Yes Im a bad momma why? Because it has taken me forever to update!! And so many new things have been going on!!
Sorry. *hangs head in shame*
First of all Lakai went from SiPap to CPap and they are taking about moving him to High Flow oxygen support tomorrow (here is what I have grasped about what this means...High Flow gives pressure in order to keep his lungs open and can give o2 if he needs it. Its nasal prongs, if you have seen anyone with an oxygen tank...its the face thing they wear.) I hope that makes sense, I am very tired and have had a VERY bad night. Nothing Lucky related, just life related.
Any how...
I had a great birthday yesterday, instead of going to see Lil' Wayne I decided that we should spend that money on buying things from IKEA for our home and Lakai's room. I just felt guilty spending money on myself when I knew we needed things for him. It's amazing how much my way of thinking and seeing things has changed. As I told my mom and Kyle, I use to be such a snob about what labels were on my clothing, what designer made my jeans and now? I could careless and I would rather buy the nice but cheaper clothes and spend the rest on our son or things for making our house a home.
I know as a teenager you are sort of allowed to be selfish in some ways, like you worry mostly about yourself, about the clothes you wear, buying silly things you don't really need. But as a parent your whole outlook changes. Its amazing and frankly I never thought it would happen to me.
I really had an eye opener on my birthday when I decided what I wanted to do instead of the concert, I truly had some deep insight into the person I was and to who I have become.
Now back to Lucky!
We have had the pleasure of having this terrific nurse Janlouise (I hope I have spelled that right, I have not seen it written any where yet!) who allowed us to "claim our baby". Which means..we were allowed to bathe him! We could back and forth on who was cuddling him and even his Grandma was able to cuddle with him. Which was lovely, I loved seeing them together.
She's awesome with him and he really responds well to her. Meaning his stats stabilize very nicely! If all goes well (which it will) Grandpa will hold him next, that is if the nurse who is on that day will allow it..some don't like Grandparents holding for some odd reason?!
It's been wonderful "claiming our baby", as weird as it sounds..until lately we really couldn't do much with him except take his temperature and change his stinky bum. Which was lovely, don't get me wrong. But it didn't exactly feeling like we were parenting, if that makes sense?
But now I can move him out of his crib myself, I can dress him, bathe him. I have learned all his "cues", like when he does and doesn't want his soother, when he needs to be repositioned, what helps to sooth him.
It's amazing how he reacts now to my voice and touch. Especially when I tickle his feet or kiss his hands. He smiles and I swear if he could..he would laugh or coo!
He still cannot cry like a typical baby, his voice is hoarse still. But he does sigh, hiccup and make an "ahhh" sound after well...pooping! hehe.
I still can't believe he is truly mine sometimes, he is just so perfect and just the mere sight of him makes my heart feel like it will explode from my chest with love. I am so proud of every step forward he has made, even the small ones. And while yes this was a huge roller coaster, there is nothing I would change about it. I know that there are things that have happened on this ride that in the future could be tough, but there is nothing anyone can throw at me that we cannot face and overcome.
On to less sappy stuff! =P
Some of the male (and female!) readers may not like this next part..but..I must say the human body is a very amazing thing...I make enough milk in a day to meet his exact feeding amounts for 24 hours. I think that's pretty cool. And before I had been told his feeds went up, I was making more..and didn't understand why, until they told me about the increase. You must admit to much info or not, that is cool.
I cannot wait to start breast feeding..mostly because I feel rob having our pregnancy cut short, so this is like our way of making up for it..the bonding experience.
Another very cool nurse we had was Jill, who is a Pittie owner..she rescued Hugo! More brownie points for her, and her hubby is on Hugabull...double score! Just had to mention that! hehe!
What else?
I am really tired..but I really want to say that he is now 5lbs! Bad momma again forgetting his weight, I will double check tomorrow! And confirm!! =)
I think that's all for now...I will post another update when he is on high flow.
