*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

HELP i've had a sudden burst of energy and I just cleaned the kitchen!!!!!:wacko: lol
Oh Jen such a shame you're in Somerset I could've done with my kitchen cleaning too while you've got some energy!

Sorry you had a hard time from your boss Laura.

Poor you Ruth, I remember all the planning over the Summer, I always used to try and do as much as possible at the beginning and then finish off bits at the end but I never had to juggle a family life- just DH who used to get a bit neglected when I had work to do- which was a lot! Getting pg helped me get a bit more of a balance so having Frankie must help you I'm sure :)

I'm sorry I exhausted you all with my ridiculously long update on my weekend! My tiredness is still going strong- no bursts of energy for me but sickness and appetite are really so much better. How are all your symptoms? Anyone else noticing an improvement yet?

Also, Ruth, seeing as this is your 2nd too- are you having many cramps? I had so much last time but hardly any this time and worrying a bit. I've had the odd cramp here and there but no where near as much as before, do you think this is normal for #2 or do you think I should see someone?
Bec I had LOADS of cramps last time but literally hardly any this time. I've been a bit worried too but am reasoning that perhaps my uterus has less stretching to do as it has already been stretched beyond all recognition! As I am still having other symptoms I'm not too concerned at the moment, especially as you're experiencing the same.

As for the planning, only working part time is a big help because of course I have half the planning to do that I had before Frankie came along. And as I was PPA cover last year I did some teaching in Year 4 anyway so already have some of the planning saved (most of which is RE and as I am at a Catholic school that is a big chunk of my work!) xx
Thanks Ruth that is really reassuring, I'm still so tired but because sickness and appetite are so much better I was a bit worried. I know between 8-12 weeks the placenta starts to take over but I didn't start feeling better till about 10 weeks last time and had ms till about 17/18. Hopefully just being lucky and having an easier time of it this time. Like you say our bodies have already been through it all before and stretched etc. so glad it's not just me :)

That's good about your planning, hopefully not too much to do then. I always hated the thought of it but secretly loved it while I was doing it! Used to really get into planning fun lessons- miss it sometimes- especially now my online tutoring has ended :( thinking of approaching a school I did some tutoring at a few years ago to see if there are any opportunities there.

Have a good day everyone- we've got Josh's jabs later which I'm dreading :(
TBH i've not had many cramps either and this is my first.
Sickness is back this morning and feeling pretty naff again.

Are any of you guys going to the toilet more? I seem to be going normally and not constantly on the loo like I thought I would be. The only thing I can't do is get through the night without going i'm normally awake from 4, 5, 6am needing to go and then can't get back to sleep.

Hope the jabs go ok today Bec. i've got a busy day attempting to do some packing and trying to find some clothes that fit me.
Thanks Jennie, they say every pregnancy is different but when it's your second it's natural to compare to the first. I'm sure everything is fine, been feeling a bit sick again since earlier post so just snacked on a few grapes. I need the loo more but not constantly, I didn't have it with first until third tri when baby is so big your bladder feels the size of a pea! So much to look forward to! :)

Have a good day packing, very exciting to be going away for a nice break, hope you have the best time, are you going tomorrow or packing early?

It's a lovely sunny day today and we're expecting Josh's new water table for the garden so am hoping it arrives this morning so he can have a good play before his jabs later. Hoping they go ok as he had a horrible fever after the last lot. Not looking forward to it but my mum is coming over after work which is good :)
Hi ladies :flower:

Nothing new to update about me, still never want to get up in a morning but to say that's the only thing wrong, i'm definitely not complaining!

Jen, i've noticed i'm going to the loo a lot more than before :wacko: And as soon as I finish a drink I need to go :shrug:

Hope everyone's ok x
Jen I find I am having to use the loo quite a bit, especially at night but I had, let's say "issues" with my bladder control after Frankie was born so I have pretty much had to train myself to go as soon as I feel the need! Last time I didn't need to go until the third tri. Good luck packing, I had to pack for our week at the in-laws' and just had to pack loose linen trousers and shorts - jeans are not really an option right now! Thank goodness it's summer!

Really hope Joshua is ok with his jabs, Bec. I know how awful it is to have to do as a mummy. Frankie reacted pretty badly to the 13 month ones because of the time of year as he just kept picking up cough after cold due to his immune system being down after the jabs. Joshua will be fine at this time of year though. And just think, no more jabs until their pre-school booster now! Oh, and if you are missing planning so much I honestly don't mind if you want to plan and resource a maths unit or two for me? Tee hee! X
Morning ladies.

Yesterday was a bad day was so so tired and was sick again :(.
Cannot believe the ticker says 9 weeks now WOW.

I still haven't got the date for my Scan (getting impatient now lol). So so looking forward to our little break change of routine might help my laziness.
How did the jabs go yesterday Bec?
Hi everyone, Josh's jabs went as well as they could...poor little thing. He slept for 3 hours when we got home which was nice, I ended up feeling really quite sick again yesterday but it lasted all day rather than wearing off after lunch like it had been so I caught up on a bit of TOWIE whilst lying down. I got up at 5.30 this morning and felt terrible so settled Josh and went back to bed. He was so good just playing in his cot and I slept until 7.15 which is quite a lie in for me. Feel better than I did but still sicky. Josh is off his food today which is very unlike him so hoping he's ok.

