Labor Watch Thread

I'm hoping to go to my MLU this week for reflexology, some oils to massage the bump and possibly a sweep. I really don't like to be messed with tbh but I don't want to be induced even more. Getting a bit irritated by the questioning from everyone now too, can't even ring my mom/MIL without "H..Hello?! What's happening??" Erm absolutely nothing just wanted a normal conversation :wacko:
I'm hoping to go to my MLU this week for reflexology, some oils to massage the bump and possibly a sweep. I really don't like to be messed with tbh but I don't want to be induced even more. Getting a bit irritated by the questioning from everyone now too, can't even ring my mom/MIL without "H..Hello?! What's happening??" Erm absolutely nothing just wanted a normal conversation :wacko:

I felt exactly the same as you last week regarding being messed with. I just wanted everything to happen naturally.

I refused a sweep last week at 40+4 but decided to have one today at 40+7 as I really don't want to be induced so I thought that a sweep may help things progress without the need for induction.

Midwife said I was 1cm dilated and that the cervix was quite low. The sweep didn't hurt, it just felt a bit uncomfortable. I'm feeling a little crampy now so fingers crossed its a sign something is happening.

If nothing happens i am booked in for another sweep at 40+10 and then booked in to be induced at 40+11.
Hello there ladies! Hoping to hear some baby news soon! Still nothing on this end just some useless pains that lead to nothing. I guess baby is comfy in there. Either way the countdown is on. Oct 2nd is my c section date so 11 days I believe. I will know more on weds when I see my dr. Until then.....m
I might send my Mum over to this thread as so far she has now called 3 mornings in a row to ask if anything is happening so she seems to be on labour watch for me! I love her to bits, but I can see this is going to do my head in. She wasn't this bad with DD, but I think it's because she is having DD while I give birth she feels a whole new level of involvement.

Eleanorace - am with you on the swollen bits etc, but fortunately we did manage to cram it in and make it work by kind of spooning with loads of lube. Far TMI sorry :haha:! I did get a load of braxton hicks, especially as I had a thai curry afterwards for lunch, then the car journey to our in-laws village was very bumpy. I started to get regular braxton hicks, (every 5 mins or so), but they went away after about an hour.

I'm thinking I'll still be playing labour watch in 3 weeks. DD was 1 day early but I was more believing in the date I was given with her - this time the date would mean I didn't get a BFP until 15 DPO, so thinking I'll run a couple of days late. It's still not going to stop me attempting eviction :D xxx
Can I join you guys? I'm 39 weeks Thursday, and I'm definitely ready! Just waiting :coffee:

I'm working until he comes, so sooner rather than later would be nice :)

Also, for those of you, who are like me and people keep asking if the baby is here: try this link. :dohh::haha:
I'm hoping to go to my MLU this week for reflexology, some oils to massage the bump and possibly a sweep. I really don't like to be messed with tbh but I don't want to be induced even more. Getting a bit irritated by the questioning from everyone now too, can't even ring my mom/MIL without "H..Hello?! What's happening??" Erm absolutely nothing just wanted a normal conversation :wacko:

I felt exactly the same as you last week regarding being messed with. I just wanted everything to happen naturally.

I refused a sweep last week at 40+4 but decided to have one today at 40+7 as I really don't want to be induced so I thought that a sweep may help things progress without the need for induction.

Midwife said I was 1cm dilated and that the cervix was quite low. The sweep didn't hurt, it just felt a bit uncomfortable. I'm feeling a little crampy now so fingers crossed its a sign something is happening.

If nothing happens i am booked in for another sweep at 40+10 and then booked in to be induced at 40+11.

