Knocked Up Naughties

What beautiful Naughties babies!!! They are gorge Blondie and Tori, you must be very proud mothers.
Wow, Blondie your labour sounds super quick for your first child. I hope the TENS and Gas and air hit the spot.

30 weeks tomorrow and bump has been kicking up a storm today. Midwife tomorrow too for the routine check up. Everyone keeps saying how small I am so I really hope all measurements come back ok. I feel huge compared to usual though and it is starting to get a little frustrating everyone thinking it is ok to say how small I am. Anyho, rant over.

Take care you Naughties.
Hey ladies.

aww Orry is gorgeous Tori. is it strange having a little boy after being used to looking after a baby girl? i was only saying to DH yesterday that it will be strange changing a nappy with a willy after being used to changing a girl :rofl: :rofl:

Glad BP is under control Beth and congrats on 37 weeks :happydance:

Msmith - i kind of know how you feel. i keep getting told i'm huge for how many weeks i am but i'm measuring exactly right. as long as LO is ok bump size doesn't really matter.

can't remember anything else as i have very bad pregnancy brain today. DH found the teabags in the fridge earlier :doh:

everything going quite smoothly for me at the moment. i've started washing baby clothes and arranging them into chest of drawers. nursery is still not done which is starting to stress me out a little bit as i don't want to get the moses basket, carseat, swinging chair etc out of the loft until its done as i will need to store everything in there until pudding arrives. i've told DH i want everything ready by the time i hit 37 weeks. I'm picking my mum up on Monday so she can come to my house and watch DD so i can get started. will be so much more relaxed when its done.
Hi Ladies

Just sat here enjoying a nice Baileys over ice whilst Daddy takes over cuddle duty - Zara has been an absolute angel so far :)

Right let me think what I needed to reply to:

TENS - Beth, I thought it was good though probably not as effective on me as didn't have gradual pain build up but I'm glad it was there whether I noticed it at the time or not - to be honest I really can't remember what I was feeling at the time that well - it really is true :)

Feel like I have ran a marathon this morning - nobody prepares you for how knackered your arm and legs are over the next few days but I suppose with all that pushing and gripping it's not surprising - but something that took me a bit of time to figure why it hurt so much - long hot showers are to die for right now :)

Breast feeding seems to be going ok, Zara seems content but my milk must be coming in now as boobs have doubled in size today and are getting a bit warm and tender now so will have to keep an eye on that.

MW came out this morning and declared Zara to be practically perfect in every way - though I am biassed :rofl: Just been reading my discharge notes and had to laugh at these times written on there:

membrane to birth 1:24 (didnt go until I was fully dilated)
first stage 0:45
2nd stage 2:05
third stage 0:05

Looks like I was a bionic woman according to that - I've been warned for baby number 2 I should maybe have a homebirth pack to hand to be on the safe side :rofl: :rofl:

Beth - sounds like things are looking good to go for you, won't be long now I reckon :)
Glad everything is going well for you blondie. those times made me chuckle too. i thought my first labour was fast at 5 hours but you beat me there :rofl:

good to hear Zara is taking well to BF congrats.
Aw, Blondie, sounds like things are going well! Are you getting any sleep? How long is your DH home from work?:thumbup:

Flower, try not to stress too much, you'll definitely feel better when the nursery is done. That being said, i never manage to put Harper's clothes away, they are sitting in a laundry basket on the floor of her room!:dohh:

MsSmith, I'm sure baby is measuring perfectly, look at Blondie and how small she was, and Zara was a great weight!:hugs:

Beth, sounds like the midwife went well, glad bp is normal. I think Callum is on his way out soon, sounds like he's in a good position. And am I right that tomorrow is your Birthday, missy?:winkwink:

:hugs: to all the rest of you!

Well, Harps went to the doctor yesterday, and did great! She weighs 9lbs and 1oz:hugs:, and is 22 inches long. The doctor said she is "perfect", and her reflexes are that of a 3 month old baby. :cloud9: My little girl is a genius, I just know it!:haha:
afternoon ladies.