Hope you're feeling a bit better today Jen. At least a change of scene will be nice, should hopefully help you feel a bit better. Maybe ring the hospital to see if they've got your referral yet or your midwife to chase it up? Have you got yours yet Ruth? It's 3 weeks today till mine and I can't wait :)

My sister has got this afternoon off so I'm looking forward to seeing her and having a bit of help with DS. Anyone got any nice plans for today? We got Josh's sand and water table so sure he'll play with that later :)
No I don't have mine yet either. We got home from in-laws' last night and I thought the letter might be waiting for me but it wasn't. Goon to ring them today.

Was woken this morning to the unmistakable sound of my son being sick! Poor little boy! Took him downstairs for cuddles once I'd cleaned him up and he did it again all over the carpet! No dairy for him today. He's just had a slice of dry toast and so far it's stayed down.
Got my scan date! 6th September at 12:25! Same day as my booking in appointment, so will be a busy afternoon!! Eeeek!! Had to ring hospital. Apparently they would normally make the appointment at the booking in appt but as I will be virtually 12 weeks by then she made the appt for the scan there and then.

Oh, 6th september is also DH's birthday! X
Brilliant Ruth, glad you got a date, how exciting :) so far Laura is the 5th, you are the 6th and I am the 7th! Hopefully yours will be around then too Jen. Really hope Frankie is feeling better now, poor thing :( josh slept for 3 hours this morning and now has a fever and is back down again poor baby, horrible jabs!
YAY for everyone's scans being in the same week! I really hope you get yours through soon Jen xx
Hello everyone- it's Saturday- whoop whoop! Making the most of resting today as DH is working overtime tomorrow so taking Josh for his first trip to a farm with my mum and sister. Should be good but sure it'll be knackering as well! Very hot here so will try to keep cool today too- seems a shame to miss the nice weather but too hot for me right now.

So thinking about scans, is anyone expecting to have their dates changed? With DS I got put forward a week to 13 weeks but this time I think they might but me back as when my cycles were regular they were 33 days long. So although I'll be thinking I'm 12+2 I reckon they might say I'm maybe 11+4ish. But we'll see- wasn't expecting to be put forward last time so I might be wrong this time too!

Anyone got any nice plans for the weekend? I'm assuming Jen is in lovely Cornwall now, not sure whether she'll have Internet there but hope she has a great time :)
Have a lovely time Jen :)

I've not been feeling well since yesterday and I'm not sure it's pregnancy related. Taking Josh to the farm today and having a picnic so I hope I feel ok, already had a funny turn today, at least my mum and sister are coming.

Hope you all have a good Sunday x
Thanks Bec. My sickness seems to have passed the last two days but my tummy is getting bigger lol.

Have a lovely day at the farm and hope you don't feel too rough x
Happy holidays Jen!! Have a great time!

Laura I also think it's great that so far we all have our scans in the same week!

Bec I'm not sure if my dates will be moved. I'm pretty sure I know when I ovulated but my cycles are slightly shorter (sometimes 26 days, sometimes 27) so this could potentially affect things. TBH I'm not too fussed as long as I see a healthy little baby in there! Last time round I was desperate for them to changer dates as I'd had an early scan at 6+5 and at 12 weeks they said I was measuring a little big for the dates I'd been given but wouldn't be changing them. In the end Frankie was 4 days over due anyway. They come when they want, despite us telling them when to come!!

Well Frankie was sick just once more on Friday morning. But of course it was when Lloyd was in bed. And it was all over the living room carpet. I had to strip him off, try to scrub the carpet and simultaneously try to stop Frankie from "helping" me clean it up!! Not the best Friday morning in living memory! But he was fine after that, I kept his diet very plain for the day but he ate loads of what I gave him. Yesterday we went for a long walk in the woods which we all loved. We played hide and seek and saw about a million doggies which absolutely made Frankie's day! Then last night he slept at my Mum and Dad's while Lloyd and I went for dinner at our friends' house (who, by the way, asked if I wasn't drinking because I was pregnant!! Had to just laugh and tell her to stop being so suspicious but really wanted to tell her!) which was lovely. And I had a full night's sleep last night as it felt much cooler than it has done recently so I wasn't awake at stupid o'clock for hours trying to cool down!!

Happy Sunday everyone! Xx
Glad everyone enjoyed their weekends :) We didn't do much really.
Did food shopping Friday night then ended up having a takeaway :haha: Saturday did nothing all day then went to the pub where I got bit a thousand times :growlmad: Sunday I went to my sisters for a catch up and then lazed around the house at night time :)
I think i'll be put back a week at my scan. I did OPKs so I know when I ovulated. My cycles were between 40-60 days. If I put my ovulation date into a ticker it puts me back a week :( x

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