*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

I had a little bit of a break down this morning as well. I woke up to go to the bathroom and noticed some blood:-(. I tried to breath and rationalize that it is normal but that didn't help, I decided to wake my husband up to talk to him and all I could do was cry :cry:. After 30 minutes of research I know that it is very common for this to happen, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to rush to the emergency room to make sure everything is okay. 8-[

I too have been putting off most housework, I have just been too tired and crampy to want to deal with it. I have a weeks worth of laundry to put away, and go grocery shopping, but right now all I want to do is go back to bed and pray everything is okay with my little bean.

I hope everyone's day gets better and that everything turns out great :thumbup:
:hugs: Stephanie, yes a bit of spotting can be normal but until you know for sure I think we would all freak out. Hope you're ok, are you going to try to get a doctors appointment tomorrow? The laundry etc can wait and hopefully you have some food to keep you going. I don't think it does any harm to sometimes just get through the day and forget everything else.

I have just had a 2 hour nap- a broken one but at least I got some sleep. I feel a big better for it but my DH is not being too understanding of my emotional state so that's not really helping. He is sorting DS out though so at least that's something.

What a weekend we're all having- hope Laura and Jennie have had better Sundays than us!
:hugs: Stephanie, yes a bit of spotting can be normal but until you know for sure I think we would all freak out. Hope you're ok, are you going to try to get a doctors appointment tomorrow? The laundry etc can wait and hopefully you have some food to keep you going. I don't think it does any harm to sometimes just get through the day and forget everything else.

I have put in a call to the on-call doc and hopefully they get back to be soon so I know what to do. I hope they can get me in tomorrow to get a look at things and make sure everything is okay. My husband is here and trying to be supportive but he just keeps telling me "even if it is the worst, there is nothing we can do about it, so just keep calm, and do everything you normally would to keep the little bean healthy, and think positive." I love him, but that is not what I want to hear right now, I want him to understand why I am freaking out and wanting to cry every second.
It's the cramps that worry me the most, but I have had them since I found out I was pregnant, so over a week, so I am not sure if they are just those continuing cramps, or something worse.
I want to talk to my sister because I remember she had spotting when she was pregnant, but we have decided not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until we know that everything is okay and progressing properly.

I am glad that I have you ladies to talk to, I would be going crazy right now if I didn't.
Yeah that's how I felt earlier Stephanie, it's do good to have each other to confide in and get support from each other. I really hope everything is ok, glad you've got in touch with someone. I know your DH isn't saying quite what you want to hear but just remember he is probably freaking out too but trying to stay strong for you. He loves you hun, and like most of our men they try to be there and be supportive but they don't always get it quite right :hugs: do whatever feels right now- rest, nap, keep busy- whatever helps. Thinking of you x
Evening all sorry to hear that you are all feeling rough today :(
I've had a much better day today OH took me to the seaside to see the Red Arrows and we had an amazing day out. I'm exhausted now as we walked miles but it was worth it.

Back to work tomorrow the weekend goes way too quickly.
Stephanie try not to panic. In my first pregnancy I had really bad cramps from the day after my BFP which were so bad they even woke me up in the night once or twice. I also had spotting for three weeks (week 5-8 ish) even with a day of bright red blood but it was all fine in the end. I had an early scan at 6+5 and we saw out baby's heartbeat. But my DH was exactly the same as yours, he was lovely and took great care of me but he is/was too pragmatic and also said there was pretty much nothing we could do about it which is true but really not what you want to hear from the only other person who knows you are pregnant and who you can talk to. I'm sure you will be fine but you should ring the EPAU and ask if you need to be referred by your GP for a scan due to cramps and bleeding or if you can self refer. My EPAU told me when I rang last weekabout my spotting that all bleeding needs to be investigated but that they won't scan until I'm 7 weeks and that I can't self refer as I did last time, my GP will need to do it. Please let us know how you get on xxx

Becs I'm so glad you are feeling a little better and itotally hear you about DHs not understanding our lack of emotional control!! Lloyd is generally pretty good but after my super grumpy day yesterday he was pretty pee'd off with me last night because I'd been so awful all day! Something for me to try and work on I think as one of the most prevalent memories I have from my last pregnancy are of us two arguing a LOT and me spending a lot of time in tears over the most ridiculous things! Don't fancy another 8 months of that!

