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Ladies 29+ TTC - let's chat here!

Hey ladies, This is my first time posting here. Have been checking the site for a few days. DH and I are trying for #2. My 31 B'day is this Friday and I'm testing then as well. Don't want to get my hopes up, but what a great present that would be!! Anyone else testing the 15th?

FX for your :bfp: would be a great bday pressie, i worked out that if i get mine this cycle then the bubs will be due on or around OH birthday
Hope all goes well for you this month. Believe me I understand about going crazy. I think I should just lock myself in a closet until Friday. And most of my non-TTC friends have no idea about any of this stuff, nor do they care to listen to the endless streams of maybe symptoms. I just wish there was a clear difference between getting AF and being Preggo. For you, I know BCP can mess with cycles a bit, but they say that as soon as you stop taking them the hormones are out of your system. So enjoy all the BD'ing (stringy, stretchy CM is a great sign of ov!!!) and here's to getting good news!!!
worrisome - your symptoms sound so real. I really hope you will get a :bfp: this month! When is your next period due, when will u be testing??

We managed to bd last night - I forced dh even though he's got a bad cold and just wanted to sleep!! I hope I'm not ruining our sex life forever by sticking to this 'every other day' regime! I just sooo want a baby now...I know you're not supposed to stress about it and just have sex as normal but if we did that we'd only do it once a week and that's not enough when trying to make babies!!!
worrisome - your symptoms sound so real. I really hope you will get a :bfp: this month! When is your next period due, when will u be testing??

We managed to bd last night - I forced dh even though he's got a bad cold and just wanted to sleep!! I hope I'm not ruining our sex life forever by sticking to this 'every other day' regime! I just sooo want a baby now...I know you're not supposed to stress about it and just have sex as normal but if we did that we'd only do it once a week and that's not enough when trying to make babies!!!

Hi Petitemoi

With Archie we bd every other night and got caught first month. So you keep pinning him down:rofl:

The way I see it is. Its gonna consume you anyway no matter how hard we try not to obsess so may as well be lovely positive thoughts and a bit of PMA :happydance:

Hi Ponymomma

Ooh I do hope so. I know who created this 2ww argghhh.:dohh:

Well I temped again this morning, was quite high 37.1 not sure if thats a sign or not. Had a pain before though in left side so now wondering if charts are right and could be ov pain instead but (TMI ALERT) cm not stringy now more white creamy scanty (sorry dont know how else to explain in) watery cottage cheese:sick:

Ive still no boob ache though so thats not a good sign cant remember if I had this with the others.

FXX to everyone.

Sorry petite I dont know when to test not yet as would only be dpo5 or if off the other period I would be 2 days late.

Worrisome - good plan with the PMA and just keeping at doing it! If it doesn't stick this month or next we might try a different strategy...like ov tests and bd'ing around then. I wish I was as patient as you, I'd have tested several times already, especially as you might be 2 days late :D
Worrisome - good plan with the PMA and just keeping at doing it! If it doesn't stick this month or next we might try a different strategy...like ov tests and bd'ing around then. I wish I was as patient as you, I'd have tested several times already, especially as you might be 2 days late :D

Thats only because hubby wouldnt let me get a test and little ones have chickenpox so not been able to go and get one myself:rofl:

(My name is worrisome and I'm a poas)

I think you are doing the right thing by just doing it as natural as poss (hope that makes sense) Im not sure on ov sticks, I read a book once by Dr R Winston and he said there not great as lots ov during periods or earlier or later in cycle. As you start testing on cd 10 some miss it.

Its so nice to talk to people who are obsessed as me.

Love your piccie in your avatar. How long have you been married? hoping it doesnt say somewhere and I look dim.

How are you doing Ponymomma

Hi everyone :dust:
worrisome - haha nice to hear I'm not the only poas-aholic then :D Wow I didn't know you could ov during your period!! I've had strange stomach cramps and feel slightly sick and am on CD17, so there's a possibility that I could be pg then! Have bd'd 4 times since period stopped. I'm so impatient, looking for symptoms already! Aw thanks hun about the pic, we got married in South London (Denbies Vineyard) in August last year, it was such a lovely day, rainy but beautiful :) Hope you can get your dh to get you a stick soon!! xx
worrisome - haha nice to hear I'm not the only poas-aholic then :D Wow I didn't know you could ov during your period!! I've had strange stomach cramps and feel slightly sick and am on CD17, so there's a possibility that I could be pg then! Have bd'd 4 times since period stopped. I'm so impatient, looking for symptoms already! Aw thanks hun about the pic, we got married in South London (Denbies Vineyard) in August last year, it was such a lovely day, rainy but beautiful :) Hope you can get your dh to get you a stick soon!! xx

Its like something out of a wedding magazine. Lovely
You can get pregnant when you are on a period, it is rare though but some people can ov very early in a cycle. I will try and dig the book out and quote something. Cant remember where Ive put it. It must be about 10 years old but I think it has been revised a lot. Blumming good though. I think its called trying to get pregnant by Dr Robert Winston (anything by him is good)

All your symtons sound positive hun. We may test together you never know fxxxxx and lots of :dust:

Ive got that funny taste in my mouth. Again I think it may be bcp hormones though. grrrrrrr:hissy:
Don't know if I'll make it to Friday. Really cranky right now, but I'm also ridiculously tired. Snapping at everything. Maybe the dreaded witch is on her way. Uggh, I can't stand this waiting nonsense. What I need is some cheap wine and the backseat of some old car. Isn't that how everyone got pregnant in school? Worrisome- are you testing soon?? I hope you have good news to share!!!!
Morning Ladies

Ah Ponymomma, not over until the fat :witch: sings. Come on PMA, PMA, PMA LA DE LA DE (thants my pma song lol)

Well all my symptons seem to have diminished and I drank some wine last night and wasnt sick, which if I was preggers you always here people saying they couldnt drink.

