*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

Well seems that I have killed the thread!! I'll try to revive it by saying I've had very little spotting at all today, so FX all is well.

How's the rest of my buddies doing? What symptoms are we all experiencing? Xx

I am exhausted. I could barely make it through the grocery store, then my poor husband had to carry everything in and put it away because I was too tired. I have also been experiencing headaches, backaches, queasiness.
I'm here :) glad your spotting has eased.
I've had a good day out enjoying the sunshine but am exhausted now. All symptoms still seem to have vanished.
Hi everyone, I'm soooooo tired but all other symptoms seem to have gone for the moment- oh apart from the mood swings! Don't seem to be getting lightheaded much at all now and had a few bouts of nausea yesterday but it could have been car sickness as we went to the coast for the day. The tiredness is so hard to push through, my DH has been amazing over the weekend with DS and helping out with housework.

So glad you've had less spotting Ruth and you can hopefully get some reassurance on Thursday at your appointment with the midwife.

I am really wondering whether I'm going to get MS this time- came on at 6 weeks with DS but apart from a couple of days of nausea a week ago I've hardly had anything yet. Fingers crossed :)
Mrs W - Hope everything's ok with you and that you haven't had any/much more :hugs:

Babymabey - I'm glad it's not just me that is so exhausted! I swear OH thinks i'm putting it on a bit just so I don't have to do as much :haha:

Bec - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you about the MS lol

As for me, so tired all the time, backache (but more around the back of my hips iykwim?), decrease in appetite; i'd rather pick at things, no nausea as of yet :thumbup:

Hope everyone had a nice weekend x
Thanks Laura, I'm the same as you really- no appetite and really tired. Nice to know others at the same stage who feel the same. I hate having so long to wait before knowing everything is ok...midwife appointment on Thursday so at least that will make it all feel real! DH is being so good this time- was useless when I was pg with DS- well he had his moments but on the whole he is being so much better this time :)

How about you ladies, how are your OH's being?

How are you Ruth? Any more spotting today? Really hope it has eased off or at least stayed brown. Remember it can be a normal part of pregnancy, you just need to get some reassurance. Hope it's not too long before that happens. When do you come back from holiday?

Hope everyone is good :)
My OH's being quite good, although he still doesn't really believe it :haha:

I just wish he would stop listening to his parents :growlmad: I hate to say it but I don't really think MIL is too happy about it. Anything she says is sort of on the negative side :roll:

She keeps telling him not to buy a single thing until after 12 weeks cause "you never know" :growlmad:

There is a chance that it could be twins (lots of twins in OHs family and one set in mine) and all she had to say was "well I hope it's not cause it's really hard. I hope you only have one" - I felt like saying "we are up to the job you know, we wouldn't be here if we weren't!" :dohh: Oh also she asked if it was an "accident" :growlmad: Who asks that?! I can tell me and her will fall out before this baby is born, she's not a very nice woman (and she drinks a lot - but that's another story :roll:)

I just can't wait to get to 12 weeks and to have the scan to show OH so that it makes it feel real for him iykwim? Like, i've missed the period, i've done the tests, i'm tired etc. For him, nothing is changing yet apart from my mood swings :haha: xx
Laura, sounds like your MIL is being a bit of a nightmare TBH. I bet she soon changes her tune once LO is here!!

I'm pretty tired too, fell asleep at about 8:30 last night but had a very fitful night so not feeling any better for it. Just glad to be on holiday at the moment and not to have to work for another 6 weeks!!! Poor DH, felt sorry for him last night sat all alone watching TV with me snoring on the couch. I said sorry for being bad company but he just smiled and said he remembers how tired I was last time so he's prepared for it!!

Spotting has all but gone, just a very small amount today and more of an orangey colour(?!) but really it's just tinged CM now. Still going to ask my GP to refer me for am early scan though, just to be sure.

Bec we're back from hols on Fri. We were going to come home on Weds but decided to stay a little longer so I've pushedy appointment back until Mon. Although my appointment is only with GP, I won't see a MW until about 11 weeks and that will be for my booking in appointment. Good luck with your MW on Thursday, is it for booking in or just a check? Xx
Sorry to hear that Laura- it's hard enough when anyone is negative- let alone MIL :( sounds like you've been a bit unlucky there. Hope she does improve, if not, I find the best way to respond is just to be really positive back, she's just trying to bring you down so show her it isn't working :)

Glad spotting has pretty much gone Ruth, you must be relieved and hopefully your appointment with dr will be good. Yes my appointment with the midwife is my booking in appointment so just lots of paperwork etc but will definitely make it all feel real :)

11 weeks seems quite late for booking in, I guess different areas have different policies. My surgery do them between 6-8 weeks. When do all you other ladies have yours?
Hi all
I am exhausted today have spent the whole day out with the two girls I look after and haven't sat down for more than 5 mins.
I have a slight ache in my pelvis tonight but hoping it's just trapped wind as I am pretty bloated too.
I think my surgery does them around 8 weeks, although i'm not too sure as i'm still waiting for the bloody midwife to call me back. I called them last Wednesday :growlmad:

I keep getting a ache/pain sort of near my lady parts :wacko: It only happens when I bend over sometimes and it's a sort of stitch crossed with a feeling like when a belt digs into your belly :shrug: Is this normal/ok?

It sounds a bit like round ligament pain but I'm not sure when that is supposed to start. 8 weeks is reasonable but for the midwife not to have rung you back in nearly a week- I'd be trying again if I were you.