AFM my boy's pox have gotten worse :-( he looks awful. Some of them are do red and sore looking that I'm wondering if they are infected. He slept with us last night (and I use the word "slept" very loosely!) he wasn't crying but his sleep wa so fitful and he just wanted to be on top of either me or Lloyd so neither of us slept. At one point he decided to comendere Lloyd's pillow and was pointing at the floor saying, "Daddy there!" he had just short of three hours sleep this afternoon which would have been a great chance for me and Lloyd to catch up on our sleep (which Lloyd did!) but after a brief cat nap I was woken by his cries over the monitor so I went into his room and sat with him laid on my chest like he did when he was tiny while he slept for another 2.5 hours. I was sooooo uncomfortable and desperate for a wee but I knew how much he needed that sleep so I just let my ass go numb and tried to think of something other than the loo; i didn't even have my reading book! He's in his own bed asleep right now so FX he manages to stay there all night as I am in real need of a good sleep tonight!
Oh so sorry for your LO Ruth, poor little darling. Such a mummy sacrifice you made to put comforting him before your own sleep/needs- what a wonderful mummy you are :) really hope he turns a corner soon. The 'daddy there' pointing at the floor made me laugh! Must be so funny when they can talk and communicate like that. Josh can say dada and had a good try at hello today but that is all- he's more bothered about getting around and exploring than talking!
It was pretty funny actually, even at 4 o'clock this morning!!! It's so strange when they can communicate. Frankie didn't really start with recognisable words regularly until he was about 18 months old and probably only just over the last three or four weeks has he started to make his own little sentences. On holiday I finished a cuppa and put it on the table and he picked it up and said, "All gone Mummy's tea!" Lloyd and I were gob smacked!!! That was a four word sentence!! Ha ha, gotta love 'em!! X
Hi ladies :flower: Sorry i've not been on much but I only come on here through the week when i'm at work - don't really get time/chance when i'm at home on a weekend :nope:

Ruth - Hope little Frankie's doing ok :hugs: My friends little girl had them not so long ago and she's just under 2 - it made her so poorly and looked so sorry for herself as there was nothing she could do. Hope you managed to get a better night's sleep last night!

Jen - How strange that you got a letter and not a call? Hope you managed to re-arrange it! I'm glad it's not just me that only wants bad, fatty foods at the minute :blush: Glad you had a nice weekend!

Babymabey - Hope you're feeling better and that you've managed to speak with someone or get in at the doctors to ease your worries a little

Bec - Sorry you had such a crappy day :hugs: Hope things got better for you as the day went on! T keeps saying "oh, you're in a bad mood again?" Really? Why would you say that to someone, even if they're in a bad mood - especially a pregnant woman! :haha:

AFM - nothing really new to report :shrug: I have been bitten to death over the weekend, mostly on one side of my body though, I tend to sleep on my right side so all my left side has bites down it :haha: Had quite a relaxing weekend for a change, didn't have any plans and therefore wasn't rushing around :thumbup:
The last couple of nights i've noticed that my boobs really hurt when I turn over in the middle of the night.. they feel so heavy and I have to sort of hold them as I turn over.. if that makes sense? They don't really hurt in the day, just a little tender.
Got my midwife appointment tomorrow, i'm strangely excited :haha: My mum's coming with me cause she's picking me up from work.

Hope everyone else managed to enjoy their Sunday :flower:
Well after thinking I was getting away lightly with pg symptoms they appear to have bitten me squarly on the bottom today!! I feel lousy!!! Can't wait for Frankie's nap time so I can get some shut eye too, or maybe just sit with my head next to the toilet bowl!

Went to docs this morning to inform them of my pregnancy. Told him about the spotting and he rang the EPAU who said to see what's going in this time next week. If I've had anymore spotting or am having pains they will scan me but otherwise I am advised to take another pregnancy test this time next week and then just wait to hear from the hospital for my normal dating scan! I suppose I'm glad that they aren't sufficiently concerned to want to see me but I am confused as to why the lady I spoke to said that all bleeding should be investigated and that thy would want to see me at 7 weeks. Hey ho.

Whilst I was there I had the doc look at Frankie and he has bring given some antibiotics as a few of his spots look a little infected. He also told me I can give him the piriton three times a day instead of two so that should help. X
Hello everyone hope you are all ok today.

I've not had a too bad a day my boss has been on nights over the weekend so surprised me this morning by saying she needs me for a couple of hours tomorrow then I can have the rest of the week off.

Tried to phone Midwife to change appointment, she wasn't available so now have to wait for her to call be back.
Been feeling quite sick this afternoon and absolutely exhausted.

Laura - Good luck for tomorrow.

Ruth - Hope the bites are easing and glad you got some Antibiotics for the Chicken Pox.

