Ladies due in July


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Hello ladies,

Thought I'd start a thread for those of us who have just joined the third tri. Thought we could help each other through the last 3 months and just chat, share advice and stories!

So I'm Bailey 30 years old, I have a 1 year old dd (she just turned 1 on Saturday), I am a VBAC hopeful after EMCS following induction (due to suspected pre-eclampsia), 16 hour labour and dd being back to back and stuck!!
I am expecting a little boy (as far as we know!!) and I am due 8th July!
My next MW appointment is next Thurs and I feel like I've not been seen for ages (well it has been ages apart from the 20 week scan and my GTT test!).
My pregnancy is apparently considered high risk as my BMI is just over 30, I had raised BP and suspected pre-e at the end of my last pregnancy and it's only been a short time since I had a c section. But saying that I don't feel like I am high risk and the consultant isn't really treating me as such!

So how's everyone else? I am shattered now all day everyday!! I just want to sleep all the time, and I can't be bothered doing anything lol!!
Hey baileybubs! Our due dates are the same. My EDD is 8th July. I hope rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and you have an easy labor.

A little bit about myself. I have two daughters, a 4 year old and an almost 3 year old. After two girls, u and my husband really wanted a boy so decided to try for the third and last time for a baby boy. As it happens so, we are having a boy this time. :)

I'm not high risk but this pregnancy feels harder than my last two and I'm gaining a lot of weight this time around. However, I was underweight when I got pregnant so perhaps that's why..

This has gotten to be to long. Sorry
Hi ladies,
I'm a day before you - due 7/7. DH and I have one son, born after induction for low waters at 40+5. Really hoping this little one (a girl!) comes on time.

I'm carrying this baby much differently and can already feel aches and pains that didn't show up till the last 6 weeks or so last time. Makes me a bit nervous for the next three months!
Hello ladies, my scheduled c-section is for July 8th but my actual due date is a week later. Going by c-section would mean I am in third trimester.
Hiya. im 28 weeks today edd 2nd july. Ive got a 2 1/2 year old little girl and this little one ive been told is a little boy yay!

My bmi is just over 30 at 30.6 so ive to go see doctor at end of april for it although nothing was said in previous pregnancy and I was heavier then.

Apart from tiredness and dreadful
heartburn im doing ok so far :)
Hoping for waterbirth this time as everything happened so quick last time to arrange it in hospital :)
Welcome ladies!!

Thanks for replying, I feel a bit in limbo at the mo as I'm passed all the movement watching and gender scanning of the 2nd tri but too early for labour watching lol!! Just seem to be plodding along at the mo!

None of us so far are FTM I see, how is everyone finding pregnancy with having a little one (or little ones!) to look after? I have to admit I have been awful, I have not coped well at all!!! I've done nothing but complain and cry to df about how tired and achey I am!! Definately didn't think through the whole pregnant with a toddler part!! I know it will be hard once baby is here with 2 but I'm hoping that I don't feel quite as tired as I do now! I know when dd was a newborn I was sleep deprived but still didn't feel this exhausted lol.

Time waster I notice your dd's are close in age, how did you cope with 2 under 2? You must be very very tired having 2 under 4 and being pregnant!

Diana I'm already aching badly too, especially my hips, can't believe we still have about 12 weeks of this!!

SRTbaby did you have a c section last time? I am hoping for a vbac but will have a ELCS scheduled for 41+5 if I haven't gone into labour naturally coz they won't induce me this time.

