Ladies due in July

Hi Ladies

I'm finally joining third tri!!! I'm so excited I never thought I would get this far, been ttc for 4 years with 1 mc and now expecting a little girl on 9th July.
I haven't had a particularly easy time so far had horrendous sickness until 18 weeks and I now have to go to physio for SPD but mostly really enjoying it.

As for clothing I know somebody mentioned, this is my biggest issue at the moment. I've got to a stage where I feel huge and horrible and all I want is to fit into some of my nice clothes but at the same time I don't want to go crazy buying maternity clothes that I wont be in for too much longer, I may have to get a few more bits though.

I have no idea how much weight I've gained I stopped checking because it was getting me down.
Hi all!

Just peeping on the 3rd tri but don't get to move over till tomorrow!

I'm due 10th July and very excited although I've started to think about the birth now...arrrggghhh!

This is our first and according to our 20 week scan it's a little boy!!
Still no names but having a 4d scan on Sunday so hoping seeing him will help us come up with some!

Does the idea of a whole miniature human coming out of you scare the crap out of anyone else? I'd tried not to think about it but it's looks like it's hard to avoid in the third trimester haha! I know it's going to be painful but where is the pain... It's it extreme stomach cramps? Or pain in the lady area? Or both all the way through?
Guess it's got to come out somehow haha
Haha I'm in your boat. First timer with no idea what to expect! People just say to me its the worse pain I'll have but will be instantly forgotten!
I have no clue what to expect but I'm not particularly worried either, I'm sure this will all change. I keep thinking it will be - pain, more pain, push baby out, rest and home. Everybody laughs at me but if I don't think like this I'll be bloody terrified!
I've gone through delivery once, and to be honest... it's all a fog, lol. I was induced so my contractions were crazy-strong. I remember telling my hubby afterwards that it was "the worst pain I've ever been through", but I don't remember it so vividly now. I think it's part of the process - your brain blocks it out! Just keep thinking about holding your LO at the end of it all. It's the best motivation!

I have definitely invested in maternity clothes! I actually just bought a handful of new "summer" tops since DS was a February baby and I had all winter stuff. I've been able to find maternity stuff pretty cheap in the States so I don't feel badly about a small splurge... plus, pregnancy is hard enough... who wants to add feeling unattractive on top of that for three months? I say treat yourself :)
Hey everyone, I'm due 7th July. Second baby. I'm a VBAC hopeful after being induced after waters had broken, but resulted in an emergency C.
Not had any real problems this pregnancy until a month ago- I now have severe anaemia & iron & haemoglobin levels are very low which is making me very dizzy all the time! :(

Like some of you, I didn't want to spend money on maternity clothes, but I have a pair of jeans that I bought at 16 weeks that are still doing well. I've just given in & bought some cheap maternity vests & t-shirts and some long (normal cut) waterfall cardigans which are great as I will wear them again after baby arrives.

Nice to meet you all :)
I'm with Diana, I say it's hard enough being pregnant, we deserve some clothes that make us feel good about ourselves. It makes us more tolerable to be around. I tried to choose outfits carefully so that I didn't go too mad as I want most our finances going towards the baby, not me!

For a minimal wardrobe that serves you well I got, 1 x maternity jeans, 1 x black maternity trousers, 1 x waterfall cardigan in black, 1 x lighter waterfall cardigan in cream, 2 x maternity and nursing maxi dresses + 2 x maternity and nursing summer dresses, a few tops, and next weekend I plan to buy some nursing tanks/vests that I can wear under shirts/other tops when the time comes. Managing to find dresses that will also serve me for when the baby is born made me feel far less guilty having a splurge :)

As for labour pains, I'm also a FTM and I'm doing hypnobirthing - so aiming for a natural birth. Whether you're into that kind of stuff or not, I really recommend youtubing birth videos, and check out a couple of hypnobirthing ones. Whether the breathing techniques get me through the whole labour, or just through early labour - I thought it was worth doing the classes. They have really helped me with my confidence in reminding me that our bodies are designed to do this! I'll be giving birth in a hospital so that should the need arise for a different approach I'll be in the right place to do so.
I'm hoping for just gas and air so I may take a look at these breathing techniques! I would like it to be quick and painless but I don't think there's any chance of that

The thought of an epidural actually scares me more than labour at the mo... I'm not good with needles at all, let alone ones that go into your spine! And I get really panicked when I've been numbed at the dentist so not being able to feel my lower half would really panic me... Might be a different ball game if Labour's that painful!
Jojo I'm in the sunny north west lol! I've not weighed myself in a few weeks but last time
I did I had gained 11lb, most of which was in first tri (I blame Christmas) but haven't gained as much during 2nd tri. Last pregnancy I gained 2 stone and was up to 13 stone 4 when dd was born but within 6 weeks that had all dropped off. Sadly I still had my mummy tummy pouch when I got pregnant again though so this time I aim to tone my tummy more lol!!