Sounds promising! I had a sweep attempted last time at 41 weeks but it wasn't really possible as my cervix was high and shut tight. Even when I was induced a week later I was only a fingertip dilated. I'm thinking a couple of sweeps isn't much of it gets me out of being induced, even though it goes against the grain for me. I'm upping my epo and might use some clary sage too, getting more desperate lol! Hope something happens for you soon!
Sooo many people at work went home sick today with flu like symptoms... Im home from work and just sat on the couch and suddenly have a massive headache and feel nauseous.. I better not be getting the flu.. Flu and labour would be such a terrible combination

On another note my ribs are a serious issue.. They are all displaced but they are causing so much pain and i think babe has his foot stuck up there too! Blah..
Eleanorace - am with you on the swollen bits etc, but fortunately we did manage to cram it in and make it work by kind of spooning with loads of lube. Far TMI sorry :haha:! I did get a load of braxton hicks, especially as I had a thai curry afterwards for lunch, then the car journey to our in-laws village was very bumpy. I started to get regular braxton hicks, (every 5 mins or so), but they went away after about an hour.

:haha: late pregnancy sex is so romantic isn't it! LO's head disengaged a couple of days ago so we managed to dtd, just about!

Well I'm being induced tomorrow! Not what I wanted at all but hey ho! At least I'll have my LO soon. Had a sweep tonight, the poor MW could hardly get in!
Mississippi- yikes I hope your not getting sick. I can't even imagine that. I know what you mean about lo being up in your ribs.

Eleanor- yay for induction tomorrow! So exciting. Try to keep updated along the way. We're all rooting for you.
Nmp haha that link I'd great. I'm the same as you, working right up till due date. Hoping he/she comes early to be saved from work.

Stay healthy Mississippi!

Eleanor all the best with your induction. Do you know how they're going to do it? Balloon or the shoelace? Fx for smooth sailing.
I've been having a weird sensation on and off today. I've been REALLY exhausted, which is sort of normal, but this was the most tired I've been and on top of that, when I got the odd contraction, I've been having a noticeable amount of clear/white CM that I can feel come out too (sorry for the TMI). Maybe this is the beginning of the end of the mucus plug? I lost a big piece at 35+6, but obviously that meant nothing as I'm still here lol.
Hope not Mississippi that would be horrible!

Good luck Eleanor!
Jstarr - I hope something happens for you soon too!

Eleanor - good luck for your induction today!

Mississippi - fingers crossed its not the flu!

Afm - I just lost my mucus plug :wohoo:
Nmp haha that link I'd great. I'm the same as you, working right up till due date. Hoping he/she comes early to be saved from work.

Stay healthy Mississippi!

Eleanor all the best with your induction. Do you know how they're going to do it? Balloon or the shoelace? Fx for smooth sailing.

They'll start with a pessary and then move onto the drip if that doesn't work. I don't know what the balloon or shoelace are but they both sound terrifying!!
Hi, can 1 join you all all...I'm due tomorrow. Nothing happening yet, I had 3 hours of contractions 10 Minutes apart last Thursday and they just stopped. Grrr
Got a midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefully I can get some sweeps booked in!
How exciting Eleanor! I was induced with the drip with ds so I wish you all the best!

Afm I definitely had the most 'feelings and twinges' day yesterday, it's all a step in the right direction! Managed to convince hubby for some 'fun time' even though it's so not these days (!) well it is for him, not for me though, it didn't do anything though... Feeling more normal today, no twinges or that mild period pain I experienced yesterday so that's that for now!

Felt great yesterday but tired and a bit sick today so taking a bit more easy, boring!
I'm a bit crampy today but nothing more than has happened before. She must swivel around quite a bit still, nervous of her being back to back. She was at my last mw app Friday, but movements and feet (I presume) swap sides quite a lot as well as being at the front. Mw said I was 3/5 engaged and probably wouldn't engage anymore until labour as there's nowhere for her to go. She needs to stay still and get burying that head down ha!
I'm going to join this thread even though I have no signs of labor yet. Woke up with my first stretch marks and decided I'll start working on motivating baby. Maybe I can save myself a few more.

Bounced on the ball for a few minutes and going to do that more when I get home from work.

Good luck to the rest of you getting close.

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