laminate flooring in hallway?


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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does anyone have this? just i have an L shaped hall and will be a fortune for carpet!! i have laminate in my living room and is a bugger 2 mop(yes i am that lazy!) so pros and cons please!!!
I dont have laminate but i do have lino.

Pros, easy to clean up the dirt and mud from when people/things walk in with mudy feet.

Cons, can be a hassle to sweep and up and clean
I have soild oak flooring through my living room, and hall and upstairs in the bathroom!

Alot cleaner i think
Yer I much prefer to sweep the floor an mop - easy peasy :D
I know what you mean about being lazy to clean it lol

I had it in my front room in my old house, had to sweep it, then mop it, with carpet you jhust hoover, all done! lol

i have lam flooring in my hall way in this new house, i like it better there than carpet coz its easier to keep clean from muddy footprints, but in front rooms etc, i like carpet better.

i reckon ill price the 2 then decide lol, as id need 2 get the soundproofing stuff underneath as i live in flats, just dont want to pay for a carpet to have 2 bin half of it!
can you not get an off cut?

In out local carpet places then sell rolls that are the end of the line or spare stuff. you can normaly get them cheaper.

well my hallway is like reaaaallllllllyyyyy long lol, im hopin 4 an offcut but am doubtfull :(
I make things easier by hoovering then mopping my laminate.
i want wooden floor as im sick to death of hovering up crumbs and things getting stuck !!!
i find it really cold, carpet is much more cosy :)

y mum had lamintae in her hall cause of having dogs, made it a lot easier to deal with muddy foot prints. Personally I think because halls are heavy traffic if you dont have laminate or wood then you need a decent quality carpet. Imade the mistake in my old house of having cheap carpet on my hall and stairs and it wore soo badly it looked like crap within 6 months. This time round I have a mottled oatmeal berber carpet which is ideal for hallways, hard wearing and doesnt show up footprints. To stay chaep look at wearouse fitter advertised on local papers, they dont pay shop overheads, and come out out to see you with samples instead. We have a very large hall landing and stairs and inclusing fitting it cost just £360 all in. We just had to pull up the existing carpet and get rid of it.
my last house had laminate flooring all down stairs it was rhe main reason i wanted to move, i hated the kids crawling along it, and when the sun shines on it it shows every mark no matter how much i mopped it.
i prefer the look of carpet too x
The dog and muddy footprints is exactly the reason i went with lino. The carpet was horrible and i could get the marks out!
my last house had laminate flooring all down stairs it was rhe main reason i wanted to move, i hated the kids crawling along it, and when the sun shines on it it shows every mark no matter how much i mopped it.
i prefer the look of carpet too x

i wont have this problem as i dont have stairs and no windows in my hall lol, im gunna price them both and see i think! :D
I have laminate in my hallway and playroom/dining room. In the front room we have carpet. I hoover mine then wash on my hands and knees with a cloth and cleaner then dry with a teatowel, otherwise when the light shines through my front door you can see every mark and smudge which drives me crazy!

Pros - easy to wipe up footprints etc.

Cons - colder especially for LOs crawling, shows all the smudges and carpet only needs to be hoovered off.

But I do think it's best to have laminate in the hall because of the traffic. So many people don't take their shoes off when they come into our house (assholes!) and someone brought their pram through it the other day instead of leaving it in the front garden/taking it round the back.

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