing, feeling sorry for myself, or I could get off my arse and do some housework. So I got off my arse and cleaned downstairs and made a bolognese for tea. We put Frankie to bed at about 7:30pm and me and Lloyd went straight up to bed as we were both shattered!! I dozed on and off from about 8pm, Lloyd kept waking me up when there was something exciting going on with the Olympics so I saw Jessica, Greg and Mo winning their events but after that I had a great night's sleep. Frankie woke up about 7am but I felt good and we had our breakfast, showered and got dressed before heading off to Mass. We came back, went to Asda to do our big shop and then had some lunch. Frankie went down for his sleep quite late (about 2pm) and me and Lloyd both fell asleep on the couch too!! I woke up at 4pm, Frankie woke up about 10 mins later and we all played before I made a really yummy tea which we all enjoyed! I have definitely felt more energised today and I think, weirdly, it's because I've done more than I have over the last few days. Maybe the key is to do as much as I can while Frankie is up and about, nap when he naps and then try to get an early-ish night each day.

On the down side, I have been trying to eat really sensibly since my BFP as last time I put on over 4.5 stone (disgusting, I know). I have found that eating helps with my nausea but I've been having my three meals a day and snacking only on fruit. But, I jumped on the scales this morning and I am already gaining weight - about 3 lbs so far I think. It was such hard work loosing the last bit of weight last time that I was determined not to put so much on this time but it seems that I might :-( Maybe this is just what my body does when I'm pregnant. Really shouldn't have got on those scales!!

Got my appointment through for my booking in appt at the hospital (I will be 11 weeks gone) but it is the day I go back to work after the 6 week holidays and as lovely as my boss is, I'm pretty sure she's see that as taking the p**s a bit!! Tried to call to rearrange but no answer. Also got an appt through for my first community MW appt too but it is on a Mon morning and as I only work Mon-Wed I also think this would be taking the mick a bit too so I have rearranged it for the Thursday afternoon of that week. I think I will be about 16 weeks at that point. :-) xx
Jen - I'm already wearing maternity jeans and some maternity tops as they are so comfy :thumbup: I'm on the larger side to start with (16) so that doesn't help :roll:

Bec - Sounds like you had a real busy day! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend to make up for it :) Yay for scan date! I can't wait for mine to come through

Ruth - Wow sounds like you had a busy weekend! There's no wonder you're normally tired :haha: The booking in appointment at the hospital, is this your scan?

AFM - we had quite a relaxed weekend to be fair. T cleaned the whole of downstairs on Saturday whilst I laid on the sofa :blush: Though, we had had a massive row and I was in no mood to clean :haha:!

Hope everyone managed to enjoy at least one day of their weekend relaxing :haha: xxx
Hi ladies :)

Finally have the time and energy to say hello and write an update! All is good here although I do seem to be feeling sicker- nearly threw up yesterday and this morning but managed to contain it- so to speak! I'm still tired and so off my food I dread walking in the kitchen now as I can't bear the smell of food :( preparing and giving Josh his lunch today was so hard. I am still forcing myself to eat and it definitely helps with the sickness.

We had a family morning at the seaside on Sunday which was lovely and then rested in the afternoon. Yesterday I had loads of errands to run so took DS out for lunch- managed a cheese scone and shortbread finger! And then got everything done. Was exhausted when I finally got home but we've got his 1st birthday party on Saturday so there is just so much to do. Also our wedding anniversary on Sunday so have been sorting a few things for that as well.

Today I've done more jobs and am now resting before a tutoring session at 5pm. Need to go and make DS dinner soon but putting it off- blergh! DH is doing lates this week unfortunately so long days on my own with lots to do. The party will be worth it though :)

Jennie- I remember getting maternity trousers for work at 8 weeks with DS. This time I'm just in low rise jeans so not having a problem yet. I've lost 1lb since getting pg too so clothes are fine at the moment but I only have to get my old maternity stuff out from storage anyway- need a few new bits for cold weather but won't get those till I need them.

Ruth I know exactly what you mean about weight gain- I was so huge after having DS I didn't even weigh myself till he was 6 weeks old- and then I was about 2 stone heavier than I had been per baby. It really got my down, I only lost a stone of it then gave up knowing we were going to try for another anyway. Don't worry yet, I know for me it all went on in 3rd tri as I got so hungry and gave in to all the naughty stuff- just be careful and be aware of what you're eating and I'm sure you'll be fine.

Laura, sorry to hear you had a row with your OH- at least you got out of cleaning though :) my DH doesn't clean now I'm a stay at home mum. He will Hoover and cut the grass and always does the bins but that's about it. He is cooking more and doing more for DS now I'm pregnant though. Hope you cleared the air anyway.

DS is napping but won't be for much longer so I'd better go- hope you're all well :)
Bec- hope you get to eat something soon, luckily for me I've eaten everything in sight.

I have felt sooo sick today but not actually been sick yet. The good news is I only have three days this month left of work as I have two weeks off. OH will be off to Cornwall for a week which we are looking forward too.

Fingers crossed the Midwife calls tomorrow about my appointment!!!!
Finally met with the Midwife today and all went well. First time I've had blood taken in years and was a bit scared but all went ok. She has put me down as low risk so that is all good just got to wait for my date for my scan now :)
Glad all went ok at the midwife :thumbup:

I hated having my bloods done, to make it worse I only have one visible vein to take blood from on my arm and it's tiny which makes it even harder :dohh: xx
I feel left out! I'm the only one who hasn't seen the MW yet! I have my appt for 6th September in the afternoon, I'll be 11.5 weeks. I guess my hospital must wait until the mum is a bit further on as I remember that last time I had my booking in appt just three days before my 12 week scan.

Speaking of which, has anyone got their date through for their scan yet? I'm waiting for mine. Feel very nervous about it!

Hope everyone is feeling well and not too sicky. My nausea certainly doesn't seem to be as bad as before but I am really feeling the tiredness lately! x
Waiting for my scan date now. Did any of you get asked about having a scan for downs syndrome?
I got asked last time, they asked if we wanted a triple test which tests for a range of chromosomal abnormalities including Downs. Think they call the test the NT test and it looks at the amount of fluid behind baby's neck or something but you can only have this scan between 11 and 13 weeks, after that it is too late. They combine the results of this scan with a sample of your blood and the mum's age and give you the estimated chances of your baby having an abnormality. If you are deemed to be high risk (which doesn't necessarily mean the baby definitely has an abnormality) then you are offered a diagnostic test which will tell you for certain either way.

I didn't have the test last time but I am considering it this time. I feel sick at the thought of being told all is not well but I think it would be best to be told that earlier than later so you have chance to prepare yourself before LO is born.

Are you going to have it Jen? xx

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