I have been cramping today which is normal I know but I've hardly had any so far this pregnancy so it's worrying me a little. Nothing else out of the ordinary but symptoms seem to be wearing off a bit. Hope all is well- I'm such a worrier!
I feel fine too just weeing loads today and so very tired at night.
Have got my docs appointment tomorrow so looking forward to that. :)
I've really not had much in the way of symptoms at all, other than the spotting and tender breasts. I've not been too tired if I'm honest and haven't felt overly nauseaus. I had really bad cramps last time around but I've just had a few mild AF type pains. Really hope everything is ok! I'm a worrier too! Xx
Thanks ladies, you've really reassured me. I can't remember how I was at this point with DS so it's easy to worry. I am tired but not at all as tired as I have been but that's probably my body getting used to the HCG- hopefully :) silly me! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow Jen. I'm looking forward to 2nd tri when all this gets a bit easier.
Thanks Bec. TBH today I wouldn't have known I was pregnant I have eaten a great diet, had a spring in my step, no aches, no tiredness. I have a feeling it's going to hit me hard at some point.
So, just a thought and if you don't like it then just say, but seen as though we've all pretty much buddied up and are already giving ECG other loads of much needed support, how about we get to know each other a little better? Just tell each other a little about ourselves so we know each other a little better. I know this is a public forum that anyone can see so if anyone feels uncomfortable doing so then that is totally understandable.

I shall begin. My name us Ruth, I am 31 and a PT primary school teacher. Before I had my first LO I was being prepped by the head teacher to take on the roll if Deputy Head but as soon as he was born I just knew my priorities had changed. I now work three days a week and have managed to keep my place on the Senior Leadership Team but my Frankie is my number one priority. I am married to Lloyd who I met 10 years ago in a bar in Ibiza. He is from Surrey and within 6 months of us meeting he had moved up to Bradford (where I live) and we had a house together. We got married three days before Christmas in 2009 on the snowiest day of the year and on New Year's Eve (9 days later!) we discovered that I was pregnant, which wasn't exactly a shock as we had stopped using protection after my December period but neither of us expected it to be quite so quick! My pregnancy was straight forward, the labour was long (47 hours) and in the end I needed the help of Ventouse to turn my baby as he was back to back. After that it was plain sailing for us. Frankie is angelic although us just beginning to experiment with the Terrible Twos! This pregnancy was also very much wanted and we fell lucky on our second cycle. So far I have had a little spotting (as you know) but apart from sore boobs and a little tiredness that is all. I am not bothered at all what sex our baby is, I can convince myself that either would be fabulous! I wish for a happy, healthy baby and a much shorter labour!!!

Ok, who's next?? Xx
What a great idea Ruth, I don't mind going next! Love the fact you met your DH in a bar in Ibiza btw ;)

Well, I am Beccy and I am 28. I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2005 and after the first few months of incredibly hard work, I decided I wanted to travel before fully settling into my career and 'life'! So I took a year out and travelled to Singapore, then Australia where I lived and worked for 10 months as well as travelling all around. I then travelled New Zealand. When I came home I relocated to Canterbury to be near my sister who was at uni there- after my adventure I wasn't ready to go back to living at home! Towards the end of my year I decided to join match.com to see what talent was lurking back home (lol!) and came back for 4 dates (in one week!!) My hubby was the last of my four dates and I spent every weekend travelling back to date him for 3 months before moving home. After a couple of months and a few holidays together his room at his mum's flooded so he came to live with me at my mum's.

We then bought a house together several months later, married a year and a half later and got pregnant on our 4th cycle of trying. We have a lovely home, 2 cats- Jessie and Jasper and Josh is our world :) He was born on his due date, which was the day before our first wedding anniversary! This time we were very lucky to conceive his brother or sister on our 1st cycle this time. We always wanted two close together so I had already handed in my resignation before Josh was even born. I love being a stay at home mummy and have recently undertaken online tutoring which is great as I can keep a hand in but I do it around my schedule. (Which I can cut down if this pregnancy gets too much)

It is my little boy's first birthday in two and a half weeks so I have lots of planning to keep me busy. I already made and sent in a card for him to c-beebies which I'm hoping gets shown, will be recording it on his 1st year video tape (DVD) we are making :)

That's me in a nutshell...I can really talk as you can tell...or type anyway!!
Wow, all that traveling!! I had always fancied Oz and NZ but never got round to it. Maybe when we're retired DH and I will do it!! Do you get told if your card will be on CBeebies? If so you'll have to tell us when so we can all watch and cheer!! Xx
Definitely a great idea Ruth! :happydance:

My name is Stephanie, I am 26 years old. I do not have a job as I will be a stay at home mom, but I do have a degree in Sociology and Psychology. I am married to Brady, who is a Chemical Engineer. Though we have only been married 5 months, we have been together for 8 and 1/2 years. This will be our first baby and was definitely planned. Because I have severe arthritis and disk degeneration I have to take pain medication :cry:, so we had to make sure that we had no surprise babies.
With all the symptoms I have been having I can already tell this little one will be a hand full. I have had sore breasts, headaches, backaches, and cramping, and the embarrassing symptoms bloating and gas. I will be happy with either sex, but I would love to have a little girl first. Of course my husband is the opposite and would love a little boy first. My due date is 3 days after my birthday in March. March is a busy month for my family, we have at least 8 b-days that month.
My husband and I have 2 dogs, they are both Toy Fox Terriers, and their names are Lucy and Butters. Butters is named after my favorite South Park character (not sure if those in you in the UK know what that show is, but it is funny:thumbup:)
Besides me, my husband, and you ladies on the forum, no one knows yet about the pregnancy. We want to keep it to ourselves, at least until after our first appointment when we get to hear the heartbeat, and that is on Aug 17th :happydance:

Don't worry Beccy, I like to talk (type) a lot as well :hugs:
Yes Stephanie we have South Park here, it's very popular. When we found out we were having a boy first time round, Lloyd wanted to call him Stewie after Stewie Griffin in Family Guy!! We love our American comedy cartoons in our house!! Xx

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