30 weeks on sunday, im starting to freak out :rofl: getting started with the washing of baby bits next week and getting my hospital bag packed before xmas JUST incase.
go harper :happydance: your obviously doing a fab job with her cait.

im hoping callum is getting sorted to come early, i was having loads of Bh last night, im hoping my reflexology appointment next week is gonna kick start something.

im going for a pedicure tom as a birthday prezzie from my gran, im looking forward to being pampered a bit and having nice looking toes ready for delivery.

im going to mum and dads for tea tonight as its my dads birthday today (yes my mum was in labour all of my dads birthday with me, what a prezzie eh?) so im looking forward to stew and dumplings for tea. yum yum. try to fatten callum up a bit as i think he is gonna be on the small side going by my measurements.
Oooh Harper is doing really well Caitlen - you must be an excellent mum :)

We are lucky in that DH has paternity leave for 2 weeks now but he is a teacher and so when paternity leave ends he will have 2 days back in school and then they break up for the christmas holidays for another 2 and a half weeks so aside from those 2 days he has almost 5 weeks off with us - excellent timing :)

Just been out by myself this morning as wanted to go and buy some thinner pads and some better knickers and didn't think dH would appreciate being sent to buy them so I fed Zara, drove to shopping centre for an hour or so whilst DH stayed at home with baby - felt very strange to be out and about, a bit sore walking but what a relief to be able to leave the house for more than 5 minutes without needing the toilet - my god I'd forgotten how nice it is not needing the loo all the time and being able to have a piddle worth doing :rofl: :rofl:

DH full of cold at moment so just sent him off to bed with a lemsip :( Hope he doesn't give it to me or Zara
now see blondie, you have a very clever daughter there, thats why she came a week late so daddy could be there longer to lend a hand.
Evening ladies; I can't beleive how fast this time is going now and ou ladies are getting so close to the big day ( i know it may not feel it to some but it is honestly)

Beth hun: it's time for plan eviction at last :happydance:, RLT, clary sage, Birthing ball, should be part of your plan hun, keep me updated tho if anything happens.

Blondie: you lucky thing losing weight after birth is not part of any of the books i read and i'm a prime example of what does happen (that will be another stone i have to lose :haha:)

Caitlenc: I can't beleive your seahorse is a month old istill think you me and blondie are in the same time line with giving birth but your 3+ weeks ahea dof us lol, with regards to sleep, at the moment Orry is up all night and sleeps all day so its lots of :coffee: and lack of :sleep: but i'm loving every min of it (ask me this question this time next month and it may be a little diffrent lol

Samzi, I didn't do my bag until 36 weeks (i think Caitlenc had a little to do with this as i can remember reading she hadn't done one so think this was the kick up the bum for me and Blondie)

Flowertot: i will say one thing that you will relate to and that is he has peed on me 4 times so far and once nearly in the mouth (gross i know lol) he's a treasure tho it's the whole which end to you clean first when changing a nappy, He has new bits (eg a tail and bits hehehehe).

Msmith: i can understand your frustation on people commenting on size as up to giving birth everyone was saying how big i was and i should watch the weight, until he was born @ 9lb and the amount of water after and before the birth was bucket loads and had all the MW wondering where it was comeing from. Take no notice of them hun :hugs:

To all naughty ladies :hugs:

Well Oz is still a joy to be around even tho i am getting very little sleep, he has taken really well to breast feeding and sleeping during the day (we've just got to get him use to sleeping at night and we'll be on our way to a gold medal)

Me and DH took him on his first trip to the park today as i can't stand being in the house all the time it took a while to get around as i have heavy stiching and my legs are still a bit wobbly and achy from giving birth, So it was like taking a 10mile walk with lots of stops and a few tears of pain.