Elephant I'm sorry for your losses Hun. I had a loss too before my dd and it's such a hard thing to go through. Your rainbow will be worth all of this though. I know my rainbow daughter is.
I had a similar experience with dd's pregnancy when I was 24 weeks to you, I woke with what felt like contraction pain and it turned out to be a water infection. All was ok though, hope it's cleared up for you.
As for the sleep I'm afraid not much helps as we get later in pregnancy, just little things that make you more comfortable like a body pillow or a wedge under bump, sleep whenever you can, try to limit caffeine after midday (I still have a cup or two of coffee a day but after not sleeping well I stopped having one later than 12 and this seemed to help), also I don't share my bed with df at the minute as he wakes me up and this helps. Makes me a bit sad to lose that closeness for a while but it's better that I get my sleep otherwise I am such a cranky cow lol!!

Time waster I can't wait for that, the interaction between my babies coz of their closeness is age. My and my brother are 4 years apart and it meant from our teens we were worlds apart. How did your dd1 cope with the arrival of dd2? I'm not sure how dd will cope with sharing me lol!

Lovely Laura same question to you, how did dd1 cope with the arrival of dd2? I bet it's so exciting to bring home a sibling for them! And I agree I hope these next three months go quickly!! When I had dd I missed my bump and was jealous of pregnant women but it's amazing how much I forgot about the aching and fatigue, heartburn, sore hips, toothache (my babies must leach me of calcium!!) and now a new weird symptom, sore scalp and hair follicles!!! Is it July yet lol!! Plus I just want him here safely.

Tanya hi! Ooh an Independence Day baby! I get you on the heartburn, little tip my friend gave me, don't drink too much milk. Although it soothes heartburn initially it then sours in your stomach and makes it more acidic causing more heartburn!! Apparently! And I think 18lbs is about average at this stage, they say usually a woman will gain between 20-30lbs in total so we are all doing fine. And a lot of it really will just drop off in the first few weeks, don't forget we are storing fat for milk supplies right now.

Loup I was the same with maternity clothes last time but found it easier this time coz of time of year, I've just bought some maternity maxi dresses and currently wear them with leggings when it's colder lol! Then when I have ds they will just hang loosely over my mummy tummy whilst I'm attempting to lose the extra pounds lol! I am struggling with trousers though as I get too hot in over the bump ones and the under bump ones feel too tight even though they are hanging off my bum lol!

Moomin hi! You'll have to show us your 4d scan pic when you have it! I was gonna do one too but we are a little skint this month so decided to leave it, it's a trek to the nearest scan place anyway. Let me know if it's worth it though I may change my mind!!
As for labour it is scary, I'm still scared and it's second time for me lol! I can tell you anything about induction, labour until the pushing stage and emergency c sections but as for the pushing a human out of my lady bits that bit will be new to me and scares me lol!! My labour wasn't the way I wanted it but it wasn't traumatic as such. It is a bit of a fog as Diana said, I ask my df was I bad in labour, did I scream etc coz you don't really remember you just know it bloody hurts lol! But you get through and the feeling after when you hold your baby makes it pale in comparison really. It's cliched but it's all worth it lol, plus the adrenaline rush is awesome too (if you aren't throwing up like me haha!!).

Diana I agree we should treat ourselves, we are growing a human after all lol!! Is your LO aware of a little sister on her way?

Callypogous hypnobirthing looks amazing, I wish I'd looked into it but then I couldn't have used it much anyway after being induced. I have a friend who used it and had a lovely birth. She also had a tens machine and recommends it, have you looked into one of those? I'm getting one off eBay but not yet, need to make sure I won't end up with a ELCS yet.

Beau hi fellow vbac hopeful! My story is similar, I also was induced had waters broken and ended in EMCS. Is your consultant ok with vbac? Mine encouraged it but said no induction so I will be doing everything I can to get labour going naturally!! I am going to start taking RLT at about 34 weeks too if my MW says it's ok.