I do feel hot though and temp was still up. But think I may be getting sick:dohh:

How is everyone else doing? Petite any more cramping hun?

speak soon anyway
Morning Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well today??? I'm nearing the end of the 1ww and about to enter the 2nd, and am getting very impatient! I think I would have been a very lucky lady to get pg on the first try, but its the not knowing that's driving me mad! I was feeling really sickly last night and after the odd cramps and backache I've been having its so hard not to think something is going on! Roll on the 22nd so I can test and know one way or another!!

PetiteMoi - how are you feeling today??

Good morning all. So not quite as out of sorts as last night. Thinking maybe I can make it a whole 24 hours w/o going wacky. Right there w/ you Worrisome. BBS were pretty sore last week or so, now not too bad. Still have weird pain where cramps normally are though. As far as drinking goes, w/ my first I didn't know until I was pretty far along (maybe 8-9 weeks) and drank like a fish w/o any problem. Thankfully he turned out perfect (even if his mom was a bit of a lush!!).

LouLou, I wish there was some way to keep from obsessing over the wait while your waiting. Good luck to you, and keep us informed if you figure out how to stay sane!!

Petite, How many dpo are you? Any symptoms yet?
Loulou1979, ooh sounds like good signs, I HATE THE 2WW :rofl:

Ponymomma, I really cant remember having sore boobies with my others until after I found out, Im pretty sure, bit hazy my memory though as I get older and 2 babies = mushy brains :rofl:

We should have a list of what cd where on and which cycle.

I will start one if anyone wants to do

Worrisome cd16 /dpo 6 /cycle ttc 1 this is all complet guesswork as dont know what periods will be like
My cycles are a little odd, but thinking 35 days or so. That makes me 15-16 dpo/ cd 36. Got last AF 4/8/09. Wow, now that I've written it down, I could test today, right? I'm late!!?? Maybe I'm too nervous, someone else should test for me, hehe!! Going for a run ladies then off to another day of being mommy and working. Good luck to all!!! Picking up that test on my way home this evening.
Wow Ponymomma. How have you not tested yet. Test, Test.


Have a good day
Hi there ladies!

Ponymama - I agree with worrisome, test :D We're curious haha! I'm on CD18 but not sure when I will ov - probably hasn't happened yet, I'm just being over-excited after having had unprotected bd'ing a few times!! Should ov around 17 May but it can be irregular sometimes so not sure.., xx

Worrisome - hi hun, I'm sure not feeling sick when drinking is nothing to worry about, your symptoms sound real to me. Feeling ill is a pg symptom too remember! Aw thanks, we had a lovely day despite the rain -it poured down on the day hubby proposed as well so it was sort of part of the theme! xx

Loulou - I'm good today thanks, no symptoms really so it's probably nothing, it's way too early anyway...aw hun I know how impatient you must be entering the 2 week, I'm impatient already and my ov shouldn't be until 17 May!! Fingers crossed for you babes! xx

Good idea with the list worrisome!

Worrisome cd16 /dpo 6 /cycle ttc 1 this is all complet guesswork as dont know what periods will be like
Ponymomma 15-16 dpo/ cd 36. Got last AF 4/8/09
PetiteMoi CD18, should ov around 17 May

Hope you're all positive today and singing worrisome's PMA song!
Worrisome cd16 /dpo 6 /cycle ttc 1
Ponymomma 15-16 dpo/ cd 36. Got last AF 4/8/09
PetiteMoi CD18, should ov around 17 May, ttc #1
Hi Petite

I may be like you. I used to have 32 day cycle before bcp. But it was only when I realised that I could be ov earlier or later that I think I got caught with first. Dont really think the Clomid had anything to do with it. As I was ov myself.

I am only assuming by body signs and cm that I ov earlier on about cd 10. Who knows I may not have even ov yet. I know I am ov because last month even though on the bcp because of that other tablet stopping it working. For the first time in a long time I cant the sharp pain in one side. I always used to get that.

Can I ask a gruesome question. What should cm be like after OV has taken place?
sorry (tmi alert) mine is very wet and creamy. Could be my imagination but boobies look bigger. Does this happen when you come off bcp. I know they get bigger when on it.

right Im waffling now :rofl:
Hello everyone – hope you are all ok.

I think I may have been showing some signs ovulating (pains/egg white etc) so have been making sure that DH and I get lots of practice in with the BDing! Going to concentrate on this week and next just in case and then keep everything crossed. Am not expecting anything as it’s only our first month of ttc but am sure hubby is happy with all action he is getting :lol:

PS - Is there anywhere on here that explains all these abbreviations? I'm confused with what some of them mean!
worrisome - I'm not sure but I think I've heard that if your pg your cm gets wet and creamy!! Don't quote me on that tho :D Otherwise cm after ov isn't supposed to be anything different I don't think. I think that if my ov is irregular, it should be late rather than early since :witch: is usually never early, just late...is that a correct assumption?! xx

smileyshazza - oh you're a sensible girl not expecting too much the first month - I will be extremely and utterly disappointed if it doesn't stick! Bad I know. It just feels like I've been waiting to ttc for aaages and now we've finally started I just want a baby!!! Someone sent a link in a thread with a list of abbrevations but I can't find it now! Perhaps someone else has got it?? xx

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