Bec - Hope you are ok today.
Hi ladies, feeling a bit better again today thank you.

Laura- good luck for your appointment with the midwife tomorrow :) and yes why do men say such silly things- especially to pg women?!

Ruth- I hope you are ok after your appointment and that is was the reassurance you wanted rather than worrying you more that you have to wait? Sure it's a good sign they are not too worried but that may not stop you feeling anxious about it all. Glad Frankie got some antibiotics and hope the spots clear up soon. Sorry you're feeling worse but at least all your symptoms are a good sign.

Jen- lucky you getting the rest of the week off :) wish I did! (off looking after DS of course as that is my 'job') although I also have 2 online tutoring sessions this week too. Enjoy :)

Stephanie- still thinking of you hun and hope you are ok x

Not much going on for me, same old really. Going to see one of my pregnant friends tomorrow and it's going to be horrible that I can't tell. Will just get excited about her pregnancy, she finds out boy or girl on Wed. Could do without the tutoring and am thinking of finishing it once I've done all the little boy's sessions. Can always pick it up again in 2nd tri but at the moment it's the last thing I want to be doing. Had a better night last night, still disturbed but no nausea. Managed to make dinner tonight do DH is happy and he came home early and has bathed DS and got him ready for bed :) such a relief when I get some help :)
Bec how did you start the online tutoring? Does it pay well? Sounds like a good idea to try and get some extra pennies before another year off work! Glad you managed a better night last night!

Jen what a lovely surprise getting the rest of the week off! Relax and enjoy!

Hope you're all well x
Stephanie- still thinking of you hun and hope you are ok x

Thank you:hugs:, unfortunately I found out this morning that I did have a miscarriage :cry: I think I am still in a bit of shock right now. :shock:

Anyway, I don't want to bring down anyone's day. I hope all is going well for you ladies, and I hope that you all have happy, healthy pregnancies and little babies. :hugs: :hugs:
Stephanie- still thinking of you hun and hope you are ok x

Thank you:hugs:, unfortunately I found out this morning that I did have a miscarriage :cry: I think I am still in a bit of shock right now. :shock:

Anyway, I don't want to bring down anyone's day. I hope all is going well for you ladies, and I hope that you all have happy, healthy pregnancies and little babies. :hugs: :hugs:

So So sorry to hear this hun :cry:
Stephanie- still thinking of you hun and hope you are ok x

Thank you:hugs:, unfortunately I found out this morning that I did have a miscarriage :cry: I think I am still in a bit of shock right now. :shock:

Anyway, I don't want to bring down anyone's day. I hope all is going well for you ladies, and I hope that you all have happy, healthy pregnancies and little babies. :hugs: :hugs:

So so sorry hun. Just take time to rest and come to terms with everything that has happened. You 're not bringing anyone down hun, we started out together and we're all here for you if you need a :hugs: you're welcome here anytime but we understand of course if it's too hard for you. Sending lots of :hugs: and wishing you all the best xxx
Aw Stephanie that's so sad. Really thinking of you Hun xxxx
Hi ladies :flower:

Firstly, Stephanie i'm so sorry hun and I hope you are ok x

Jen - Hope you managed to get hold of the midwife, I don't understand why they're so hard to get hold of :growlmad: Yay for week off work though!

Well i've just told work that I need to leave at 2pm. I just said that my doctors had rang and asked if I could come in this afternoon, he didn't ask why and I didn't volunteer an answer. This way i'm not lying about where i'm going and he isn't likely to ask what the problem is when I get back :thumbup: I don't know whether to go back to work after my appointment though, who wants to go back to work for an hour? :shrug:

Hope everyone's ok xx
Afternoon all.

Hope all went well this afternoon Laura.

No word from the Midwife yet I have a feeling I'm going to have to start chasing her. It's a pain really because you phone up to book an appointment and because it's an hour one the midwife has to book me in!!!!
If I've not heard anything by Friday I will be on the phone again.

Looking forward to me next few days off although I have a 9 year old coming to stay but she's very easy going and we will be doing lots of girly stuff.

Hope everyone is ok today? I'm feeling quite sick had to dash to the bathroom yesterday but thankfully nothing came up. I've suddenly stopped liking Tea had one today and felt quite sick drinking it. Luckily I still like my coffee but limit myself to one a day.
Hi! This is my first! I have my first ob appointment friday, and a US in two weeks from then. I am nervous and excited. I dont know what to expect.. but so far just really tired n hot (its hot here though). My due date is March 24th or so...

I am excited for so many others with the same due date time frame!!

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