Hi ladies
Finally have the time and energy to say hello and write an update! All is good here although I do seem to be feeling sicker- nearly threw up yesterday and this morning but managed to contain it- so to speak! I'm still tired and so off my food I dread walking in the kitchen now as I can't bear the smell of food

preparing and giving Josh his lunch today was so hard. I am still forcing myself to eat and it definitely helps with the sickness.
We had a family morning at the seaside on Sunday which was lovely and then rested in the afternoon. Yesterday I had loads of errands to run so took DS out for lunch- managed a cheese scone and shortbread finger! And then got everything done. Was exhausted when I finally got home but we've got his 1st birthday party on Saturday so there is just so much to do. Also our wedding anniversary on Sunday so have been sorting a few things for that as well.
Today I've done more jobs and am now resting before a tutoring session at 5pm. Need to go and make DS dinner soon but putting it off- blergh! DH is doing lates this week unfortunately so long days on my own with lots to do. The party will be worth it though
Jennie- I remember getting maternity trousers for work at 8 weeks with DS. This time I'm just in low rise jeans so not having a problem yet. I've lost 1lb since getting pg too so clothes are fine at the moment but I only have to get my old maternity stuff out from storage anyway- need a few new bits for cold weather but won't get those till I need them.
Ruth I know exactly what you mean about weight gain- I was so huge after having DS I didn't even weigh myself till he was 6 weeks old- and then I was about 2 stone heavier than I had been per baby. It really got my down, I only lost a stone of it then gave up knowing we were going to try for another anyway. Don't worry yet, I know for me it all went on in 3rd tri as I got so hungry and gave in to all the naughty stuff- just be careful and be aware of what you're eating and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Laura, sorry to hear you had a row with your OH- at least you got out of cleaning though

my DH doesn't clean now I'm a stay at home mum. He will Hoover and cut the grass and always does the bins but that's about it. He is cooking more and doing more for DS now I'm pregnant though. Hope you cleared the air anyway.
DS is napping but won't be for much longer so I'd better go- hope you're all well