Dicamore same thing happened to me with BMI, I weigh exactly the same this pregnancy as last and yet they consider it as high risk this time at 30.8. The consultant didn't pay much attention to it though really and to be honest I pretty much stopped gaining weight after the first 3 months (think I just overdid it on mince pies over Christmas haha!). I had my GTT last week and all was clear so I'm hoping all else goes ok.
Hi, im due July 9th :)
First pregnancy, been smooth sailing so for apart from severe round ligament pain at 18 weeks but meant I got an extra scan! Found out at scan we are having a boy so hubby is over the moon!
Not feeling too great at the moment as have had an upset stomach since Monday but plodding along!
I was hoping for a water birth but since finding out I have group b streps that is out of the window due to needing iv antibiotics :( x
Welcome jojo! Sorry you can't have a water birth Hun, I really wanted one too but I was induced on a drip last time so couldn't and then I had an EMCS so they definately won't let me have a water birth coz I'm trying to vbac.
Whereabouts in the world are you?
Im UK. You? Might sound silly but what does vbac mean?
I'm in UK too. Vbac means vaginal birth after c section. They have to monitor me closely for signs of rupture of my scar so they won't let me have a water birth but I'm going to refuse constant monitoring coz I want to be able to move!
Ah thanks for that. Always wondered what it meant! Im hoping for a natural delivery, only allowing c section if absolutely necessary
I'm hoping all goes right so I can have a vaginal birth this time as I got to the pushing stage last time so I know my body can do it! There's just so many things can go wrong between now and then with my complications. But I'm being optimistic lol!!
Fingers crossed all stays well :) where about in the UK are you from?
Hi Ladies,
I'm due 4th July, getting very excited. Little bit about me.
I'm 28 from uk, this is my 1st pregnancy however I have had an ectopic & mc & chemical pregnancy in past 18 months. So far I haven't really suffered too much, usual aches and pains I guess at around 25/26 weeks i woke up one morning in early hours and felt really ill, pains in stomach & awful lower back pain, went to hosp as they suspected early labour however it turned out to be a very bad water/kidney infection. It came totally out of the blue but they think my body may have been fighting it off for about a week before and it just could not do it any longer. Luckily after some antibiotics it cleared up & I have felt much better since. The run up week to that I was very run down and emotional, the littlest thing set me off & I just felt very drained.
Now I'm feeling much better & making the most of what energy I do have. Only probs I've got right now is sleeping! Any tips to getting a good nights sleep will be greatly appreciated! I'm still quite emotional and it really is over the smallest thing, I feel so silly a lot of the time but I literally cant help it lol. Anyone else feel like that too?! I'm just going with the flow though and trying to stay as relaxed as I can although I do feel because my emotions are heightened I seem to over think pointless situations especially non baby related stuff! Its so weird, have to keep reminding myself to just keep calm.
Sorry for the long post, hope everyone is feeling well today! x
Hi ladies, so excited to see a thread for July due dates!

I am due on July 6th, I'm a FTM, and so far have had no complications. My weight gain has been really rapid for second trimester and I feel like my bump is bigger than average so looking forward to my 28 week check up next week to see if everything is as it should be. I've gained 22lbs so far this pregnancy, so doing my best to slow it down while still eating nutritiously for baby to keep on growing!

I have also started to experience fatigue similar to first tri. I've got a driving test on 23rd April and a big essay deadline for May 12th so those are my two big focuses to help the time pass by quicker. July still seems too far away!
I agree, July seems forever away! My weight gain also increased in 2nd tri but I hardly put any on in 1st as I completely lost my appetite! So far I have gained 17lb
Hey im mooching between both at the mintue as im not quite 3rd tri. I'm due 12th july with my 3rd girl. I have a 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old. I am very much looking forward to the last hurdle! My hips are breaking and i just feel fat! lets hope these next 3 months go quickly!
I'm hoping all goes right so I can have a vaginal birth this time as I got to the pushing stage last time so I know my body can do it! There's just so many things can go wrong between now and then with my complications. But I'm being optimistic lol!!

I know it seems scary trying to have VBAC but I have a friend who did it last year. She had a c-section and 4 months later, she found out she was pregnant again. Her ob/gyn was skeptical she would have VBAC so soon. However, her 2nd baby arrived pretty quickly via vaginal birth. :)

And yea, my daughters are exactly 13 months apart. My older daughter learned to walk the day I went into labor. Things were difficult the first few months but it gets easier and the best part is now they are best friends and watching them interact with each other is just too cute. :)
Tell me about it! I have gained 14 lbs already. I ran into a friend yesterday and she is 36 weeks pregnant and has gained 10 lbs. That made me feel so fat.

The part I'm struggling with is all my fav clothes don't fit me now and the ones that do just make me look fat and not pregnant. I feel the need to buy clothes that flatter my pregnancy figure but at the same time, its only 3 months, I rather not spend money on something I'll not use after 3 months.

What about you, all? Did you invest in more flattering clothing?
Hello Ladies,

My name is Tanya. I am due on 4th of July with my first. I am 28 years old, from the US and this is our first child.

We are not finding out the gender of the baby.

So far, all is well in the pregnancy, however, my back is starting to bother me and I do get heartburn quite frequently.

I gained 5lbs each month over the last 2, making it a total of 18lbs. My doc says I am fine, but I think I gained too much in the 1st trimester.

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