Definitely a great idea Ruth!
My name is Stephanie, I am 26 years old. I do not have a job as I will be a stay at home mom, but I do have a degree in Sociology and Psychology. I am married to Brady, who is a Chemical Engineer. Though we have only been married 5 months, we have been together for 8 and 1/2 years. This will be our first baby and was definitely planned. Because I have severe arthritis and disk degeneration I have to take pain medication

, so we had to make sure that we had no surprise babies.
With all the symptoms I have been having I can already tell this little one will be a hand full. I have had sore breasts, headaches, backaches, and cramping, and the embarrassing symptoms bloating and gas. I will be happy with either sex, but I would love to have a little girl first. Of course my husband is the opposite and would love a little boy first. My due date is 3 days after my birthday in March. March is a busy month for my family, we have at least 8 b-days that month.
My husband and I have 2 dogs, they are both Toy Fox Terriers, and their names are Lucy and Butters. Butters is named after my favorite South Park character (not sure if those in you in the UK know what that show is, but it is funny

Besides me, my husband, and you ladies on the forum, no one knows yet about the pregnancy. We want to keep it to ourselves, at least until after our first appointment when we get to hear the heartbeat, and that is on Aug 17th
Don't worry Beccy, I like to talk (type) a lot as well