Labor Watch Thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2012
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I am sure there is a thread already like this one but in case not here is one! All ladies who are 37+ weeks and offcall on labor watch come here and we can wait it out together. I am scheduled to have a c section at 39 weeks but hoping baby comes on her own before that. :coffee:
I seen a "labor watch" thread but i think all those women have had there lo's already. I dont see why we cant start a new one for us!

Yes I think you are right! I think it's funny how we spend so much time symptom spotting while ttc now we are doing the same darn thing for labor symptoms lol.
I'm 39&3 days and am really hoping she comes on her own before I have to schedule an induction. I think the last 4 weeks have gone by so slow because I'm so anxious to meet her.
Right?! i was just mentioning this to DH the other night. How in the beginning its Symptom spot until we get our :bfp: then.... here we are 37 weeks along asking "IS THIS IT?" every time we feel a twinge! :haha:
I'm 39&3 days and am really hoping she comes on her own before I have to schedule an induction. I think the last 4 weeks have gone by so slow because I'm so anxious to meet her.

Hi there. You are definitely close! Do you feel anything? When are they talking about inducing? I am so anxious.
Right?! i was just mentioning this to DH the other night. How in the beginning its Symptom spot until we get our :bfp: then.... here we are 37 weeks along asking "IS THIS IT?" every time we feel a twinge! :haha:

Right!!! It's crazy because I delivered both of my other children at 37 weeks on the day so I just assumed I would do the same this whole pregnancy. So here I sit waiting for something. :coffee:
I've had BH since 34 weeks but nothing consistent :/ I've been losing pieces of my mucus plug but don't think that's helping since it can regenerate itself. I've only had one real contraction and that was last week! Ugh been walking, squatting, bouncing on my ball, but even then I haven't felt any BH.

I noticed I get a brief one when I'm dancing so I might keep doing that :p I would try the "normal way" of intercourse as everyone I know keeps putting it, but my BF will not cooperate! Ugh!
I have had tons of bh as well. Has your dr mentioned inducing any time soon?
Not yet :/ I'm back to seeing my midwife. My Drs office seems a bit backwards. She hasn't mentioned how their induction procedures go, but I'm hoping it doesn't go that route. As much as I'm scared to do it, I'm considering asking her to strip my membranes though, maybe on Tuesday for my 38 week appt. I'm willing to try anything at this point.
39 weeks tomorrow and so ready! My first came at 34+6, so even though this is my second, this waiting is ALL new to me!
38 weeks on sunday!
I really dont feel that close.. I even looked at the thread title and was like nope not me, im not on labour watch yet.. BUT i should be lol

I get strong menstrual like cramps in my lower abdomen all of the time.. But they lead to nothing. I try to check my cervix myself but i cant even come close to reaching it. And its been nearly a week since ive lost any of my plug!
I am starting to feel overdue LOL at 37+5:dohh:

First baby was 35+5, second 37+3 and third 37!

No real signs, baby has dropped but doesn't feel engaged (not that that is as likely being no.4), few BH's, itty bitty bits of mucous (tmi!!) basically nothing and it is beyond weird!! Back aches a little but may be imagined :wacko:
Hello ladies! Hang in there it won't last forever even though it seems like it. Baby has been very active tonight so hubby and I decided to try BD see if that helps anything. So far nothing lol.
I was hoping my baby came early so I don't get stressed about induction date of Oct 5 but I've just ordered a tens machine that prob won't make it to my house before sept 30 so:shrug:whatever!
I'm with you ladies!
38 weeks tomorrow! but just as Mississippi, I don't really feel ready yet so it's super strange to think "hey! I guess I AM on labour watch!!" :wacko:
I just finished work yesterday so I'm very glad nothing had happened yet.
I've been having slight period type pain in my lower back, but that's it really... Nothing else at all, so it doesn't feel like it's too close.
Can I join you? I'm 40+1 and ready to go! LO is so low that we can't try sex to get things going (DH can't get in :blush:) so I'm just sticking with clary sage oil (it really seemed to help with getting things going/carrying labour on with my 2nd) which brought on some BH's last night. I'd been using epo but every evening I think labour might start and I don't want to be leaking epo when I'm in labour in case they think I have an infection or something :dohh:. I have a sweep booked for Thursday, impatient!
Can I join you? I'm 40+1 and ready to go! LO is so low that we can't try sex to get things going (DH can't get in :blush:) so I'm just sticking with clary sage oil (it really seemed to help with getting things going/carrying labour on with my 2nd) which brought on some BH's last night. I'd been using epo but every evening I think labour might start and I don't want to be leaking epo when I'm in labour in case they think I have an infection or something :dohh:. I have a sweep booked for Thursday, impatient!

Dont forget.. Sex works for two reasons, because semen softns the cervix.. But also by your orgasm causing contractions.. And i think your dh can still make that one happen without sex ;)

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