Hopefully Gennifer can explain it better than I can..please?! =)
PS Zoe Janlouise remembered you, Raven and your son...she never cared for Raven, but she just loved you guys. She's a Kiwi lady...loud, outspoken...WONDERFUL! I want to bring her home with me. Anyways she told me to tell you hello. And asked how Raven's dad is?
Thank you to everyone who donated in honor of my birthday! The final totals were over $3000, most of it going to BC Children's Hospital...sorry Hug and Bully Buddies..I wish more had gone to you two..but thank you so much to everyone who made my birthday the best one yet!!! I truly know the best people ever! And have the bestest friends!!
Good night!
Latest Update:
So what's new in Baby Batman's world you maybe asking?
Well other than today being his 90th day of life..NINETY days?! ALREADY?! Three months? WOW!
He is 5lbs 8.8oz
Plus he is the most amazing little funny man that I have ever met.
A few days ago he enjoyed his first cuddle ever with his Grandma (my mom!) and it went very well. It was only spur of the moment because I had to go pump (1st TMI) and the nurse said "Well why doesn't Grandma hold him for the time you are away". So she did. And it went very well. It was lovely to see my mom cuddling her grandson...something I sort of wonder if I would ever see.
Yesterday was his first day on Low Flow (nasal cannula) which I cannot seem to locate a good simple explanation on this works, so hopefully Genipher will jump in with her wisdom and explain..but here's my attempt. Its basically 100% oxygen delivered in cc's instead of before when it was measured in %'s. Right now he is on 100cc's however he is stating out high and not dipping below 95 on his oxygen saturation. His respiration rate is ranging from about 30 to 65. And his heart rate has settled into a nice normal rage, which is lovely since it was high.
Honestly? He is doing in my mind (and the doctors and nurse) better on Low Flow than on CPap, however there is a chance if they push him too soon, he could collapse and have a set back. Which would not be good at this point when we have come so far. I mean when he is put back on to CPap he is stating low, he has brady's and apnea...which he hasn't even had one dip or any A,B, D's on Low Flow.
Today he did even better on Low Flow, yesterday he was on for 4 hours and today he was on for 4.5 hours, and tomorrow we are hoping for 8 hours..and then 12...and then totally on Low Flow. If everything goes the way it has, that will be no problem!
So he also had his first MRI yesterday, which I will admit was a bit nerve wracking, however I felt very confident in the team who was caring for him. And off he went..Of course we had to wait until today to get the results...which were.....................................................................................................................................................................AWESOME!
It turns out that the Grade 4 bleed was actually a lesser Grade 3, which is still fairly severe however he has not had any of the major side affects that tend to cause the problems later in life, or I should say the major issues such as CP. The doctor was super pleased with the outcome and though he said he couldn't promise anything, you could clearly tell that he was a little thrilled that it was good news he was telling us.
But only the future will tell us what Baby Batman has in store for us and himself. I have a strong feeling and have all along that he will do just fine.
Maybe I am naive, but I doubt it. My gut feelings have always backed me up and I have learned to trust them fully over my 30 years of life!
Well now what? I gave Lakai a Mohawk today...pictures below and in his many many many albums..sorry if I go overboard with the photos, I just cant help myself. He is amazing and every day he is here is a blessing. I truly just cannot get enough of him. And even with all the picture I take..none capture the beauty and awe which is him.
TMI time..on Monday we get to start of first breast feeding sessions. Which means pretty much he will start by learning to "latch on" onto a "dry breast" (so a freshly pumped breast) and then move on from there. Prems can have some issues with suck/swallow/breathing, but if you saw this little monkey "rooting" with his mouth open and sucking away on his soothie, you would see what we all do...a baby ready to start! And one who will succeed.
I think that is all for now...we are in the home stretch..which is scary and wonderful.
I am so peeved I
Stay tuned!
First day on Low Flow
Still on Low Flow (perm) at 30cc's of o2