Wow really long post there but just wanted to catch up wth everyone!!!!
Moomin I had an epidural and I didn't even feel the needle or see it, I was concentrating so hard on sitting still and getting through the contractions. Although I am really hoping not to have one this time as it numbed my left leg and then when they added the spinal my eft arm was numbed too so I couldn't hold dd after she was born!!
I've decided to do what you've all been saying and get some more clothes that fit me so hopefully I feel a bit nicer. Anybody got any suggestions where to get nice maternity clothes though? I usually have to look online because most shops hardly stock anything but wondering if I'm missing any good shops? I'm in the UK.

Talking of 4d scans check out my little drama queen :haha:


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Aw wow that's an amazing pic!!

I got some good stuff from new look online and George at asda online. Next stuff is nice but I think too much for the little time we would wear it.
Hi all!

I'm due July 11th and I am a FTM...

I have no idea what signs to watch for :D I consider everything "a symptom" and I am so glad I can come look it up here and get some relief :)

Loup89, if you do buy any new clothes would you please show me? I have the hardest time getting dressed these days because all the old clothes don't fit anymore and I just haaaate maternity wear! I have to look around like 10 shops before I find something I like and it's exhausting!
Lol, Loup. What a great picture! It's hard to remember there are little humans in our tummies, but that picture proves it!

Baileybubs- we've been trying to explain to DS about his future sister and that he gets to be a (yay!) big brother, but.... I'm not sure how much he's taking in. He'll point to my tummy and call his sister by name but isn't into trying to feel her move or anything like that. It's spring now and a toddler boy has other priorities... Like running!

Anyone have suggestions for fun ways to talk with DS about his baby sister?
I've given in to the maternity clothes! I'm quite tall and find my usual tops that leave a gap above my jeans aren't appropriatenice anymore

The best thing I bought is a bump band... U can wear it under any top to hide the waist band on stretchy jeans!

Try asos! They do new look maternity too. I've got asos own jeans and I love them. Also bought some of there tops n there quite nice! Got 2 weddings to go to in June so I'll have to buy 2 fat dresses haha
Anyone have suggestions for fun ways to talk with DS about his baby sister?

I guess you could show him pics of cute newborn girls, pics of himself when he was born, and make him wonder what his sister is gonna be like ;)

Maybe you could talk to him about where she's going to sleep and make him think of his most favorite bed time stories to tell her :) Maybe you could start right now by having him tell a story at night and putting his hand on your bump! too much? :D
Got 2 weddings to go to in June so I'll have to buy 2 fat dresses haha

Wedding dresses are the worst, don't remind me!! I have a wedding in a week and I didn't buy anything... Some of those maternity dresses are "a crime" to fashion :D I'm thinking I'd rather skip all the weddings until I give birth than put on a large meaningless dress :D

Buuut I'm gonna have to give in eventually, right?
Baileybubs, hypnobirthing is really worth looking into as it's meant to be really good for vbacs. I haven't looked into a tens machine but they look good!

As for UK maternity shops, I've got some lovely (and cheap!) bits from ASOS - they always have loads on clearance and I regularly get e-mails about further discounts. I also bought my nursing/maternity dresses from Jojo Maman Bebe which has a few stores around the UK and again a good clearance section on their site. Their clothes are really well made. The waterfall cardigan I got from there is lovely and washes really well. H&M is good for basics, my maternity jeans are from there and fit really comfortably. I'm going to get some nursing tops from there. Really good value like most other H&M bits. I like my newlook bits but the materials aren't as flattering as most the bits I picked are thin and show the lumps and bumps!
I'm hoping for just gas and air so I may take a look at these breathing techniques! I would like it to be quick and painless but I don't think there's any chance of that

The thought of an epidural actually scares me more than labour at the mo... I'm not good with needles at all, let alone ones that go into your spine! And I get really panicked when I've been numbed at the dentist so not being able to feel my lower half would really panic me... Might be a different ball game if Labour's that painful!

I'm petrified of needles also and the thought of that in my back and the fact that it stays in there like an IV freaks me out even more. I have no idea what I Will do but I am scared either way!!
Thanks ladies! I'm going to have a little look later or tomorrow and let you know if I find anything worth mentioning.

Yeh I love that pic, we got a few good ones of her face but this one was at the end when I think she'd had enough of being poked and prodded :)

I have to have a blood test at my 28 week midwife appointment on Tuesday anybody know what it's for? I'm also having the anti-D injection, is it to do with that? Ohhh I hate needles :(

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