I can't beleive he's here at last but at the same time it feels as though he's been here years 9if that makes any sense)

Well i'm ow off now for another 2 hour feed (my poor boobies) hope all is well with you guys


Me and Oz
oh i've also done my birth story if you want a read (it's long tho so a cup of tea is needed) it's over in birth story thread x x x
It is great to hear all the Naughty babies news. I have been having a few panic moments about my own qualifications to be responsible for a newborn, so it is very reassuring to see how all of you have taken to motherhood like a duck to water.
You all sound very happy, even if tired!!

I saw the midwife yesterday and actually measure 31cm, so as I am only 30 weeks I can have a come back now to everyone who tells me I am small. The midwife says I'm compact but because I am tall there is a lot of height between my pubic symphisis and sternum for baby to grow rather than growing out.
Everything else went well at the appointment. Blood pressure, iron levels, glucouse level, heart beat all fab. Bump is presenting as breech at the mo so hopefully s/he will start to turn in the next few weeks before space is a premium. Any suggestions to help bump turn?

Got MIL up this weekend so on 'house clean' duty today. Hopefully spending time on my hands and knees will help bump turn :laugh2:

Have a great weekend if I don't have a chance to pop on.
glad all went well mrsmith. still plenty of time for turning but they do say that on all fours is a good position to encourage it.
Well last night was our first experience of a sleepless night - Zara just wouldn't settle and just screamed and screamed all night, god I was a wreck - she finally fell asleep at 8am and I got an hours sleep before waking up to jump in shower before midwife arrived. Just out of shower and doorbell goes and DH still asleep in bed so there I was at 9.45am stood opening the door to my midwife wearing a towel :rofl:

Anyway midwife is very happy with Zara - she has only lost 150g since birth so is doing very well and she thinks Zara must have been having a growth spurt last night. She was so knackered and angelic for midwife that even the heel prick tests didn't raise a mumour :rofl:

Alex and I are now sat here like a couple of zombies and praying that she will settle better tonight - though sods law says she won't as she has been asleep most of the day :wacko:

Oh well I forgive her anything as she is so so gorgeous :cloud9:

Happy Birthday Beth :) - hope you have a lovely day xxx
Oh blondie

I'm on my 3rd night now of sleepless nights it's got to the point where 2 hours sleep and i feel like i've had 6 redbulls, have you managed to get any more sleep since?

Well Orry has also had his heel prick test but zara was braver as he screamed so loud i had a little tear in my eye, and that was before they even pin the bloody needle in i was a wreck by the time she finished, He's fine now tho. :blush:

MW says i need to get use to sleepless nights as she has confirmed Orry is a cluster feeder and will be up most nights for up to 6 weeks (possibly more) but as i said before i really dont mind as by 8am he is sleepy and allows me at least 2 hours while he sleeps .

He's now 8lb 9 so has lost 7lb which she says is good and has no problems with him.

He's bloody gorgeous

Think i need to get some more nursing bra's tho as they are huge after 3 hours of rest o might do that next week.
hey ladies.

had to go to the shop and get iron bru and dry roasted peanuts! biggest urge for them ever :lol:
Hello all,

Beth, Hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday.

Blondie and Tori, hope you both get some sleep.

Mrsmith, glad the MW put yours fears about your babies size to rest.

Caitlen, sounds like Harper is thrivng now, bless her.

:hugs: to everyone else.

Well I had a perfect day yesterday, I managed to secure 2 new hospitals to use our products, this might sound easy but it takes a lot of time to get them to change, one of them I've been working on for over a year. :happydance: Loads of bonus for me. :happydance:

Even better than that, we saw our LO again as I had my 20 week scan, he/she was perfect, not jumping around quite as much as the 12 weeks scan but everything seems to be in place, only problem is that the scan pictures we'rent that good but I will post them on here soon. I've got to go back for another scan at 34 weeks as I have a low placenta but apparently this is quite common so I'm not worried and at least I get to see my LO again. xx

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