*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

Wow I bet that's tiresome!

I have a question ladies.. when I spoke to my midwife, she said the appointment would be about an hour long. What will she be doing for an hour? :wacko: x
She will weigh you, take blood samples, test your urine, ask you loads of questions about your medical history, book you any appointments you might need to have at hospital in the future (anti-d, GTT etc). Even so, an hour seems a long time! Hope it goes well x x
She'll go through your medical history as well as family history on both sides, she'll take blood samples, do your blood pressure, fill in paperwork, take a urine sample, asks about birth plan, breastfeeding etc...that's all I can remember- there's probably more I've forgotten.

Ruth I think that is definitely a good sign :)

Jen I hope you're coping ok, I feel your pain, was feeling nauseas this morning and do shattered I had a nap at 1.30 when DS went down. Got an hour in, wish I'd had more. I'm grateful though as I obviously couldn't nap easily when pg with DS as was working. Sometimes I'd go home and nap before dinner lol. Was up in the night a couple of times and took me ages to get back to sleep because I felt so sick :(

Off to my mum's soon so at least I can get a bit of help there and i'm having dinner there too :) DH will have to sort himself out later. Felt a bit bad actually cos he got in from work at 7.45 last night and then made us both dinner while I was lying on the sofa! Honestly if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be eating some nights as I'm just too tired to bother- doesn't help I have no appetite either. Anyway, I'm rambling...hurry up 1st tri, I don't like you, bring it on 2nd tri (so long to wait...at least I have you ladies :) )
Hello ladies. It has been a few days since I popped in to say hello :wave:

Things have been going great with me so far. I still have some cramping but my doc assured me that everything should be good because there hasn't been any bleeding with the cramps. I still have headaches and backaches, but my breasts have stopped hurting :happydance: mine too feel like rocks. I also have to pee constantly and get a little nauseous around certain smells :( and I can't forget feeling exhausted after doing most things.

I am so nervous, we haven't told anyone yet (just you ladies here), we want to wait until at least our 8 week appointment which is in exactly 3 weeks :happydance: We have a family get together that we have to attend tomorrow and I am not sure how it is going to go. I am very bloated, I have to pee all the time and my boobs have went up at least a cup size. I am terrified that someone will notice and make a comment about it, and because I am a horrible liar I'm afraid I will give something away.

Any-who, it is good to hear that things are going well for you all as well :hugs: I have my fingers crossed that all our little beans sprout to beautiful babies without complication :)
Thank you! Ugh not looking forward to the bloods :( Quite a needle phobia :wacko: Will have to ask T if there's any medical things in his family I need to know about :thumbup: x
Good morning everyone! Hope you're all well and enjoyed the Olympics opening ceremonies? I managed to stay awake to see it all!!

Soooo . . . Frankie has chicken pox! I rang the EPAU as I have no MW yet but they said as long as I've already had it, baby is at no risk. So I've got a weekend of stopping my boy scratching himself to look forward to!! What's everyone else got planned? X
Good Morning.

Oh no to the Chicken Pox I would recommend Piriton, Calamine Cream and a porridge oat bath (put the oats in tights and run under the tap).

I didn't manage to stay awake last night but sky+ and have just watched it this morning.
Not much planned today OH plays cricket on saturdays so I get left home alone.
Tomorrow we are off to see the Red Arrows at the beach.
Thanks Jennie! Have never heard of the porridge bath but will defo be doing that. We daubed him in calamine last night and gave him a dose of Piriton but as he's not yet 2 we are limited to how much we can give him, just 2.5ml twice a day! I haven't noticed him scratching but the area around the spots is bright red so I guess they are really itching him! He keeps saying, "Got spots!" poor man :-(

Enjoy the red arrows! Xx
Just had my letter through for my midwife appointment (I was expecting a call to arrange an appointment). I can't blooming well make it due to work!!!!

O well guess I will have to give them a call on Monday to re arrange it.
Oh your poor little man Ruth, hope they clear up soon and don't get too bad. Yes I watched the first couple of hours of the Olympics ceremony last night but fell asleep for the last bit.

