Morning ladies,
A little up date from me and baby oz well it looks like me and Blondie have just to much in common

Welcome to the world baby zara i think you give us all a surprise there Blondie!! Congratulations
Well just a breif update on how things went, Well after Saturday and Contractions settling down i was well and truely knacked but very upset as i throught the contractions was stopping and it was just my Body getting ready and i would have to wait until induction day
well how wrong could i of got as i woke up at 8:30(ish) went to the toilet as normal and what i throught to be George (Oz) giving me the biggest kick ever to it being my Waters, From then the contractions came in thick and fast by 11.23 I was 8 cm Dilated and it was to fare gone for my petherden injection as oz wasn't going to wait for it to effect my boby so my DH and Mum decided it was best for me and baby not to have it for the after effects it would give u (so you can tell how much i loved the gas an air!) , They did have to cut me so i have 3rd degree tears but i'm managing at the moment, and i'm out of hospital was discharged at 8.30 as all was well (after my temps went down but will put that in the birthing story for you ladies)
I am in total owe of this little man, (who likes to sleep and eat alot) i just can't get over all the emotions my body is going through. he perfect!
Will long back on some time soon with a full story for you girls (and pics)
sorry if there is any spelling mistakes but i'm a little tired now
love me and Oz x x