Hi everyone. I had my lap/ovarian drilling/ and the dye test done on 6-29-11. So I am now 16 post op. It was my first time to ever have any surgery. I was scared to death...but all of the nurses and support staff were wonderful. My dr came into the surgery holding area and said a prayer for me. Then they took me back to the OR. The last thing i remember was the anestheiologist telling me good night. When i woke up in the recovery room i felt a little stinging and pulling aroundthe 3 incisions that i had. But otherwise no pain. they gave me ice chips, then i went back to the first room that i was in before i was discharged. When I got up to go to the restroom, I was wobbly at first. But my hubby and the nurse helped me get to the restroom and back. After i went to the rr, i was able to get dressed and go home. I would recommend wearing loose clothing and they will give you pads if you need them. I bled for 4 to 5 days afterwards. Anyway, everything went great. My tubes were open and I did not have any endo or anything. I was given the pics from my surgery which are pretty neat to look at.
I only took 1/2 of a pain pill that first night home because I had a headache. After that, I did not have to take anymore. I did not really have any pain. I just had to take it easy on the stairs and getting up and down. BTW, we were able to start bding @ 5 days. sorry for tmi. If you have any questions for feel free. Sorry that this is sooo long.
Thanks for your story hun, i agree hun dont feel sorry the more info we get the better i feel aboutthe whole thing. Your not the first person to mention the loose clothes so i will deffinatly be wearing those. I love the picture idea that would be great to look back on. Have u had a normal cycle since the lap? Appart from the loose lothes is there anything else you think i should take with me. Oh yeah my oh is thinking of getting the day off work to come with me, do u think it would be ok to go without him or do u think i should deffinatly have him with me???
Thanks again for ur info