Today we've been to two first birthday parties- one this morning and one this afternoon. I am knackered! Spent most of the time chasing after Josh as he can walk and of course no one knew I was pregnant so couldn't say anything. I'm home having a lie down now :)

Jennie you are entitled to time off for all your antenatal appointments- did you not want work to know just yet? We were lucky before as midwife came on a Sunday so we were both home and didn't have to worry about work. I told my boss when I was 10 weeks so she made sure I was covered for my scan and all other appointments etc.

Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday anyway :)
I'm having a very lazy Saturday and feel guilty for it :(.

Bec it's not possible for me to get time off at such short notice ( i normally have to give 12 weeks lol). Both my employers are Doctors so they can't get the time off either and plus i'm yet to tell them.
I will just re arrange appointment for when I'm not working.
Oh yeah I forgot you're a nanny, suppose it's a bit different to a 'normal' job. Hopefully once you tell them they'll be understanding about your future appointments as you obviously won't be able to give 12 weeks notice.
I am feeling kind of crappy today:cry:. I am cramping a little again, so I am now anxious when I have to use the bathroom because I am terrified I am going to see blood:cry:. It is amazing how attached to this pregnancy I already am. I know cramps are normal, but that doesn't help me completely rationalize my fear of losing my little bean[-o<. Anyone else feeling like this?
Aw Stephanie, I was exactly the same first time round. I had pretty bad cramps and had spotting last time too so was super worried. TBH I think I would probably be the same this time too but I just have such little time to actually think about it as I kept too busy by my little boy.

Frankie has come out with even more spots but seems to be just fine. He has eaten really well today and his appetite is normally the first thing to go when he's feeing unwell so I guess he must be ok.

Bec, Joshua must be a pretty early walker! Frankie only started crawling at 11 months, wasn't walking til 14 months!!

Jennie I hope you're enjoying your lazy Sarurday and manage to rearrange your appt xx
I am feeling kind of crappy today:cry:. I am cramping a little again, so I am now anxious when I have to use the bathroom because I am terrified I am going to see blood:cry:. It is amazing how attached to this pregnancy I already am. I know cramps are normal, but that doesn't help me completely rationalize my fear of losing my little bean[-o<. Anyone else feeling like this?

I was feeling like this but it seems to have passed at the moment.
I seem to have gone off eating anything remotely healthy I really love my fruit but at the moment i've got a job to put it near my mouth. As a result it's making me quite constipated :(
Yes Ruth he was crawling at 8 months, walking at 10 and a half. He's always been very motivated to get up and go and loves to explore- he's so curious about everything. He really keeps me on my toes- especially today- so exhausted now! Glad Frankie seems ok with his chicken pox, hopefully it'll stay that way.

Stephanie I felt a lot like that last time and still worry now, I think it's perfectly natural to worry about losing something that means so much to you. We are totally not in control which makes it harder. What you have to remember is that it is more likely that everything will go well and that you will have a healthy baby born at the end of your pregnancy. It gets so much easier after that first scan and after the 12 weeks of first tri.
Also, I was on here when pg with DS with 8 or so other women- we all had healthy babies at the end- no complications for any of us :)
OMG I'm having a complete emotional melt down today :( everything seems to be going wrong and I lose it when it does, I feel so low like I just wanna hide in a hole for the day and not see anyone. I'm behind with housework and washing which is now overwhelming me and I just feel crap :( sorry ladies I just didn't know where else to turn, I've had mood swings before but this is ridiculous. I was up in the night with DS and felt so sick again I couldn't get back to sleep so I ended up going downstairs and having a clementine to help settle my tummy, was up for a couple of hours and now I'm so tired which isn't helping. My DH has taken DS to the zoo to get out my way I think, I've got mum and stepdad coming over to help with gardening before DS's birthday party and I honestly just want to be on my own now but it needs doing :(

Sorry, I hope I haven't bought anyone else down, just really needed to let it out x
Aw mate, I was very similar yesterday. The house a mess and I just seemed to be getting no where fast. I was Soooo grumpy and I knew I was being unreasonable but couldn't help it :-( I recommend that you have a good nap, your mum knows you're pg so will understand and you'll feel so much better afterwards. Big hugs to you x x x xxx
Thank you hun, my mum gave me a hug and I made us all tea which helped a bit then I've just got some jobs done and I'm going out for lunch with them soon, they've just gone home to get cleaned up. So feeling a bit better, especially now the garden is looking so much better. Think I need a nap later or an early night, need a decent sleep. Thanks again Ruth x

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